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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

These sound too good to be true.

Rakshasa (神魔調伏の一刻): (15s; attack 3x; true damage; skill expires, retreat, or death: changes into [鬼神の刻]; AS: ; WT: ; CT: )
Lilia (神剣キャリバーン): (45s; attack and defence 2x; self: status ailment immunity; AS: ; WT: ; CT: )
Sherry (聖剣アロンダイト): (15s; block: 0; focus defence; skill changes afterwards; AS: ; WT: ; CT: )
Sherry (聖剣アロンダイト): (25s; attack 1.5x; range [250] attack; attacks up to 5 enemies within range; skill changes afterwards; AS: ; WT: ; CT: )
Claudia (竜殺しの投剣): (40s; attack 1.5x; range [140] attack; true damage; AS: ; WT: ; CT: )
Louise (名剣フランベルク): (30s; attack and defence 1.5x; block: 3; attacks all blocked foes; AS: ; WT: ; CT: )
Kaguya (銘三条の初太刀): (10s; attack and defence 3x; when skill expires, changes into [天剣ミカヅキ ムネチカ]; AS: ; WT: ; CT: )
Themis (剛剣ガラティン): (25s; attack 2.1x; AS: ; WT: ; CT: )
Karma (真魔剣ティルフィング): (15s; attack and defence 1.5x; energy drain HP recovery 5x; AS: ; WT: ; CT: )

If it's true, Lilia, Karma and Claudia is perfect one to level (with other 2 is event only)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I'm going to remain skeptical and cautious about those skills' legitimacy, but at the same time it's hyping me up. I can't wait to see their skills.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

[hook=event]Maintenance Update On November 26th:[/hook]
-2nd Anniversary Emergency Mission "Spirits of Light and Dark" Second Phase Begins.
-Revival Mission "Dragon Princess's Revival" (竜姫の復活) Begins.
-2nd Anniversary Gratitude Campaign Sacred Crystal Present.
+Nov 27th~Dec 3rd (7 Days) 1 Sacred Crystal Login Bonus.
-New Story Mission "Jungle" Second Half Added.
+If you Clear "Baptism of Makai" (魔界の洗礼), Prince Gains "Sacred Treasure's Successor" (神器の継承者) Title.
-Majin Special AW Implemented [魔神王] (Majinou; Majin King).
-High Princess and Vampire Queen Skill AW Implemented
-Certain Unit AW Spirits Changed
Apology (Registered before Nov 20th 16:00):
-5 Sacred Crystals
-Black Parliamentary Secretary Anna.
-Magic Crystal Refund for Players that Purchased Anna at 300 MC.

Emergency Mission "Spirits of Light and Dark":
-Completion-type event.

Goblin Armour (20/1) (ゴブリンアーマー):
B Heavy Russel (), Bouquet (), Magic Crystal (), Completion: Spirit of Brilliance Fes
???: "Just a little further, and I should arrive at the temple of the Goddess Aegis-sama... Once I make it there, I'm sure...!"
Monster: "Gyagya! No escape...!"
???: "Fools... The ones with no escape are you. Do you know where you are? Take a good look with those dull eyes of yours."
Monster: "Th, this forest of goddess temple! R, retreat..."
Anna: "Prince, over there is a person... No, a spirit? It looks like she's being attacked by monsters."
???: "Now then, let me see what this generation's hero is capable of."
(armoured goblin appears)
Bandit: "Oh, what's that monster? For a monster, it's wearin' pretty heavy armour."
Bandit: "Prince, crushing armour is our area of specialty. Leave them to us, 'kay?"
Anna: "Everything's fine now. Are you hurt?"
???: "Thank you. You saved me."
Anna: "Umm... did you have some kind of business at the temple?"
???: "I wanted the Goddess Aegis-sama to lend me her power."
Anna: "If you would like, would you tell us the details? We might be able to help."

Spirit of Brilliance Fes Introduction:
Fes: "The battle earlier was marvelous. I'm the Spirit of Brilliance Fes. I must express my gratitude again. Thank you for saving me."
Fes: "I believe the monsters you fought earlier were the doing of my friend, the Spirit of Darkness... She has given them new powers."
Fes: "As you know, the role of us spirits originally is to lend strength to humans."
Fes: "However, the Spirit of Darkness started wondering if we spirits were just being sacrificed by lending our strength to humans."
Fes: "Eventually, she despaired over the reality that no matter how much her companions do for the humans, their powers were being deprived for naught."
Fes: "So one day she began to hate all humans, and has come to consider them as enemies that must be destroyed."
Fes: "When my fellow spirits and I noticed how much emotional pressure she was under, it was already too late..."
Fes: "Responding to her despair, she gained the ability to draw out the hidden powers of the monsters."
Fes: "And she was strengthening the monsters using those powers, and was about to lead them to conquer the human world..."
Fes: "However, I, as her friend, exhausted the last of my strength, and sealed myself along with the Spirit of Darkness in order to put a stop to her foolish actions."
Fes: "... I don't understand the reason why, but one day that seal was released..."
Fes: "When I had awoken, the Spirit of Darkness, who should've been by my side, was already gone."
Fes: "I fear the Spirit of Darkness has gone back to repeat the same mistake."
Fes: "I must find her, otherwise the human world will be in danger. I beg of you, I need your help...!"

Counterattack of the Weak (30/2) (弱きモノの逆襲):
High-quality Sake (), Magic Crystal (x2), Wine (), Completion: Silver Alchemist Thelma
Timid Monster: "Gyagya...! Don't torment us..."
Orc: "Cheh. We have no interest in weaklings like you. I desire strength..."
Spirit of Darkness: "Fufu. You desire strength? In that case, how about I assist you? And give you my power..."
Orc: "Give me power? If I want something, I snatch it for myself! I don't intend to accept pity from the likes of you. I am strong without such things..."
Orc: "Ooh! That's right! Instead of us, give power to those weaklings over there."
Spirit of Darkness: "Hmm. How dull. Even if you regret your decision, I don't care."
Spirit of Darkness: "Power of the dark abyss that weaves for eternity, gather under me! Give an iron-arm strength to my servants so they may crush their enemies...!"
Timid Monster: "Gyagya—!"
Anna: "Prince! We found the Spirit of Darkness! The ones alongside her are... orcs!?"
Anna: "Prince, prepare for battle!"
Timid Monster: "Power, starting to fill...! We also, fight! Now we fear no orc!"
Orc: "St, strong... Don't tell me, we lost...?"
Anna: "Thank you very much! Monster-san! I thought we would help you, but it looks like we're the ones who were helped."
Timid Monster: "No problem!"
Anna: "It looks like you don't need our help anymore!"
Timid Monster: "Mm. Thank you, for lots of help until now! From now on, we take care of ourselves."
Anna: "That's good to hear. Please take care."
Timid Monster: "Mm. See ya. Bye-bye!"

Dark Magic Fencer (30/2) (黒き魔法剣士):
Ruby (), Bronze Fairy (x3), Crystal (), Completion: Gold Soldier Katie
Dark Elf: "I beg of you, Spirit of Darkness! Gives us dark elves the power to defeat the elves!"
Spirit of Darkness: "I have no interest in a war between elves. Fufu, well that's right. I won't give anyone power unless it's to defeat the humans."
Atra: "Over here. This was where I saw the Spirit of Darkness."
Anna: "Thank you for guiding us."
Atra: "...! Found her."
Fes: "Spirit of Darkness... I knew it, you were giving wicked monsters your power."
Spirit of Darkness: "Fes! ... Why are with those wretched things called humans!?"
Spirit of Darkness: "They're savages that deprive spirits of their strength. Humans... should all disappear..."
Spirit of Darkness: "... Dark elves, I changed my mind from what I said earlier. I shall grant you power. In return, bury those damned humans over there!"
Spirit of Darkness: "Power of the dark abyss that weaves for eternity, gather under me! Give a pitch black strength to my servants so they may reduce their enemies to ash...!"
Dark Elf: "Hm. Good. Humans, I'm sorry, but that's how things stand. Prepare to die!"
Anna: "It's dangerous to let her keep misusing her power! Let's quickly follow after the Spirit of Darkness!"

Dead Dashing Over the Sand (40/2) (砂上を駆ける死者):
S Ninja Kagerou (), Plat Fairy (), Diamond (), Completion: Rainbow Fairy
Gimmick: HP when deployed decreased (Large)
Spirit of Darkness: "Now then, which monster shall I grant power next...?"
Spirit of Darkness: "Fufu, I have a great idea. I shall boost the movement of the monsters over there."
Spirit of Darkness: "Power of the dark abyss that weaves for eternity, gather under me! Give a swift-footed strength to my servants so they may toy with their enemies...!"
Soldier: "Report! We discovered monsters up ahead!"
Anna: "Prince! Prepare for battle! Please be careful!"
Anna: "We somehow defeated them..."
Fes: "Spirit of Darkness... Giving such evil powers to monsters... As her friend, I should be stopping her, but..."
Anna: "Fes-san, please don't lose hope. Now, let's go find the Spirit of Darkness as soon as possible."

Sledge-wielding Giant (50/3) (大槌を振るう巨人):
S Valkyrie Mischa (), Black Fairy (), Plat Armour (), Completion: Awakening Fairy
Fes: "That's enough, stop what you're doing at once! Remember the purpose of us spirits!"
Spirit of Darkness: "Purpose? What purpose is there to letting our powers be deprived by foolish humans? You're the one that needs to wake up soon. How long will you keep these delusions about the humans?"
Spirit of Darkness: "Humans are selfish creatures that don't care about anyone but themselves. They think of us as merely disposable things."
Spirit of Darkness: "... Well, you won't understand no matter what I tell you now."
Spirit of Darkness: "I'll use the monsters, and create a world without humans. Once that's done, you'll also be able to understand what I mean."
Spirit of Darkness: "Now then, monsters. Accept my power, and rage to your hearts' content...!"
Spirit of Darkness: "Power of the dark abyss that weaves for eternity, gather under me! I am the unforgiven that wields an evil power. Give the curse of ruin and the blessing of darkness to my servants...!"
Anna: "No way..."
Fes: "That's a... cyclops!"
Spirit of Darkness: "... Umu. It's not easy for you to create weapons that suit those giant bodies, huh? I want to quickly bury those unsightly humans, but it looks like this will take a little time..."
(cyclops appear)
Spirit of Darkness: "Ooh. They're finally here. Fufu, these are quite well-made. If they were to connect, then they're going to cause quite a bit... Hmm, no, quite a lot of pain."
Spirit of Darkness: "While I was asleep... the humans also became quite strong."
Spirit of Darkness: "Well, whatever. I guess I'll go find much stronger monsters."
Fes: "Wait!"
Anna: "... It looks like she's gone."
Fes: "... I wasn't able to stop her..."
Anna: "Fes-san, let's follow after her together!"
Fes: "Yeah. Let's go."

Strange Monster Band (30/1) (奇怪な魔群):
B Soldier (), Bouquet (), Iron Fairy (), Completion: Happy
Spirit of Darkness: "U—mu... even if I give them arms or techniques, it's meaningless if they don't know how to use them."
Spirit of Darkness: "Maybe what they need is to cooperate so they fight as a team rather than individual powers. That's right, how about I grant them wisdom next?"
Monster: "Human, defeat! Defeat!"
Spirit of Darkness: "Hahaha! This band of monsters is perfect. Now then, you guys! Let me see you march in perfect order!"
Spirit of Darkness: "Power of the dark abyss that weaves for eternity, gather under me! Give wisdom to my servants so that they may create formations on par with the others...!"
Soldier: "Report! Monsters are heading this way in some kind of formation!"
Anna: "Prince, I wonder if there's some kind of meaning to their movements?"
(Forsaken Carrie Appears)
Carrie: "Prince! Please lend me your chest!"
Spirit of Darkness: "What was that just now... What's the meaning of those movements? Who in the world was that horseman that showed up toward the end!?"
Happy: "I'll tell you. Eheheh! Thanks everyone!"
Spirit of Darkness: "Y, you! Did you shamelessly come back in order to give strength to the humans again!?"
Happy: "Yep. Making everyone happy is my happiness."
Spirit of Darkness: "Don't spout stuff that doesn't make any sense! Humans are incapable of making spirits happy! I, I..."
Happy: "I'll regain my power as long as there is happiness. Any time."
Spirit of Darkness: "Shut up! I won't acknowledge it, I refuse!"

Demonic Ninja Claw (30/2) (魔忍のカギ爪):
S Soldier Phyllis (), Bronze Fairy (), Silver Fairy (), Completion: Skill AW Fairy
Onibashu: "... Achoo."
Soldier: "??" (Thought I heard someone's voice just now... Is it my imagination?)
Spirit of Darkness: "I came all the way out to the sea, but there aren't any strong monsters who can exterminate the humans here."
Anna: "... Prince, over there! It's the Spirit of Darkness! We finally caught up with her."
Spirit of Darkness: "You're cunning to follow me all the way out here. Persistent humans."
Onibashu: (... Now!) "Spirit of Darkness! Give your power to us!"
Spirit of Darkness: "Wh, what are you guys!? You're not humans, are you? I don't intend to give my power to humans..."
Onibashu: "We desire power to defeat the Prince over there! Also, there's already an uncanny power residing within these bodies."
Spirit of Darkness: "... Hoh, I see. Indeed, it looks like it. While you have human bodies, you deviated from humanity, such delightful creatures."
Spirit of Darkness: "Interesting, in that case, you may receive my power. However, first show me whether your intentions to exterminate those damned humans are true."
Onibashu: "You don't need to tell us!"
Spirit of Darkness: Fuhahah. Fighting among humans is such an amusing thing. Well done. I shall give my powers to you of the Onibashu."
Spirit of Darkness: "Power of the dark abyss that weaves for eternity, gather under me! Give a sharp blade to my servants so that they may tear apart their enemies...!"
Onibashu: "Hyoooo! Look! These sharp claws! Prince! Now I'll have your neck!"
Onibashu: "W, we lost again. Were the claws too... weak?"
Spirit of Darkness: "Who cares!? You buffoons. You of the Onibashu are humans after all. I could tell when I gave you my powers."
Anna: "Ahh! ... She left again. Let's follow after her quickly!"

Great Youkai Blade (40/2) (大妖怪の刃):
S Angel Niel (), S Bandit Funes (), Bouquet (), Completion: Rainbow Fairy
Nurarihyon: "I can hardly gather any allies... Curse them, making me lose my honour as the great youkai!"
Spirit of Darkness: "What, you desire allies?"
Nurarihyon: "Spirit of Darkness...! Hyohhyoh! You came at just the right time."
Nurarihyon: "Give me the power to gather allies! I'll form a youkai army and instill fear in the hearts of those wretched humans again!"
Spirit of Darkness: "Fear, huh...? Not bad. Fine. I'll make it so you can gather youkai under you."
Spirit of Darkness: "Power of the dark abyss that weaves for eternity, gather under me! Give the powers of a great leader to my servant to unify those around him...!"
Nurarihyon: "Oooohh. I feel myself changing...! The power of my aged self is returning to the power of my youth!"
Spirit of Darkness: "It looks like you have a great power hidden within you. It will take a little more time for it to reveal itself fully. Look forward to it."
(Nurarihyon appears)
Nurarihyon: "oOhh, youuu!! I'll be taking the soulsss of you hateful humansss!"
Nurarihyon: " Damn youu... hh. You fiendss! Don't think you will get away with what you've done to meee! Next time, I'll definitely kill you...!!"
Spirit of Darkness: "Great Youkai Commander... he was quite impressive, but didn't have enough time to completely regain his power."
Anna: "Ah, Prince! Again, the Spirit of Darkness is...! Before we lose sight of her, let's follow after her!"

Golden Demon (40/3) (ゴールデンデーモン):
S Heavy Lean (), S Rogue Ballad (), M Crystal II (), Completion: Fes
Gimmick: Ally Attack Up
Spirit of Darkness: "Where can I find some strong monsters...? Hm?"
Greater Demon: "What are you? Oya, the Spirit of Darkness?"
Spirit of Darkness: "Ohh. You're one of those greater demons that live in Makai, right? Perfect. If it's you, you can bury those damned humans...!"
Spirit of Darkness: "Power of the dark abyss that weaves for eternity, gather under me! I am the unforgiven that wields an evil power. Give a great blessing of darkness to my servant...!!"
Anna: "Prince, found the Spirit of Darkness... Eh!? That's the Greater Demon!!"
Greater Demon: "Who are you calling greater demon? ... I'm no longer a greater demon."
Anna: "His body is changing into a golden colour...!?"
Golden Demon: "I'm an existence that transcends greater demons!! I'm Golden Demon-sama!!"
Anna: "G... Golden Demon!?"
Golden Demon: "Yes... I'm filling with power! Spirit of Darkness, as you wish, I shall bury these damned humans."
Spirit of Darkness: "I have my doubts about leaving it to just you. Here, I'll give my power to the other monsters as well..."
Golden Demon: "Wait! If you make the other monsters stronger, then I may no longer be the strongest."
Spirit of Darkness: "Wh, what are you saying? Kuh... Let go! Don't touch me!"
Golden Demon: "I have decided. I'll keep you by my side. You'll continue to pour your power into me for eternity!!"
Fes: "You, the goldie over there! Please release the Spirit of Darkness!"
Golden Demon: "Didn't you hear what I just said. This Spirit of Darknes is now mine. I won't release her."
Golden Demon: "I'll leave these lesser demons to you pests. Now then, you come over here! Give me more power, make me more golden!"
Spirit of Darkness: "Damn it! Let go!"
Anna: "Prince, we must save her! But what should we do...?"
Happy: "Don't worry. If things look bleak with just your human powers. During such times, you should borrow the power of us spirits."
Gladys: "Fear not, we shall bestow upon you our blessings."
Ina: "I'll lend you my strength!"
Sarah: "... Please rescue... Spirit of Darkness-san."
Sheryl: "Defeat them without fail!"
Nina: "I believe in you, Prince!"
Seria: "... Please accept... my power as well."
Florica: "M, mine too!"
Anna: "Power... is flowing...! Spirit-sans! Thank you!"
Fes: "Prince. With the blessings of these spirits, your strength has been raised by 150%."
Fes: "When humans and spirits join forces, they can overcome any obstacle. Please prove it to her!"
(Golden Demon appears)
Golden Demon: "Oyaa? You pesky humans are still alive? I would have to squeeze out more and more power."
Golden Demon: "However, it looks like the Spirit of Darkness doesn't have any power left..."
Golden Demon: "I know, I shall deprive the power of those spirits over there."
Spirit of Darkness: "Stop! Normal spirits can't give power to monsters."
Golden Demon: "I'm not going to give up before I try. If normal means are useless, then... yeah, if I were to eat them, there may some effect."
Spirit of Darkness: "R, run away, everyone! He sucked up most of my power; there's no way any of you can beat him..."
Golden Demon: "Buhahaha. As if I'll let them get away from me."
Anna: "We won't run. We're also borrowing the spirits' powers."
Fes: "That's correct. By one bound by hate and desire... There's no reason we would lose to such a thing."
(moments later)
Golden Demon: "Haa haa... S, soon, I shall show you my strength. Kuh, speaking of which, my body is heavy."
Golden Demon: "Haa haa... Why...? I'm getting this tired already? What's the meaning of this?"
Soldier: "The Golden Demon began to move. However, its movement speed is extremely... extremely slow!"
Fes: "It looks like that demon sucked up too much power. It needs suitable energy in order to maintain such great strength."
Fes: "That demon is on the verge of exhausting its energy. Moving must be difficult for it."
Golden Demon: "I, I... i, it's no use... hard to breath..."
Golden Demon: "D, damn it... as soon as I get close to them, I shall show them my great power..."
Golden Demon: "I, impossibleeeeee...! I, I, by... mere humans...!! M... morti... fying..."
Spirit of Darkness: "... Did he draw his last breath?"
Anna: "Spirit of Darkness-san! Are you safe!?"
Fes: "... I'm glad you're safe. However, I won't tolerate any more mischief. I shall seal you along with me once more."
Spirit of Darkness: "Fes, that's not necessary. Everything was caused by me. I should be sealed alone."
Fes: "No. I can't just leave you alone. Even if takes a long time, I'll wait by you until you're released from the power of darkness. Because you're my precious friend."
Prince: "..."
Anna: "Spirit of Darkness-san... If you don't use your power for evil from now on... Will you promise not to lend your power to monsters?"
Spirit of Darkness: "What, don't tell me... you forgive me?"
Anna: "Yes. If you don't give your power to monsters, then it's no longer necessary to seal you."
Spirit of Darkness: "Foolish...! I hate humans! I won't make any promises with humans!"
Anna: "In that case, please promise to Fes-san."
Spirit of Darkness: "To Fes..."
Spirit of Darkness: "Fine, I'll promise."
Spirit of Darkness: "However, I don't intend to cooperate with humans asking for my help. I shall do as I please!"
Fes: "Wh, where are you going!?"
Spirit of Darkness: "Sorry. But I need some time alone. Don't worry, I won't do anything foolish."
Anna: "... She's gone."
Fes: "Prince, thank you for forgiving the Spirit of Darkness."
Anna: "Fes-san... She's your friend, why wouldn't we? We'll trust that the Spirit of Darkness will return to normal someday."
Anna: "When that time comes, we'll be happy if she also becomes our friend."
Fes: "... Yeah, thank you for everything. Spirits and humans will work together from now on. If there's anything troubling you, please call for me anytime."
Anna: "We will. Fes-san and all of the spirits, please take care."

Concentrated Dark Power (60/6) (結集する闇の力):
Spirit Queen (), Platinum Fairy (x2), Rainbow Fairy (), Completion: Rainbow Fairy
Soldier: "Report! Enemies discovered up ahead!!"
Anna: "Prince, don't underestimate them, prepare for battle!"
Anna: "I'm glad we defeated them without issue. Well then, Prince, let's head back."

Story Mission "Jungle":
-S Valkyrie Tigri (密林の槍騎兵チグリ; Tigri means tiger); Skill: Wild Abandon (見切り): 20s; 60% evasion from ranged attacks
-Title: "Sacred Treasure's Successor" (神器の継承者): Awakens Prince:
+Prince Stats: HP2500, AT530; DF690; MR20; Block3; Cost26
+Prince Skill: Arms of Aegis (アイギスの神器): (30s; attack and defence 3x; 50% damage nullification; self: paralysis after skill expires)
+Prince Ability: (): All Units' AT&DF +20% While Prince is Deployed
+Anna Reduces AW Prince Cost -3

Released Seal (68) (解き放たれし封印):
B Bandit (x3), B Archer (x2), B Gaga (), Completion: S Archer Loren

Baptism of Makai (70) (魔界の洗礼):
B Soldier (x2), B Archer (), B Gaga (x3), Completion: S Valkyrie Tigri

Revival Mission "Dragon Princess's Revival":
-Nov 26~Dec 3rd Maintenance (Every Day).
-First Time Guaranteed Drops, and Revival Crystal Drops Changed from Past Revivals.

Dragon Princess Anya CC Materials:
1 Drania
1 Silver Dragonewt Gadoras
1 Bronze Dragonewt
1 Time Fairy

Premium Summon:
-Premium Chance-up Unit Rates:
+Plat: 6x; Black: 7x.
-Black Majin Rakshasa
+Skill: Fierce God's Time (鬼神の刻): (1/5: 15s; attack 1.2x; true damage attack; AS: ; WT: ; CT: )
+AW Skill: Moment of the Gods' and Devils' Curse (神魔調伏の一刻): (15s; attack 3x; true damage; skill expires, retreat, or death: changes into [鬼神の刻]; AS: ; WT: 5; CT: 30)
+Pre-AW Ability: (魔人転生): Possible to Deploy Again After a Certain Amount of Time When Retreated or HP Drops to 0.
-Platinum Avenger Ristis (リスティス)
+Skill: (食い千切り): (1/5: 25-30s; Range Attack Against a Single Opponent)
+AW Ability: Health-Up
-Black Dark Fighter Cornelia
-Platinum Swordmaster Raven
-Platinum V Hunter Elizabeth
-Gold Priest Warrior Ellett
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Server up and 1st map is just L O L :p

3rd map: Care with nurah... don't get 1 shooted ranged >.<
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Bronze Soldier, Bouquet, and an Iron Fairy drops from the first mission and the completion reward is the Happy Fairy.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Chatroom as usual:

I want my ikemen Prince nao.

Like Nao~

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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Wow, the Prince's new title is good. It converts his regular skill to an ability that gives 20% to all units while he's deployed, so he has his own unique skill that increases his stats and turns him into a tank like Skill AW Serra...

Sherry's AW Skill:

Finished all of the WT/CT AW Skill Information along with the Prince's Skill Duration (Don't know his WT/CT yet, though his CT is around 95 seconds...).
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Ok so with the premium summons and the current units (aiming for Rakshasa) is she worth it if I get her? Is it worth rolling do you think.
I don't have any delusions I'll get her but this isn't a game I usually feel fucked if I roll in.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Oh fucking damn, AW Prince is expensive to deploy now. Those stats though.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Ok so with the premium summons and the current units (aiming for Rakshasa) is she worth it if I get her? Is it worth rolling do you think.
I don't have any delusions I'll get her but this isn't a game I usually feel fucked if I roll in.
It's never worth rolling premium summoning. It's a waste of SC, no one with any intelligence can argue against this until the staff fix it like they fixed the divine intervention buffs, but that's never going to happen as long as people keep rolling without restraint.

The ONLY reason to roll is because you want some 'new' characters to play with instead of ones that are available to everyone. Your chances of getting a Black chance-up unit is pretty low (you can easily spend tens of thousands of yen on crystals and still not get her).
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

If anyone was curious to see Black Iris and the new Prince skill in action, here you are.

(Keep in mind, my Iris is only slvl3).


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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Sherry's AW Skill:

She was already a permanent fixture of my team, but this just cemented her place in. Not only does she buff my Gold units, she also serves as a melee support. I'm happy about this upgrade. :D
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

It's never worth rolling premium summoning

I can speak to this, you would be better off using SC to farm events or upgrade mats for whatever you have currently the summons are a big fat lying Seductive whore, it will take you for all you are worth and leave you wallowing in silvers.

All Hail my legion of Black units daddy loves you

Also why did we get and a free copy of Anna? I had a max cost reduction copy from the original event what good is a second anna to me?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Kinnotama Drew This for the 2nd Anniversary (Esther):

New Valkyrie (She has a Neat Ranged Evasion Skill):
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Kinnotama Drew This for the 2nd Anniversary (Esther):

New Valkyrie (She has a Neat Ranged Evasion Skill):

Dat implied part with her not wearing panties...
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

If you purchase those buffs to do the story missions, then think of it as buying yourself a Black-rarity unit. The Prince's new title does make him really great, but it also makes the game more challenging. It changes how you use the Prince since you can't carelessly use him and you don't want to use him too early since he can be a vital unit in event missions in the future. Your team needs to be able to strong enough to fight without him until you want to deploy him.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Finally get the title, yeah, he is strong now. But his cost is quite troublesome 26 (23 with Anna) ... Well, overall it's quite depend on do you want it or not.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

If you purchase those buffs to do the story missions, then think of it as buying yourself a Black-rarity unit. The Prince's new title does make him really great, but it also makes the game more challenging. It changes how you use the Prince since you can't carelessly use him and you don't want to use him too early since he can be a vital unit in event missions in the future. Your team needs to be able to strong enough to fight without him until you want to deploy him.

This actualy already in my problem state....
Luckily liz will help me for starting problem on soldier (she CC70 atm)
I'm still not going to buy goddess blessing yet as i'm still confident my team should be able to clear 1 star at least.

At least the new prince can be used to fight now, other than staying in back lane watching all day on extreme --> god tier map...
But i agree going need to changing title depend on situation...

PS: my Current progression is magic city 3rd map....
My current problem is i dunt have 2nd tank that can take 3,600 dmg in 1 hit (axe maid golem 4000 atk - 10% hexer)
Yes i can 1 star it, but.... i wonder if i should
also on decision making i'm sure the new jungle map will provide better unit exp vs chr ratio so right now i'm in favour of clearing asap and find 1 good map for 3 star all unit drop to be spamed for auto clear