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[DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

I think it's less that one's "better" (very rarely do you have someone that's just flat-out worse than someone else), but rather they have somewhat different roles. The -20% to cost goes all the way up to 4x, but you obviously won't see people running 4x Sapphires or 4x Odas unless they really liked the character.

Still, it's a thought if Fruit plans to update his introductory guide. Having multiple perspectives or comments probably can't hurt, and I'd suggest we split up the girls into the roles they could play on the field rather than just a plain "score". With the exception of Elfella and Jean, everyone else I'd say is not necessarily 100% must-get.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

I've been saying that Sapphire is better than everyone here thinks. :rolleyes:

Though, when you're recommending characters it's hardly ever as simple as straight up DPS. Take Oda and Sapphire. They have comparable refresh rates and energy costs. However, regular Oda has about 3x-4x the amount of effective health Sapphire has (estimated based on burn ticks from Guan Yu's massive elemental ranger spam), is highly resistant to interruptions (in my observations she's always going to get an attack off), and is AoE. She's actually one of the most durable R+ girls I've seen (testing a few others like Kurogane/Iron now), and fits well with just about every set-up.

Sapphire is a little harder to just throw in and expect her to perform, though, especially because her reach is eh, but her raw damage typically makes up for it. I have no idea how flinching is calculated, but that's her only other downside that might be worth nothing. Oda, Jean, and Yoshitsune almost never gets KD'd in my observation, so I don't know if this is just because my positioning is bad or if girls actually have some sort of parameter to measure how often they "flinch."

If anything, Shadmalice is who I'm a little skeptical about at this point. I'm not convinced that she's actually better than Y-Poola given that their attack styles are similar.

I knew SAPPHIRES was good for a while (Almost always on my team). The reason I didn't rate her better is because she lacks aoe damage and has a short attack range, and I even mentioned before and now that straight up DPS isn't always the best. Because of all the projectile immune enemies in Hell Mode lately, she's become more useful so I thought I'd retest her to double check the stats I found for her some weeks ago.

I had her in the special mention category of my recommendations but I moved her to the normal recommendations because of how frequent the project immune enemies have been in Hell Mode and upped her rating a point basically. I'd say she's comparable to the rest in that list now. She does seem squishier than some but it's difficult to test reliably. I hope pvp will fix that.

I certainly rate Shadmalice above Y-Poola obviously. If they ever fix Y-Poola's teleport to not jump in the enemy's pants and ruin her nice attack range bonus, I'll retest her. Right now she functions better before evolution most the time.

Still, it's a thought if Fruit plans to update his introductory guide. Having multiple perspectives or comments probably can't hurt, and I'd suggest we split up the girls into the roles they could play on the field rather than just a plain "score". With the exception of Elfella and Jean, everyone else I'd say is not necessarily 100% must-get.

I've been updating it daily since the first day, lol. I have a special mentions category for the girls who are more specialized, that SAPPHIRES was in previously because she didn't always perform well. The descriptions I write for them explain their strengths and weaknesses and why I rated them the way that I did. You can basically judge for yourself how useful they are in certain situations. I was going to add a "Hell mode" rating but I don't think it's needed. Really just N girls shouldn't be used in Hell Mode right now because of their low health. Until we have a way to test health accurately, I don't want to add too much on that.

Oh and should mention: I always appreciate feedback on it and other people giving their opinions. I've rethought and retested many girls because of things that other people have said. It's always nice to have multiple minds working on something like you say.
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Yup, you've obvious put a lot of work into explaining things for new players, and I think your hard work should obviously be appreciated. The reason why I brought it up is that I'm extremely tempted to translate your stuff and put it on the Japanese wiki for people to see (in general I agree with most of the assessment personally), and then decided it's probably not a good idea to draw attention to the English speaking community.

I'm currently testing some of the girls you haven't covered to bridge the gaps - Tamaki, Iron, Zero-Zero, Ultimaya/Invidia and the like. I'll report back on Sab - er, Maia soon, because I think I might have stumbled upon a cheesy pushing strategy that doesn't involve Elfella spam. :p

EDIT: ...Let's just say translating stuff back and forth is a hobby of mine, and tentacle tactics isn't the weirdest "translation" project I've personally been involved in. Weirdest is probably a card-based MMO where every samurai from the Sengoku time period has been transformed into adorable cats. The game is entertaining enough that I'd play it without the H content, as there's a very similar browser-based MMO originating from Taiwan that more or less is the exact same game but has intermittent server connection problems which makes it difficult for non-Taiwanese players to play.
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

I'm currently testing some of the girls you haven't covered to bridge the gaps - Tamaki, Iron, Zero-Zero, Ultimaya/Invidia and the like. I'll report back on Sab - er, Maia soon, because I think I might have stumbled upon a cheesy pushing strategy that doesn't involve Elfella spam. :p

EDIT: ...Let's just say translating stuff back and forth is a hobby of mine, and tentacle tactics isn't the weirdest "translation" project I've personally been involved in. Weirdest is probably a card-based MMO where every samurai from the Sengoku time period has been transformed into adorable cats. The game is entertaining enough that I'd play it without the H content, as there's a very similar browser-based MMO originating from Taiwan that more or less is the exact same game but has intermittent server connection problems which makes it difficult for non-Taiwanese players to play.

I actually have tested Tamaki, Zero-Zero and Ultimaya and Invadia at max level R+, they didn't make the cut in my recommendations yet :p Of course things are always subject to change, but they are just "average" in my eyes from my testing. Tamaki was briefly in my special mentions but I finally removed her, her wait time is just absurd. I may re-add her though because I know there are ways to abuse her for pushing if people are interested in that.

The R girls I haven't been able to test are Revoica, Kanu and Ono no Takamura because I haven't found them yet. Who do you mean by Iron though? Kurogane? Oh I'm also working on max leveling R+ Beelzebub atm so I'll see if she's good soon. I really like that her projectile continues on if the enemy it was aiming at dies but her attack speed is so slow. I'd like to see her max level damage for myself to judge her.

Sounds fun, haha.
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

I'm inclined to agree with general opinions of Zero-Zero. At R+ her shots double but in her current iteration she's only fun if you want to run her + the N sniper girl for farming 15-6/other non-hell mode stages. I'd still keep her in case she gets buffed, because the current trend seems to be "let's nerf the elf some more" with every patch, and you're going to want to have some kind of long-range attacker on your team.

Yeah, it's a bad habit of mine. I'm fluent in multiple languages, so oftentimes when I see characters I tend to assign them nicknames or refer to them based on first impression. Kanu is the Japanese name for Guan Yu, but you'll see me refer to her as Guan Yu and Ilius-long-name-dice-thrower as Caesar. Iron is Kurogane (the kanji in her character directly translates to "iron" - I guess tetsu must have sounded too lame or something), and I know it's supposed to be SAPPHIRES.

...Kurogane's biggest problem is that I have -zero- idea as to what triggers her "lesbian" debuff. Her bio stats that she likes girls and therefore loses combat stats when pretty ones show up, but I have no idea how or what triggers it. Her stats on paper are ridiculous, but once that debuff goes up she's about as good as Ranmaru.

...A very, very slow Ranmaru. D:

Oh, by the way. The SR girl on Kanu/Guan Yu's stage's buff is not increased defense (as least, I don't think it is). It just makes it very difficult for you to knock back characters according to her bio. I'm not sure if the forums think it's actually worthwhile, though, so she's really just another beatstick for you to summon. I haven't exactly figured out what Guan Yu's special buff is, either - it increases her attack power massively the less girls you have on the field, but numbers are ... difficult to obtain to say the least.
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

I'm inclined to agree with general opinions of Zero-Zero. At R+ her shots double but in her current iteration she's only fun if you want to run her + the N sniper girl for farming 15-6/other non-hell mode stages. I'd still keep her in case she gets buffed, because the current trend seems to be "let's nerf the elf some more" with every patch, and you're going to want to have some kind of long-range attacker on your team.

Yeah, it's a bad habit of mine. I'm fluent in multiple languages, so oftentimes when I see characters I tend to assign them nicknames or refer to them based on first impression. Kanu is the Japanese name for Guan Yu, but you'll see me refer to her as Guan Yu and Ilius-long-name-dice-thrower as Caesar. Iron is Kurogane (the kanji in her character directly translates to "iron" - I guess tetsu must have sounded too lame or something), and I know it's supposed to be SAPPHIRES.

...Kurogane's biggest problem is that I have -zero- idea as to what triggers her "lesbian" debuff. Her bio stats that she likes girls and therefore loses combat stats when pretty ones show up, but I have no idea how or what triggers it. Her stats on paper are ridiculous, but once that debuff goes up she's about as good as Ranmaru.

...A very, very slow Ranmaru. D:

Oh, by the way. The SR girl on Kanu/Guan Yu's stage's buff is not increased defense (as least, I don't think it is). It just makes it very difficult for you to knock back characters according to her bio. I'm not sure if the forums think it's actually worthwhile, though, so she's really just another beatstick for you to summon.

I really like Zero Zero and hope she gets a buff too. Sometimes I use her instead of a 2nd Elfella or Hybrider, but I've found she really just doesn't cut it in Hellmode.

Lmao I had the same problem with Kurogane. That and her incredibly slow speed. I can't stand having to time her summon with the rest of my melee wall or she ends up dueling enemies 1vs5 instead of attacking together with allies. I've tested her quite a bit and she does have some insane damage/crits, but her slow/short...everything, kills her for me. She seems extremely tanky to me though, I wish I knew how her health compared to other girls. Problem is if she gets knocked back, she can't even step back in front of your other girls before they're killed. Her CG also creeps me the fuck out.

I think it's pretty good for certain team set ups. I mean just judging by how much more difficult it is to keep the enemies off my tentacle monster on her stages when they have that anti knock back buff up is a good indication to me, lol. I'd love to test Amakusa Shiro Tokisada myself, but that's not happening any time soon x.x I've been farming Kanu's stage since I completed all the new stages.
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Because I haven't figured out a good way to test health, I've just been observing effective health instead. I tried to use Ranmaru's stage (read it somewhere that she doesn't crit) as a way to measure things consistently, but it is mindnumbingly boring.

Now I use Guan Yu/Kanu's stage because her rangers has a decent chance of setting your units on fire, and I use that as a ballpark estimate. Any girls that can walk back to the frontline and start hitting stuff again automatically gets into my "tier 2", which is NOT our little Space Pirate or Y-Poola. I run a wall-based team with Jeanne and Tamaki, so the burns can last for a very long time. Otherwise it's mostly anecdotal observation - such as my comment earlier on Oda. I think she's got to be tanky by design because unlike Yoshi or Maia she's got no way of defending herself.

(Personally, I've observed Jean get set on fire three times and still shrugs it off on that stage, so I think whatever her max HP is, it's got to be a lot.)

...Supposedly I've heard on the forums that she drops (at a very low chance) on Guan Yu/Kanu's stage. I'd farm, but I'm trying to get my hands on 18-6. The lightsaber girl (sheriff something) drops from there too, apparently, but if so, whoever gets her should've probably gone and got a lottery ticket or something.
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Now that images work, I want to show you guys how to get free DMM points. You'll need a credit card, but you can delete it immediately with no consequences and charges.

IMPORTANT: These points only last for TWO WEEKS before they're gone. Register when you feel like, but know that point. To be honest, I think a free 12 slots (500 points = 350 for 9 slots + 150 for 3 slots) or a SR spin is worth the five minutes it takes to do this.


Go to any cash shop item and click on the button I showed you. It'll take you to the points page. The first 500 point is what you want to click.


Scroll down a bit and you'll see the different tiers that you can purchase. Click on the thing I circled. I've already redeemed my free points, but it will take you to a landing page like below. Scroll down and click big red bar.


Page'll ask you for credit card information. Put in information. And go back to the second picture and click on that. Voila. Free points.


To remove your information, click on where I'm circling at the main account bar. It's the first option.


From there scroll down. Look for お支払い情報 right below where you put in your social network information such as facebook.


Click on that and get rid of your card.
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

i'd like to try this credit card bonus however i dont own any credit cards. someone can help? like credit card generator or something?

EDIT: well shit. they lower the coin rates on those SR mobs. now you cant farm 100k from the stage anymore since the developer being jew and shits. i saw the quick maintenance page (13:00 - 16:00 maintenance page when the current time is 16:46 JST? the fuck?) so i confirmed this change just made today. seriously these guys are pissing me off. like 10 ST isnt expensive enough for shitty drop rate and shitty coin gains.
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

i'd like to try this credit card bonus however i dont own any credit cards. someone can help? like credit card generator or something?

EDIT: well shit. they lower the coin rates on those SR mobs. now you cant farm 100k from the stage anymore since the developer being jew and shits. i saw the quick maintenance page (13:00 - 16:00 maintenance page when the current time is 16:46 JST? the fuck?) so i confirmed this change just made today. seriously these guys are pissing me off. like 10 ST isnt expensive enough for shitty drop rate and shitty coin gains.

I'm pretty sure that's highly illegal, lmao.

It was 3k for an SR mob kill, let's see what it is now.... Oh fuck, it's a third of what it used to be, now it's 1k x.x SOOO LAME. I guess it was a bit high, but cutting it down that much, ouch. Darn and I thought I'd be able to get to max regen with my current ST. At least the income is more stable now, it was difficult to tell how long you'd been fighting on the new maps. Sometimes I'd have 30k by 5 minutes, sometimes I'd have 10k.

Funny how they didn't mention that in the patch notes.

◆ ◆ ◆ contact you to resume service ◆ ◆ ◆

Extraordinary maintenance , which had been carried out from 16:40 Today ,
Exit 4:57 PM , we have to restart the service now .

That you have to apologize for the inconvenience everyone by users' maintenance of extraordinary this time ,
Apologize .

Updates at the extraordinary maintenance of this is as follows .

-------------------------------------------------- ---------------

[ Updates ]

◎ finishing move of the Emperor tentacles , fixes you had gotten can rank up to rank 11 or more

◎ I was the same as the evolution before the acquisition Niño - b of the unit of evolution after the battle

-------------------------------------------------- ---------------

◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ Please ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

When it is restarted the game in maintenance dawning ,
Because there is the case that the image is not displayed correctly ,
Once , clear the cache of your browser
I have to play , thank you .

◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

So ,
Thank you to " heaven ☆ Taku " continue .
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

The gold nerf kinda makes sense as SR mobs in hell mode only gave 1k while normal gave 3k. Now it's both 1k (although I'd rather have hell mode drop more gold seeing it is hell mode)
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

I'm liking Khan. She's slow though, both in movement and her attack is VERY slow.

Fairly large AoE
Good Damage
Slightly longer range than Jean/Minamoto
Good health

Slow walking
Slow attacking so if you are pushing fast down the field she's basically useless because by the time she winds up everything in range is dead

I only just evolved her so we'll see how she does at higher levels.

Gold nerf might make sense but it still sucks :)
Am I reading the patch notes right that you can level up your tentacle abilities past 10 now?
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Whoo finally evolved 6th Heaven Oda Nobunga and maxed my energy regen~ Just gotta get 2 more levels in max energy and I'm done on the important stuff. Oda is so OP, like the moment I send her out is the moment my team will reach the boss and she's still low level, lol. An SR that is actually noticeably stronger than R's and worth her cost/wait time? Amazing. Well all SRs got an upgrade so they aren't as bad as they used to be.

Still, comparing most the ones I've tried and seen to her, there's quite a difference. That Snow Witch or Santa Girl vs her for mid range SRs...complete blow away. She has no weakness basically since she pierces projectile immune enemies and is medium range instead of short range. I can see why she's so many peoples favorite girl. Maybe it's more of just that the Christmas girls aren't all that powerful? Dunno. I guess I'll have to hope I find more SRs to play with. I may have to change out Comet for her as my favorite when she reaches like 40+ since she's so useful in any scenario.
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Fruit, in-game story explains Sixth Heaven Nobunaga as the idealization/true form of Nobunaga, who apparently managed to escape death at Honno-ji. Her battle quotes tells us that much. The Oda on foot is a decoy, but still competent enough to act as her commander in her stead.

The reason why she's so powerful (apparently two of her on the field = clean sweep for a lot of maps) is that upon evolution she gets a couple of additional perks. Her force wave attack becomes "遠距離無敵", which is the same "chaos" property attack that White-Black gets, and apparently is different than simply 貫通 (anti-armor).

Her second ability gained upon evolution - 我天下最強也 - "I am the strongest beneath heaven" grants her an attack boost for every enemy she defeats. This ability has since been nerfed on the 12/21 patch (the cooldown per enemy killed is now like 7 seconds as opposed to what it is before). Still, I don't think there's actually a cap to how much she can gain from it. Add the fact that she's one of the "late-bloomer" archetypes and I think it's no wonder why she's so powerful.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics


Got her from gacha. i've never been this lucky before. i guess luck depends on each persons
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Fruit, in-game story explains Sixth Heaven Nobunaga as the idealization/true form of Nobunaga, who apparently managed to escape death at Honno-ji. Her battle quotes tells us that much. The Oda on foot is a decoy, but still competent enough to act as her commander in her stead.

The reason why she's so powerful (apparently two of her on the field = clean sweep for a lot of maps) is that upon evolution she gets a couple of additional perks. Her force wave attack becomes "遠距離無敵", which is the same "chaos" property attack that White-Black gets, and apparently is different than simply 貫通 (anti-armor).

Her second ability gained upon evolution - 我天下最強也 - "I am the strongest beneath heaven" grants her an attack boost for every enemy she defeats. This ability has since been nerfed on the 12/21 patch (the cooldown per enemy killed is now like 7 seconds as opposed to what it is before). Still, I don't think there's actually a cap to how much she can gain from it. Add the fact that she's one of the "late-bloomer" archetypes and I think it's no wonder why she's so powerful.

I know about all her abilities, the wiki translated most fine with google and people usually explain about the girl in the comments. Good to know about the 7 second limit on it procing again. I didn't know her story though, thanks for sharing. The wiki doesn't always translate those well. I'm pretty curious about most of their stories.

Oh and thank crackers they finally added Comet, Santa and Dharma Yuki to the girl list instead of keeping them at the top of the page. That was annoying me. The game sure is fleshing out with new characters nicely :) It's making me happy. The updates have been pretty frequent. I wonder when they'll work on more support characters or try for a long range SR, that'll be hilariously difficult to balance well... I'm pretty impressed with their progress though. They fixed a lot of really sucky bugs and have been adding all this nice new content frequently.

Got her from gacha. i've never been this lucky before. i guess luck depends on each persons

Congrats prima! She's the last R girl I need to test... aside from the two new ones x.X Lucky.
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Well, the comments are useful, but arguably a better source of information is their forums, such as these general Q&A threads

Every once in a while a dev pops in and answers something. However, it's also pretty heavily monitored/censored. Most complaints about drop rates and bugs are more or less removed instantly, but it's probably more useful than wiki (the wiki folks are on it a lot, apparently) when it comes to concrete questions. It's where I get a lot of the random rumors from.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Well, the comments are useful, but arguably a better source of information is their forums, such as these general Q&A threads

Every once in a while a dev pops in and answers something. However, it's also pretty heavily monitored/censored. Most complaints about drop rates and bugs are more or less removed instantly, but it's probably more useful than wiki (the wiki folks are on it a lot, apparently) when it comes to concrete questions. It's where I get a lot of the random rumors from.

Ah yeah I checked that out during the Christmas event to see how the drop rates were for everybody, and they were all just complaining about Dharma Yuki being hard to find, haha. I'll have to check it out more now. It's pretty unorganized usually though except in the event threads.
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

i'm here to confirm about Revoica and Wizarda. Wizarda gets buff up when deployed along with Revoica. wizarda is.. the fastest N out there (together with the buff) she hits like Sapphire even in level 1!! she's got recover vitality too upon defeating an enemy. now i understand why Revoica is one of the rare girl just for this reason alone. both girls seems to have something with Devil Hajune. probably she's their bitter enemy

EDIT: i forgot to mention Revoica has the Shortest Cooldown Ever for R girls. i mean, i always thought Sasuke is the shortest out there but then i saw something faster than her that is Revoica. she has AoE attack too which is why she should be your main target for R girls. i'll post further information when i evolved her
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