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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Use ninja + dancer on the right Pharoh, you should have enough dps with Saki.
(My AW+ Saki soloed the right Pharoh and trivialized a bunch of stuff)

Use range extend if you don't have enough firepower. (Soma, Betty, Merrice)

The lich afterwards can be tanked by princess (swap with ninja), you have enough range on healer. Just make sure it's a drop in and not a wait until it arrives.

Left side Pharoh is significantly more problematic, one of the way to do it is hard-tank after the right side goes down. And you can arrange the lich hits a different target than Pharoh. (Provide a templar and HP/MDEF for the lich)

Fedora's skill extend can also let you do some trick with lich killing by:
1) Right side Pharoh with Ninja + Range extend archer/Merrice
2) Swap to Princess and kill the lich that follows
3) Tank left side Pharoh
4) Kill left side Lich with range extend healing and princess
5) Kill left side pharoh either by bursting it down (remember that range extend + dancer) or tank it out. (swap in more healers)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Last map of the event need some strategy. The last rush has 2 Pharaoh and 2 Lich lord at the same time.
I saw this video, and it seems you just need to kill them off quickly with a melee support unit that has enough health to survive a full blast to the face:
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

hmm... I'm having problem with the last 2 map.
50/5: i don't have enuff magic atk-er -.- 1 witch (Chloris) 1 druid 1 weak mage (valery) 1 smn (Sorano)
Still can't find any good strategy there.
*most video i see is 3 witch*

Edit: used this strat for the last part only.... I seriusly abused sandra so much, but since mine lvl 50 as soon she used her skill instant replace with bernice to tank the boss

60/7: yup i can handle the right pharaoh part with that video thanks, but the left 1 still having problem
Edit: leaving it 1 star atm for this map -.- if someone know a good low lvl strat please share T_T
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Edit: Thanks for the tips Dragon.

I manage to 3 stars the final map with Nagi kill the right Pharaoh and the left side was killed by Saki with Sedis, Liliana and Iris support.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Edit: Thanks for the tips Dragon.
Not a problem.

OTOH, this isn't gold or belowable imo, until monne proves me wrong of course. Too much spike damage at the same time and dps demand to prevent it.

Normally, this would be fine, even good:

In reality, I rolled 4 platinums in total.
None of them are the banner introduced platinums.
So far for 6x chance of getting one of those.

Aegis's hoshi mono sensor (desire sensor) is stronk. ._.

Update #2:
The black bow rider:
Same skill as Nanaly, higher attack at CC80, melee and same cost as Nanaly.
From now on, I just consider her Nanaly riding a horse and taking up a melee slot. End of story. *rolls eyes*
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

been researching the last map till my head hurt and then i saw this...

I felt like crying now...

So far this the most reasonable 1 for last map, but need 3 healer that can do 1800 heal total or changed to unit with MR at the end
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

So far this the most reasonable 1 for last map, but need 3 healer that can do 1800 heal total or changed to unit with MR at the end

Mine strategy is the same as this but with better units.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

been researching the last map till my head hurt and then i saw this...

I felt like crying now...

So far this the most reasonable 1 for last map, but need 3 healer that can do 1800 heal total or changed to unit with MR at the end

The last strategy is nice, too bad I have no unit that can deal range damage beside My Charlotte (50CC1 max affection) and Silver Ninja (50CC33 no affection). Count Ricca in (50 50% affection) also Marnie (50CC1 max affection)
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

So far this the most reasonable 1 for last map, but need 3 healer that can do 1800 heal total or changed to unit with MR at the end

Looks quite easy. I hope CC56 Nagi will be good enough for this. I might be able to kill left side without second ninja since Cornelia does bonus dmg for undead (gah, hax button).

btw. When there is star trial during week I focus on dailies while doing event during weekend. How you do it? During this event I will focus some more on event though. I like the idea of map with both black fairies and silver HA drops.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

This video for last map looks promising:

No awakening and mostly easily accessible units. Also Sandra showing her OPness again^^ Really loving her (and Eden) a lot now:D

*Apparently Spica needs SL5 for her to reach right mummy. Excellent Arrow SL5 is Range x 1.2... so Soma or Vera/Bera/Bella(?) (not sure English spelling, it's Gold Archer ベラ) can reach even with SL1... but I wonder if their skill duration and attack is enough to kill mummy. Maybe it's time to raise ベラ that I got from Gold Rush :3

Edit: Oh, video creator posted slightly modified strategy where he uses Soma + Claire instead of SL5 Spica:
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

This video for last map looks promising:

No awakening and mostly easily accessible units. Also Sandra showing her OPness again^^ Really loving her (and Eden) a lot now:D

*Apparently Spica needs SL5 for her to reach right mummy. Excellent Arrow SL5 is Range x 1.2... so Soma or Vera/Bera/Bella(?) (not sure English spelling, it's Gold Archer ベラ) can reach even with SL1... but I wonder if their skill duration and attack is enough to kill mummy. Maybe it's time to raise ベラ that I got from Gold Rush :3

The guy who make this video said you need Spica skill at lv 4 right at the beginning of the video.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I managed to 2 star the last event, the main problem is my bad timing moment, by switching claire and spica position in

Spica can help to handle left side, I just need to time my Eden correctly so Spica attack could hit that paraoh. All the time, I miss the timing cause I'm too focus with right side
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

The guy who make this video said you need Spica skill at lv 4 right at the beginning of the video.

It says「スピカSlv4では届かないようです。」in beginning of the video, meaning "Seems like Spica Sl4 won't reach."
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Edit: Oh, video creator posted slightly modified strategy where he uses Soma + Claire instead of SL5 Spica:

A lttle question.... What lvl Sedis skill to reach Carrie in there.
I see 80 duration thats lvl 3, but i want to know the most min lvl possible since my Sedis skill is lvl 1 i guess i had to aim rainbow fairy on tuesday later
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

It's no biggie^^ I'm going to try his modified strat ( ) instead, since it doesn't require Spica SL5 (he replaces her with Claire & Soma instead).

A lttle question.... What lvl Sedis skill to reach Carrie in there.
I see 80 duration thats lvl 3, but i want to know the most min lvl possible since my Sedis skill is lvl 1 i guess i had to aim rainbow fairy on tuesday later

He only mentions SL3 for her in video description (he lists SL for all units he used), so not sure as well. But I checked wiki and difference for range between SL1 (1.1) and SL3 (1.15) seems minimal. (Edit: Just checked Spica SL4 (1.18) and SL5 (1.2) is only 0.02 difference and it mattered for reaching Pharaoh so... hoping Sedis SL3+ isn't required since mine is SL1 as well orz.)
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

He only mentions SL3 for her in video description (he lists SL for all units he used), so not sure as well. But I checked wiki and difference for range between SL1 (1.1) and SL3 (1.15) seems minimal. (Edit: Just checked Spica SL4 (1.18) and SL5 (1.2) is only 0.02 difference and it mattered for reaching Pharaoh so... hoping Sedis SL3+ isn't required since mine is SL1 as well orz.)

Ok thanks in any case this show me what i need.
1st lvl nagi so i can kill right pharaoh without archer help (nagi on AW 30 i regret AW her too fast the atk lost / skill 8/10 this going to be the most problematic part)
and lvl themis (from lvl1) for the last 2 bandit part..... just gonna block 1 path and let the other lich walk all the way trough until he meet prince of coz i'm gonna put prince on right side don''t want lich nuking paula down)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Are the all ages events for the female units translated anywhere?

I kind of would like to know their back stories.

EDIT: Also I tried to look this up via video, but it seems their attack does not change on the map. When an Avenger hits the point that their attack double/triples/quadruples. Do they retain that attack if they are healed? or does it become reduced when they are healed up.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Does anyone think that the Dragon Lord AW really underwhelming ?

You took a already cost-heavy class and make it even harder to deploy them.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

The AW map that contains the Dragon Lord orb needs to be out sooner because I want to AW Lucille already. For a cost increase of 5, a Dragon Lord's stats must be really good. If only they put out their skill awakenings too because I would've changed her skill instantly as well. At min-cost and 10/10 skill, I will make her my second best duelist. Why must you make me wait Aigis! :(

The star trial rewards are kind of meh for the first phase, but at least they are giving out silver units for players to use as CC fodder. It's nice of them to do that since I'm sure many people were unable to use some of their event units immediately because they couldn't CC them.