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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game


UGH God damn you WankoP!
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

New Class: Enchanter:
Ranged Magic Attack Unit,
Skill has the ability to stop the movement of golem-type enemies.
Karma works just as well, there's no need for me to get her ... probably. But wow that illustration. I blame WankoP as well. >>
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Isn't her skill kind of..... like really special if it only stop golem type movement (doesn't seem stop atk sooo Mikoto still win :p)
Another new class, wonder whats their specialty.....
Before that please give us Awaken on vampire lord / swordmaster >.<
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Oh, well fucking shit. Hard derp...
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

And then I was all like "*** You, WankP!" cuz Bandwagons!

Nah seriously, gimme da cutie! I Demand compensation for farming Mitra till my eye bled (From farming, not disdain for her design). I got Dolka in the last 2 hours I had before maitinence. Yikes~!
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Isn't a skill just to stop golems both kind of useless? I mean yea, sure, the new maps may have golems in them. But still, this is taking things to a whole new level of specification.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Well 10 mins till maintenance over....
Who's going to try new map ? as for me i still havent even complete 1/2 of 3rd story -.-
Still have enuff fun with that 40chr dessert map for exp (but seriusly i need to do 3rd story someday later for more exp / unit + fairy)

1.5x story mode unit drop >.< finally i can lvl all those aw unit + pippin going to get her aw pretty soon......... (stm mainly focus to farm chloe *natural regen only*)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

[hook=event]Maintenance Update On September 16th:[/hook]
-TGS Special Emergency Mission "Falling Star Swordmaster" (流星の剣士) Begins.
+1 Sacred Crystal Login-Bonus Present per day between Sep 17th~23th.
-Revival Mission "Fallen Angel's Seal" (堕天使の封印) Begins.
-Story Mission Drop 1.5x Between September 16-24th (Wednesday-Thursday).
-Emergency Mission "Gold Rush!" Ends.
-Revival Mission "Threat of the Dark Knighthood" Ends.
-Gold+ Male/Female 2x/3x Synth Bonus Ends.
-New Story Mission "Magic City" (魔法都市) First Part Added.
Trading Post:
-Plat Gunner Janna and Gold Angel Eln to be Replaced on Maintenance on the 24th 10:00.
-Dominion Skill AW Implemented.
-Premium Summon Chance-up Units Changed.
-Enchanter Elsha Added to Summoning.
-M Fencer Cassis and Bishop Sharon Added to All Summoning.
-Certain Units' Sprites Changed.
-Certain Processes Optimised.

New Class Enchanter:
-Enchanter (Can use ranged magic, and halts golem-type movement while skill is active.)
-Special Class (Elsha 1/70: HP861; AT207; DF49; MR5%; R220; Cost 21)

Dominion Skill AW:

Eln (エルン):
Release God and Demon Seal (神魔封印解除): (30s; block: 3; attack #: 2; AS: 31; WT: 10; CT: 15)
Healing Angel (癒しの天使): (25s; block: 3; attack #: 2; instant: heals all allies once; AS: ; WT: 6; CT: 10)

Chloe (クロエ):
Release God and Demon Seal (神魔封印解除): (30s; block: 3; attack #: 2; AS: 31; WT: 7.5; CT: 15)
Cruel Angel (残虐な天使): (25s; block and attack #: 3; shortens intervals between attacks; AS: ; WT: 12; CT: 25)

Emergency Mission "Falling Star Swordmaster":
-Sacred Crystal Login Bonus Present Every Day Between Sep 17th~23th.
-Sapphire Swordmaster Meteor
+LV50 (?): HP1586; AT399; DF231
+Skill: Ougi Heaven Beckoning Meteor Sword (奥義 天招流星剣): (8s; attack 2.1x; block: 0; attacks up to five enemies at same time within AoE; AS: ; WT: ; CT: )

Falling Star Swordmaster (1 Charisma) (流星の剣士):
Gimmick: Can't Change Deployment Members; No Unit/Item Drops.
Meteor: "Thanks for going out of your way to come! No... thank you very much!
Anna: "What do you mean when you said you wanted us to witness your single combat with a surviving member of the Dark Knighthood?"
Meteor: "Well, a dark knight, seeking the Ougi of my school, sent me a message saying he wanted to challenge me to a duel."
Meteor: "I want everyone to be a witness for it."
Anna: "This is a letter of challenge... huh?"
Meteor: "Yep. The name of the dark knight is Decius... My father was a master of this school, and Decius was one of my father's pupils."
Meteor: "Decius is a despicable man who has no scruples about what he does in order to win! Father expelled Decius for deviating from the path of the sword, the path of humanity."
Meteor: "I heard a rumour in the wind that he passed away, but... Haa... I can't believe he became a dark knight..."
Meteor: "Single combat with a former senior pupil. Will you see this through?"
Anna: "... Understood. We shall act as witnesses."
Anna: "I want there to be a normal match, so we'll watch over your single combat."
(Decius appears)
Dark Knight Decius: "So you've come, Meteor! I see you have the mettle to appear without running away. Now then, I'll have you hand over the Ougi that should've been passed down to me."
Meteor: "I thought you were a good-for-nothing man, but how could you become a dark knight...? A naughty boy like you will be punished by these hands!"
Decius: "Shut up. A novice like you could never understand my frustration of never receiving the Ougi's instructions..."
Meteor: "The one that doesn't understand is you. The thing that's necessary to inherit the Ougi is not strength. You never heard the voice of the bright stars in the night sky, did you?"
Decius: "Don't talk nonsense!"
Meteor: "Doesn't matter, you won't understand even if I told you, so I shall show the meteor sword especially to you!"
Decius: "Kukuku, fool. Now then, monsters. Bath that little girl in her own blood!"
(monsters appear)
Meteor: "This was supposed to be single combat...! You brought allies, isn't that unfair!?"
Decius: "Kuhahahahah! All that matters is if I win! Go! Monsters!"
Anna: "We'll take care of the monsters! Prince, let's go!"
Decius: "What!? You made such a fuss about this being single combat, yet you brought allies... you damn cheater...!"
Anna: "We came to this place to act as witnesses. Besides, you have no room to talk!"
Decius: "Guh... Shut up, shut up...!!"
Decius: "This is the Ougi...!? To be able to drop meteors is t-too unfair..."
Meteor: "The meteor sword cannot be handled by those who have darkness in their hearts! Are you able to understand a little bit?"
Decius: "Shit... I'll remember this!!"
Meteor: "Ah, wait! Don't run off—!"

Story Mission "Magic City":
-Bronze Mage Semmel (Ability: Veteran Teacher; Same as Hashim)
-Silver Bishop Sharon (Skill: Heal Magic; Same as Noel)
-Silver M Fencer Cassis (Skill: Sword Enchance)

Invitation to the Magic City (58) (魔法都市への誘い):
I Mage (x2), Iron Mage (), B Mage Roy (x3), Completion: S Soldier Rosalie
Anna: "Will this teleporter take us to the legendary magic city?"
Roy: "Yes. That seems to be the case. Although, I have never been there before..."
Roy: "The magic city is almost a legend even among magicians... I would like to visit it at least once."
Anna: "However, if the magic city really exists, then we should obtain information about Makai, the source of the monsters."
Soldier: "Report! The teleporter has started to move! Something's appearing!"
Roy: "What!? It started to move!? If it's doing that, perhaps something's happening in the magic city."
(golem appears)
Soldier: "Hiii! Th, that's a golem!"
Anna: "We can't pull back now. Let's defeat the golem, and head to the magic city while the teleporter is working!"
Soldier: "The enemy has been completely defeated!"
Roy: "It looks like the teleporter is still functioning. It seems now's our chance to go to the magic city."

Steel Chop (60) (鋼鉄の手刀):
I Mage (x2), B Mage Roy (x2), B Mage Semmel (x2), Completion: S Bishop Sharon
Semmel: "Yareyare, it was a good thing we hid, but outside is crawling with the monsters' golem minions. We'll merely rot away if we stay here."
Sharon: "I'm able to continue my research without anyone interrupting me, so I'm not bored."
Semmel: "Hohoho, is that so? Even if it's futile to save ourselves, we'll continue our research."
Semmel: "That will be proof of our existence. The results of our life's work."
Anna: "This is the magic city? I must say... it's a much more incredible place than I imagined."
Soldier: "We confirmed a number of golems up ahead! They're heading this way!"
Sharon: "Those look like soldiers over there... perhaps they came to rescue us."
Semmel: "Hmm. Looks like it. Hey, you, over there. The golems of the magic city are all monster minions."
Semmel: "The ones in front of the tower are maid-type golems that used to serve the humans of the magic city. They're strong, so take heed."
Semmel: "My, you saved us. You have my thanks."
Anna: "What on earth happened in the magic city? Where did that band of golems come from...?"
Sharon: "It all began when the magicians researching Makai reported evidence that the faraway Makai is approaching the physical world."
Anna: "What do you mean Makai is approaching? The worlds themselves are moving, unbelievable..."
Sharon: "That's correct. Approaching is a way to to explain it that's easier to comprehend. More precisely, we began to detect interference between the physical world and Makai."
Sharon: "For example, an interference phenomenon is when there are passages that connect the physical world to Makai, and the inadvertent increase of these so-called gates is due to the power of magic being strengthened from Makai."
Semmel: "This phenomenon also occurred during the Millennium War long ago."
Semmel: "Right when we were about to launch a full investigation at the first sign of the monsters invading again... A demon lord appeared."
Semmel: "Oops, that's a long story. More importantly, there may be other survivors. I entreat you. Will you lend your strength to our great cause?"

Steel Axe (62) (鋼鉄の手斧):
I Mage (x2), B Mage Roy (), B Mage Semmel (x3), Completion: S M Fencer Cassis
Cassis: "Haa~... it's full of golems being controlled by the monsters out there..."
Cassis: "Aahh. They had a short life. Mine as well. If it was going to be like this, I wish I spent more time having fun instead of just magic fencer training—!"
Anna: "The magic city golems are all being controlled by the monsters?"
Semmel: "They're not being controlled precisely. The souls of low-rank monsters are possessing them."
Semmel: "Rather you should consider that they became monsters. Because of that, it's impossible to take back control of them. The only way to stop them is to destroy them all."
Semmel: "Right when we were about to launch a full-scale investigation on Makai, the demon army and..."
Sharon: "The leader of the demons, the demon lord, appeared in the magic city."
Semmel: "At the time, there were strong magicians in the magic city. Furthermore, we had countless golems protecting us."
Semmel: "So though they may be demons, we never thought they could possibly strike this magic city."
Semmel: "However, that was wishful thinking. They turned the golems, that were our trump cards, into their own minions."
Semmel: "It was all over as soon as our last hope became our enemy."
Soldier: "Report! Countless golems are heading this way!"
(iron golems appear)
Golem: "Detected tasty morsels. With this, those 'humans' will also be terminated..."
Soldier: "That's...! It's swinging around that great axe with ease... It's a fatal blow if that thing connects even a little!"
Anna: "Prince, please be careful. With an axe that big, we have a good chance to act while it's in motion, but if it takes aim at our rear ranks and throws it, then..."
Soldier: "We confirmed the enemy has been destroyed!"
Cassis: "I, I'm saved...? H, hooray—!! Thank goodnessss~... I had no idea what was going to happen to me..."
Semmel: "This isn't the time to relax. You're supposed to be a magical swordsman protecting the magic city."
Cassis: "Oh, come on, the opponent are those golems, right? We're lucky just to have been saved!"
Anna: "Are there any magic city golems remaining?"
Semmel: "I regret to say this, but basically all functions of the magic city rely on the golems. Their numbers are as numerous as the stars in the sky."
Roy: "... Mumumu. Making that many golems, the magic city isn't to be taken lightly..."
Semmel: "There's no use fighting with dark clouds. What we ought to do is head to the tower that was researching Makai. I have no doubt there will be useful information for us there."
Semmel: "There may be more survivors, how about we go search for them so their research doesn't go to waste?"
Anna: "Understood. Prince, let's head to that tower!"

Revival Mission "Fallen Angel's Seal":
-September 16-24th (Wednesday-Thursday).
-Farm-type for Plat Angel Chloe.
-If you get 3-stars on all five maps, a high-difficulty map will open.

-Platinum Fallen Angel Chloe:
+Melee unit that doesn't attack, and is unable to be targeted by melee enemies until her skill is activated.
+Once activated, she can block 2 units, and attack 1 unit at a time.
+Class-changes into an Arch Angel, which has the same skill as an angel, but she can block 3 units, and attack 2 units at the same time. Skill levels remain after the class-change.

Black-winged Girl (20/1) (黒翼の少女):
Chloe (1), M Crystal (50), Bouquet (50)
Chloe: "Fuahh, that was a nice nap."
Chloe: "Where am I? Ahh, humans..."
Chloe: "Hey, the human over there! Let's play together!"
Chloe: "I'm Chloe! Despite how I look, I'm an angel."
Chloe: "I was wondering if we could play~. Umm..."
Chloe: "How about we kill one another!? Heheheh, Because I'm a "fallen" angel."
Chloe: "Owowow, that hurts~! Aww. Well then, I guess I'll also get serious..."
Chloe: "But I'm hungry. See ya~."

Chloe Introduction:
Anna: "About the girl who called herself a "fallen angel" that appeared in the battle earlier..."
Anna: "Long ago, during the Millennium War with the monsters, many angels were said to have fought on our side with the Goddess Aegis."
Anna: "After the fighting was over, the angels were unable to return to heaven, and so they were stuck on the surface."
Anna: "I don't know why the angels couldn't return to heaven, but the angels that remained became fallen angels, and were sealed."
Anna: "According to one theory, they were made into fallen angels due to their sins when they disobeyed the will of the heavens when they intervened in the fight between humans and monsters..."
Anna: "The Goddess Aegis hasn't spoken about this either, so the truth is uncertain."
Anna: "The fallen angel from earlier might be an angel that fought for the humans in the past."
Anna: "Prince, let's save that fallen angel."

Makai Gates (30/2) (魔界の門):
Chloe (5), S Witch Calliope (10), Bouquet (60), M Crystal (60)
Chloe: "I'm so bored—. Playing with humans is boring."
Chloe: "I wonder if those tough humans from before will show up again."
Chloe: "I have an idea, I'll call those guys. Open! The gates to Makai!"

Innocent Killing Intent (40/3) (無邪気な殺意):
Chloe (10), S Pirate Giovanni (10), Beer (60), Wine (30)
Chloe: "To not get done in by those guys from Makai, you all must be pretty strong!"
Chloe: "I'm getting excited."
Anna: "We didn't come here to fight. Please close the Makai Gates!"
Chloe: "No way~. I haven't had enough fun yet. I wanna see much, much more bloodshed!!"
Chloe: "I want to see more of your guy's strength~!"
Anna: "It's no use. She won't listen to us..."
Anna: "Kuh! The monsters are here! Prince, prepare for battle!"

Evil Smile (50/5) (邪悪な微笑):
Chloe (27), S Rogue Harissa (10), S Archer Daniella (10), Plat Armour (5)
Chloe: "This place is a graveyard... I guess..."
Chloe: "Heheheh, the perfect place for bloodshed!"
Chloe: "I'll call the monsters... There. The preparations for the gates to Makai are OK~."
Anna: "It looks like the monsters have already started preparing as well..."
Anna: "Prince, we have no choice but to repel them the way things stand. Prepare for battle!"
Chloe: "Now, let's begin~! Monsters, go~!"

Demon Advent Extreme (70/7) (凶魔出現 極級):
Chloe (45), S Healer Christopher (10), S Samurai Sanosuke (10), Plat Armour (10)
Chloe: M—mm. I'll lose if I don't get serious~."
Chloe: "What should I do~?"
Chloe: "I know! I'll call that very big guy! Though, those humans might die."
Chloe: "Well, I'm getting tired of killing each other, so this will be a fitting way to end things."
Chloe: "Open wiiiider! Makai Gates!"
Anna: "I feel a terrifying power coming from those gates! Prince, please be careful!"

Forsaken by All God-tier (100/2) (四面楚歌 神級):
M Crystal (60), M Crystal II (50), M Crystal III (50), Complete: Plat Armour
Chloe: "Well done on making it this far, heroes!! I shall show you my true power!!"
Chloe: "... Is what I would say."
Chloe: "However, even the power of the guys from Makai couldn't defeat those humans."
Chloe: "So I guess I'll get serious~."
Chloe: "Heheheh, it'll be boring if it becomes one-sided, so you guys also get serious, OK!?"
Chloe: "Now... let's go!!"

Subjugation Mission "Revelry of the Undead":
-Event Lasts Until Oct 1st 10:00.

Metus: "I'm Metus. An existence who surpassed necromancy."
Metus: "Oh, what's with that face? Is there something you want to say? Ahh, it's useless even if you touch me, you know?"
Metus: "This is an image I'm showing you with magic, it's not real. Too bad—♪"
Metus: "The real me can't hear you, so you better sit quietly and listen to what I have to say."
Metus: "Now then, I thought I would come here today to teach you all about the merits of the undead. It'll be like one of those manoeuvres you do, I guess?"
Metus: "Aren't I generous? I finished preparing an army to attack your kingdom."
Metus: "Who knows what will happen if hundreds of undead invade your kingdom. I wonder if you will be able to stop them?"
Metus: "If a weak existence like you who values an ephemeral life seriously believes you can win against the undead, then please prove it to Onee-san."
Metus: "Do you understand? Good, then I shall explain the details of the manoeuvre this time."
Metus: "The training exercise this time will be a 'Great Subjugation Mission' where the goal is to just defeat the enemy."
Metus: "Great Subjugation Missions are different from regular missions in several ways, so please pay attention."
Metus: "First, the goal of a Great Subjugation Mission is to 'defeat the enemy', nothing more."
Metus: "Defeating the enemy is much more important than preventing casualties on your side—♪"
Metus: "You'll clear the mission even if your life reaches zero, and the number of enemies you defeated will be tallied in the results."
Metus: "Please focus on defeating as many monsters as possible without fear of being wounded."
Metus: "Finally, even if you defeat the enemy, you won't receive any EXP, gold, or drops, so keep this point in mind."
Metus: "Now then, let's begin the 'Great Subjugation Mission'. Kuku... It'll be nice to see you struggle."
Metus: "Ahh, I forgot. When I cut off the magic to this image, it will automatically vanish."
Metus: "Well then, do your best Prince-sama, OK?"

Single Map Rewards:
100: S Vampire Hunter Khuri
300: Spirit Queen
400: Plat Armour
500: 50 Magic Crystals

Multiple Map Rewards:
Every 100: Crystal Fragment (0~2000)
Every 200: Crystal Fragment (2001~10,000)
1000: Gold Fairy
2000: Plat Fairy
3000: Black Fairy
4000: Gold Fairy
5000: Plat Fairy
6000: Black Fairy
7000: Gold Fairy
8000: Plat Fairy
9000: Black Fairy
10,000: Rainbow Fairy

Beginner-tier (15) (不死者たちの狂宴 初級): 100
High-tier (30) (不死者たちの狂宴 上級): 300
Extreme-tier (35) (不死者たちの狂宴 極級): 400
God-tier (40) (不死者たちの狂宴 神級): 500

Premium Summon:
-Premium Chance-up Unit Rates:
+Plat: 6x; Black: 7x.
-Platinum Enchanter Elsha
-Skill: Magic Weapon (1/5-5/5: 10-15s; Elsha focus defence as she gives all allies within AoE a magical attack effect.)
-Black Angel Sophie
-Black Dark Fighter Cornelia
-Gold Heavy Berenice
-Platinum Alchemist Charles
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

WTF aisha ver2 from that sapphire unit :eek:
This going to be 1 of the most OP sapphire unit
and the map is so easy 3 star on 1st try -.-

Edit: dam revival map is broken (well just my stupid luck) done all map but totaly 0 drop from all map
And that plat unit enchanter skill seem kind of crazy.... Just imagine all those 2-3 archer stacking turn into magic atk (making spica aw skill not so great anymore)
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Oh hey Chloe got a buff that's pretty coo-

>CT: 25 seconds


Edit: or idk, I can't tell which one I prefer.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

whats with the slight increase in stamina for the 50% drop rate map along with the the rate being 45 and not actually 50 that's a bit unpleasant.

and wow why is that sapphire unit so good just raped everything with its meteors all the other sapphire units they've given us are useless compared to that.

I would skill awaken chloe but only after or at the same times a rear tactition so the added cooldown doesnt make it her less reliable
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Chloe's AW Skill in action:

Enchanter Elsha's skill lasts for a short time, but it's long enough at skill max to turn characters like Nanaly or Leone into magical death machines...
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

WTF aisha ver2 from that sapphire unit :eek:
This going to be 1 of the most OP sapphire unit
and the map is so easy 3 star on 1st try -.-

Edit: dam revival map is broken (well just my stupid luck) done all map but totaly 0 drop from all map
And that plat unit enchanter skill seem kind of crazy.... Just imagine all those 2-3 archer stacking turn into magic atk (making spica aw skill not so great anymore)

Yup! That's one sapphire unit you wanna in your team + She's cute. Why TGS! WHY!!!
Eln skill is awesome! good thing I leveled her :3
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

With all these "type Specific" effects, They'll have to add a bestiary to the game so the Prince and Anna can do something like...actually go over strategy.

"wtf is this?"

"Its a goblin-san"

"Seriously, Why say -san? Anyway. What type of Monster is it?"

"It's a Small Goblinoid. Hitdice are 1d8 for Goblinoids. Its constitution gives it a plus 1, putting it at an average 5 HP.

BAB is--"

"Anna put the SRD down -.-;"
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Meteor Bedroom Ero Scene Spoilers:



Meteor LV80 Speculated Stats (100% affection; HP276/AT84):
HP1886; AT495; DF256
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I was looking at the skill for the new silver Bishop and she shares the same skill as Noel and Marius! That's going to save me a lot of rainbow fairies since Marius still has his skill at 1/5.

I've already 3-starred the first and second of the story missions. I will now move onto the third and see how well I do.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

-Certain Units Sprites Changed.
Anyone notice which unit sprites changed ? so far none of my unit change, or so i can't really tell from old to new 1 -.-

PS: got baited hard from chloe revival spend 3 SC and still 0 chloe (but my objective s.healer got) so now i'm just abit more to AW pippin
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

It might be the original bronze mage that got changed. That's what I've noticed unless he was changed long ago.

Here are my attempts at the first and second Magic City story missions:
- Not how I wanted to clear this run, but I'll accept it

The third one is impossible for me to get a 3-star clear until I can get Jelius to AW90 and some other units to support him. I'm going to make it my goal to clear this mission, but for now I'll leave it at 1-star.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

-Certain Units Sprites Changed.
Anyone notice which unit sprites changed ? so far none of my unit change, or so i can't really tell from old to new 1
Bronze Archer Ars (アルス )
Bronze Bandit Burgun (バーガン)
Bronze Mage Roy (ロイ)

These are the only ones I know for now.

I guess it's a matter of time that I cheated with B. Iris's skill (hope I don't regret Skill AWing it). Never used it for anything other than to watch Super Electric Macchinist Ricca murder demons with her gun's gun's gun's.