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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

They should really add this hilarious 'meta' that if you have a Bashira, the next platinum you roll will be a Thethis.

The new map, lol.

That's such a classical, 'hands off that cat-girl! Let me instead!' meme I don't even know what to say. (So I will just laugh)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

will the 12 stam map be this easy?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

turn your gold men into super platinum armors like 30cc26 should make them give 2000 base. considering using my fairy queens to awaken black units at 1/2 the amount of fairies like this
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Whoa! Julian just gave my Aria 18k exp and 5/5 skill! She is almost perfect now with lvl AW74, and my first gold + with maxed skill without using fairies (I also have 5/5 Misha but she is just silver ...) Yay!

I also decided to use my spare Jelius copy to AW Serra, I am thinking the same about Iris copy... What do you think ?

(main Iris is AW60 -3/3 but with AW Liana and max CC Sedis I am not using her often anymore. Plus I AW'd Pippin yesterday.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I also decided to use my spare Jelius copy to AW Serra, I am thinking the same about Iris copy... What do you think ?

(main Iris is AW60 -3/3 but with AW Liana and max CC Sedis I am not using her often anymore. Plus I AW'd Pippin yesterday.

Why not?
Since your Iris already on maxed CR, another gold copy seem better for aw fodder than trying to CC her (another silver healer) for a chance in skill up + exp.
+ we all know how great is AW Serra with her AW skill already, so its good chance to get her fast :p

1st map why plat cans not dropping !!!
changed to Yurina revival last map --> drop --> got her final CR finally >.< now -5 / 6...
Q: do you think i should still farm Yurina map to get higher skill ? or just use rainbow fairy and aim more in GR map? (my last target is just 1st map completion, don't need the other gold unit)
+Just like how someone complain where the silver drop.... I already got 4 Ether from here but 0 plat can
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

It would never be a bad choice to AW Serra. She's the first event unit where I want to max out her skill with Rainbow Fairies. I'm currently at 9/10 and I'm hoping I can get it to 10 with as few fairies as possible.

I finally got a chance to see a video of Cornelia's new sprite in action and it's a lot better. Her old sprite was boring and plain, but the new one just looks awesome. Elva's new sprite is cool as well. It's nice that they aren't copying Yurina's posture/stance anymore and are making them appear different. I might have a reason to AW Elva now since Paladins got an improvement.

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Crap, I hoped you are linking Elva AW sprite. As for Cornelia I so love new sprite I am using her all the timem even on simplest maps :D and I really didnt like old sprite of her. ...

As for Serra: I am really happy about decision to max her out during event. Thanks to last map I also CC max her, I have 2 silver healers but I prefer to have some spare for CC new units. This spare Iris is taking spot for quite a time. As for my healers stock: I had them since Karma revival, took quite a time to eat them all. So I need to CC Ether snd I am good to AW Serra, I also have free AW skill fairy. My only trouble will be raising her, I dont have any more plat fairies.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I'm waiting to see what kind of golem the latest map has before running it, but Minerva cannot reach it (too bad for her):

I wonder if Rachel or Nanaly can reach it. EDIT: Nanaly cannot reach it (Nanaly dies), but Skill AW Rachel can reach it.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

This mission was a lot easier than expected. Some details in the spoiler.

-Navy Blue Golem deals 2,500 damage
-You have all day to kill the Golem since the next phase is activated by it's death
-The boss from the 40 charisma desert story mission appears after the Golem dies
-I didn't take a look at the damage, but if you were able to tank the golem, then there's no problem with this guy

The video was about Cornelia and not Elva. Petite showed a gif of Elva's new sprite somewhere.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

@exkale, yeah I've noticed :D I missed Petite linking it , maybe it was done kind of post edit. Anyway, I've checked her on AW screen in game, not really a fan of her sprite. But maybe I am under Cornelua impression. This cape and hair are moving pretty awesome
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I was getting everything ready so I could AW Suil*, and I raised a Fudou to LV30 only to realise I need a silver healer to CC him. NoOOooOoo~!
*I used 4 gold male units (Strey and Garrett) and 12 spirit queens to raise Tamamo and Suil to LV65, and I already AWed Tamamo into a Tenko.

Same goes for Monica #2, I was planning to raise her to 30CC20 before feeding her to King of Pirates Monica for the guaranteed cost reduction and 50% skill-up, but I'm plumb out of non-CC Giovanni (I have some old copies of Velotte, but I'm not wasting her on Monica).

Guess I'm going to just 30CC20 Kyuteri #3 and be done with this synthesis bonus event. I don't particularly feel compelled to 50CC Claire, Bella, Fedora, or Julian before the end of this week. Though, I might just have to work on Julian so I can have a Reinforcement III male unit, but I want Mama Jerome...
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

man having difficulties with that alien thing on the 3rd map. tank wise my strongest would be my 50CC40 Bernice then probably Miranda, Sybilla who is lvl 50 and Celia? who is 50CC43.

also the translation says the 3 star platinum for the 3rd map is a rogue but thetis is the platinum that shows up does she actually drop a different unit unlike in previous gold rushes?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

man having difficulties with that alien thing on the 3rd map. tank wise my strongest would be my 50CC40 Bernice then probably Miranda, Sybilla who is lvl 50 and Celia? who is 50CC43.

also the translation says the 3 star platinum for the 3rd map is a rogue but thetis is the platinum that shows up does she actually drop a different unit unlike in previous gold rushes?

3rd map is the youkai map
The 1st run will not have the platinum unit to show up, Thetis is part of the story of not wanting Bashira to be taken (soo much love on her :p)
You can read the story petite has already been translating it.

On the 4th map the the golem style has become a robo...
Can i expect a gundam robo real soon :p
Man this GR really introduciing alot new enemies and its starting to become more magical sci-fiction with robo and magic crystal, Not surprise if we will have a mechanic gunner (from other game) unit soon with ability increase dmg to macginery (there already machine enemies as well)
Just did 1st run and got map completion (100% drop rate 1st run ?) / poor oddete i'm pretty sure placing her in this map no one want to farm her (not 100% drop on oddete was checking video before cuz 12 stm use is too much to make a mistake on)
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I need a silver healer to CC him. NoOOooOoo~!
All materials prepared, what could possibly go wrong for AWing Patel?
I don't have 2x unicorn knight orbs. (only got 1) orz


An AW Serra is fine too:

Preferably max, Serra just barely have enough hp
Otoh, when Serra's shield skill activated 3 times in a row ... hahahaha
(Liana and Fedora looked at me weird, since when was tanking golem not suppose to kill your healers due to exhaustion?)

Update: Easy 3 star clear and first try completion. (I think they made it that way for that map, due to 12 stamina)
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Charge! Our Neighbour Prince-sama [Last Boss Chapter] (Interview with Monme):

Niruen did an interview with everyone's neighbourly low-rarity top tactician, Monme.

Interview Highlights:
Began Playing:
Maribelle's Event (Couldn't clear it and gave up on Maribelle.)

Play Kancolle:
Used to play Kancolle, but doesn't anymore.

Team #1 (Blind Run):
Lian, Zenobia, Ridy, Shiho, Lilia
Chloe, Paula, Krile, Nanaly, Rita
Hien, Kanon, Saria, Dina, Hana

Many of his favourite characters are event ones, which saved his wallet. The Gold Feng Shui User Krile is his favourite character in the whole game. The Gold Ninja Hien has a cool sprite that makes Monme want to bring him on his team.

Team #2 (Homo Island):
Kojuurou, Hien, Cyrus, Roberto, Abel
Julian, Vincent, Conrad, Bernard, Loren
Strey, Ricardo, Funes, Christopher, Fudou

Monme mincost his Gold Shogun Kojuurou, and finds him very easy to use. He recommends that others try him.

Team #3 (Daily Mission):
Lian, Rita, Yuyu, Aria, Shiho
Rachel, Saria, Olivia, Krile, Nanaly
Paula, Dina, Matsuri, Kyuteri, Monica

Team #4 (Video Team):
Funes, Ricardo, Crave, Ricardo, Mortimer
Funes, Bernard, Bernard, Bernard, Funes
Funes, Valery, Crave, Valery, Funes

Above team built specifically to be shown for the interview. Monme only raised 3 Battle Master Bernards, and wants to raise more, but he's been too busy.

Favourite Character:
Gold Feng Shui User Krile-chan!!

Reason #1: He really likes her energy and liveliness.
Reason #2: Her boobs being really big is also nice. Monme is a breast alien (おっぱい星人), so remember this for the test!

Top 3 Favourite Male and Female Characters (Besides Krile):
Female: Shaman Shiho, Bishop Paula, and Pegasus Rider Ridy
Male: Heavy Bernard, Fencer Ricardo, and Ninja Hien

Monme was originally a free player, so he gave up on trying for Ridy when she was first introduced to the game as a chance-up unit (Shiho's event). The characters that caused him to break open his wallet was when Krile and Mikoto appeared in the premium summon. He still doesn't have Mikoto despite spending around 40,000 yen trying for her. The next time she appears, he hopes to obtain her.

Favourite Character not on any of his Teams:
Dragon Shaman Echidna

Echidna was his first event unit he obtained, and he used to use her a lot.

Emergency Mission Etched the Deepest in his Mind:
Summoned Beast Slumbering Beneath the Earth (Sorano's Event)

The event was super difficult, but he managed to obtain 3-stars on all of the maps, which makes him very pleased with himself.

Character he Wants the Most (Besides Mikoto):

He likes her illustration, but her sprite is what he likes the most about her. Inari was infamous for breaking the wallets of many foolish Princes.

Favourite Sprite:
Hien-dono (AW)

He's a fine ninja.

Character He Wanted to AW First:
Platinum Rear Tactician Lian

The reason he wanted to awaken her the most was because her abilities weren't particularly strong before AW, but after she's awakened, she became a very strong unit. She's very convenient, and her -30% CT is quite potent.

Number of Characters he AWed:
Black: 4; Platinum: 18; Gold: 9

He has two Shaman Lord Shiho (AW); she's cute. Because he does low-rarity videos, there's a lot of characters he hasn't awakened so he can show players that it's possible to do maps with unawakened units.

Type of Character Aegis is Lacking:

There's so many loli characters, and there not being a single silver+ shota is poor balance.

Male Character he Wants to See in the Future:
A male alchemist that's a perverted genius.

What he Likes about Millennium War Aegis:
The lack of emphasis on needing high rarity characters to do well at the game, which is why he enjoys this game more than others.

Why His Icon is Bernard:
He wanted an easy-to-remember icon for his videos, and since he was doing videos for Aegis, he thought he should use an Aegis character. The character that looks the closest to him in appearance is Bernard, mostly based on his beard.

Tower Defence Games he Plays (Besides Aegis):
Aegis was his first TD game, and that's all he knows as far as TD games are concerned.

Favourite Character Event Scene:
Monme likes the Silver Ninja Kagerou's affection event scene a lot.

First Premium Summon Character (All Rarity):
Platinum Witch Adelle

Unfortunately, he mistook her as a food unit, so she's no longer with him.

Mission He Spent the Most Sacred Crystals on:
Flan's God-tier Map

He spent 50 crystals trying to get a Silver- and Katie strategy to work.

Crystals he spent on Fuujin Extermination Silver- Video:
Around 20

It's a story mission, so he didn't have to spend that much for it.

What he Thinks of the Silver Princess:
What's this, what's this!? HOORAAAY———!! YAAHOOOOooo———!!!!

Is Monme Human? If He's Not Human, How Many Tentacles Does He Have:
Monme: "I don't have any tentacles! ... Really?"

Amount of Crystals Spent Testing Maps:
10~20 on god-tier ones.

Even if he can succeed at a map, he still wants to figure out how low he can bring his battle power before he becomes unable to manage.

Amount of Trips Spent on Katie Subjugation Mission:
Around 200

Funes or Mortimer:

The Silver Bandit Funes was his very first CC unit. He also raised this Funes to 100% confidence.

Number of Silver Units He Uses (Excluding Material Ones):

Game Genres He Enjoys:
Monster Hunter or God Eater Action-type
Super Robot or Final Fantasy Tactic SRPG

He's been busy with Aegis, so he hasn't been playing anything else recently.

Top 5 Games:
1) Monster Farm 2 (Godly Game)
2) Final Fantasy Tactics
3) Final Fantasy VI
4) Dai Kaiju Monogatari (大貝獣物語)
5) Monster Hunter

Cats or Dogs:
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Summoned Beast Slumbering Beneath the Earth (Sorano's Event)
Yup, the number 1 hardest map in game was Sorano map back when it first existed. Beating that without black is, challenging to say the least.

He spent 50 crystals trying to get a Silver- and Katie strategy to work.
I know that feel. Back in the Sorano event last map... orz

There's so many loli characters, and there not being a single silver+ shota is poor balance.
So many players in Aegis are subject to bromance *laughs* but it's true, we are lacking shotas. Though I disagree with Monme in terms of character, we need a black rarity male. I was hoping that the 'black rarity mage' would be a shota maou, just to fulfill that meme.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Please no shota ._.

Btw. I am almost 201 now, do I get stamina refill on lvl up now ? Our just every 10 levels ?

@Altrius, everything is in Petite maintenance post <3
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

@Altrius, everything is in Petite maintenance post <3

Ah what i mean in more future map :p
Soo many new enemy been introduce, i wonder will they have 1 subjugation using all these new enemy (dfferent kind of golem included)

And yes no Shota please.......
I agree with the mad alchemist 1 thats a legendary class must have :p + make it more hilarious looks