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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

8 Silver Soldiers and 1 Platinum Armor so far after farming 600 souls.

Let's trade luck >.<
1 S.Soldier / 7 Plat armour, so far 540 soul

The main reason i been farming the last map is because i want the S. Soldier for awaken fodder, but i never got it...
On other hand i don't really need plat armour that much (29 on stock now and i believe there more from multi soul colection prize)

Well I'm sure i will CC + Awaken Eterna asap as soon i got her as i had 39 black fairy sitting around.
Wonder what a good lvl to start using the fairy combine as i still want her to bring a littler higher lvl after she AW.

If you didn't start using SC for stm recovery from now, you will use SC for Chr recovery later on..
Are you ok with it ?
Edit: actualy i was planing to use 1st combine fairy on pre-CC 42 --> lvl 50 1st then CC her / afterward lvl-ed her to 36 1st then 9x fairy combine to 80 / Then during AW lv-ed her to 40 (well AW39 with 34tnl) then fairy combine the rest.
This way i can bring her AW lvl higher at cheap cost... even with this i probably end up at AW 59... (run out of fairy) target is to get her AW70+ before i start saving black fairy again for another black unit (hopefuly anya out)
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

8 Silver Soldiers and 1 Platinum Armor so far after farming 600 souls, and that doesn't include the 100% drops. I usually get 4~6 Platinum Armor drops by this time, so this delays the progress of Eterna for me. I was hoping to get her to a high level immediately once I get her, but now she's going to take a month or two to awaken.

I'm just going to have to hope there is a decent map to farm for the second phase otherwise I'll have to stick with 80/9 for the rest of the event and pray for some drops.

You waste some SC to get 600 already (I have like 187... natural regen, 50/7 ... net more than 70/9 looking for plat fairies cause they far harder to find) !? I waited until 2nd phase come (only have 22 SC)

Well I'm sure i will CC + Awaken Eterna asap as soon i got her as i had 39 black fairy sitting around.
Wonder what a good lvl to start using the fairy combine as i still want her to bring a littler higher lvl after she AW.

Seriously start from level 1 CC ... 10 Tin can needed to get her to 80 (You can hunt more fairies later with that many of tin cans)

EDIT : For me it's cheaper

EDIT2 : @Altrius : Haven't thought that far ahead ... humm, maybe I should do some of it
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

WiliamZero said:
No matter what happen, I don't wanna use Mitra >.< I hate big boobs
When they first introduced Mitra during Pippin's event, I thought she was a man. I also had fun writing her dialogue, so I don't have any problems using her since she already wormed her way into my 'cool' book like Odette did with her introduction ("Oh, you don't know who I am? Well then, here's some increasingly difficult trials as retribution for your lesser-minded ignorance."). The worst thing that can happen in a game for me is when a character with a design and aesthetic I like has a rotten personality.

For example, I was excited about this character from a PSP game I pre-ordered a couple years ago.

Mefmera changed my opinion of her completely when I finally, finally reached her point in the game's story. I don't like angry, angst-ridden characters. Oddly enough, a character I didn't pay attention to at all before I played turned out to be the one I liked the most because I could relate to her:

I'm jealous of Erthuricia Vitor de Ritzevin's maid robot. I want a cool robot, too.

Just found out that this game's Vita version got an English localisation when I typed in the title to find the character illustrations, which surprised me; I didn't think it was popular since it used original characters instead of ones from 'To Heart'. I bet it was censored like everything else that doesn't get an Asian release.

In any case, I now think that all of the golems have their AI copied from Exkale, Creeping Terror, and your brain scans.

Golem (Creeping Terror-type): "Humans, present. Enemy, detected. Defeat!"
(Mitra appears.)
Mitra: *Death Gaze*
Golem (Creeping Terror-type): "Breast, demon. Scary, scary."
(Golem throws a punch at Imelia, paying 10% of its attention to the demon and reserving its full strength in case the demon flies at it.)
Golem (Creeping Terror-type): *shivers* "Scurred..."
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Well I'm sure i will CC + Awaken Eterna asap as soon i got her as i had 39 black fairy sitting around.
Wonder what a good lvl to start using the fairy combine as i still want her to bring a littler higher lvl after she AW.

level 27 pre-CC with 319 to next level (2 armors to 50 without wasting exp)
level 1 post-CC with 48 left (10 armors to CC80) If you think it is a waste you can feed the 8k exp from normal units and start feeding at level 36 (322 left) for 9 armors.

For every armor that you want to save, you need to feed 8k exp from units, which is slow.

Post AW you will get to level 60 with 4 armors + some food.

Since we are at that - are there any estimates on expected food exp on Magic City maps?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

In any case, I now think that all of the golems have their AI copied from Exkale, Creeping Terror, and your brain scans.

Golem (Creeping Terror-type): "Humans, present. Enemy, detected. Defeat!"
(Mitra appears.)
Mitra: *Death Gaze*
Golem (Creeping Terror-type): "Breast, demon. Scary, scary."
(Golem throws a punch at Imelia, paying 10% of its attention to the demon and reserving its full strength in case the demon flies at it.)
Golem (Creeping Terror-type): *shivers* "Scurred..."

Wow! I never thought of that, You maybe right about that XD

Anyway, Since I need lots of tin can and plat fairies, I gonna focus on 50/7 first before going 70/9.

Meanwhile on Kancolle, doing hell lots of quests to get Prototype Catapult Zui ₍₍(ง˘ω˘)ว⁾⁾ Zui
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

In any case, I now think that all of the golems have their AI copied from Exkale, Creeping Terror, and your brain scans.

Golem (Creeping Terror-type): "Humans, present. Enemy, detected. Defeat!"
(Mitra appears.)
Mitra: *Death Gaze*
Golem (Creeping Terror-type): "Breast, demon. Scary, scary."
(Golem throws a punch at Imelia, paying 10% of its attention to the demon and reserving its full strength in case the demon flies at it.)
Golem (Creeping Terror-type): *shivers* "Scurred..."

I laughet so hard people in bus were staring at me.
as for maps: I was doing 80/9 for two days, then 50/7 and I will be switching back to 80/9 just now.
I was able to CC max Elisabeth and Memento ( I plan to AW both of them soon enough, them and Fran) and I still have 12 plat fairies in stock.
I am still not sure where I want to invest these fairies. I have some AW40 characters, they may be the best options.

as for my progress: I have 500+ souls (less than 600 but I dont remember exact amout) and ate 7 SC. Unfortunately I had some bad luck with 50/7, and knce I got 0 souls. On the other hand I was getting lot of 13 and 16 so I shouldn't be very behind....
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Apparently, Sybella's AW skill, when activated has a 'unblock frame' that allows you to swap target. I wonder if you can dodge a melee attack with that little trivia.

Timing is going to be hell though, since arguably you with the unblock frame, you might be able to reset the animation. *goes to find out after work*

50/7 wise, I never got more than 8 drops. So I had to swap back to 80/9. I am near 600 myself, but waiting for the second phase in case there's a all soul drop map as usual.
I really don't need more silver soldiers, plat armor, or magical crystal. (Though I wouldn't mind more valks)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Damn, Petie knows too much about our secret golems. the goddess and I will have to come up with a new, obnoxiously pointless and obvious plan to make an enemy that's seemingly impossible to fight, but is, in actuality fairly simple to deal with.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Out of curiosity does anyone here have an Aegis Icon?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Make an enemy that attacks only ranged units even when being blocked
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Finally got enough Bishop orbs today after spending 3 SC. I didn't get any last week so I had to farm for 5 of them today. Now I have enough to awaken and skill awaken Eterna. All that remains is to farm the Thursday AW orb daily and get that Magic Swordsman orb I couldn't get as well and awaken Louise before maintenance.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Timing is going to be hell though, since arguably you with the unblock frame, you might be able to reset the animation. *goes to find out after work*
Confirmed on animation reset.

These little details they added ...
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hello people.
I started playing this a few months ago. It seemed a good 'casual' game to spend some time on. But as levels and maps went by, I see it's hardly casual, but the opposite.
The starting post is good but has fallen somewhat incomplete, and the rest of the info is scattered between oh-so-many posts .D
I'm aiming at my first AW. After some thought, I figured out that it has to be a healer, since you (almost) always need a healer. And a great healer may compensate for other unit weaknesses. Also I have one joy fairy that I was going to use right after aw. What do you think? I don't have any black unit.
I was thinking on pippin, since it's multiple healing seems pretty good, and also the other main heals are gold and silver.(well i also got juno from past event)
But my problem lies in that I'm failing at the orb maps, and the cost is pretty steep. Also since always seems to be some event on, it's though to lose that carisma. Is there some list of which orbs drops each day? or some guide/vid to these maps?
Also I see new unit classes are unlocked by progressing the story? I just 1 starred story map with 3 ending liches cost 42(with the last hit of the last soldier killing 1 lich, other 2 alive), and right after that I got an alchemist on free daily (which I had never seen before).
I just read a nice class guide from Lafate, and I'm willing to try with a dark knight in the front (I didn't know it resisted magic, had put 2 princesses to face the liches)
Well thanks for sharing so much info, surely helps a lot to casual players like me..
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Daily Mission info here:


As for actually completing the missions, Thursday is pretty easy, don't need anything too special. For the other days I needed at least a few cost reduced silvers (most notably archers) to keep up with the early parts.

Betty and Maurette are popular early awakens. They produce a lot of gold, which you'll need for more awakenings. Bernice is nice as well, she gets a silly amount of defense and heavy orbs are on the easiest day.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

You don't want to use the Joy Fairy on a support-type unit. In my opinion, you'll want to save it for a high quality unit that you will always put in your team. In particular, giving it to an offense oriented unit will help you out more because you want to kill things faster. There are other people that can give their opinion on this matter since that fairy is an important one. For now, I'll suggest holding onto it since it is very rare to get one.

New unit classes aren't unlocked in the gacha as you progress through the story. The silver alchemist recently became available through the gacha when the Magic City story missions were added a couple weeks ago.

As for help with the orb missions, your best bet is to check the link above my post and level up units specifically to clear those missions. Watching videos will definitely help you understand the enemy spawn patterns, but you'll need to understand how strong the enemies are and how strong your team needs to be to fight them. It is kind of difficult to give a specific answer since every player has a different team because of the units they want to raise and the units they gained through the gacha and events. We also don't know how strong your team is (posting an image helps), which means we are limited on what we can suggest and help with.

One thing I will say is that I cleared the Thursday AW orb missions nearly 4 months after playing the game. It can be done sooner depending on the units you have and how you play the game, so just don't expect these type of missions to be done so easily.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I think i messed up my SC use planing for this event....
Since we know the 2nd week have a better drop i was planing something like ~40% on 1st week (600) and ~60% on 2nd week (800)....

But Right now when i checked how may soul i had it's already 733, which should be passed 50% (750) before it hit 2nd week >.<
I never use SC for chr recovery, but i did rank up once for chr recovery and been doing map 50/7 as of late...
The strange part is whenever i used calculator the total SC needed to spend to hit my target 1500 actualy decrease by 3 than original planned using map 80/9 as the base (-1 SC probably cuz rank up for chr recovery)

Unfortunatly i didn't checking my average drop on 50/7 map.... all i can say is sometime lucky sometime not -.-
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Upcoming Maintenance on Nov 5th Between 10:00~15:00:
-Emergency Mission "Death Dragon and the Vengeful Magic Priest" Second Phase Maps Added.
-Story Mission "Jungle" Maps Added.
Trading Post:
-Platinum Bandit Imelia Removed.
-Gold Princess Louise Upgraded to Platinum Rarity.
-Super Electric Machinist Skill AW Implemented.
-Premium Summoning Chance-up Units Changed.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Oh, I'm not yet done with Magic City and we have new story missions already? Nice.

@DS_Marine. I agree with exkale on not using Joy on a healer. It is true, that a strong healer helps a lot and is always needed. However, a lot of times if your main healer can't pull the weight alone, you have an option of just deploying another one. A solid dueler on the other hand needs to tank hits on its own. And if she gets 1-shoted (or 2-shoted by mob with higher aspd than healers, which is quite common) no amount of healing will help you.

I have used my Joy on Anya and I have not regretted it once. If you don't have a strong frontline unit like her I recommend just keeping Joy in inventory.

I'm actually not sure priest is a good target for first AW. I would recommend either a gold farmer (so that you have easier time AWing consequent units) or an archer (especially if you have Spica). The AW bonus damage to fliers is amazing and strong archer allows you to handle both rushes and DPS races on tough targets.

As for daily mission drops - being able to use Japanese wikis is of great help in this game. One has been linked by Brave, the other one is . I prefer gcwiki, but maybe seesaa is more google-translate friendly. Copy-paste the Japanese name of the orb mission you are interested in to Youtube. You should find some decent strategies. If you can't find one that suits you, you will have to take a look at Nicovideo ( ). It requires you to register, and often does not allow you to jump to given moment of video, but this is what the Japanese use and it has good strategies for all maps.

Magic defense is just one of the stats of any unit (the fourth one, 魔法耐性). Most princesses have 10, so using them to tank Liches isn't bad (depending on which Dark Knight do you have). Magic defense is a percentage value.

It is true, that OP is not updated and there is a lot of valuable information hidden between posts in this thread. There is a more updated OP by Petite Soeur on Himeuta board ( ). Other than that do not hesitate to ask questions in this thread, there are usually a few helpful people around.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

(わたり紅明; Watari Koumei), Monica and Olivia's illustrator, finished doing work on a new unit that's going to be black rarity. Though, like with all of these characters, it's going to be a while before this character is implemented into the game. The sprite artist, (無礼堂), is working on it. It's speculated that it's going to be a male unit (Dark Knight Commander?), since Komei already did the illustration for the black armour from the Majin events.

Well, I'm done farming with the first phase. I switched to the god-tier map after farming a tidy sum of platinum fairy drops. Also raised Roana to LV42~ in case I need to awaken her to tank the Dracolich; I have a feeling it's going to have a long range magical AoE attack, and a swift regular attack that can cause paralysis quickly and reduce a unit to 0 block so it can go back to causing trouble with its spell.

SC Spent: 7~ + LvL Up
Souls: 597
Plat Fairy: 17
Plat Armour: 1
Mischa: 1
Crave: 1


千年戦争アイギス 月下の花嫁IV
(Millennium War Aegis: Bride Under the Moon IV)
Release Date: December 26th
Versions: Custom-Bound (2900 JPY+Tax); Regular (680+Tax)
Custom-Bound Extra: Drama CD


These are acrylic hooks for sale. While it isn't exactly official, it's nice knowing it's Sybilla, Katie, Soma, Bashira, and Anna. I was writing their names correctly all of this time, yay...


These are pocket clear files for sale.

The iOS version of Millennium War Aegis is scheduled for this winter. If I recall, pre-registering to it will grant sacred crystals for the regular version; the iOS will use its own unique red sacred crystals. There's also something called 'Aegis Cafe' that's scheduled for this December.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

SC Spent: 7~ + LvL Up
Souls: 597
Plat Fairy: 17
Plat Armour: 1
Mischa: 1
Phyillis: 1

Only 7 SC spend for almost 600 soul o_O

I felt there totaly something wrong with me with my management then T_T.
I tried to back trace my SC spending, luckily the stampt card help me do the counting.

SC Spent: ~15 (Stm rec.)+ lvl up (chr recovery only)
Souls: 759
Plat Fairy: 23
Plat Armour: 7 (yess i know I'm lucky here :cool:)
Mischa: 5
Crave: 1
Add: I already include the bonus from multi soul reward, sorry was emptying my mail box