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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Ertna skill (+ AW Illustration preview) is really good, Should MAX HER >:3

Now ... Ricca, should I give some rainbow blessing :3 (Have 12)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game


Now you have definitely experienced many things about this game. I used to do this as well for the hard maps, but I would give up after 3 SC. Do not let it bother you a lot if you can't 3-star it by the time the event is over. The experience is enough to let you know how you should build your team in the future. This is why I raise so many units just so I can be ready for everything~
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

It maybe just me, but 40/5 give 100% 10 soul. Can anyone confirm this?

Because if it's true that means it guarantee drop 2 bones for every stamina wasted.

Far better than any map (Except 50/7 and 90/12 Or ... Maybe not?)

EDIT : Will aimed at least 1400 (Currently 400~)
EDIT2 : Note to self, next time use the SC on first half to help you with 2nd half
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game


Now you have definitely experienced many things about this game. I used to do this as well for the hard maps, but I would give up after 3 SC. Do not let it bother you a lot if you can't 3-star it by the time the event is over. The experience is enough to let you know how you should build your team in the future. This is why I raise so many units just so I can be ready for everything~

ahhaha well thats the fun....
I felt if i stopped there i would forgot the feeling what to do, hence i just fark it lets clear it...
From the tryout i know I'm able to 3-star so that not what i'm worried about, the thing is just try --> fix whats went wrong --> new strat try --> fix again and so on.... (never use the same failing strat cuz it will fail again)
So yeah guess what last time i was planning to let the pumpkin king go down 1st like i mention in chat, but i changed that strat by killing the pumpkin on the top, while draging the dragon to the bottom, cuz the dam king aoe hurt soo much can't handle the heal even with pippin..
Triangle formation for the dragon is a must >.<

never tried that, but if it use the same drop rate as pippin event time then that map drop rate is about 50%
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

never tried that, but if it use the same drop rate as pippin event time then that map drop rate is about 50%

I see ... too risky then. Gonna stick with 50/7

Currently have 19 SC, Level 170 (397 charisma & 16 stamina) 7445 to next level and 414 souls. Would it be enough to get 1400?

Anyone have calculator for that ?
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Toss william calculator with highest spec:

Uuu... thanks, not quite get it though

I just get blue bar 53% and orange bar 27%

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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Uuu... thanks, not quite get it though

I just get blue bar 53% and orange bar 27%


orange bar is your % of your target
Blue bar is the % until the end of event.. (aka time line saying we are 53% until the end of event)

The top 1 is your target since you want 1400 change that 1st

The rest of button well use google translate easier see than explanation :p
You also have to fill your average soul / run at the bottom area where the item drop at... on default s the expected value / 1 run

PS: Well you know high spec calculator always come with tons of button :p
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

@Draa, I like your video. I am 3500 EXP away from lvl up sup I am not done with all the maps. Actually I 2starred 70/8 so have to repeat it (no video and I ran out before my morning coffee). I have no clue what's in 90/12.
Thanks for the compliment. In terms of 90/12 use the below from nico. I didn't take one for 90/12 because 100/2 was more 'interesting' this time around.

悪霊を統べる者☆3 白以下 覚醒2人
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Use CHROME. It will autotranslate everything you want before you notice it.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

70/8 is 100% soul drops btw

This gives 2 souls per 1 stamina garunteed.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

70/8 is 100% soul drops btw

This gives 2 souls per 1 stamina garunteed.

Nice find !!!
Its better than last (well 2nd last) map since its not 100% drop...
thanks alot for this :)

Edit: Wrong -.- so i only got 13 soul in there

So i recheck the wiki and it say soul x5 (2x confirmed) + soul x3 (*1*x confirmed)
So it still 13 soul confirmed only -.- and the map have 16 soul supposely...
not too sure if the wiki (or whoever edit it) made the wrong info
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Its better than last (well 2nd last) map since its not 100% drop...
thanks alot for this
Nani~!? Last map isn't 100% drop?


Toss 2nd last map, trying to afk with AW Thief takes an annoying amount of micro.
70/8 100% drop it is, with a lot Valerie bros maybe I can add it to my list of silvers. (Then again, I am picky ...)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Nani~!? Last map isn't 100% drop?


I re-edit my post cuz i just got 13 soul on 2nd last map -.-
the wiki mention the confirmed drop only 13 as well so Gee Gee
back to last map and play with dracolich again
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I re-edit my post cuz i just got 13 soul on 2nd last map -.-
the wiki mention the confirmed drop only 13 as well so Gee Gee
back to last map and play with dracolich again


Back to AW my dracolich and wonder why it's so hard to afk the map.
I should AW my Thethis already orz
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

looking at your video that 100/2 map looks perfect to use my summoners in or ester or maybe an alchemist
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

After realizing that orc banners raise the damage of other orcs, I finally cleared the last jungle story mission. It was a lot easier to clear that mission once I knew the gimmick of that mission. All that is left is to farm souls for the rest of the week now that the story mission is out of the way.

Time to talk about Eterna. Double Incantation is going to make her amazing along with her attack rate and actually makes her a very compelling replacement for Marius. The one thing I'm curious about is her affection bonus. I know for sure that one of them is +96 attack, but I have no clue what the other stat is going to be. She will also have slightly higher base attack than Marius, which was expected. If I were to assume that her stats will be similar to Marius after awakening, then her attack at AW99 will be in the range of 725~750 including affection bonus.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game


Back to AW my dracolich and wonder why it's so hard to afk the map.
I should AW my Thethis already orz

My bad, yeah 13 drops 100% 16 drops max.
13 drops is still 1.625 souls/stam so if 16 don't drop, then 80/9 has a higher drop at 1.667 souls/stam.

How's the drop rate on the last map for people?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Black Dark Fighter Cornelia:
Pre-AW Ability: Certain Kill Blow (Same as Ricca, Dorothy, Ridy).
AW Skill Holy Knight's Protection (聖騎士の守護): (55s; defence and magic resistance 2.5x; all attacks to allies including self have a 20% chance of being nullified; AS: 31; WT: 5; CT: 70)

Thanks for that, now I just gotta get her skill AW.