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Dungeon Crawl

Re: Dungeon Crawl

However tempting a truly masterful decision such as 5 is to actually vote for... I believe Hadrian deserves a bit more time in the spotlight.

Vote: 2
Re: Dungeon Crawl

As fun as 1 might be, it's too risky, so I vote 2
Re: Dungeon Crawl

Definitely 2, and if possible without damaging the dress, try to make it at least a little more combat friendly.
Re: Dungeon Crawl

However tempting a truly masterful decision such as 5 is to actually vote for... I believe Hadrian deserves a bit more time in the spotlight.

Vote: 2

Stop reading my mind! I was thinking the same thing!
Re: Dungeon Crawl

You decide that you should get back up, and know of no better sword to have by your side than Hadrian. You spend a little while finding the separate guest wing where he has been situated, needing directions from a servant to locate his specific room.

You rap on the door and after a short pause you hear Hadrian's voice.

"Who is it?"

"It's me, Ariel."

A short pause and some rustling of sheets.

"What do you want?"

"To talk to you. I need your help."

You hear footsteps, the rattle of the inside latch, and the door opens inward. Hadrian stands before you in only his leggings, revealing a slightly pale, but amazingly fit body. You forget sometimes that the paladin moves quite quickly despite wearing that scale armor throughout the day. Seeing his chiseled upper features sends a couple butterflies through your stomach. He stares at you expectantly, but you remain silent for several moments as your eyes drink him in.

"Yes?" he asks, some amusement hanging in his voice. His eyes seem sleepy and his hair looks a bit bedraggled. You're left thinking that this must be what he'd look like if you woke up next to him.

His expectant look continues and finally you snap out of it.

"I'm concerned about D'Graz."

"What about him?"

"He has a beard!"


"Well, and necromancy too. Did you hear him mention what that book was used for?"

"To my understanding, it's a book about countering the effects of necromancy, not the practice of it."

"Do we know that for sure? We only have his word on all of this. The count seems to put a lot of faith in this guy... I mean, just what is this curse and how was the book supposed to help?"

"You could have asked D'Graz about that earlier..."

"No I couldn't! He came in, said all that nasty Ozakeshan species-ism against dragons, and then skipped away with our book giggling to himself and smoking his evil pipe!"

"I don't recall a pipe, or skipping."

"He said I was silly for trusting dragons! He's evil! And I'm going to prove it!"

Hadrian folds his arms against those magnificent chest muscles which just shows off his biceps. It makes your heart (or other regions) go gooey for a second.

"Assuming your fears are legitimate, what exactly do you intend to do?"

"I'm going to find him and play my new dragon song. I'll make him tell me his whole plan!"

"Your new song can do that?"

"Yes! Well. I don't know! But it's possible! I mean, it could end up making him go berserk instead."


"Yeah. So I was thinking, maybe you could come with me. Y'know, so if that happens, he doesn't hit me or anything."

"Sounds like you'd only have yourself to blame if he did."

"Or, if he does blurt out his evil plan, I'll need a witness and a paladin to smite his ass."


"For great justice!" You pump your fist.

"Uh huh. Y'know, he could be just what he claims to be and interfering with him would be an affront to the count and a stain upon our honor."

"But it won't be. I'm telling you. He's got. A. Beard."

Hadrian sighs.

"So put on your armor, go on. Quick get ready!"

"I am not putting on my armor. I will take my sword and I will accompany you, and try to make excuses for you when you make a fool of yourself."

Now it's your turn to fold your arms and have him stare at you.

"Whatever. Just get your butt moving. He could already be summoning an army of darkness!"

Hadrian disappears back into his room and returns with his sword belt and a loose, lace up shirt which covers more of his body than you would like. Together, the two of you return to the common area and ask the night watchman where you can find D'Graz.

You're told that he will be in one of two likely places. Either in the countess' tower, working on a cure for her, or in his study, which is in the basement, next to the cells. But both areas are off limits this late at night. You say okay and say that you'll just see him tomorrow, and then step aside to go over which place you want to explore first with Hadrian.

"Didn't you hear him? Those places are off limits. Can't we just leave this until tomorrow?" he asks.

"No way! If he's an evil necromancer, then every hour he has with that book is a danger. We need to just decide where we're going to search first."

"This is now technically breaking the law..." Hadrian says with a grave expression.

Crap. Paladin of Jorn... Imperator of Law. Okay.... okay... you can spin this...

Charisma check - partial success.

"Look, Hadrian, if you help me out here, I'll..."

What will you offer as leverage for the paladin to journey with you? (A)

1. Write a song all about him.

2. Clean his armor for a week... no a month!

3. Owe him a really big favor of his choosing.

4. Flirt with him, see if you can get him interested in your feminine assets (you really see no downside to this :3 )

5. Your own suggestion goes here.

You should also figure out where you're going to try to sneak into first. (B)

1. The tower

2. The basement (dungeon)
Re: Dungeon Crawl

Hmm... a celibate law upholding paladin...
Bah, tits and ego stroking probably won't work.

A3 it is

B2 - a dungeon seems the most apt place for ego to lurk
Re: Dungeon Crawl

A - 5
Tell him he can use you however he sees fit for an entire day. Clarify that this is voluntary servitude, not slavery, you're just willing to follow whatever instructions he gives no matter what the circumstances. And if that just so happens to plant a seed of more carnal curiosity then oh well...

B - 2
Obvious reasons
Re: Dungeon Crawl

A3 and B2.

Also be sure to mention that necromancy is also against the law, and if it is possible that the man is a necromancer, and even possible that HE put the curse on the countess just to get his hands on that book, then it is his duty to investigate.
Re: Dungeon Crawl

A3 and B2.

Also be sure to mention that necromancy is also against the law, and if it is possible that the man is a necromancer, and even possible that HE put the curse on the countess just to get his hands on that book, then it is his duty to investigate.
Re: Dungeon Crawl

A3 and B2.

Also be sure to mention that necromancy is also against the law, and if it is possible that the man is a necromancer, and even possible that HE put the curse on the countess just to get his hands on that book, then it is his duty to investigate.

Good point. Seconded (or thirded?)
Re: Dungeon Crawl

A3 and B2.

Also be sure to mention that necromancy is also against the law, and if it is possible that the man is a necromancer, and even possible that HE put the curse on the countess just to get his hands on that book, then it is his duty to investigate.

Re: Dungeon Crawl

fifthed Also mention that he gave clues to his connection to the dark priests by trying to cover up their existence by passing the blame onto the dragon, then trying to justify using the crystal.
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Re: Dungeon Crawl

"...I'll owe you a huge favor. And on top of that, I'll let you have a day where I do whatever you say. Within reason, you know? I just really need your help here because I think something's just wrong about D'Graz. He heard what I had to say, but put all the blame on the dragon, outright denying the existence of a priest cabal, and argued for the crystal to be used. We know for a fact that it can be used to open up a gateway to the abyss!"

Hadrian thinks a bit on what you say and in the end gives in.

"All right. I do agree, I didn't much care for the way he felt the need to counter your story, even if I do think you should be more cautious when dealing with dragons. His desire to use the crystal is most concerning, and I don't want some power-mad sorcerer messing with that artifact, no matter how good his intentions may be."

Hadrian steps out into the hallway with you and shuts the door behind him.

"But you will owe me that favor," he adds. "And that day."

You give him a glum look, but console yourself with the thoughts of the paladin using that opportunity to get all flirty with you. Knowing your luck with him though, he'll probably just ask you to wash his trousers.


The two of you set off to find a doorway that will lead to the basement dungeon. You both do a good job of avoiding the patrols of house guards, and using Hadrian's keen intuition, you discover a stairwell leading down into a darkly lit cellar. The guard responsible for maintaining the cells is asleep at his post, an empty flagon beside him.

Hadrian just shakes his head at the soldier before moving forward, down the hallway, past the cells, most of which are unoccupied. Of the few prisoners on this level, all are asleep.

You step to the end of the hallway and turn at the natural bend. It looks as though it's a dead end and that you must have missed something, but Hadrian stops you and points to the wall near the last cell.

"There's a breeze in the cobwebs," he whispers.

At first you're not sure what to make of this, but when he steps close and traces an outline in the stone bricks with his finger, you see that there is indeed a hidden door there. Hadrian moves to a nearby sconce with no lit candle on it and pulls down on it.

The paladin's instincts serve him well and the passage way falls back on a hidden hinge, to reveal an earthen tunnel supported by wooden beams. Wordlessly he draws his sword and moves in front of you, though you're right on his heels in the low light, putting a hand on his back to keep up with him.

The tunnel snakes its way forward for a good distance, perhaps a 100 meters or so, before the walls return to stonework and the corridor is lit by torches in the sconces once again.

The new confines do not appeal to you. Right away you are blasted with an ugly, rotten smell that is vaguely familiar. There are more cells in here, and most of them are occupied, though you're not certain that all the bodies are alive. In a large room to the left, you see the implements of inquistion - torture devices of the sort that only twisted and cruel minds could comprehend. Blood and other foulness seems to be caked into the racks and iron maidens and the stonework beneath shackles where victims have previously hung.

Some of the prisoner bodies twitch in huddled balls of filthy rags. You wonder what possible crime these men (at least you think they're men) could have committed to deserve this sort of treatment.

"Do you think the count knows of this?" You ask Hadrian.

"Most nobles pay men like D'Graza to tend to matters of justice and confession, and to leave the more gory details out of their reports," Hadrian says, with surprising familiarity, though you can hear the distaste in his voice. "Sadly, there are those within my order who believe strongly in the use of these methods to obtain the truth, though I am doubtful of exactly what truth they are getting."

The two of you pass through the first torture chamber and enter a smaller, secondary room, where you see a filthy, but living figure tied by their wrists and ankles to a figure 'X' cross. The person is gagged with a bit that looks like it's meant for horses and blindfolded with a thick black cloth about their eyes. Their body is covered only in the barest of rags to protect their modesty, while their body is marked by many cuts and bruises.

"A prisoner," you say. "This one looks still alive... mostly. Maybe we should ask them about what has been going on here?"

Hadrian interrupts your question to put a finger over his mouth, indicating his desire for silence. You indulge him and listen. Besides the main torture chamber that you just came from, there are two other exits from this secondary chamber. One follows straight across from the door you entered through, where you can hear a low muttering, like a man deep in thought, or prayer. Through the other door, you hear a shuffling of feet and the occasional grunt.

"There are people very close by. Maybe D'Graz and his guards," Hadrian whispers, placing his mouth very close to your ear. "If we rouse the prisoner, they might hear us."

Question time!
1. Try to rouse the prisoner so that you can get some information before moving forward.

2. Move cautiously and try to enter the first room (the one with the muttering) without the occupant noticing you.

3. Rush into the first room to disrupt whatever it is the occupant is muttering about.

4. Move cautiously into the second room (the one with the multiple footsteps and grunting) without anyone taking notice.

5. Rush into the second room to try to take whoever is in there by surprise!

6. Stay in this room and begin playing your flute, so that anyone free to do so will come to you. Then hit them all with your dragon song!

7. Create your own suggestion.

*Bonus question!*

Please describe the sex (m/f), race (human/elf/dwarf/other), and general look (mighty/athletic/soft/creepy) of the prisoner in the room with you.
Re: Dungeon Crawl

4 ... because "reasons".

As for the prisoner, Hm... how about an older male human who's also a bit on the creepy side. Perhaps his stay in D'Graz's dungeon has done a number on his mind and he's not quite in the right state...

Also, I forgot to mention it earlier, but...
as an individual who has a long, dark beard, I find this stereotyping most unbecoming!
Re: Dungeon Crawl

2. Muttering is what half crazy evil wizards do... and IT technicians

Prisoner: female dwarf, hairy
Re: Dungeon Crawl

2, but try to hear what the person is muttering before trying to enter the room

Prisoner: A pretty blonde elven woman.
Re: Dungeon Crawl

2, but try to hear what the person is muttering before trying to enter the room

Prisoner: A pretty blonde elven woman.

My mind! STOP reading it! I was going to say this, too!
Re: Dungeon Crawl

1 try put your hand over their mouth to make sure they whisper

Female red hair. Half succubus if their not automatically evil in this world. Possibly Futa. I'm assuming this is a potential party member.
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