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Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Krill nodded at both women with understanding. "It's indeed been a long day. Let's all have a nice bath and get some rest. Our clothes are all collectively in the same place. Let's go." he gestured, while David waved at everyone, bidding them farewell with a smile.

Krill took them to a part of the cave near the entrance, and into another room that was filled with various chests and the like, many with labels. "Yours don't have labels yet, but they're in the back." he described, leading the way to help them find their gear, which was all fully repaired, though both Erin and Denna's armor would come with a little extra. Both sets were showing a little more skin, and their shape changed to show of their womanly curves. And on the backs of their clothes was a little design on the lower back of a heart and message. "With Love, David~" it read. Otherwise, their clothes functioned all the same, and didn't even look like they suffered a battle of any sort, a sign that a very experienced hand repaired them.

"Don't look too much into it," said Krill's wife, who joined them part way. Her belly even larger than before with the boar's child. "David does that to everyone to let them know he cares." she said. Though Denna may wish to not put her armor back on, since she'd only be taking back off soon enough when they got home and found a bath waiting for them. Krill's home looked quite cozy, and looked quite clean, seemingly thanks to the single goblin walking about who apparently started the bath up for them. "T-the bath is ready, mastah..." the goblin announced, making quick but respectful bows to the two guests. "Very good, Spiffy." Krill nodded at the goblin. "This is Spiffy, a goblin I picked up along the road. If he ever pleases you, make sure you reward him." Krill's wife said, before getting on her hands and knees and smiling at the goblin, who already had a tent growing in his pants. "Good boy, Spiffy! The house is nice and clean! The bath is ready too!" she cooed, before bobbing her head down, taking the goblin's disproportionally sized cock into her mouth, sucking him off while the goblin himself had a stupid grin on his face, quick to fire off his load as Krill's wife swallowed it all down before patting his head and standing up to join her husband.

Krill and his wife went out into their fenced back yard, to behold a large tub that could easily fit half a dozen people comfortably. "The water is nice, and I believe the guests and especially a priestess should have the first honor." Krill insisted, smiling at Erin.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Denna wasn't exactly a fan of her clothes being made more... Feminine. Not that she had too many curves to show off. Still, she had to respect the careful hand and experience that went behind such seamless modifications and perfect repairs into her armor. David really was good at this.

The arrival at the home had an even bigger shock. A goblin of all things, evidently named Spiffy. She had to put down her automatic reaction. She had fought plenty of goblins in the past. They weren't to be underestimated, while uneducated they were strong, cunning and fecund little buggers. Like weeds that bite. Still, he seemed fairly calm, for a goblin, but then given all the service he was getting, that probably went a long way towards his demeanour.

"A pleasure to meet you Spiffy. I'm Denna, and this is Erin.," said Denna, trying to not let her voice be too cold. Goblin or not, he wasn't doing anything wrong and he didn't deserve to be made felt unwanted, whatever her feelings on the matter. This would take some practice she figured.

The bath was in the back it seems, though it seemed less a bath and more a Dragon's goblet than anything. A single goblin had prepared this behemoth? She actually felt a little bad for the small fellow, if he had to do all that alone, filling this thing must have taken forever, never mind heating it.

"Oh wow. I've never seen a bath this big before. And just for you two? Well I guess you have a lot of guests so it makes sense but, uhm, still seems like a bit of overkill. Who even made this thing?," blinks Denna, approaching the bath and looking it over curiously. The thing was definitely an excess beyond anything she'd ever really experienced. Something nobles would have perhaps. Even as a bodyguard she wasn't really given all that great of quarters, and that suited her fine really. She hadn't wanted to get used to fleeting luxury and the discomfort gave her reason to stay sharp.

"Can only imagine what it takes to heat it...," she mused, before glancing at the two. "Are you sure? I don't mind waiting, you shouldn't have to wait on your own bath on our accounts. It is yours after all. I mean if Erin wants to I guess but still..." She felt a bit uncomfortable taking advantage of such things. Truth be told she didn't feel comfortable using anything she hadn't earned, and she definitely hadn't earned this. She wouldn't fight it if they insisted though.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin looked at her new robes with a raised eyebrow for a few moments, in the end taking them with a smile and throwing them on.

"I like'em." She said, hands moving over the material as it hugged her curves. "I can't even imagine how much effort it must've taken to fix them; might've been easier to just make new ones."

Feeling clothes on again felt just slightly weird, but it also did wonders to improve her mood. She didn't feel any longer in constant risk of being raped again, or indeed surrounded by hostiles. At least now that the situation was calm.

Krill's goblin servant was the next thing to catch her attention, surprised to see one of the creatures - she'd heard of them, but she'd never seen one. And the tales had failed to mention that they were rather well endowed, to put it mildly. He didn't seem too bright, or at least too complicated, but that wasn't a bad thing per se. And it would seem like he'd found his one place in life - working in exchange for sex couldn't possibly get any better than in this crazy village.

"Hey, Spiffy." She added her greetings to Denna's, disrobing and folding her clothes quickly before putting them aside. Krill had offered the first dip, and she wouldn't say no - she was a priestess, after all, and she couldn't just pick and choose what things she was a priestess for and which ones she wasn't.

"I'll dip in first, Krill, but this bath looks far too big just for me. There's more than enough room for all of us in here, would be a waste of your goblin's hard work to let the water cool with nobody enjoying it. Hop on in." She said with a smile, slipping one leg over the bath's edge, then the other, before sinking in with a soft and completely heartfelt moan.

"Oh my... I really needed this..." She said, warm water over her skin as she just let herself relax for the first time in goodness knew how long.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Spiffy nodded excitedly at the two women. "Y-yes! It is a pleasure to serve!" the goblin announced, bowing further, showing utmost respect, though both women could feel his eyes on them as they undressed. If either of them looked at him though, he'd shy away and actually throw his hands up, as if afraid that he'd be struck for leering at their nude bodies.

"By all means! Let us all bathe together!" Krill nodded at Erin, before he and his wife came up and began pushing Denna forward to encourage her in after Erin to get into the bath. Once both girls were in the bath, Krill and his wife were crawling in after, both sighing happily once they were in the water. "Spiffy has been in the family for a good while now." Krill's wife noted. "Poor thing was alone and starving when we found him. I took him in and convinced Krill that he could become apart of the family. We've even made a few baby goblins with him, who've grown up to help other families with chores around their houses. Spiffy's been a nice help to all of us." she nodded.

Right about then, Spiffy arrived holding a silver plate over his head with some beef jerky and fruits, approaching Denna and Erin with it's contents. "S-s-some food f-for the g... G-guests?" he inquired nervously. In alignment with what Krill's wife said, it seemed Spiffy was after a reward, so he was seemingly trying to do whatever he could to please Denna and Erin.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

At the convincing of the other two and Erin's almost surprising level of calm, almost eagerness, Denna decided to agree and disrobe, slipping into the bath. That there was eyes on her was no real shock, especially from a goblin. No real point in faulting him for it, they were like that. She was a bit surprised he expected to be struck for it though. Perhaps from before the cult bits.

The water was nice though, her giving a bit of a sigh. She wasn't actually all that uncomfortable with bathing with others. Working with mercenaries in the field rarely allowed for such luxuries like privacy. You got used to it after awhile. She focused a bit more on washing than the lounging the others were doing. With the seed hardened onto her and whatever hair it could latch onto, it was going to be a long painful job though.

"Good thing my hair is short.," grumbles Denna, "Ow, ugh. This is gonna take awhile. Maybe I should start shaving my head entirely instead of just keeping it sliced short. Avoid this mess here on."

The others started talking more about Spiffy, and she paid attention. She gave a bit of an involuntary shudder at the talk of goblin babies, eyeing her own stomach a bit. She wasn't as huge as Krill's wife, but still. It made her wonder if what was growing in her was human at all. She wasn't prepared to or really knew how to be a mother. It was going to be a long week.

Evidently with impeccable timing, the goblin appeared at that moment, the nervous creature bringing a platter of food. Reward seeking indeed. Fortunately she didn't need to lie about this one. "I already ate not long ago, but thank you very much, Spiffy.," said Denna, giving a soft smile, that she didn't entirely feel. She really had to get over this. She couldn't avoid it forever for certain.

So much to deal with. And just how far would she have to go before the end of this?
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

After a short while enjoying the water, Erin started to scrub herself clean too, missing something to do the scrubbing with, but still keeping at it with determination. The goblin's stares didn't really concern her much - he seemed to be, at least well mannered enough to not jump on them, unlike nearly everyone else here; and she'd already been stared at by everyone and their doggies, quite literally.

The talk of goblin babies made her curious more than bothered. She still couldn't understand how the women here loved to be pregnant so much, though she imagined it was Kyubi's fault again. It was impressive how many lifes that single person had managed to touch, almost exclusively for the worse.

"Didn't it bother you sending your children away as servants?" She asked Krill's wife, curiously, while eyeing the food the goblin was offering with the obvious intention of being rewarded.

Hunger and shame fought inside her for a moment, and hunger won by a large margin. She grabbed some of the beef jerky, smiling at the goblin.

"Thank you so much, Spiffy. Now, I'm going to be eating so I can't do what... I believe we haven't been properly introduced, Miss Krill?" She said, lightheartedly. "But if you rest your back on the bathtub, I'm certain we can work something out... just don't let the tray drop, will you dear?" She said, as she turned outwards on the bathtub and knelt on the edge of it.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"You can call me Sam~" His wife announced. The goblin simply nodded with understanding at Denna, leaving her be, while excitedly letting Erin eat her fill. Though Erin couldn't speak much of her thanks before the goblin was already rushing off, setting the food down on the wood end of the square bath so it wouldn't fall, rushing off and returning with wash rags stitched together on round wooden sticks, excitedly handing them towards Erin and Denna. "T-these help! They help you!" he insisted excitedly, acting as if his heart was racing with glee to be helping the two women. Though with Erin facing the goblin directly, his eyes seemed to favor more the tan woman's voluptuous figure.

Krill laughed at Spiffy. "Your intentions are too clear, Spiffy! Though rewarding him is only a kindness. You don't have to." he stated. "That would be awfully cruel to the little thing..." Sam stated, as if wondering if Denna and Erin would be mean to the goblin wanting to do so much for them.

Seeing Denna struggle with her hair though, Krill came forth and brought some soap, gently taking her by her head and scrubbing his hands through her hair. "Don't worry, we'll get all of that out." he said with a smile, while his length dangled semi-erect in her face.

Krill's wife also answered Erin's question. "I know that they're being taken care of. But even though they came from my womb, they're still goblins, you see. We must teach them to live respectfully under us instead of being like those other wild goblins." she stated. "Though to be honest, being a little wild isn't all that bad~" she said, blushing at Spiffy while Krill seemed to become fully erect from hearing that. His one eyed snake challenging Denna to a staring contest.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin was going for it? That was even more a shock. Perhaps the girl would fit in around here after all after her temper cooled. Still she clearly had a better grasp of herself than these poor people Temperamental destruction aside, perhaps Erin would make a better example for the cultists to follow. Something to think about certainly.

"I was nice to most the town. Right now I want to be clean, not get more dirty.," sighs Denna, as Krill came over to help her with her hair, though that put her in a somewhat uncomfortable position, her glancing aside while he worked.

Sam explained her view on her goblin children, Denna sighing a bit. "Used to hear this argument all the time around the more philosophical sort. Nature against nurture. Goblins were a pretty common topic on it. Some figure you could teach goblins to be more than they were, better. Some say that the thing that made all the demons made their nature immutable, that a goblin born is like all other goblins. I figure it's somewhere in between. Every creatures got instincts, humans, goblins, whatever. But sentience is the ability to ignore those instincts when necessary, to not be ruled by them when they are in error. And goblins are sentient for certain, I've seen various tribes adopt different tactics and mindsets. Somethings are ingrained. Not many demons that aren't lustful as hell, and goblins got that. But they're no more wild than anyone else, they just don't have the stable environment and cultural teachings that we get. Something to think about anyways."

Evidently the thought of Goblin babies got Krill hard though as she got a side glance of his hard shaft again, her grumbling a bit at that. Speaking of being taught better evidently...
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin had to try her best not to laugh at the goblin's eagerness. Her smile slowly grew into a slightly evil grin, and as she grabbed one of the scrubbers offered by the creature, she took him by the wrist with her other hand

"Now turn around, Spiffy..." She purred, leading the goblin by his grabbed arm, and then into her breasts, pressing them into his back. "I'm going to do something to you that nobody's done before, I bet..." She whispered into his ear warmly as she put the scrubber down and instead grabbed the goblin's oversized manhood gently.

She just held it for a few seconds before she began moving - slowly, teasingly, driving her hand in a corkscrew motion around his glans every time she reached the top; the water and soap from the bath making her hand glide effortlessly over him.

"Does that feel good?" She teased playfully. "It doesn't look like it's enough for you, though... I could do an effort, you know, since you've been so helpful. But you have to promise me one thing, promise me that you won't touch yourself until I say I'm done. Would you do that little tiny thing for me?" She cooed.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Sam frowned at Denna, but her expression was replaced with a smile when she saw Erin getting perhaps a little too into the idea of rewarding Spiffy. Spiffy suddenly looked afraid for his life when Erin grabbed his wrist. He looked ready to plead for mercy, as if Erin thought his helpfulness came from the insolence of expecting a reward. Though when he was turned around, and her breasts touched his back with her voice whispering into his ear, he instantly became erect. "W-what...?" he wondered, before Erin took his manhood into her hand. "M-mistress...!" he cried out, seeming to slowly think that he wasn't going to be horribly murdered. Though soon to have a more pressing concern as Erin's hand moved painfully slow along his length.

When asked if it felt good, he nodded his head quickly. "Y-yes!" he cried out, his hips twitching with need as her hand twisted around his length, making the goblin appear mad with need. "I-I promise! Spiffy will do as h-he's asked!" he declared, his hips moving in tune with her hand, sliding along his length, throbbing in her hand, releasing a glob of pre-cum that dripped onto her fingers.

Meanwhile, Krill got done cleaning Denna's hear, fetching a bucket and dunking it over her head after fair warning to close her eyes. Before she'd open her eyes though, Krill would voice his apology. "I cannot resist," he'd say, before suddenly putting a kiss on Denna's lips, joining their lips together in the tub while Erin stroked the goblin. "I'm a little excited from watching them... Aren't you, sweetie?" he asked Sam, and she was soon sitting next to Denna in the tub, nodding at her husband before putting her mouth to Denna's ear, licking her earlobe while reaching one hand down to between Denna's thighs, his wife looking eager to play.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Denna wasn't sure about the frown from Sam, but much like her, her attention was suddenly drawn to Erin. She was half afraid Erin was having some sort of sudden mood swing and about to get violent, but no it turns out she was getting into that same mood she showed when she had started spanking Denna. The display made her blush in embarrassment, looking aside as she recalled the memory. Erin seemed to have forgotten the event, so she was happy to let her. That was way too embarrassing.

However evidently the typical chain reaction occurred as suddenly her view was now full of Krill as she was forcefully kissed, her giving a muffled cry of surprise. As he pulled away she caught her breath from it, then suddenly Sam was nibbling her ear and getting her hand between her thighs, her flush growing again.

"I swear I feel like more like a toy than a person between the three of you...," muttered Denna quietly as she squirmed embarrassedly, "Can't you two help each other, I just wanted a day to get things together, not be covered in others bodies. And still not into girls. I'll watch or something, alright?"

She really doubted she was going to get anywhere with them, but it was worth a try. She honestly didn't know if Erin would agree with her or join in in playing with her like she was the "family pet" or some such.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin nodded at the goblin's acknowledgement, smiling as she sped up her strokes just barely, feeling his eager, anxious pumping against her hand almost with pleasure. She ignored the pre-cum dirtying her hand since she'd have time to wash it off later on and just focused on bringing the goblin to a moaning orgasm - very, very slowly.

As soon as the green creature's shaft felt right about to spill its seed, she'd stop her movements completely, taking her hand off the goblin, dipping it into the water to clean it, and then grabbing some of the food from the tray near her, before retaking her stroking, starting out from as slow a pace as before, though she'd pick it up quickly.

Something broke her focus though, when she heard Denna complain about the other two. "Krill, do you want her to come back at some point or to just reject you any other times you invite her over? 'Sides, I've already claimed her, let me at least have some time with her before you jump her, again." She said, giving a sigh. Seriously, she had to have a long talk about the concept of consensual sex with these people.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Krill laughed at both Erin and Denna. "Is kissing forbidden as well? That was all I was doing. It's Sam who's the villain here." he said. In response, Sam chuckled, rubbing Denna a little more. "I want a little fun too with the latest addition to our family. When shall it be my turn to love her as much as you two do?" Sam inquired, noting how both Erin and Krill did more with Denna than she did.

Meanwhile, as Erin slowly increased her speed, Spiffy looked ready to explode into climax, before she suddenly stopped. "W-why!?" he exclaimed helplessly. "P-please! Please!" he begged Erin, even as she began stroking again, he whined at how slow she was doing it. His body twisted and squirmed, signs of suffering that would naturally make Erin visibly wet to those who would look at her visible behind. So long as Erin continued to deny him orgasm, he'd squirm and whine, looking up at Erin with a pathetic, pleading expression.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Denna didn't know if Erin was serious or just getting them off her but it was a relief. However as she glanced over, Erin was clearly getting excited from her game. That didn't bode well. Or did it? Could be water.

Catching on she was kinda staring at another woman's groin she looked away again and sighed and looked out at the forest instead. She wanted to say she was certain Erin didn't love her, but that'd either end poorly or be like water on a duck. Hell these two didn't love her really either, it was just an infatuation at best. More like just directed lust though.

"Yeah you would have done more given a chance I bet.," says Denna wryly to Krill before glancing at Sam with a sigh. So much to say but it was just a waste of time. Only thing that'd be worth the effort was, "Sometime later." They'd both be too busy with their kids anyhow. Hopefully. And planning what the hell to do from there. Sadly this was probably the closest she was going to get to a quiet time with her thoughts for the time being.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin just smiled at the poor goblin, not that he could see her behind him. She kept to her merciless teasing. If the goblin worked like humans and the teasing made its experience even more intense, she couldn't help but wonder if he'd still be on his feet by the time she was done with him. She brought him to the edge two, three, four times, his whimpering music to her ears, and it didn't take long either with how fast the greenskin reached climax.

But she didn't want to torment him so much that her hosts would complain either, so the fifth one was the real deal, and Erin just held him aiming away from the tub with one hand, still slowly stroking his shaft even as he gushed away; her empty hand slowly taking grapes from the tray until the goblin was done, and then letting go of him with whatever that may cause, to finish washing herself.

"When she says so, of course." Replied Erin with a satisfied grin as she turned around, slumping in the bathtub. "But unlike her case with you two, we were engaged before arriving here, so I still think it's a rather sad state of affairs that I've had her stolen from under me once, and I don't intend on letting that happen again."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

As the whining of the goblin continued, his repeated near-climaxes made him whine all the more, much to Erin's amusement. Brought to a slow climax, he spilled much of his seed onto the grass, his hips shifting to try and move her hand up and down faster. Left just with that though, Erin suddenly pulling away, the goblin suddenly climbed onto the edge of the tub, but not going any further. "N-no! M-mistress, why? Why so cruel!?" he questioned, looking frantic and needy. "Spiffy wants more! S-so slow and teasing! Did Spiffy do wrong!? What did Spiffy d-do wrong, mistress!?" he questioned his believed punishment.

Meanwhile, Krill and Sam looked a bit put off by Erin's territorial claims. "Erin, I think the only one who has issues with the whole thing is you." Sam pointed out. "W-what my wife meant to say is... Why don't we all just enjoy each other together? Must poor Denna be the victim of our tug-o-war? If you two are already engaged, then around these parts, that just means we're also married to each other." he announced. "With that in mind, I'll happily love you just as much as Denna and Sam..." He took a moment to look at her, before shrugging. "... You don't hate us, do you, Erin?" he asked Erin with a serious expression, seeming concerned.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin pushed the Goblin away softly. "I'm experimenting to find a way to make it feel better for you. And it will, in the long run." She said with a smile, a finger tracing his raging erection. "But for now, I'm a bit busy." She turned to face Krill, frowning slightly.

"You've had no issues raping her before, so yes, she must be. Because if I have to make you back off to save her that pain again, I will." She raised an eyebrow at Krill's question, replying slowly, with a calm voice that conflicted with her harsh words.

"It's a good question. Let me pose another one to you. You people sent animals to rape and capture me. Betrayed my trust in the inn, tied me down, raped me and Denna, then tried to brainwash me, turn me against my friends... The list of reasons to reply with a yes goes on. Do I have reasons to not hate you?"
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Spiffy suddenly grinned when Erin described making it better for him. He seemed happy at the suggestion she had future plans for him, and began asking her for anything else he could please her with, before silencing himself at the conversation.

To everything, Krill only sighed, as if it was hopeless. This time though, it was Sam who spoke. "If it wasn't for the way we live now, as horrible as you make it seem, my husband would be dead now. Whatever you insist is wrong about the way we live... I could never live without Krill. When he saw me, 'brainwashed' as I made love to the wolves that Kyubi brought to me, he had the same look you seem to have any time you look at us. He was ready to die, but he lives on now... I'll never give up any part of our lifestyle, or see it as wrong, even if you prove yourself correct to me... Because this is the only world that my husband and I can live in. It's the world we invite you to... False Priestess." Sam declared suddenly, calling Erin fake.

"Please don't wear the tattoos of Kyubi while applying slander to the way we live. Please don't come into our home and take advantage of our hospitality and tell us that you hate us!" Sam shouted, suddenly in tears of rage. "It is the hate in your heart that is wrong! I don't care what you do, don't you dare cure Krill!" she shouted, before suddenly sitting back, putting a hand over her mouth, shocked at her own words. Even Krill looked shocked, even confused.

"Cure me...? Sam, what is there to cure?" he inquired, before Sam rushed out of the tub, grabbing a pair of towels.

"Let's allow them to enjoy their bath, honey." Sam said urgently, pulling him out of the tub hurriedly and throwing a towel over his shoulders.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin just grinned at the woman's distress, her smile growing confidently as she was called out, and even more when the man asked what there was to cure.

"Oh no, you don't. Sit. Stay." She focused on the towel the woman herself was throwing at her husband, animating it in midair to return to her and hold her. "Don't worry, she won't suffer any harm, but I will not stand for people who insult me and then try to run away." She said, nodding to Krill but still smiling. "I see there's quite a few things your dear wife hasn't told you. Takes gall to call me a false priestess when you're only in it to sate your unnatural lusts, woman. You're not a believer. Now... let us talk."

Uses Gather thingy as a move action to get 9 free EP for her ability, which she uses with Reshape as Engineer ability, equivalent to Animate but only in the binding version.

Long story short, Sam has to pass a DC 54 Grapple check or be grabbed by Towelly.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Oh god, she saw where this was going. This was getting ridiculous and worse, Erin had gotten worked up and blew her cover. Great. This was getting worse and worse. Curiously, Sam evidently wasn't brainwashed, she actually enjoyed this. Curious.

However, the pair were clearly going to break this, and frankly Denna had enough of this. Erin had good intentions but she always was letting her temper and frankly, some sort of sadism rule her judgement.

"Erin, enough! I can fight my own battles and I appreciate your concern. We will discuss something yes between you and me later.," growls Denna, standing up, "But whatever our opinions, we're still guests, and while I haven't appreciated every action the pair took, they've not done them since and taken pains to be nice. Now calm down, you always get yourself in trouble when you get upset and I am not always going to be around to bail you out."

She looked to Sam with a sigh. "I apologise for Erin's temper. She tends to act out when she's upset, often erroneously. She has reason to be angry but she shouldn't be taking it out on you. And for the record we don't hate your beliefs. It's one factor, one section of your beliefs that we disagree with, the matter of consent. That is all. But we've upset you, so I'll leave it at that. If you want us to leave, we will. There's no reason for you to have to share your hospitality if we upset you. I'm grateful for the hospitality you've provided thus far."

She really did feel bad. She should have known Erin would get upset and carried away again. She had a very bad habit of this. She definitely needed to work on it. Perhaps now was the time for that.

"If not, I would appreciate some time to speak to Erin alone. It seems we have much to discuss.," says Denna, looking flatly at Erin, before glancing back at Sam. "I won't force the issue. I think I'd like to talk to you too, just you and me, but you can decide when or even if that will happen. I think it might be good for both of us. Your choice though."

She went back to looking at Erin flatly. She hoped the girl had the wits not to force the issue. She was dangerously close to blowing this whole thing to bits, and themselves with it. Given her nature she might not care but if she was going to endanger everyone, Denna would have to act. She really did not want it to come to that.