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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Black Healer Liana Awakening Illustration Spoiler:

AW99 Stats (100% affection):
HP: 1890
AT: 637
DF: 255
MR: 0%
Range: 260
Cost: 19 (mincost)
Skill: Great Treasure of Healing (5/5: Increases Range by 1.6 for 15 seconds and cures/prevents status ailments.)
AW Ability: Great Miracle of Healing (Instantly Restores HP to All Allies When Deployed.)

Belinda and Liana: "Do you like our owls?"
Adelle: "They're artificial?"
Liana: "Of course they are."
Adelle: "Must be expensive."
Belinda: "Very."
Liana: "It seems you feel our owls are not a benefit to the public."
Adelle: "Owls are like any other familiar—they're either a benefit or a hazard. If they're a benefit, it's not my problem."

Platinum Necromancer Agnès:

Skill: Evil Energy (5/5: Increases attack power by 1.3x and attacks up to 3 targets at the same time for 20 seconds.

Platinum Dragon Knight Lucille:

Class: Dragon Knight (Recovers 80% of Deployment Cost When Retreated.)
Skill: Fire Breath (10/10: Gains a ranged attack whose power is increased by 1.7x that ignores defence for 20 seconds.)
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

That's a pretty outfit, I guess they designed her outfit around that one sweater meme that was popular a few months ago. No complaints though. :)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

A duelist who can become ranged. Interesting. The 35 cost is quite prohibitive but she can have 1.3k+ ranged magical damage and that is good for a support damage dealer. I hope I can max her out just because I want a supporting duelist. She looks good for a late deployment character who can help deal damage to bosses.

She was drawn by the same artist who did Aria. Instantly a favorite :D

Basically, she is a Sybilla-lite for unlucky Princes. Good duelist stats, but she doesn't deal magical damage until she uses her skill. Only downside is the cost and she is for late-deployment.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Drats, why do they always take the full time that maintenance takes instead of 1 hour "early". :(
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

as i said before.

someone in aigis dev team loves FF4
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

She was drawn by the same artist who did Aria. Instantly a favorite :D

Basically, she is a Sybilla-lite for unlucky Princes. Good duelist stats, but she doesn't deal magical damage until she uses her skill. Only downside is the cost and she is for late-deployment.

Yeah, I just hope her WT isn't too long with that cost since she's only platinum. Looks like I'll have to wait until next week to get any copies of Aria, I sort of depleted my reserves to max Liana (she saves me from having to raise my "brand new" Fedora who I got from the last gold rush too).
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Emergency Report:
Maintenance has been extended to an unknown date due to arising issues.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

They better give us a crystal for that.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Wonder how much time they need before they can fix the problems o.o
Really want to play Aigis :<
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Emergency Report:
-Maintenance due to end at 16:15.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

[hook=event]Maintenance Update On February 19th:[/hook]
-Emergency Mission "Great Treasure of Healing" Ends.
-Emergency Mission "Dragon Knight's Oath" Begins.
-Same Class Synthesis Bonus Added.
+Base EXP Increased.
+No Difference Between Male/Female, Class-changed, or Awakened Units.
+Lower Ranked Members Linked to Higher Ranked Class Members.
-Premium Summoning Chance-up Units Changed.
+Archer Class Chance-up Summoning Ends.
-Ability to Check Experience Until Next Rank and Mission Rewards.
+Click the Upper Status Bar to See Experience Until Next Rank.
+Click Mission Info to View Rewards.
-Necromancer Memento Skill Details Changed.
-One Apology Crystal for Bug Involving Enemies Not Cancelling Their Attacks When Units Become 0-Block With Skill.

Great Treasure of Healing Unit:
-Black Healer Liana
-Skill: Great Treasure of Healing (5/5: Increases Range by 1.6 for 15 seconds and cures/prevents status ailments.)
-AW Ability: Great Miracle of Healing (Instantly Restores 900 HP to All Allies When Deployed.)
-AW99 Stats (100% affection: AT & DF):
HP: 1890; AT: 637; DF: 255; MR: 0%; Range: 260; Cost: 19 (mincost)

Same Class Synthesis Bonus:
Black: +300xp; Platinum: +100xp; Sapphire: +90xp; Gold: +80xp; Silver: +50xp; Bronze: +30xp; Iron: +10xp

Bronze Soldier Hashim:
AW Ability: Veteran Teacher (Same-Class Bonus Added to EXP Regardless of Class During Synthesis.)

Dragon Knight's Oath:
-Platinum Dragon Knight Lucille
-Class: Dragon Rider > Dragon Knight (Recovers 70%>80% of Deployment Cost When Retreated.)
-Skill: Fire Breath (10/10: Gains a ranged attack whose power is increased by 1.7x that ignores defence for 20 seconds.)
-CC70 Stats (100% affection): HP2422; AT658; DF433; MR0%; Block: 1; Cost: 35-30

Dragon Knight (20/1):
Lucille (?, 100 first drop)
Monster: "Prince almost here. You... don't slack off. Understood?"
???: "I know. I'll obey you guys."
Monster: "Gegyagyagya! Dependable. Dragon Knight-sama."
???: "..."
(Lucille Appears.)
Soldier: "Report! Enemy in sight! A knight riding a dragon is heading this way!"
Anna: "A knight riding a dragon! A new type of enemy, huh... Prince, attack with extreme caution!"
???: (That's the Prince... I need to make contact after the battle. Should I go easy on them here...?)
Anna: "Prince, the enemies have retreated."
???: "You're the Prince?"
Anna: "You're...! Prince, enemy attack!"
???: "W-wait! I'm not your enemy! Lower your weapons."
Anna: "You're not an enemy...? What do you mean?"
Lucille: "My name is Lucille. There's a reason I'm obeying the monsters. I'm sorry for the fight earlier..."
Lucille: "I came to ask one favour of the Prince while the enemy has me under their thumb."
Lucille: "... "I want you to take back the Shinryuu's egg stolen by the monsters."
Anna: "Shinryuu... I see, that's the dragon that possesses great intellect that's born once every 100 years, right?"
Lucille: "Correct. The Shinryuu's protection is the duty of the Dragon Knights... I won't permit its egg falling into the monster's hands."
Lucille: "I know the location of the egg, but... While investigating, I was surprised by the monsters and captured."
Lucille: "The monsters released me under the condition they'll return the Shinryuu's egg if I defeat the Prince of this county. Furthermore, if I oppose them, they'll destroy the egg.."
Anna: "So that's the reason why you challenged us to a fight? However, the monsters keeping their promise is..."
Lucille: "There's no way I'll let them destroy the egg... I swore I would take it back without fail. To the Shinryuu mother..."
Anna: "I understand the situation. Please let us assist you."
Lucille: "Really!? Thank you... I'm glad we had this discussion."
Lucille: "I'm being watched by the monsters, so my hands are tied..."
Lucille: "Tell me when you have secured the egg. Prince, I would like you to go that way."
Anna: "Now that we know the location, we'll take it from here. Prince, let's make our way there post haste."
Anna: "Ah, Lucille-san, please follow the monsters' orders in a way the enemy doesn't suspect you."
Lucille: "Understood. I shall fight you guys at full power so the enemy doesn't suspect me..!"
Anna: "Eh... Ehhh. I meant to go easy on us..."

Fire Breath (25/2):
Lucille (), Silver Pirate Velotte (), Iron Heavy ()
Monster: "Hey, you. Where'd you go?"
Monsters: "Besides, that dragon. It didn't spit fire. You want us to break egg!?"
Lucille: (Kuh... It's over as soon as the monsters realise. Sorry Prince, I can't go easy on you...!)
(Lucille appears.)
Lucille: "Prince!! Are you ready!? Can you defeat me!?"
Anna: "Lucille-san... you're kind of overdoing it..."

Bomb Squad (30/3):
Lucille (), Silver Magic Fencer Ricardo (), Silver Fallen Angel Niel (), Bronze Soldier Hector ()
Monster: "Gegya! Bombs, bombs. Blow them humans to smithereens!!"
Monster: "Hey, what's keeping bomb squad!? Fight already starting!!"
Lucille: (Bombs!? Oh no, I must inform the Prince...)
Monster: "Hey! You! Where you going!?"
Lucille: (It seems I can't leave... huh? Prince, watch out for the monsters holding bombs...!)
(Bomb Squad Appears.)
Monster: "Bombs! Bombs! Blow them humans with a BANG!!"
Anna: "Prince, monsters carrying bombs appeared. With that many bombs..."
Anna: "If we attack them, we'll set off the explosives. I suggest fighting with ranged units."

Chaotic Battle in the Ruined Capital (40/5):
Lucille (), Silver Valkyrie Elaine (), Silver Healer Dolka (), Bouquet ()
Anna: "This smell smells like gunpowder..."
Anna: "Prince, I expect the monsters that carried the bombs from the previous battle are coming. Please set up an early offensive as soon as they appear!"

Shinryuu's Egg (55/7):
Lucille (), Silver Soldier Clave (), Silver Heavy Bernard (), Platinum Armour ()
Anna: "Here is the cave where the Shinryuu's egg is being kept."
Anna: "If we can clear out the monsters here, we should be able to recapture the Shinryuu's egg. Although I would like to charge right in..."
Anna: "The monsters carrying bombs are taking up positions around the egg, and it would be a bad idea to fight them head on."
Anna: "Prince, it would be dangerous if we receive a concentrated attack from those bombs. Let's investigate the monsters' movements first, and then take action."
(Lucille Appears.)
Lucille: (The egg is caught in this chaos...)
Monster: "Gegyaaaa, hey! You! Don't do anything suspicious!"
Monster: "Defeat Prince at once! If you betray us, we break egg! If you slip even little, we also break egg!"
Lucille: (They saw through me... I have no choice but to trust in the Prince and fight at full power!)
Anna: "Prince, the enemy has retreated. We have cleared away all of the monsters within this cavern."
Monster: "You scum! You came to take egg!"
Anna: "Oh, there's still a monster here...!"
Monster: "Since it came to this, no other choice! It's waste, but I'll crack egg!"
???: "Wait!"
Monster: "You...!"
Lucille: "I was waiting for this chance. I'll definitely take back the Shinryuu's egg."
Lucille: "Take this!"
Monster: "Gugyaaaaa...!"
Lucille: "The egg...! Thank goodness... it's safe."
Anna: "Lucille-san! We did it! However, why didn't that monster break the Shinryuu's egg? He could have broken it anytime he wanted to..."
Lucille: "The Shinryuu grows into a great being possessing power and knowledge."
Lucille: "Perhaps the monsters were plotting to send the Shinryuu's egg to hell to create a Shinryuu imbued with evil..."
Anna: "I see... In that case, it's a good thing we nipped that plan in the bud."
Lucille: "Yeah... Thanks to you, I was able to keep my promise to the egg's mother. Thank you so much..."
Lucille: "By the way, I heard from the monsters information concerning the real culprits who stole the egg. I'm going after the true criminals."
Lucille: "We had to fight this time, but please let me fight on your side next time, Prince. Whenever you wish... give me a call."
Lucille: "I'm looking forward to the next time we meet, take care."

Shuriken Dance (90/12):
Lucille (100), Silver Ninja Kagerou (), Bronze Ninja Hayate (x2), Platinum Fairy ()
Anna: "It looks like here is the base of the criminals that stole the Shinryuu's egg... More importantly, where's Lucille?"
Jounin: "Are you bastards friends of that knight!? She already fell to our technique, and is incapable of moving!"
Anna: "Humans...! Are you guys saying you're the monsters' helpers!?"
Jounin: "We merely serve the ones willing to pay the most for our talents."
Jounin: "We just received instructions for your erasure. Perfect. Prepare yourselves!"
Anna: "Prince, it looks like we have no choice but to fight them here."
(Jounin Appears.)
Jounin: "Secret technique... Concealment Jutsu... Ranged attacks will pass through our vanished forms..."
(Flying Squirrel Appears/Defeated.)
Jounin: "Nuuuu...! Well done. We'll have to push ourselves to the limit the way things are!"
Jounin: "All members, go! Tear them apart in a wild frenzy!"
Anna: "Wild frenzy...! I would rather not have to deal with that... Prince, be careful!"

Subjugation Mission "Monster Infested Island":
-Spirit Queen Gladys
+Gives 2x Synthesis Bonus to All Rarity Tiers.
+Works for All Spirit Requirements for Class-Changes.
-Deployment Cost Won't Regenerate (Use Valkyries and Soldiers with Reinforcement).
-If you slay 100 enemies, then all of your units are healed to full health.
-Event Lasts Until March 12th at 10:00.

Single Map Rewards:
100: Gold Armour
300: Spirit Queen
400: Platinum Armour
500: 50 Magic Crystals

Multiple Map Rewards:
Every 100: Crystal Fragment (0~2000)
Every 200: Crystal Fragment (2001~10,000)
1000: Gold Fairy
2000: Platinum Fairy
3000: Black Fairy
4000: Gold Fairy
5000: Platinum Fairy
6000: Black Fairy
7000: Gold Fairy
8000: Platinum Fairy
9000: Black Fairy
10,000: Rainbow Fairy

Minerva: "My name is Minerva. I'm known throughout the seas as the 'Legendary Pirate'."
Minerva: "They started calling me a legend after I mowed down every single fellow after my bounty, and it has stuck with me ever since. Well, I can't change the past..."
Minerva: "With this gun of mine at my side, I am able to bring certain death to any distant enemy."
Minerva: "Well then, now that my background is out of the way, let's discuss business, shall we? There's something I wish to request your talents for. Not to worry, there's something in it for you."
Minerva: "Would you care for a chance of journeying across the sea while subjugating monsters along the way?"
Minerva: "However, there's been an increase in the sea monsters that are stronger the further they're away from land."
Minerva: "The monsters living near the shore are nothing compared to them. We now live in a period where it's not possible to safely set sail."
Minerva: "That said, let's return to the topic of my request, the sea monsters have taken up residence near the island of an old pirate base."
Minerva: "I'll guide you to that island, so you can lead your soldiers to exterminate them."
Minerva: "If you can round up the sea monsters, then it may be possible to gain a foothold for our expedition."
Minerva: "Moreover, you'll also be helping the people troubled by those sea monsters... See?"
Minerva: "I don't think it's a bad proposition at all... How do you reckon? Will you accept?"
Minerva: "Fufu... Good boy. Well then, I will explain our battle strategy."
Minerva: "The battle this time will be a 'Great Subjugation Mission' where the goal is to just defeat the enemy."
Minerva: "Great Subjugation Missions are different from regular missions in several ways, so please pay attention."
Minerva: "First, the goal of a Great Subjugation Mission is to 'defeat the enemy', nothing more."
Minerva: "Defeating the enemy is much more important than preventing casualties on our side."
Minerva: "You'll clear the mission even if your life reaches zero, and the number of enemies you defeated will be tallied in the results."
Minerva: "Please focus on defeating as many monsters as possible without fear of being wounded."
Minerva: "This time your deployment cost won't regenerate over time. So, don't forget to include those with the skill 'Reinforcement' or Valkyries in your team."
Minerva: "Finally, even if you defeat the enemy, you won't receive any EXP, gold, or drops, so keep this point in mind."
Minerva: "Are you ready, Prince-sama? Let's go round up some monsters. Begin the 'Great Subjugation Mission'.

Beginner-tier (15): 100
High-tier (30): 300
Extreme-tier (35): 400
God-tier (40): 500

Revival Mission "Dragonewt Invasion":
-Sat-Sun Revival Mission "Dragonewt Invasion" revived (At 0:00 on the 2/14-6/15, 2/21-2/22, 2/28-3/1, 3/7-3/8).
-You can trade until the maintenance on March 12th.
-Unspent Dragon Crystals won't be deleted (they'll be used to trade for new units in the future for the "Dragon Princess's Revival" event).
-If you Already Have Drania or Aria (Doesn't Matter if they're CC or AW), Their Crystal Costs Are Reduced.

Black Dragonewt Warrior Drania: 300 (250); Gold Soldier Aria: 70 (50)

Aria: "Prince, terribly sorry for the late introduction."
Aria: "I'm Aria. I'm assisting the defence squad for the current 'Dragonewt Invasion' as ordered by Anna-sama."
Aria: "First, I'll tell you about the dragonewts. According to legend, the dragonewts fought as monster troops long ago during the Millennium War."
Aria: "After the monsters were defeated, it seems the scant few dragonewt survivors hid themselves deep beneath the earth."
Aria: "I'm willing to bet that the dragonewts are responding to the monsters' revival."
Aria: "Dragonewts live for a long time, but their reproductive ability is low. If we're talking numbers, we have the advantage."
Aria: "However, each one's fighting potential cannot be compared to humans."
Aria: "They possess exceptional power, and their entire bodies are covered in tough scales."
Aria: "Furthermore, they live for a long time, so it's said they're greatly experienced in battle. They're unusually tough opponents."
Aria: "Now then, please give me your order."
Great Hole in the Earth (20/2):
Bouquet (20), Als (15), Iron Fairy (15), Silver Rogue Harissa (7), Revival Crystal I (70)

Invasion From Underground (25/2):
Crystal (15), Bronze Burgan (15x2), Bronze Fairy (15), Silver Bandit Mortimer (7), Revival Crystal I (70x2)

Those Who Summon Dragons (30/3):
Crystal (15), Bronze Hector (15), Bronze Fairy (15), Silver Soldier Phyllis (7), Revival Crystal I (80x3)

Dragonewt (35/3):
Ruby (10), Silver Valkyrie Mischa (7), Silver Fairy (15), Silver Heavy Bernard (7), Revival Crystal I (80x3)

Great Invasion 1 (35/3):
Ruby (10), Bronze Roy (15), Silver Fairy (15), Silver Archer Soma (7), Revival Crystal I (100x3)

Great Invasion 2 (35/3):
Diamond (5), Bronze Leo (15), Gold Fairy (10), Silver Rogue Cecily (7), Revival Crystal II (60%x3)

Great Invasion 3 (40/3):
Diamond (5x2), Bronze Russel (15), Gold Fairy (10), Silver Soldier Clave (7), Revival Crystal II (95%x2)

Dragonewt King (40/3):
Diamond (5), Bronze Wilfred (15), Platinum Fairy (5), Silver Valkyrie Elaine (7), Revival Crystal II (65%x3)

Divine Intervention of the Goddess:
-Agnes Attack 1.5x; Cost 1/2 (Free)

Premium Summoning:
-Platinum Necromancer Agnes
+Skill: Evil Energy (5/5: Increases attack power by 1.3x and attacks up to 3 targets at the same time for 20 seconds.
+LV70 Stats (100% affection)
-HP1123; AT669; DF129; MR0%; Range250; Cost17-14
-Gold Gunner Zora
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

It seems like the same class synthesis bonus depends on the grade of the unit. Iron/Bronze gains no increase while a silver unit gains an increase of 50 and a gold unit gains an increase of 80. I haven't checked out platinum grade units yet.

Same class synthesis bonus:
Silver - 50
Gold - 80
Platinum - 100

55/7 dropped a platinum armor and bernard for me on first run.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Got the new unit on the first map, guaranteed drop?

Damn, I love Liana's AW art, they fixed the simple texture of her clothing that bothered me. Her AW ability and affections are amazing too. Yay Liana being awesome~

New unit is amazing too, just what I dreamed/hoped for (Though a bit more armor on her wouldn't have hurt). I wonder what they'll do with her AWing, she seems a bit unwieldy atm though with that cost. Art looks like it's the same artist as some of the fairies, this pleases me since we'll never be able to use them in battle.

What did they do to Memento btw? That worries me.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Completed up to 55/7 map.

20/2 drop Iron HA
30/3 drop Bronze Solider Hector and Silver Angel Niel
50/5 drop flower
55/7 drop Silver HA Bernard.

I am going to update my 55/7 map clip later. Easy map just need a good Soma/Spica unit and you are good to go.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

The bronze desert soldier got a new skill, I think it's related to EXP.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

What did they do to Memento btw? That worries me.
They changed it so Memento's skill only buffs the servants of Necromancers (meaning both Memento and Agnes). She can't buff Mikoto's Shiki.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Clip for 55/7 map. Sorry for no sound, i forgot that i always turn off Aegis BGM and SFX

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Cute 2 panel Comic with Anya and Lucille:
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Back from 90/12 map.

This map drop bronze Ninja, Silver Ninja, Platinum Fairiy and Lucielle.

I could not find any connection between Ninja and Dragon Knight here.

Also no mage, that mean i cannot CC my Liana :(

Bronze Soldier Hashim:
AW Ability: Veteran Teacher (Same-Class Bonus Added to EXP regardless of class during synthesis.)

Wait, what :eek: