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Isle of the Mists (Survival CYOA)

Re: Isle of the Mists (Survival CYOA)

Winona sits up and brushes the seaweed off of her before looking around to find some food. In no time at all, she finds a mango tree and makes quick work in climbing the tree. She lays back in the cradling upper branches of the tree and relaxes as she takes a bite out of a mango, sighing in comfort of the refreshing tropical climate.

"Well, it looks like this crash wasn't a bad thing at all. It would have taken me years to save up for a tropical vacation like this~."

Almost as though she spoke too soon, she hears people screaming and crying out in the distance. From up in her tree, she could see the tree tops rustling in the distance. She starts to get up to climb down so she could make a run for it, but as she did so, a pink haired rabbit bounded up into the tree, leaving Winona staggering back in surprise.

The rabbit spoke quickly in a calming tone to the startled girl, "Shhhhh. Don't panic, but you're in danger. Now, if you just trust me, I promise, you'll get out of this okay."

Winona blushes as her gaze shifts down past the rabbit girl's B-cups to the "girl's" crotch on which she sported a flaccid, foreskin-covered shaft with a small set of balls positioned between her semi-erect shaft and her glistening sex. Winona flushes deeply upon seeing this, the rabbit girl grabs the girl's chin, bringing her gaze back to her own eyes, "Hey, focus! They're almost here. Do you trust me?"

The rustling of tree branches was getting closer, as was some of the screaming and shouting of Winona's former crewmates. Should she trust this stranger bestowed with male genitals?:

A. Yes.

B. No.
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Re: Isle of the Mists (Survival CYOA)

Re: Isle of the Mists (Survival CYOA)

Winona sighs, "I trust you..."

The rabbit girl grins before quickly rubbing her semi-erect shaft, slowly pulling back her foreskin. Winona's face flushes bright red as she tries squirming away, having second thoughts. The girl frowns and pins Winona's shoulders, "Where do you think you're going. You said you trusted me. Just lay back and relax~<3."

The bunny girl then grabs a mango and crams it into Winona's mouth, effectively gagging her.


"There, so much better when you're not so noisy. Now back to business~," she says as she pulls off Winona's panties and gently prods her erect tip in Winona's wet coochie, "Ah, so I see this isn't your first time~."
Winona glares at the girl, "MMMMRPHPT!!"

The bunny girl grins as she starts gently humping the girl. At that moment, a stampede of lamias, arachnes, imps and the like charge beneath the canopy of trees, running down a large group of the other human crew members. One of the nagas stops and looks up at the rabbit girl having her way with a human girl, muttering to herself before rejoining the mob of monster girls, "Lucky."

A few minutes after the stampede had past, the bunny girl smiles and pulls her shaft out of the panting, blushing Winona, and then pulls out the mango gagging her.

"I'm sorry about that. But the only reason I did that was so they wouldn't pay us any mind."

"And was there any other way you could do that without violating me?!"

"Not really."

Winona blankly stares before shaking her head. What should she do now?:

A. Ask the girl to finish.

B. Ask her what's going on.

C. Other.
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Re: Isle of the Mists (Survival CYOA)

Re: Isle of the Mists (Survival CYOA)

B we need information before anything it's survival after all
Re: Isle of the Mists (Survival CYOA)

Winona groans, "What was that all about anyway, where am I?"

"Oh, yes. You're on the island of Aethos, the misty isle of the archipelago of the monstrous maidens."

"Yeah right. No such place exists."

"But it does. Not on earth, but in another world tethered to your world by a triangular point."

"The Bermuda Triangle?"

"Yeah, something like that. Anyway, You're fortunate that you weren't pulled into this realm in the heart of this 'Bermuda Triangle'."

"Why is that."

"Because your ship would have fallen into the sands of the desert continent where you and the rest of your crew would have been easy pickings for the Naga slavers and taken to become slave gladiators in the massive desert slave coliseum for the queen's amusement."

Winona sweats nervously, "S-Slaves?! Wh-Why? What did we do?!"

"Well, the queen of the desert, as well as almost each other species living in this world views humans as being inferior."

"But why?"

"I dunno. I guess because there's nothing really special about you in their eyes."

Winona remains silent, as the rest of the gears begin to turn, putting the last few pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place. She has fallen into a dimension inhabited by monster girls. She's now living out one of the popular hentai games she's played in her spare time.

The bunny girl speaks up again, "Well, anyway, I'm sorry about having my way with you, but if that horde of girls saw us just sitting here, one of them would have just snatched you away."

Winona blushes, "Well, th-thanks... I guess..."

The girl holds out her hand, "My name is Cherry, by the way."

Winona shakes her hand awkwardly, "My name is Winona..."

Cherry shakes her hand before her gaze turns to the setting sun, "The sun is setting, there will be scavengers out and about soon. We should go back to my place where it will be safe for you."

Winona eyes the girl, wondering if she should trust her:

A. Accept her hospitality.

B. Take your chances on your own.
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Re: Isle of the Mists (Survival CYOA)

A let the bunny have a chance to rape and/or cuddle at you
Re: Isle of the Mists (Survival CYOA)

Winona blushes as she grabs her panties and tugs them back on, "I guess since you helped me out earlier, I guess I can trust you to keep me safe."

Cherry smiles and pats the girl on the head, "That's the spirit~. Now follow me."

The rabbit girl climbs down the tree, Winona following close behind. The tropical forest through which they traversed through grew dark quickly after sunset, Winona sticking close to her new friend as she heard slimy, squishy noises in the dark.

Cherry whispers, "Careful, the slug girls are actively scavenging for scraps and any of your kind who are still hiding."

"Sl-Slug girls?!"

"Shhhh! And yes, I'll explain when we get to my house."

Cherry picks up the pace, forcing Winona to hustle to catch up. After a few minutes, they arrive at a small house built from the wood of the nearby tropical trees. Cherry nods and enters, gesturing for Winona to do the same. Winona runs in without a second thought. The inside of the small house consisted of a small bed in the corner and a table near the front and a couple of chests containing the girl's belongings. The house was very small and cramped for two people; It looked as though it was designed for just one person.

"Welcome to my home. I apologize if it's cramped."

"No, it's fine."

"I suppose it is better than being captured to be raped over and over again by the others."

Winona blushes deeply and sits in uncomfortable silence with the pink-haired bunny girl. Winona wonders about what she should do now?:

A. Ask if there's a way for her to get home.

B. Ask what she should do to get settled into this new place.

C. Ask about this place.
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Re: Isle of the Mists (Survival CYOA)

If she's here for a while, might as well get used to it.
Re: Isle of the Mists (Survival CYOA)

Winona sits down and does her best to relax in the house. She then looks to Cherry, and asks her, "So, what should I do to get settled into this place?"

"Well, your best bet is to probably try and join one of the many factions here on this island.":

A. What factions are there?

B. What faction are you a part of?

C. Go it alone.
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Re: Isle of the Mists (Survival CYOA)

A, knowledge is power (and Winona's rather short on power right now)
Re: Isle of the Mists (Survival CYOA)

"Well, what different factions are there?"

"Well, on this island, there are quite a few. There's the 'Sisters of the Feathery Veil', the 'Rouges of the Misty Coast', the 'Alluring Maelstrom', the 'Gor-Kulz Clan', and the 'Kurol Resistance'."

"Wow, that's a lot of different factions. Can you tell me more about them?"

"Sure, which one do you want to know about?":

A. The Sisters of the Feathery Veil.

B. The Rouges of the Misty Coast.

C. The Alluring Maelstrom.

D. The Gor-Kulz Clan.

E. The Kurol Resistance.
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Re: Isle of the Mists (Survival CYOA)

"What about the Gor-Kulz Clan?"

"Well, they are a clan of savage beastly men and women. They live in the forests of the foothills surrounding the mountains in the center of this island."

"Are they friendly?"

"Well, they're rather rowdy, and proud of their power."

Winona blushes as she looks at her flimsy muscles, "I don't think I'd fit in well there."

"Well, you never know until you try. Anything else you'd like to know?":

A. Ask about:

-1. The Sisters of the Feathery Veil.

-2. The Rouges of the Misty Coast.

-3. The Alluring Maelstrom.

-4. The Kurol Resistance.

B. Try and join the Gor-Kulz Clan.
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Re: Isle of the Mists (Survival CYOA)

Ask about All of the above.