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[DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

That's the boss. Killing it and win the round will x2 the point you get.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Does anyone know if the blue Oni has any event related perks? Seems like a lot of text on her image poster for just describing her.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Looks like they up'd the chance to get the Red Haired oni. You can get her if you are in the top 200 now, instead of just the top 100.

They also added raid style encounters in the PvP, pretty tough if the "boss sized" girl shows up, but you get a lot of points for it.

Still don't know if I can pull off the red haired girl, but I went from less than rank 1000 to rank 400 in a day or two, maybe I can keep it up.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Looks like everyone has abandoned ship here.

Still aiming for the red haired demon, slowly inching my way up there. I'm at rank 310 right now . . . but rank 310 to rank 200 is almost double. The only good thing is that I'm not losing ranks fast, and I have a LOT of BP potions in reserve . . . but the only way to play is to get the random double point bonuses and hope for lots of raid bosses (no 6th Hvn Oda preaze).

Without a double point bonus, I might only rise 10-15 ranks on an entire full meter of BP. Not sustainable for sure.

Wish I had one of the gatcha girls who boost point payout, but I just don't have the tickets . . . still recovering from Christmas.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Me too, still aim for the red oni girl. ATM I'm at rank 120, but I've burned most of my BP potion so I'm losing rank very fast. Even if I used potion when I have the x2 time bonus.

By the way, the netorare chocolate girl (don't remember her name) is quite an ass. Lose many battles because my Demensia betrayed me. Currently grinding for her but it's seem that she's not easy to obtain like Valentinus.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Me too, still aim for the red oni girl. ATM I'm at rank 120, but I've burned most of my BP potion so I'm losing rank very fast. Even if I used potion when I have the x2 time bonus.

By the way, the netorare chocolate girl (don't remember her name) is quite an ass. Lose many battles because my Demensia betrayed me. Currently grinding for her but it's seem that she's not easy to obtain like Valentinus.

What does she do? I've tried to read up on the other two chocolate girls, but couldn't really decipher what the wiki was trying to say about their special perks. Something about stalking?
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

What does she do? I've tried to read up on the other two chocolate girls, but couldn't really decipher what the wiki was trying to say about their special perks. Something about stalking?

She makes her killer switch sides.. so your unit that kills her will start to fight against you.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Current Valentine's event is like a repeat of the Halloween event.

We have a Valentinius 100th Generation as our escort girl. For better or for worse, her power seems to be a combat damage buff, similar to the Black Cat girl from the Halloween ranking rewards. This is good, because instead of charging ahead ala Lucy Far Halloween variant, she stays back a bit and even buffs the team. The downside of this is, because her buff cast is based on proximity to an enemy, her final crawl to the boss on the boss stages is brutally slow because she stops to recast every time an enemy spawns. And the boss has a short midrange attack . . . the good news is, it seems to be shorter range than the Witch Princess from Halloween, but you will want her leveled.

Item drops from the event work the same as the goodiebags; candies, cookies, and chocolates provide 1000, 5000, and 10,000 respectively. Like before, every day you log in during the event, you can a 2% boost to points for all items absorbed. This should be enough that at the end of the event, you will be getting +28% points on all sweets, which is not a small amount if you horde the sweets as long as you can. Top rewards are given out at 1,000,000 points, which is daunting, but could actually be done. I'm already at around 100,000, and I've used no SR potions at all, just played.

The second girl is some sort of blonde haired nun . . . don't know much, she has a mid-range attack in the stage. You can get her in an SR-Boost form by falling into the top 100 ranks, and you can periodically get her R-variant from rising through points ranks, the first payout being 50,000 (this is actually quite liberal, it would take less than 50 candy drops, or 10 cookie drops, total . . . not to mention the % increase from logging in). I believe you also get a normal SR version for beating the 3rd stage, but I'm not sure.

As usual, there are two gatcha girls . . . Robot Police J, and some sort of caped/masked individual themed around the clitoris (no really, her name involved something Clit, and her costume has an arrow pointing down. Fairly hilarious). The Robot Police gives extra sweets drops, and Clit gives a higher chance for drops.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

I really hate escort missions.

Anyone found a way to get through the elf massacre in the third area?
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

I really hate escort missions.

Anyone found a way to get through the elf massacre in the third area?

Made it through on my first try with a Shainer/Guilvan synergy combo, both level 49 SR+.

Supplemented them with a Sasuke and Y-Poola and Elfella, with a Valentinius 99 providing buff.

Also had a Dementia on the field, even had a 6th Heaven Oda at the end, but she didn't really help with the tough beginning part.

I won't deny I took a lot of hurt getting through it though . . . I brought the Silence spell, lasted long enough with a level 49 Valentinus 100th to get the spell up, then was able to tear through the remainders.

Good new is, Elfella isn't in stage 5 . . . instead you get Realizers. So bring those SR girls.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Came back to this game to check on the changes, noticed there's still a seriously constrained girl inventory limit, left immediately. Dawww, I wish they'd give players a way to expand it a bit for free.

Still seems grindy as hell too from reading the comments here.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Came back to this game to check on the changes, noticed there's still a seriously constrained girl inventory limit, left immediately. Dawww, I wish they'd give players a way to expand it a bit for free.

Still seems grindy as hell too from reading the comments here.

Did you ever check out the free 500 DMM points trick? Its enough to get about 10ish extra girls, if I recall correctly.

Basically, just by signing up a credit card to the account, you get 500 points that have a 2-week expiry. Never have to spend a cent. You can repeat this with extra cards if you want for extra points.

As for grindy? I think the weekly events have been bouncing back and forth between brokenly grindy, and reasonable, if you don't mind not getting the "top 100 ranking rewards". This week, for instance, you can get Valentinius Generation 1 for only about 50,000 points . . . which is honestly not much. I have about 240,000 points already, and its not even a third through the event. Three events ago was awful though, you basically had to grind 1-1 thousands of times to get the lowest reward girl.

That said, the gatcha girls have been pretty heavy duty lately, so you miss out a lot on them just by default, there aren't enough golden tickets going around.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

@#$%! ISP!
Missed the blue haired girl I wanted on the last event thanks to them :(

That said, the gatcha girls have been pretty heavy duty lately, so you miss out a lot on them just by default, there aren't enough golden tickets going around.

The problem here is that rarely one of those gatcha girls are worth the money or tickets outside the event they are introduced for. They are always SR units so it's not like you can use them all, and they usually don't make your life any easier than any other SR you can get as drop or in the gatcha any day. Of course, there are exceptions but you won't really know if that unit is actually good until the event is done.

So, the appeal is mostly for the H-scenes I guess, but it kind of sucks spending lots of money on a unit you are just going to eat or sell after the event is done.

Personally, in this event I only like the cop girl (not fan of her being a robot, but oh well, as long as the scene isn't too weird...) and the blonde valentinus, just going by the looks. No idea what are their skills. So yeah, I'm pretty much just going for the R blonde valentinus and I guess I will get an R loli flat chested valentinus in the process :rolleyes:

I miss when they just made 3 stages with 3 girls and you just had to hunt their drops :(
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

The problem here is that rarely one of those gatcha girls are worth the money or tickets outside the event they are introduced for. They are always SR units so it's not like you can use them all, and they usually don't make your life any easier than any other SR you can get as drop or in the gatcha any day. Of course, there are exceptions but you won't really know if that unit is actually good until the event is done.

Speaking of exceptions, I have to say that Shainer is pretty brutal. When paired with Guilvan, she just tears through everything . . . I don't even have the "piercing enemies" variant, and just the Hybrid version obliterates most enemies. She was one of the best units for the PVP event last week, and spawning her and 1 Guilvan is enough to dominate an entire Area 2 stage for farming.

I don't regret blowing all my tickets to get her during that event.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

New gatcha girl for the second week of the event called "February 14th". Looks like she gives a +10% chance for sweets drops . . . would be fantastic.

Not sure if there are other changes though. I'm up to about 500,000 points, so I should be set to hit the million max point rewards . . . hopefully enough to get in the top 100, maybe even top 50.

Like last event, they up'd the qualification for getting the SR Valentinius 1 to the top 200. Unless I'm completely off my mark, this isn't a particularly hard event to get points in, so go for it if you think you can.
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Like Halloween event, people probably hold all sweets for last day to get maximum bonus, so it's difficult to guess how much points you'll need to get to top 200.

The new gatcha girl look pretty good with her skill make her absorb fire attack (like Amaterasu). However, the perk +10% is applied only to the candy, not for the cookie or the cake.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

However, the perk +10% is applied only to the candy, not for the cookie or the cake.

Seriously, that is a hard spiked cowboy boot kick just in the middle of the nuts.
Because the daily bonus requires 5 cookies or cakes.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Like Halloween event, people probably hold all sweets for last day to get maximum bonus, so it's difficult to guess how much points you'll need to get to top 200.

I've been doing this very thing with the vast majority of my sweets. I'm not confident I'll end up as high as I'm predicting, but I still think I'll come in the top 200 (if I were to burn all I've got right now, I'd be in the top 50).

I also have a huge number of ST potions I've saving, as I'd like to ensure that I hit 1,000,000 points so I can get all of the rewards. Not sure if I'll make it on my own, but I certainly have enough ST potions to see it through.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

I've been sitting on 4 G-Khans and 3 White Blacks for a while now, and they are hogging up my card space. I'd like to reduce one of these groups down to a single card, and I can't decide which to ditch the rest of.

Evidence seems to favor me keeping the White Black team. They have a lower summoning cost, according to the wiki, they have more health, only slightly lower damage, have the Impregnable perk (hard to knock back). Keeping the WB team also frees up 3 slots for me.

On the other hand, I have 4 G-Khans, and G-Khan has the "Like Crazy" perk (apparently increases damage when low health?).

Alternatively, I could just ditch all but 1 of each, but its hard to let go of so many cost reducing like-cards.

Any opinions on the matter?