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[DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Okay so I clearly don't speak Japanese. LOL

Anyway the latest event I guess it gives us free girls if we meet some criteria.

Can anyone tell me what the buttons mean and the criteria are?
I seem to have reached some criteria to obtain one. But if i wait do I get more etc just not sure what to do.

nope that's the event gacha, it was explained on the last page somewhere..

The new Roulette works like this :

- Choose a SR card you want to appear in a pack.
- Pay 3000 DM for turning a card.
- Eventually you'll turn over your card and then can reset the pack for another one.

I guess it's great for people with a crapload of money to waste, as at least you don't end up with a bunch of SR you already have.

the current event gives you rewards based on the points you earn in pvp (the rewards get sent to you in mail) and when it ends your ranking will also give you a reward (also sent in mail)
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

welp ended up fighting a giant Nobunaga on horseback she can kill your tentacle from half the screen away and there is nothing you can do about it. Thanks game for making pvp so FUN.
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

welp ended up fighting a giant Nobunaga on horseback she can kill your tentacle from half the screen away and there is nothing you can do about it. Thanks game for making pvp so FUN.

above mentioned nobunagas just get killed by elfella armies usually.. so op /nope :D
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Hey, been waiting for the ability to post for a bit now. I have some questions I've been meaning to ask.

- I'm big into collecting stuff, so I'm trying to fill up my girl encyclopedia entries with the training heart and the evolution heart. But having done that, is there ANY reason to hold onto a girl after she has evolved and reached level 10 obedience, assuming you don't want to use her?

- In the gatcha, what are the two currencies? On the primary screen, I have a small number of points that you can use in 1 or 10 quantities for 1/10 spins. How do you get that currency? On the left screen, I have RP, but same question; where do you get it?

- What is the BP meter used for?

- When your tentacle levels up, there are . . . 4 numbers that increase. One is level, one is ST, one is BP, but there is another number and I don't know what it is.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Hey, been waiting for the ability to post for a bit now. I have some questions I've been meaning to ask.

- I'm big into collecting stuff, so I'm trying to fill up my girl encyclopedia entries with the training heart and the evolution heart. But having done that, is there ANY reason to hold onto a girl after she has evolved and reached level 10 obedience, assuming you don't want to use her?

- In the gatcha, what are the two currencies? On the primary screen, I have a small number of points that you can use in 1 or 10 quantities for 1/10 spins. How do you get that currency? On the left screen, I have RP, but same question; where do you get it?

- What is the BP meter used for?

- When your tentacle levels up, there are . . . 4 numbers that increase. One is level, one is ST, one is BP, but there is another number and I don't know what it is.

-No reason to hold onto them if you don't plan to use them..

-The first is Premium tickets, you get it from events and from finishing boss areas(x-6) for the first time, RP-> you get it from friends (when their girls come to aid you in battle.. so make sure your friends list is packed)

-BP is "Battle Points" and is used for 2 things, first is PvP matches, second is attacking Raid bosses in Raid events

-noidea (srsly)
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

4- When your tentacle levels up, there are . . . 4 numbers that increase. One is level, one is ST, one is BP, but there is another number and I don't know what it is.
the other number is the amount of friends you can have added.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

I think my ingame name is hectaderp if anyone wants to add me. (it is just your account name right?)
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

I think my ingame name is hectaderp if anyone wants to add me. (it is just your account name right?)
yep, it is your ign
I just accepted your friend request :)
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Add Leinfors and hectaderp.

So when spinning the wheel.

I've noticed now and then a normal will come up as locked.

Has anyone noticed if that means anything?
Usually none of them do.
But every once in a while I get a locked normal.

It acts like I got a rare form the story line that they lock to protect it.

Seems like that means that normal is important some how no?
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Okay, so ever since posting here I've been getting a bunch of friend invites, so that is cool, as I had none until then.

However, its led to a bunch of new questions!

When a friend's girl gets summoned into my game, she seems to get experience, and then the following stats go up:

P = What is this one?
Lvl = Obviously somehow the friend/girl gets a level increase of some sort, what does this do?

Also, in the friend list, in the top right corner is a stat of some sort . . . one friend has no number, one has a 2, and one has a 10. What is this?
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

P = What is this one?
Lvl = Obviously somehow the friend/girl gets a level increase of some sort, what does this do?

friendship level (the higher the lvl the higher the amount of RP gained at the end of the match)

as for the P.. idunno
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

I think my ingame name is hectaderp if anyone wants to add me. (it is just your account name right?)

I added you :) Can you tell me what's my user ID im not sure what is it.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

So I've been working on my collection (I'm only up to the 12th girl/stage), and I just evolved a girl named Telsche Olmsted. From what I can gather from the wiki, it looks like she cures status effects?

However, I've never seen negative status effects. Should I keep her around, or ditch her? Are debuffs something that shows up later?

A similar question for Thomas Edison, who seemingly nullifies enemy buffs? Is that something frequent/dangerous enough to keep her around (she is about to evolve, btw)
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

friendship level (the higher the lvl the higher the amount of RP gained at the end of the match)

as for the P.. idunno

So far everywhere I see P it stands for points.
In PVP you can see the users Points, as we win our points go up.
This pushes us into higher ranks.

The friends IMHO has a point system of some type.
I haven't looked but it either goes to your overall ranking or maybe it's part of how the friend gets leveled.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

So I've been working on my collection (I'm only up to the 12th girl/stage), and I just evolved a girl named Telsche Olmsted. From what I can gather from the wiki, it looks like she cures status effects?

However, I've never seen negative status effects. Should I keep her around, or ditch her? Are debuffs something that shows up later?

A similar question for Thomas Edison, who seemingly nullifies enemy buffs? Is that something frequent/dangerous enough to keep her around (she is about to evolve, btw)

Negative status effects are pretty rare so you probably won't need to worry about them..
The 3 that I saw so far:
-Burn (damage over time effect, not really noticeable)
-Slow (both movement and attack speed types, move speed one can be a pain if you don't have any ranged backup)
-Traitor mark (there is only 1 (event)unit that inflicts this and only on its death, the unit that kills it becomes the enemy's unit, noidea if you can cure this effect but it can't affect SRs and has a chance of failing on Rs)

..buffs on the other hand.. are a PAIN in PvP, then again I got no idea how useful/effective would it be to use a unit just to remove said buffs..
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

What sort of girl do people like seeing as a friend-card? I get a lot of Elfellas from the people on my list, but I personally have Minamotono Yoshitsune. What is most helpful to other people?

Also, a few people figured out that Leinfors is my DMM name as well, so feel free to add me!

Also, Thomas Edison's evolution CG was hilarious.
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