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[DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

I guess OP isn't totally up to date anymore? I'm hearing about all these units that aren't really listed in the OP. =)

Should I just scour the thread for info?

What are you talking about? I continue to update the original post, if that's what you mean (Current events has a date on it). There were new units added, and the only reason you could have missed it is if you missed the week or so where that was the current events update in the first post and it was plastered all over the Tentacles Tactics game pages themselves. People have also been talking about them and they show up in the previews on the gacha page as well.

I can't afford to keep weeks and weeks of past updates up in the first posts, there's a text limit I'll be hitting soon. Just try not to go missing, or read a few pages back lol.

The current event being a repeat of the Santa Event could be causing some confusion.
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

ok Santa's final stage is pissing me off. she keeps spamming that sniper rifle girl taking out my elf archers. and seems to time a summon of hive rider to block when I finally get a shot at them.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Oh god, I don't even know what to say. I think I teared up a little, haha.


And it only took a mere 400+ish runs. I don't think I had any looted cards but I wasn't paying much attention honestly. Can't stop smiling. At least with how difficult it was, it makes it all that much sweeter to finally get her.

ok Santa's final stage is pissing me off. she keeps spamming that sniper rifle girl taking out my elf archers. and seems to time a summon of hive rider to block when I finally get a shot at them.

If you're asking for a tip or for other players who don't already know: You can make it a lot easier on yourself by choosing/leveling up certain Special Abilities. The 2nd one, "Sweet Lotion" at level 6 or higher will halt the enemy from spawning Hive's long enough until you can kill the snipers. The snipers alone can't usually stop you. I use this and it's kind of silly OP. You can rush a boss so easily with it. It's very much worth the investment to level it up.

If you're level 40, there's a beam attack (Sex spear Gungunyoru) you can aim at the snipers to clear them as well. I haven't tried this but it seems good for dealing with piled up long range attackers.
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

lol congrats. all that left is me now. should've quit lazing around and get my 30 ST potions to work today lol
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Hope they implant all the SR's in the game eventually, my luck with this wheel of BS is terrible

Did they buff up 15-6? Can't afk it as well with just a couple of high lvl cards anymore
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

WOW, got Dharma Yuki and Comet back-to-back...

...of course you realize what this means, right? I've burned up all my luck and even if I ran the Santa mission as many times as FruitSmoothie, I won't get her... Assuming I even had enough TIME for that, which I don't :p
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Hope they implant all the SR's in the game eventually, my luck with this wheel of BS is terrible

Did they buff up 15-6? Can't afk it as well with just a couple of high lvl cards anymore

i'd rather have the SRs as mobs than them being bosses for the new stages. i've gone through from level 25 to 90 farming stage 15-6 for no nobunaga at all. it's drop rate is too ridiculous to be farmed
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

i'd rather have the SRs as mobs than them being bosses for the new stages. i've gone through from level 25 to 90 farming stage 15-6 for no nobunaga at all. it's drop rate is too ridiculous to be farmed

Depends on the spawn rate of the mobs I guess. I just want something other than spinning this crappy gacha - let me waste my time farming a stage. Spun the thing 7 times so far, got nothing. Looking at friends list, I don't see many people with SRs besides the event ones.

Any reason to have 2 of the same event girls on your lineup seeing how there's 2 days left to farm?
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Thanks Keima and Prima99 :) Goodluck Prima99.

WOW, got Dharma Yuki and Comet back-to-back...

...of course you realize what this means, right? I've burned up all my luck and even if I ran the Santa mission as many times as FruitSmoothie, I won't get her... Assuming I even had enough TIME for that, which I don't :p

I thought I'd be saying "Look on the bright side, at least you didn't waste as much time as me and still not obtain her." to people who couldn't get her in time. I really hope you guys trying for her are able to before the event ends. I feel so bad that some people won't get girls they want with this event for all their hard work, that was me the first time this event came around and I thought it'd happen again after all x.X Would be cool if they upped the drop rate on the last day.

Hope they implant all the SR's in the game eventually, my luck with this wheel of BS is terrible

Did they buff up 15-6? Can't afk it as well with just a couple of high lvl cards anymore

They did a few patches ago, no mention of them vamping it up again though since.

i'd rather have the SRs as mobs than them being bosses for the new stages. i've gone through from level 25 to 90 farming stage 15-6 for no nobunaga at all. it's drop rate is too ridiculous to be farmed

Pretty much the same here with Nobunaga (Well, when I wasn't doing events). If anybody does find her, I hope they post a screenshot. I love seeing recent loot screens with boss finds. I'm starting to wonder if they dropped her chance to appear.

Ah I'm silly, I was confusing information I found on her stage info with her comments on her specific page. I thought somebody removed posts about her drop rate. So somebody did say they got two of her in about 400 runs. Either they're really lucky or all of us are incredibly unlucky (That or I'm understanding the translation wrong and they're actually talking about ST potion drop rate lol).

I'd really like to know exactly what her skills do. I know she has "Penetration" but it sounds by the comments that maybe she can hit multiple enemies, instead of just breaking projectile immune enemies guard.
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

I'd really like to know exactly what her skills do. I know she has "Penetration" but it sounds by the comments that maybe she can hit multiple enemies, instead of just breaking projectile immune enemies guard.

She sends a wave in front of her (just like in 15-6), but it hits everything in its path, plus she powers up for every enemy that dies to it. Amazing for pushing. Her attack speed is pretty awful though, similar to the bike rider's.

Congrats on getting the Santa girl too!! :p
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Congratulations on getting your Santa, Fruit!

I just like to add that I've recently begun with Tentacles and I do say I like it.
All I need now is some friends (Just realized how sad that sounds) on my friendlist and
I can hopefully join you guys with your chattering.

Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Congrats Fruit on obtaining the Santa Girl. :)

Welcome Sinus. Feel free to add the poeple posted in the first page to your list. They should add you back provided they have space. :)
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

ugh this santa drop rate is about to be ridiculous as well.. i'll try taking her 3 hours straight until i cant do it again for tomorrow

EDIT: it all happened when i'm farming santa's stage. while i'm lazily playing the humiliation game (one handedly since i'm scratching my itching crotch at that time) then SHE APPEARED!! HURRAH!! YEAAAAAHHHH now with this all the event girls are completed. a very great job for you guys who managed to get santa through the hardest time (especially Fruitsmoothie since he's fate kinda same as me)

okay so.... any of you guys wanna race as who'll get 6th heaven nobunaga first? lol. just take it as you farming for exp/gold normally
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Thanks Kroset, Sinus and ozms03 :D

ugh this santa drop rate is about to be ridiculous as well.. i'll try taking her 3 hours straight until i cant do it again for tomorrow

EDIT: it all happened when i'm farming santa's stage. while i'm lazily playing the humiliation game (one handedly since i'm scratching my itching crotch at that time) then SHE APPEARED!! HURRAH!! YEAAAAAHHHH now with this all the event girls are completed. a very great job for you guys who managed to get santa through the hardest time (especially Fruitsmoothie since he's fate kinda same as me)

okay so.... any of you guys wanna race as who'll get 6th heaven nobunaga first? lol. just take it as you farming for exp/gold normally

Lmao, congrats Prima :D

Yeah whoever gets 6th Heaven Nobunaga first and posts a result screen gets a cookie. Her special abilities seem awesome. One thing that makes me question how the game will continue on is that SRs aren't really that great right now. They cost so much and have such a long cooldown that you really only want 1-3 on your team or you're risking losses on the harder maps. They kind of just seem like a novelty to me. If all the maps eventually start having SRs, they'll only be so useful...hmm.
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

So... Thought I was going to receive Santa girl because nothing dropped from battle (and yes I'm 100% certain no enemies dropped anything), and I get this stupid potion instead. So did I get screwed out of a Santa girl because of a bug, or do items actually drop from the Xmas stages? I ask because this is the first time ever receiving an item from an Xmas stage.

*edit* Game seems to be broken now. have 28 girls and anytime I attempt to level up my character or sell a card, an error screen appears.
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

So... Thought I was going to receive Santa girl because nothing dropped from battle (and yes I'm 100% certain no enemies dropped anything), and I get this stupid potion instead. So did I get screwed out of a Santa girl because of a bug, or do items actually drop from the Xmas stages? I ask because this is the first time ever receiving an item from an Xmas stage.

*edit* Game seems to be broken now. have 28 girls and anytime I attempt to level up my character or sell a card, an error screen appears.

Santa Girl has that potion listed as a drop on the wiki. I think I've gotten it as well. The only guess I'd have is maybe there were enemies left on the screen (That you pushed back behind her) and they had an item on them that was automatically added when you beat the Santa Girl humiliation game? Hard to guess, sorry though.

Not sure on the error, sometimes I get something similar that fixes when I refresh the page.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

The game does seem a little buggier than usual with the Event stages up.

For some reason, mid-level on the Santa boss, the snipers spontaneously developed immunity to Elfella arrows, forcing me into a stalemate where I eventually said "Screw it", let them beat me, then popped a potion and wiped the floor with them for the umpteenth time. Odd thing? Right after that, the snipers were being mowed down down the Elfella arrows again. It's like all of the snipers in that sequence were suddenly given projectile immunity.

This is the first time I've encountered this (I know the sniper dodges other projectiles, but I've never seen them ignore arrows), is this a known bug, pending update, or something new?
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

*Sinus nods, as if understanding.*

I see Santa is santa and not Santa, yet is Santa.
If I could just snuggle in myself here and get out a quick question: Is White Black rare? (inb4; SR)
Got my hands on her, is she worth keeping or will she become outshined by others later on for me?

Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

*Sinus nods, as if understanding.*

I see Santa is santa and not Santa, yet is Santa.
If I could just snuggle in myself here and get out a quick question: Is White Black rare? (inb4; SR)
Got my hands on her, is she worth keeping or will she become outshined by others later on for me?


she might be your toughest girl vitality wise. her attack is strong as opposed to her being slow. she's like SR version of kurogane. slow but strong though white black tends to be the last girl alive when most of your girls are wiped out.

most of the new guys gets SR pretty fast eh. how lucky you guys are lol
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