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Dungeon Crawl

Re: Dungeon Crawl

Is running an option?

When I give an option that allows you to suggest a different course of action, then yes, nearly anything is an option.

For those who weren't following along before or don't remember, the way I conduct the voting options is like so:

I'll give you some obvious options that spring from my own head, and then, if it's not an all or nothing choice, I'll give a final option that is essentially "put your own idea here."

The way these write-in ideas work is purely to give me the chance to consider something else. If I really like a write in idea, it has the chance to override the vote. It could help if you justify it a little or add a description of your own.

There will be some options where I will source ideas completely from the readers. I'll ask for your opinion on something in the world and then build it up around it. I have an idea for some things existing in the world, but they're not set in stone and the story could go in a different direction based on reader input.

So yes, if you wanted to run, then #5 - Run away! would be what you'd put in this instance.


On another note, Ariel and her companions do have character sheets, they're just not shared at the moment. They have classic DnD attributes (str, dex, con, int, wis, and cha) but the mechanics are very simplified and altered.

Ariel's best stat is Charisma, which powers her musical magics. She's also educated and quick (good in Intelligence and Dexterity). She's naive, so she's got a penalty to Wisdom.

The mechanics of the system is that every time a character performs a die roll worthy action, I'll roll 2d6 and modify the roll based on character stat and circumstance/abilities. If the net result is 10+, the character will execute the move perfectly with no side effects. If the result is 7-9, the character will succeed, but there'll be a side effect (in combat, it's most commonly the enemy dealing damage back). On a 6-, then the character not only fails, but will probably receive badstuff.

What is this badstuff? Entirely at my whim. It could be damage, or it could be something more situational.

One final thing, Ariel is at 6/18 HP right now.
Re: Dungeon Crawl

As much as I would like to get the fuck out of dodge, we can't just leave Hadrian to cover our fleeing asses. SO, I have to vote 2. Though, moving closer to the door wouldn't hurt...
Re: Dungeon Crawl

You decide to play a song of healing to aid the tormented and critically wounded dragon just beyond the spherical gateway to the infernal realm. You touch the flute to your lips and begin to play. Your song is sweet and soothing, at odds with the momentous duel about to take place between Hadrian and the demon soldier.

While your notes form, you see Elise clasping her holy symbol in prayer. Hadrian, ever the man of action, uses his griffon emblazoned shield to bash away one of the demon's serrated spurs, while he ducks underneath the other and brings his sword across the demon's torso from below, spilling black blood as the combatants spin by one another.

Meanwhile, the first verse of your healing song ends and enters into a chorus, whereupon you unleash the arcane art into reality. The dragon's eyes widen and with wild majesty its body contorts and writhes and its head snaps up once again, this time within reach of its tormentor, who at the last second is forced to grab the dragon's mouth by its upper and lower halves to prevent it from clamping down on the devil's neck.

The infernal has no time to concentrate on the source of this sudden revival, for the dragon's newfound reserves of strength force it to defend itself.


Buoyed by your song working, you continue to play on into a second verse, but this time, you feel the song beginning to get away from you. The winds of magic are fickle, and bards know this as well as any mage. You know that there could be repercussions to playing on, but worse still could be the possibilities of not finishing the verse to completion.

As you do this, Elise raises her holy symbol above her head and begins to shout aloud her prayers, as if the strain of bringing in the favor of her goddess has also forced her to push herself to her limits. As she does so, you can see Hadrian's body glow with a luminous pale purple glow.

The paladin and his foe clash again, this time, both of them bypassing the other's defenses, but as Hadrian's blade bites into the thick hide of the demon's shoulder, the serrated spur is shunted aside by some unseen force. The demon falls back in pain while the paladin advances as though he were a symbol of righteousness.

Then your magic rebounds, across the area, and while you know that you have succeeded in healing the dragon a bit more, the demon soldier also seems to regenerate some of its own wounds as a result of your song.

Fortunately, your healing seems to have had some amazing results with the dragon, whose sudden surge of strength allows it to shift its attack and clamp down on the greater devil's hand, ripping at it savagely. The great devil roars and begins to push the dragon away from it.


The soldier demon and Hadrian exchange yet more blows. Sensing its master's dilemma, and frustrated perhaps by the paladin's impressive beginning, it unleashes a barrage of strikes that batter and chip at Hadrian's shield before shoving aside and scouring the paladin with a blow along his hip and thighs. And yet, its momentum and wild aggression leave it vulnerable, and the holy warrior does not miss his chance.

Even as he is struck by the creature's assault, Hadrian turns his body and thrusts his blade deep into the hell spawn's side, sliding the blade between the ribcage and through the vitals. In a burst of balefire, the demon loses its physical grip on reality and perishes in a rapidly decaying heap.

Above it, the desperate greater demon gives a final great push and the body of the dragon tumbles with a titanic crash onto the balcony in front of you. The demon looks down upon the dragon with hate and fear in its eyes, and then upon you.

"I will remember this, mortal girl! You have not seen the last of me!"

You see the obvious reason for its anger. Not only has your healing song cost the demon its prize victim, but the dragon has taken a trophy of its own. In the maw of the great reptile is the torn, clawed hand of the greater demon. The drake spits it out and lets out a great cry of defiance, before its tail sweeps in an arc and thumps the green crystal, disrupting the magic of the gateway and causing it to wink out of existence.

The three of you stand unexpectedly triumphant.

"Who would have thought a gang of ghouls and a roper were more trouble than a demon?" You breath, trying to bring in an air of levity to the situation.

Elise points to the dragon. "We were not the target of its attentions."

The dragon thrashes on the ground and cries out, flopping violently to it side, so that its belly is visible to you. You notice that although your healing song had given it strength, the great, seeping wounds have not healed. Some of its innards can be seen through the infected and ruinous rents. You realize that your magic was temporary at best, and with a thundering understanding you are almost certain that this dragon is beyond your ability to save.

You approach the great beast cautiously, while Elise and Hadrian keep their distance. You take note of the details of the creature. A mixture of metallic, silvery scales, crimson and brick red streaks and milky whiteness around its mouth and eye sockets. Two massive horns and a dozen or so smaller bone protrusions decorate the beast's massive head like a natural crown. The sight of it dying fills you with tears.

The dragon, seeing you approach, growls at first and rises as though to lash out, but when it catches your eye, it stops, and for whatever reason, exhaustion perhaps, it lets its head collapse back down to the stonework, where it breaths, weakly.

"To think, that in my dying moments, I would have a tear shed for me by a human," the dragon says in a deep, gravelly masculine voice.

It speaks the local human dialect perfectly, though you notice an accent to it, and it sparks a memory for you. You think that you recall a particular draconic legend from the Red Hills of Orumar, a frontier realm known for being a homeland of orcs. You know that the greatest of the orc nations worshipped the crimson drakes who made those foothills their home, and thousands of years ago, waged a great war that brought the hordes of greenskins into the boundaries of the current human empire. The red drakes would have continued to wage their invasion were it not for the intervention of a great dragoness from the North. As the legend goes, this dragoness tamed the savage heart of the crimson patriarch, and through feats of strength and magic did convince his tribe to abandon the orcish hordes and return to the Red Hills. This drake looks as if it has features of both Northern and Orumarian descent.

"Do you pity me, girl? If you did, you would be the first of your kind to do so. Many have feared me. More hated me. Hated my kin and hunted us relentlesly. In millennia past, we warred upon you. Led hordes of savage armies to drive your civilization back away from our lairs and our clutches. Tell me girl, why did you not run? Why did you aid me?"

You wrack your mind for what to say next... (A)
What do you say?

1. Tell him that you are a friend to anything that fights against demons.

2. Tell him that you love dragons! That you've read all that humans know about dragons, and you just wanted the chance to talk to one.

3. Tell him that you were afraid, but you couldn't leave your friends behind, and you thought that healing him was the best way to defeat the demon.

4. Tell him that you could not stand to see him suffer like that. You felt compelled to heal him, to give him a fighting chance.

5. Tell him to be a little more grateful, considering you just saved his ass from the jaws of hell.

6. (Suggest your own response.)

As you respond, you consider what you might want to figure out from this dragon during your conversation with it, however brief it might be. (B)

What do you really want to know?

1. What happened here? How did you come to be trapped in a demonic gateway?

2. Is there anything that I can do for you?

3. So if you're a dragon, surely you must know where a great hoard of treasure is? (I mean... it's not like you can take it with you, amirite?)

4. What is it that you were trying to accomplish by coming here?

5. (Suggest your own desired knowledge.)
Re: Dungeon Crawl

A: 4, 2, 1 in that order

B: 4, 1, 2 in that order

I assume we can give multiple answers since they are not mutually exclusive.
Re: Dungeon Crawl

A - 4, 2, 3
B - 2, 1

That's if multiple questions/responses are allowed. If not, then just go with the first in each choice.

And as a bonus, if this goes well promise to write a song about him if he's willing to tell us more. What dragon-loving bard wouldn't jump at the chance to sing the epic tale of a lord of fire vanquishing a lord of darkness?
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Re: Dungeon Crawl

4 2 | 2 1

Also, writing a song about a dragon would be pretty epic.
Re: Dungeon Crawl

B:2 and 4 I would give 2 higher priority but they seem related.
Re: Dungeon Crawl

"I just couldn't stand to see you suffer like that," you tell the dragon. "I knew I had to heal you, to give you a fighting chance."

"So, I am to suffer the indignity of a human pitying me? You are a naive one, to use your song to heal me. Had the demon not already sealed my fate with its foul magics, I could very well have rewarded your efforts by eating you whole. I am sired by the greatest and most feared of the ancient dragons. One who has consumed entire kingdoms of your kind. You show the ignorance that only humans, with your insignificant lifespans, are capable of."

Charisma check... full success!

"And you show the pride of your sire, Xaranthezar the Immolator," you respond calmly, which gives the dying wyrm pause. You can tell that your educated guess was right by the way the pupils of his reptilian eyes contract.

"But any hatchling of his mate Zzredaalamin, the Wing of Temperance, would respect the edict that was his birthright, to feed not upon a human outside the hunting grounds of Orumar and Ozakesh."

The dragon draws in ragged, labored breaths, but its silence speaks volumes. You believe that you just might have impressed it. Eventually it speaks again, but this time some of the haughty edge has left its voice.

"Your pronunciation requires work, and you leave off the syllables that your voice cannot recreate, but... how could a creature so young come to know those names?"

"I am Ariel, Bard of the Great School in Solemn," you say by way of introduction. "I have dedicated what little time I've had to learning all the tales my people have of your great race. I have always dreamed of speaking to one, to learn from one. I had not in my wildest hopes, thought to meet an Orumarian Frostfire. There is so much that you could tell me."

"Your timing is poor then, Ariel, for the Black Gates await me and I cannot fill your mind with my deeds and tales. I am to to die in this forgotten hole, not even a century past the age of two thousand years. When you speak of my death, no doubt you would be right to call me Xaratchul the Young."

"I guess youth is relative," you mumble. "But, is there anything I can do for you?"

The dragon rasps wordlessly, and it takes you a moment to realize that he is laughing.

"So eager to please? To grant a dragon's last wish perhaps? You seem unhealthily attached to your pursuit of draconic knowledge, young Ariel. Such drive can lead to dragon's dens, and then you might realize to your astonishment, that you are merely another meal to most of my kind."

"I have heard that the pride of dragonkind is such that it would put the elves to shame, and you're doing nothing to put that rumor to bed," you say with a crooked smile. The dragon seems to appreciate your unwillingness to be cowed by his admonishments.

"That is because we have far more to be proud of than those overgrown pixies," Xaratchul agrees. "Hnnh, but I grow tired. So very tired. You want to know if there is something you can do for me? There is. And it will lead you where you want to go, if talking to dragons is what you desire. Your deed today will allow my soul to pass on into peace, rather than to have been torn asunder by a demon lord. For that, I shall inscribe for you a rune with the last of my strength. Showing it to my kin will mark you as my messenger, and prevent you from becoming an immediate meal. You will use this to deliver a message to my father."

"Your... father? Xaranthezar the Immolator? The Red Terror of Orumar whose hatching dates back to the Shattering?" You gulp.

"The very same. He must know that a powerful human sorcerer is opening chaos gates to seek alliance with abyssals. If this sorcerer's cult finds and opens enough of these gates, the world could be faced with a second Shattering. The archfiend Nragus, whose hand I have taken, let this slip as he gloated over me."

"What?!" Hadrian steps forward for the first time, causing the dragon to rasp and bare its teeth at him. "If that is the case, then this is a matter for the Inquisition. If we tell some dragon king this story, then we can only expect some sort of attack. Humans must be responsible for human problems."

"Not if it affects us all, knight." Xaratchul spits out that last word as though it were a swear.

"Easy, Hadrian," Elise says, putting a hand on the paladin's shoulder and pulling him back. "Let Ariel handle this."

"Xaratchul," you say hastily, bringing the dragon's ire away from Hadrian for the moment. "I..."

1. Agree to bring this story to Xaranthezar, no strings attached.

2. Agree to bring this story to Xaranthezar, but ask to know more about Xaratchul's quest first, so that you can complete your story.

3. Agree to bring this story to Xaranthezar, but ask for some sort of reward.

4. Refuse to be his messenger, stating that you have no desire to be dragonfood.

5. Refuse to be his messenger, stating that you agree with Hadrian's assessment that human problems should be solved by humans, not dragons.

6. (Lie) Agree to deliver the message, without intending to.

7. (Suggest your own response.)
Re: Dungeon Crawl


Cuz' someone had to do it.