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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I'm jelly,Dina is my favorite girl but I don't have her(or any premium black in general orz)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I also have black Iris, Dina and BIris is the only black I ever got from premium summon.

I currently trying to get Anya to 80. Need 6 more plat can :/ Even though the fairy is enough
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Wait, so you got Dina from basic summon?
That's some luck you got there.
I'm getting my Anya tomorrow(hopefully) so glad I saved some platinum armors for her, since she is getting her awakening next month we got some time on our side.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Wait, so you got Dina from basic summon?
That's some luck you got there.
I'm getting my Anya tomorrow(hopefully) so glad I saved some platinum armors for her, since she is getting her awakening next month we got some time on our side.

no ... I never got any black from basic summon Premium one (Dina- 5 crystal, BIris - 3 crystal one)

The best I got from 2K summon is Carry
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Id trade every other black in this game for dina's sister probably will be the first black I awaken unless anya gets some really oped awaken abilities
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Maintenance Update on March 12th:
-Emergency Mission "Shaman Princess of the Druids" Second Phase Begins.
-Revival Mission "Dragon Princess's Revival" Begins.
-Great Subjugation Mission "Monster-infested Island" Ends.
Other Changes:
-Class-change and Awakening Material Changes.
-Drania and Aria Removed from Trading Post.
-Echidna and Time Fairy Added to Trading Post.
+If Already Possess Echidna, her Crystal Cost is Decreased.
++Crystal Reduction Excluded for Time Fairy.
-Premium Summoning Chance-up Unit Changed.
+Premium Summoning Soldier and Healer Chance-up Summoning Added Until March 19th at 10:00.
-Sound Effects for Certain Attack Effects Added.
-Certain Unit Sprites Renewed.
Apology Crystal for Bugs:
-1 Crystal for Bug and Emergency Maintenance for Users Registered Before 18:00 on March 5th.

Please let me know if the Time Fairy is a one-time global trade. If you traded for her last time, and can trade for her one more time, then I would like to know this.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hmm so we can buy another Time Fairy then? Not sure if it's worth it. Only girl I really have to use it on is Desupia, and she doesn't really need it (Plus I have one already). Ah, to work on Time Fairy or to work on AW fairies to awaken Elva...choices.

Think all the gold/silver rogues got updated sprites, unless I missed that in a previous update. Betty's seems much better. I think their unawakened forms are more consistent with their AW'd sprites now. They all had AW'd higher rez sprites but still had the old low rez sprites pre awakening before.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Well server up, stay online who knows u might get another apology sacred crystal cuz they forgot to change the advertisement for dragon invasion :p
and also take care not to do the event yet or might get cut 1/2 way
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Game works fine for me, 1st new map was easy to blind run, just watch for the Avengers. Might wait for a video for the 60/6 map, I need stamina anywho.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

500 revival crystal for another time fairy seem too much to farm

the avenger will come from the top for the first map so watch for the top. But they are no match to my AW mariebelle.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Game works fine for me, 1st new map was easy to blind run, just watch for the Avengers. Might wait for a video for the 60/6 map, I need stamina anywho.

just after u told me that, i was late withdraw by 1 sec and got my 1 my unit died :(
well at least the drop in map 1 i got is silver magic fencer + 2x 1 demon crystal
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

100/2 is kinda hard, but it's fun. The druid skill is awesome. The summon is awesome. Plus she's kinda cute. Definitely in my team!

I wonder should I get that platinum healer from the revival crystal exchange? I heard she's good. If she had amazing AW skill, I'm in.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

100/2 is kinda hard, but it's fun. The druid skill is awesome. The summon is awesome. Plus she's kinda cute. Definitely in my team!

I wonder should I get that platinum healer from the revival crystal exchange? I heard she's good. If she had amazing AW skill, I'm in.

Yup 100/2 is hard for me too, could only 1 star it for now.

Sedis gain 10 magical resistance upon awakening so it may not be the best ability due to her low health, her skill is pretty amazing though, if you don't have any plat+ healers then go for her.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Ah i think he mean Echidna since he said revival crystal.
Echidna is 1/2 mage 1/2 healer though and her awakening ability still :confused:
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Oops my bad, Echidna will have her awakening in late april along with Anya so we don't know yet.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Anyone know the math on that flat-chested cutie-pie healer in the green Vs. Sedis?

Edit: Rather; how fast does she go when she skills around? Is her healing substantial enough?

I got her from the Soldier/Healer Chanceup and wondering if I should invest in her.

sedis is good, but she can be risky with some of the harder maps due to her frailty. Healer-Cutie has HP and "Not an Elf" stats. So less Atk but more durability. Does her skill make up for the "Not an Elf" Stats or...?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Anyone know the math on that flat-chested cutie-pie healer in the green Vs. Sedis?

Edit: Rather; how fast does she go when she skills around? Is her healing substantial enough?

I got her from the Soldier/Healer Chanceup and wondering if I should invest in her.

sedis is good, but she can be risky with some of the harder maps due to her frailty. Healer-Cutie has HP and "Not an Elf" stats. So less Atk but more durability. Does her skill make up for the "Not an Elf" Stats or...?

As usual, comparing apples and oranges. It just depends on what you need more. Believe her name is Saria btw.

Saria loses out on less than 20 attack for over 700+ hp and less defense. Her skill makes her heal quicker on a pretty short cooldown, and her AW ability gives her passively more range. Sedis can temporarily reach allies that Saria can't and it boosts her attack with skill. Her AW ability is pretty bad though.

I'd give the overall nod to Saria, just read on the wiki her healer animation speed nearly doubles during skill activation, which makes her a no brainer for me. Of course Sedis still has a place if you don't have another healer with range extension, but Saria should overall be more useful. She basically becomes two (weaker) healers temporarily..

TLDR: If you have Saria, you don't need Sedis (Though you should have Fedora AW'd or something for when you need range extended healing.)
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

@Creeping Terror:
Saria's gimmick is that her skill is good at 1/5, unlike Camilla and Sedis, who need their skills raised to reach their full potential. Healers have 82 frames for healing, whereas Saria's skill reduces her healing to 42 frames. Saria also supposedly has the same timing as a Saint for all of her classes (she heals the unit at frame 31 instead of 37 like a healer/priestess).

HP Recovery in 20 seconds:
Saria (1/5 Skill): 607x1x14=8498
Sedis (5/5 Skill) 625x1.4x7=6125
Camilla (5/5 Skill) 572x1.8x7=7207.2

As you can see, Saria is superior for burst healing, like how Shiho and Kagura are superior to Camilla when it comes to raw healing per second.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Yeppers. Just read the Wiki.

Since the Black Healer from the event is Max cost/skilled for me, Sedis has an incoming replacement! I also use uh...Mar is her name? Mare/maire, maybe >.> that Multi-healer girl! w/e....


Gee golly that 100/2 map is obnoxious. My killer-offers cant take out the avenergers fast enough and thos archers and mages wont move close enough to get stabbered.

I either need to:

A) Cost reduce all my units by the max amount, making it so I can deploy all units effectively.

B) Figure out the magical combo that makes me win. Pretty sure Grace is part of the equation somewhere...and Lidy. Somewhere Lidy will raise from nowhere and give me three stars, just like all the other maps I had trouble with...

C) Consult a video showing how easily Silver units pull it off, and cry at how my horde of black units cant.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I guess I'm reeeeeally lucky today! Just from 3 tries of premium gacha I got :

1. Plat Soldier Zenobia
2. Silver HA
3. Black Princess Shibira

I guess it's time to use my Happy :)