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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I don't get why so much in-satisfaction with the event valk :S
Emiria has the potential to reach 1200 atk and 800 def during skill, for 15 cost which u can then fully recover. That's impressive... and complements with Carrie as she doesn't have a very high def.

Most gatcha plat and black valks are just broken, u can't compare at all. Not even expect them to be on par because they have the same rarity.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

1-starred the extreme map on my second try. I was lucky enough to get the black fairy on the second attempt so I'm happy. I fed a 30CC Iris to the main Iris for the cost reduction but it did not help in my second attempt. The timing is extremely tight to get Iris on the field to save Katie. I can probably try using the prince with an HP or attack title with Anna on the team since I'll save 2 cost for the initial 2 deployments.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Monme got 3-stars on that map with silver units:

(The hardest part is the Pegasus Knight rush, since those things won't stop for anything.)

I have a Brynhildr Dahlia, who has the 1.07x Valkyrie AT buff, which is problematic since bringing multiple characters of the same duelist class isn't the same as bringing more than one archer, witch, or pirate (they should include Pegasus Knights to this ability like how Shizuka has both Samurai and Ninjas for hers). My issue with Emilia is that I already have a 50CC60 -2 Cost 4/5 Skill Carrie, and I don't think I'm going to find myself in any situations where I need another duelist that is on par with Carrie when I have High Princess Lilia, Princess Claudia, Berserker Imelia, and Rune Fencer Charlotte. Working on Carrie or Emilia just feels like a vanity project akin to Mr. Road of Valkyrie (I bet he was going for Lord instead of Road, but practically every one of his videos devolves into him deploying a long road of every single Valkyrie character).

So, assuming I also get Emilia to -4 Cost 4/5 Skill...

AW80 Brynhildr Carrie:
Attack Speed: 44 Frames; Base AT711; Skill 4/5 WT17.3, CT26, DR34
Skill AT: 1194 (27,679~ damage in 23 strikes)
Regular AT (60s): 29,086~ (44 strikes)

AW90 Brynhildr Emilia:
Attack Speed: 32 Frames; Base AT504; Skill 4/5: WT14, CT26, DR33
Skill AT: 1008 (31,185~ damage in 30 strikes)
Regular AT (60s): 28,350~ (56 strikes)

Emilia Pros and Cons Versus Carrie:
+Better 4/5 Skill DPS and DF.
+Nearly Equivalent Regular AT DPS with more Strikes.
+10% Damage Nullification is Better Than What Carrie Gets to Put Her Regular Attack Around Emilia's Level (Better as in 'Better than Nothing').
-Worse Regular Defence.
-Need Silver Soldier and Heavy Armour for CC.
-Platinum Rarity Means Longer and More Expensive to Raise*.
*Feeding 14+ Copies of Herself Allows for Less Tedium for 50CC50+.

This is kind of a hard decision because I wouldn't mind using some plat event units with my Gold Rush bronze fairies, so I can level up Charlotte so I only have to use one platinum armour to reach CC70. But maybe they'll fix Dahlia's ability so that bringing Carrie or Emilia would be a more practical decision over my other duelists; right now Dahlia's ability is just a small self-buff (would've been better with Sailor Marie's AW Ability in that case).
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Thanks for the link. You might want to fix it because the : was automatically appended to the url. I thought the video was deleted but I checked the url.

My initial problem with that map pretty much stems from the cost of the units I'm using. During the video, monme deploys Arisa and the prince first which puts the total at 27. The first rider reaches the prince's location at 32 cost. The units I used in my attempts were Katie and Iris, totaling at 31 cost. This is why I mentioned tight timing because Katie will die in one hit if I deploy Iris even a second late. Looks like replacing Katie with the prince should make this run smoother.

The Pegasus knight section will definitely be tough but I know I can clear it with a couple of archers as long as I remember to make a unit retreat.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

is the divine goddess intervention for anemone already on like the thing for matsuri or do you have to activate it somewhere?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I don't know if anyone else is still doing Subjugation mission (I think most of you done it long time ago...) - I started yesterday and couldn't find any good tactics to kill more than 487.

Today I finally did and maybe it will help someone else:
I switched a few characters:
Jelius -> AW Aria
non CC Valerie -> CC Janna
Soma -> Spica (and to buff my Claire)
Rosalie -> that was crucial, when I used Katie there - she wasn't good enough to tank green oni, but it worked like a charm when I used Claudia instead of her.

This tactics use a lot of plates but I managed with 2 only:
Instead of male HA I used CC Maribelle,
instead of HA put next to prince (last one) - sweet Anya
+ my Bernice is AW (although, she tanked 3 mobs only)

There is one crucial moment, where you have to put Bernice properly on time or archers will wipe your whole party.

I am going to farm Elimia a little bit rof one fair reason: I like her picture and her sprite:) She looks cute and I don't think I might get fancy platinum/black valkiries from summon.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I think there has been another major change this update (though likely not announced, as it is a bugfix) - Apparently now Aegis uses server time, rather than local time, and works properly without setting local time to Japanese. This has been verified by me and Aneali, using Android version (for which it was most important, as having timezone set to Tokyo on phone takes some using to).

omg thank you for pointing this out, now i don't have to live with a 17 hr time difference on my desktop @.@
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Thetis Curse
When a girl makes a pure?-hearted wish to the Goddess Aegis and prepare enough Goddess Crystals.
She shall grant it.

The Root of All Evil

Pure?-hearted Prayer of a Girl in Love.

What goes around screw you over just like that.

And when you thought that was bad enough~

The below I did not translate not because I cannot.
But for the sake of your sanity and manity (which isn't a word btw) I would rather not.

A reminder that if trust points turn into affection points, you will have double bonus on the characters.

Someone nerf Nanaly and Thetis's 女子力 (Girl's Power) already *bash head against wall*
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

This Game hates me T_T

25 runs and only got Emilia once... (yes on 1st map, cause i cant beat the damn heavy Cav. Map -.-)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

1st map has always the worst drop - probably something around 5 %.
You will do better skipping event and lvling your group a little bit.
It is better to focus on lvling your team - you will skip some event girls but on next you participate you will actually get something.
now you just strugle to get anything and you can't really get better cos you do not exp your characters. They may bet more than 1st map but they should be leveled.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

For this event, I recommend some of the "weaker" players to farm lower maps to get 2 copies of Emilia, she's a great event valkyrie for those that can't other valkyries through your money bags.

Why 2? Well, 1 copy for 1 copy, and the 2nd copy for guaranteed skill and cost reduction up. So you won't have any regrets in the future for not bagging the event unit.

However further down the line, I'd recommend not to keep farming lower maps once you get 2 copies, and continue leveling up your units/prince, anything that is more beneficial and efficient towards leveling up. The drop rates are horrible, and further copies of Emilia is just goddamn not worth it unless you can do the penultimate map, since that is the only map which has the 50% drop rate, the other maps are just crap drop rates.


If you like Emilia's design, or simply like her ability/usefulness, too weak to clear higher event maps, grab two copies of Emilia, so you can guarantee reduce her cost. Then go back to farming more useful maps and skip the event, because the cost return ratio is bad, and it'll set you back from further from future events.

Most higher level players tell you to skip farming events normally if you are too weak to do so, I, on the other hand, don't completely agree, it's still good to farm low drop rate to get a total of 2 copies of the event unit, THEN decide to skip the rest of the event.

And tralalala I can't believe I was whining so hard like last week when I rolled Mikoto, I was like, this is the worst goddamn unit in the black roster to ever drop, until she got a buff this patch to be able to do AOE slowdown. Her area of effect is approximately HALF the size of your typical mage splash. Her damage and everything is still crap, but her redeeming feature is the only unit in the game to do area slowdown. Atleast she didn't waste my effort in raise her to max level since last event.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I do not agree with Hybras. It is time waste to get her. You can obtain Carrie every few events and she is awesome after AW. Before AW - you might use Misha, who is also very loved by players. Misha is much cheaper and for the begginer - also much better.
Also: someone (probably Petite) already did some match comparing Carrie to Emilia and Carrie is better.

2 Valkiries everyone obtain during the early play are more than enough and can be easily cost reduced (Carrie a bit harder than Misha) and skill-up'ed. Also, both of them will be much cheaper than Emilia -1.

Dont waste your time. Next week will be another, maybe even cooler event and you will again do nothing because wasting time on 1st Emilia map with same lvl characters and one plat also underleveled.
Focus on making your girls better and probably in 2-3 weeks you should be able to farm events properly (atleast on 30% drop map, not 5%*)

* this numbers are not confirmed but according to previous events when Petite had drop chance information - last map was around 50% drop, map before ~ 30% and first maps - 3-10%
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Yeah, completely agree on that new players should try to get 2 copies. The vip and veteran players are discussing and comparing her to other options but for someone with only Misha, Emiria is a must like Maribelle was/is.

Idk why no one likes Mikoto. She is not a broken cheat button like Nanaly or the valks but as a "witch+memento+crazy skill" she can be extremely useful and versatile.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Yeah, completely agree on that new players should tray to get 2 copies. The vip and veteran players are discussing and comparing her to other options but for a someone with only Misha, Emiria is a must like Maribelle was/is.

I all depend on how do you value a unit.
Take Emilia for example: You should question yourself:
How often would i use a valkyrie ?
Do i have a duelist like or better than her that i can deploy to handle the big boss when deploy cost was not a problem anymore ?
And most important question:

Do i want that girl ?
Because if you like the girl, you would keep using her despite everyone said not to.

Idk why no one likes Mikoto. She is not a broken cheat button like Nanaly or the valks but as a "witch+memento+crazy skill" she can be extremely useful and versatile.

Because everyone expected Black rarity premium unit to be cheat button that can turn a high difficulty map into afk farming map.

Mikoto could not do that so people said bad thing about her.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I all depend on how do you value a unit.
Take Emilia for example: You should question yourself:
How often would i use a valkyrie ?
Do i have a duelist like or better than her that i can deploy to handle the big boss when deploy cost was not a problem anymore ?
And most important question:

Do i want that girl ?
Because if you like the girl, you would keep using her despite everyone said not to.
IFFFF u have options. A new player won't have a duelist capable of reaching 900 atk 600 def for 17 cost. (just considering 50cc50 aprox).
Until Carrie's awakening my stronger duelist were princess Themis and Misha. Later on (some months) I got Charlotte but at 25 cost T_T

Note that when I say new player, I assume little or no money spent yet.

Because everyone expected Black rarity premium unit to be cheat button that can turn a high difficulty map into afk farming map.

Mikoto could not do that so people said bad thing about her.

Lol, yeah... shame on cheaters (?)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Most higher level players tell you to skip farming events - it's still good to farm low drop rate to get a total of 2 copies of the event unit, THEN decide to skip the rest of the event.
To get 2 copies at 5%/10% is over how many runs? (I recall 10+ runs to get a silver Craves at Maribelle 1 mission, so ... 15~20 run per?)

The vip and veteran players are discussing and comparing her to other options but for someone with only Misha, Emiria is a must like Maribelle was/is.
If she was like Maribelle, she's heavily dependent on on both cost down and skill level. Maribelle was only worth it at skill 4/5 or higher with cost reduction. Otherwise she's just a useless platinum unit due to bad stats.

Concluding the above, Emiria is only worth it at 3/5 with -2 cost?
Nope. Unlike Maribelle who's stability matters more than burst. Her skill with Holy Awakening is very suitable for a duelist against boss and there's always rainbow fairy. At high cost, you can use her as a duelist, since there's always Mischa.

At min cost high level, you can just use her like a Mischa. And skill act -> Duelist.
^ Not Quite: Mischa is still the #1 broken silver melee for a reason.
Emiria 50CC70: HP 1814 ATK 422 DEF 282
Mischa 50CC50: HP 1300 ATK 513 DEF 277
Go ahead and farm her out in this case, unlike Maribelle, Emiria is very kind on new players with a few copies. Just remember she's useless until high level (where you can x shot a goblin and actually tank bosses), until then you are using Mischa and using up all your platinum/rainbow on her until 4/5 skill.

The investment isn't bad though. Because duelist on bosses is always on high demand early game. And increased defense makes your life easier early game when your healer isn't good enough.
Which brings me back. So you are spending all that time and effort on a isn't bad unit for the sake of having her. Is there a point to that? Guess if you like the character, otherwise as hybras suggested 2 copies = 500 charisma and 30 stamina + x rainbow fairy and platinum fairy.

That's just bogging you down and then sitting in bench because you cannot use her properly until later. Then it's deciding the same thing next event every event. (Note, an argument is mostly 2 sided in aegis, hence you need to consider the advantage and disadvantages of both and decide for yourself. I have seen many people screwing themselves over on their events. Myself included in Maribelle event)

As for me ...
When your Kurisa's raw stats is already twice of Emiria by default. I don't see the point.
Kurisa AW99: HP2565 ATK 806 DEF 524
Note, above is comparing a AW black with a CC Plat, so it's a very unfair comparison.


AW Zola
Absolutely amazing. Despite the reduced range and lack of giant aoe, for sub-junction battles, her snap shot allows you to easy peacy the gazer 400 as well as generally dealing a hell load of damage on everything that walks by. Not mention 800+ attack at AW51:

Her skill activation is also ridiculously useful on blinds (though it's hard to judge timing) and I gotta say this is another Marie in terms of brokenness when used right:

And the biggest proof of that is me afking 500 like a boss. (Only 8 runs before I figured out how ._. )
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Yeah, completely agree on that new players should try to get 2 copies. The vip and veteran players are discussing and comparing her to other options but for someone with only Misha, Emiria is a must like Maribelle was/is.

Wait, from WHEN you don't get Carrie very early in game?

Also: CC Emilia is 20 cost, not 17
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

took me well over 30 runs too get my first Emilia. im not farming for another.

in the meantime im leveling up my Gold witch and my Bella to max Afection (finished her now going after berenice and then the free gold soldier (oh god i keep forgetting their names xD)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

IFFFF u have options. A new player won't have a duelist capable of reaching 900 atk 600 def for 17 cost. (just considering 50cc50 aprox).
Until Carrie's awakening my stronger duelist were princess Themis and Misha. Later on (some months) I got Charlotte but at 25 cost T_T

Note that when I say new player, I assume little or no money spent yet.

Just like me when i first start my game :)

When i first start my game, Themis is my one and only duelist until i got Claudia as my second Duelist.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Which brings me back. So you are spending all that time and effort on a isn't bad unit for the sake of having her. Is there a point to that? Guess if you like the character, otherwise as hybras suggested 2 copies = 500 charisma and 30 stamina + x rainbow fairy and platinum fairy.

That's just bogging you down and then sitting in bench because you cannot use her properly until later. Then it's deciding the same thing next event every event. (Note, an argument is mostly 2 sided in aegis, hence you need to consider the advantage and disadvantages of both and decide for yourself. I have seen many people screwing themselves over on their events. Myself included in Maribelle event)
Personally, investing 2 days of natural regen in the event and then continue farming for exp the next 5 is worth it. Of course, for anyone planing to invest in premium gatcha just getting exp and the basic silvers is the best.

Wait, from WHEN you don't get Carrie very early in game?

Also: CC Emilia is 20 cost, not 17

Idk when u joined, but Carrie was the worst gold unit for a long, long time. Then Hp affection bonus got buffed and she was so so. Only after AW she became really useful. Even right now, she's only good to use early on because u will eventually aw her.
My bad with the cost, it's 19 as u said.

Right now Emiria is quite useless for me but I remember like 6+ months ago I would kill for a duelist with 500+ defense even if only for the skill duration. Most of you are focusing on her atk, which is important as a valk, but the diff between 300 and 570 def (aprox with prince buff) is huge.

Anyway, it is true that this are different times (lol) and with all the silvers now available and the golds handled for free, it may not be necessary to waste time in this kind of units.
I remember when I got Odette, the only mage I had was a Valery who wasn't even worth raising since male confidence didn't exist...

Wow, now that I think about it... new players get a free Cypria and the plat sailor. Definitely better choices to use plat fairies on :S

Sorry for the long blahbling :p