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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Elva apparently has instant death attack for an AW ability if the wiki is already correct, interesting. Could be worse, with her natural attack speed and super speed with skill, it's actually kind of solid.

Claire got a sprite update I think, nice.

So when do we get the ability to roll base gacha 10 at a time? Cause seriously.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

i think Rorone guaranteed drop on first run in first mission, not 6.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Nanaly spite updated. Holds her bow parallel to herself now and has something similar to her illustration's outfit on.

Also, do we know anything about the Mage Armor babe? Does she have her fireball attack? Only when skill is used? Never?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Yaay, 2nd roll.


Nanaly spite updated. Holds her bow parallel to herself now and has something similar to her illustration's outfit on.

Also, do we know anything about the Mage Armor babe? Does she have her fireball attack? Only when skill is used? Never?

Only when her skill is on. She attacks like a normal HA outside of when it's on.

Also, if anyone else got hit by that save data corruption thing, just send the devs a message. They fixed it in a day (and even gave a crystal back for the one I missed, along with apologizing a million times every other sentence.)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Are bandits particularly useful?

You lucky duck.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Grats Katsura :D

I just rolled base Gacha exactly 100 times, ended up with: Soma (100th roll), Fu (70th roll), Vallerie (27th roll) and whatever silver Pirate face's name is (43rd roll), for 100 spins exactly.

Since you're refunded about a 5th of the cost by selling the irons/bronzes, that's like 160,000 for 4 silvers, 2 of which are just going to be taking up space probably. At least I needed the archer and mage for some stuff. No HA though, and I really don't feel like rolling gacha 100 times again...so much fucking waiting. Spending currency shouldn't be a chore I don't think.

Daniela got a sprite update too, damn, she looks great. About all they're missing now are some rogues and valks with the higher rez/more detailed sprites since they just did bandits too. Really cool of them to not neglect the older silver units. I don't usually see games update their outdated sprites like this.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

The 47 charisma map is really difficult because of the mummy king. I can get to clear up to the last four enemies, but it feels impossible to tank the mummy king along with the other mummies with my current units. So much area magical damage from the mummy king and physical damage from the mummies combined makes it difficult for my healers to keep up.

It might be possible if I can bring out more healers and have Olivia tank the mummy king while Jelius is in the back tanking mummies. Doing it blind without any help from videos is fun though.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

*Sees Conrad Intro*

Oh bloody hell its you and not the cutie. wtf do YOU want?

*Reads Petie's translation*

You're making me your sucessor!? You want -ME- to save -YOUR- honour by becoming the bandit king?! YOU LITTLE B**!! I Ain't no BANDIT king! Im Royalty! PRINCE! you can't just declare some random dope your sucessor and make him do all the work for you! *Rant rant rant*

Tl;dr : CT Hates Conrad the Trollking ever since Goldrush where he dropped...



Rolled 8 times, 2 times with some crystals I have left over, and rolls for roll's sake to get Mage Armor Babe. Warning, do not veiw if you have a sensitive Face.

1st: Plat Monk Ur
2nd: Silver HA Rean
3Rd: Gold Avenger Dothry
4th: BLACK Frontline Tactician Matsuri
5th: Plat Pirate ....uh...Imelia's sister.
6th: Gold Pirate Monica
7th: Silver Soldier Blue-Haired Girl
8th: Black Mage Armor Grace
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

The 47 charisma map is really difficult because of the mummy king. I can get to clear up to the last four enemies, but it feels impossible to tank the mummy king along with the other mummies with my current units. So much area magical damage from the mummy king and physical damage from the mummies combined makes it difficult for my healers to keep up.

It might be possible if I can bring out more healers and have Olivia tank the mummy king while Jelius is in the back tanking mummies. Doing it blind without any help from videos is fun though.

I manage to 3 stars that map using Anya to tank the mummies while using Claudia to catch and tank the Pharaoh.

Assassination works just well again normal mummy so Xiaos, Ninja are good unit to use on this map.

btw: Does anyone try the 90/12 event map. That map cost is crazy i do not want to try it :(
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

*Sees Conrad Intro*

Oh bloody hell its you and not the cutie. wtf do YOU want?

*Reads Petie's translation*

You're making me your sucessor!? You want -ME- to save -YOUR- honour by becoming the bandit king?! YOU LITTLE B**!! I Ain't no BANDIT king! Im Royalty! PRINCE! you can't just declare some random dope your sucessor and make him do all the work for you! *Rant rant rant*
All of the bandits are royalty; they're all beautiful princesses to be precise.

The Silver Princess Mortimer is also known as the Silver Themis. This is where the meme started; there was a bug where every instance of Mortimer was replaced with Princess Themis. That's why we have Princess Bandit King Conrad, and Bandit Princess Imelia. Now that Anna can turn the Prince into a beautiful princess with the attack-up titles, the Prince is now technically a bandit as well and thus subject to bandit custom.

Additionally, based on this logic, both Carrie and Dahlia are beautiful princesses as well. Dahlia is the Curry Princess, and Carrie is known as Carrie-san, not the honorific (さん), but san (山) used for mountains (e.g. Mount Carrie); bandits are literally mountain thieves in Japanese (山賊) and pirates are sea thieves (海賊).
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I will never forgive Conrad for what he did during that gold rush....

But maybe the two of us have laugh while knocking one back over these memes... ;)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

@Petite: Among the Faries map does not drop silver fairy, it drop Plat fairy, Bronze fairy and black fairy.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

90/12 map.. aka "where the hell did my stamina go ?"
..note to those who like to use Rita, she can make the map MUCH easier, placing her on the upper right ranged spot early can make her remove the fairy threat from the map completely without any needed support, just activate her skill when the fairies approach her and watch her decimate them ^^
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

New event girl - ok base stats, but bad class, bad skill, bad awakening ability, bad legs pre-AW and bitch to level. Do not want.

Grace - ... must ... resist ... urge to ... roll ...

Most interesting however is barracks. 30 crystals is quite costly... Too bad you can't eat girls from barracks, it would be nice to separate your units into 'food' and 'useful' groups (this could be also done by locking, but it doesn't help much visually).

30 crystals for barracks, 300 red crystals per single Saki, new red crystal unit next week, super nice unit in premium summon... I know it is a celebration but how much money does Aegis expect me to throw at it @@.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

It seems the staff lost their imagination and decided to make it so Hana drops on all of the same maps in the same order as last time (right now, it's probably still Fort Battle and Royal Castle Recapture). Her drop rate was buffed up to 20%. I got mine to 4/5 -4 Cost with 15 copies. I don't know if I want to get the last cost reduction, but I guess I'll try this weekend before doing the Monday daily to recoup some of the gold I spent last week.

Also, for anyone that has ninjas or units like them, you can place one in the very upper-rightmost spot on the main central trail to make the Two Pyramids map easier.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Tried the "Let burn out stamina because we have nothing better to do" 90/2 map and managed to get 1-star clear.

Something to note IMO:
Black Fairies are extremely dangerous, they are like the flying eyes in Daily Thursday map but with 3-shot burst fire mode instead. Squad them like flies before they kill you. They have very high chance of dropping Plat Fairy drop

Watch out for Anelia, she have 360 degree AoE high physical attack that do not affect by blocking, since the map is small with limited ranged unit spot, expect your healers to be constantly hit by her attack.

Imelia is also no joke either, she has her skill permanently on so that mean she almost invincible to arrows and bullets and have very powerful swing.

Other bandit that are Seria, Layla, Conrad, Furnace, Mortimer are easy since they have 0 defense. Pick them off one by one using your ranged unit.

My recommended unit for clearing 90/12 is Anya. The girl can effectively block Imelia and kill her since she deal magical damage and her skill half the amount of physical damage she taken

One the side note: I can confirm Sliver Angel Niel is in fact a trap. Not futanari, but a full blown trap. Just got him to 100$ affection yesterday and i immediately feed both copy( cced and non cc) to Chloe. I curse whoever decide to include a trap in this game.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Fuck desert maps.

Still trying to get good on the 2nd extreme story mission with the mummy king.

Fuck the mummy king and his cronies.

I got 1 copy of the new bandit from each map... Would have been nice if I actually wanted her.

What is the point of the barracks? Just to store units you don't use but still want?

Also scorpions can eat chunks, of ice magic.

I actually had to use my witches on a map other than the monday daily god damn.

Finally ran out of affection items as well only took maxing a dozen or so girls.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

What is the point of the barracks? Just to store units you don't use but still want?
It's a pseudo-250 separate unit box for people like me who accumulate and horde their units. Basically, spend 30 crystals for something equivalent to 62~ crystals on 250 unit boxes from the shop that will also let you store all of the things you don't want to scroll past all the time when you're doing sythesis, class-changing, awakening, and quick team set-ups. It also makes premium summoning less of a hassle, since you don't have to be forced to inefficiently feed any units to make room afterwards.

Probably the best thing they implemented in the last six months.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

30 Sacred Crystals I am assuming?
God damn that's like 30 Dollars, just for more space so you can spend more money on the gacha to hold all those black units it will never give...

Read Petites post on Stam/Charisma Recov via crystals, if that works the way it says it does about god damn time.

So if I have a total of 417 Charisma, get down to 50 pop a crystal on it my total should now be 467 Charisma?
Can I just keep spending crystals and end up with 9999 Charisma or something?

:Edit: Hell yeah, my Max stam is 17 so farming certain dailies is a pain the highest fairy one costs 6 a go meaning I end up 1 short for a third run but with this new system no longer a problem, joy.

:Edit2: Wow god damn figured I would try the prem summon seeing as a few others got the new black within a few rolls (I am a fucking moron for attempting this) Rolls as follows
Platnium Witch Adell
Platnium Mage Sasha (Already Max cost reduced)
Silver mage guy
Black Battlemage

Holy shit is this real life?
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

So if I have a total of 417 Charisma, get down to 50 pop a crystal on it my total should now be 467 Charisma?
Can I just keep spending crystals and end up with 9999 Charisma or something?
Yes, but you lose the minute timer when you're over the max, so it's only recommended if you do it to immediately farm maps with awkward costs. I don't think you can manually restore more beyond the overcapped max.

Btw.I've received 3 screed crystals from my gift box . Anyone know where they came from?
Remember when they had that emergency maintenance about a week ago? They're apology crystals for that.
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