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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Other than fighting Monique and Na... Na... v... You only missed gaining 1 easy sacred crystal.

Also, Despunia is 100% wrong like how Kerry (ケリー) for Carrie, Carry, etc. (キャリー) is 100% wrong . Her name is 'デスピア' (Desupia), which can be shortened to Despia. Her name is probably based on Despina/Despoina/Despoine, who is a goddess of mysteries and Arcadian cults (there's also a semi-famous fictional witch named after this goddess).

Thank god was gonna be mad otherwise.
I always call her Despunia I think that is what chrome translated it as anyways.

The more you know.

Finally got my barracks as well, so good don't know why I never bothered with it before, being able to do more than one mission before having to Fuse/sell is great.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Prince: Well you could have fooled--*ARROW'D!!*
I don't know about you, but Nanaly does that a lot to me.

Though she's mellow mellow now that I maxxed her skills by genociding rainbow fairies.

Yeah, new Kurisa and Nanaly arts is like *arrow through heart*

Thanks for the video, all maps are cleared now.
No problem, glad to help.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Subjugated 500 monsters on the god-tier Subjugation Map:

I didn't have to do any unit switching besides deploying the Gold Heavy Gunner Mel where the Platinum Undead Killer Flan was after the first dragonewt axethrower wave (Flan was deployed when Mel fell to the 2nd wave of axethrowers). I had to use my characters' skills, so this is definitely not an afk set-up, but I only have to make 3 more trips until 10,000, so I don't think 3 more trips where I have to pay attention would be too much of an issue for me.

I only tried the first new story mission, and I like the idea that the Karasu Tengu's have a one-use attack; when I first saw that, I immediately thought to bring Memento for her skeleton minions. They need to make a bunnymancer, who will summon harmless, little bunnies to be used as sacrificial offerings.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

The first of the new story mission is pretty rough. It looks like I won't be able to get 3-stars unless I have a min-cost 50CC Phyllis. If I have anything higher than 8 cost, the early units will pass through before I can place a unit. Any other unit I try to use is just too squishy to handle two of them. I have tried using gold angel 44 Elen, but she's squishy at level 44. If I CC her, it will delay her skill as well because I'm deploying her 3 seconds later, thus making it not a viable option. I guess I will have to wait until I get a min-cost Phyllis. At least I was able to clear the second and third of the new story missions easily.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

This 500 map is actually pretty reasonable once you have your unit placements figured out...and have Ricca.

Like seriously Ricca is the autoheal god

(Disclaimer: your power spread != my power spread. Plus you are better at this game than I am)

I took a lot of pictures this time! :)

Initial Deployment

Note the sheer lack of care about the unit health. Ricca's the only one who packed water for this desert trip.
Sybilla is the main tank for the left side, and the healmage negates the need for a dedicated healer.
Claire is my strongest archer, so she gets the honor of solo-killing three Pharaohs per run.

First Pharaoh Pair

Sybilla is doing the lord's work on the left (along with the healmage) by cleaning up the chaff and letting Claire porcupine the Pharaoh to death. The one on the right side is pretty screwed from the beginning.

Big guys

Sybilla actually critical killed it, but even if she doesn't the left side gets whittled down fast enough that it doesn't go very far.
Ricca on the right side needs to save her skill activation for the big guy to avoid getting punched in the face (and screwing her over for the future).

Second pair of Pharaohs

This one is worrying. Claire (archer on the left) handles it just fine but the best archer (who doesn't have a range boost on skill activation) should be in her place.
Spica: :(
Again, the ones on the right don't live for too long.

Of Note

This particular setup can't stop one large mummy from wandering down towards the right, so Mischa was sent to stop it.
As fate had it the mummy was one stab from dying, so Mischa got to keep her job.
Otherwise Karma would've had to take over.
Alternatively I could've retreated both the heavy armor (Maribelle? I'm bad with names) and Ricca and put a heavier block and a healer (block on Mischa's place, healer next to the purple mage Pales), since there is always the chance of a fast foot-lizard hitting where Mischa is (which is why she gets to stay).


The top-right archer (Spica in this case) will die. Sorry.
Spica: :(
If Ricca took damage against the big mummy she will also die, not that worrying since I actually have Mischa this time.
Mischa: :cool:

I imagine that if you're on the top of the power curve this would be doable with paying the barest attention (I slipped up and Sybilla ALMOST died toward the end, that would've been bad)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

anyone got a good vid for the 500 enemies map? i keep hovering at like 490
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Does the "cure" that karma has apply to Eden? Maybe she'll also turn into a immortal somehow instead of a vampire?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Is aegis under maintenance or something ?

Does the "cure" that karma has apply to Eden? Maybe she'll also turn into a immortal somehow instead of a vampire?

I doubt Aigis will make her as black unit. Let's consider her as better Plat Karma (Let's see first)
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

It slipped my mind but what does that silver haired fairy we got recently do?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

she is for skill awakening
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

when will they put skill awakenings for plat units? (since i have no gatcha blacks *tear*)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Bad news, everyone. There's so much text for all of the event maps that I can't update the current event post. With all of the events going on, I'm at 37824 characters. I thought I could remove the Revival and Subjugation mission stuff to make room, but—unfortunately—that only dropped the number of characters to 27972. This board has a 25000 character limit.

Does anyone think I can ask one of the people in charge here to extend the character limit to 45000, or something? I don't participate in any threads except this one, so I don't really know who is responsible for what, or how busy they are.

In any case, you'll have to go to Himeuta for the time being if you want to read the rough translations for the new story missions. The writing for them is much more sophisticated than most of the past events to the point I suspect that maybe they hired a new writer—maybe the Light Novel's author.

Removed everything to make the rough story translations fit (you'll have to go to Himeuta if you want to see stuff like the skill awakening info).

Upcoming DMM Point Maintenance on April 7th Between 2:30~9:30:
-During the Maintenance, Points Can't Be Purchased.
-Maintenance Won't Prevent Playing of Games.

Ah, nothing to worry about.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Oh wow, my first event that I reached 21 stars in :D Though I really need to level up a wide variety of units. Kind of suffering when I lack the necessary units x.x
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I'm having trouble 3 staring the last story map, can anyone post a video how to clear it please?
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I'm having trouble 3 staring the last story map, can anyone post a video how to clear it please?

A pattern I've been noticing is that either you have to black cheat this, or have to use really good plats.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I hate the new story map ... Or maybe my unit that too weak ?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

A pattern I've been noticing is that either you have to black cheat this, or have to use really good plats.

Thanks, but Unfortunately I can't do both due to the lack of black units and Karma.
I guess all I can do is wait for a hero to save the day.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I wonder if the Japanese community already has some estimates on droprates for new story maps. I hoped for something faster for farming than Base Struggle, but my guess is current maps will be inferior, unless you want to level the unit of the same class as bronzes that get dropped.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

A pattern I've been noticing is that either you have to black cheat this, or have to use really good plats.

I can do that one easily, my main problem is the first of the new map

EDIT : I got good strategy here

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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

What happened to the revival mission maps? :confused: It looks like they mixed up the 40/5 and 35/4 ones.

Edit: btw, the new 90 charisma mission only allows AW units to be deployed (+prince).
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