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Re: Akabur Games

Interesting, not sure if this was only posted on 420chan, but some guy apparently did his own HT mod to the original game, not Bitch Trainer. About to give it a go myself if I can figure out his instructions on how to apply this "xdelta" file.


EDIT: Nevermind. I can't seem to figure out what to do with an xdelta file. I found a github page for the utility but I can't seem to find a Windows distributable that would make opening an xdelta file easy. Here's hoping someone in that thread uploads a "pre-patched" version of the game.
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Re: Akabur Games

It's generally used for patching ROMs and ISOs. Although, it's a newer format (half a dozen or so years old). It's one of those things where someone didn't care for the way it was being done, and introduced his own method with a bunch of improvements. Then discovered that there's a lot of inertia unless you literally can't use IPS or PPF.
Re: Akabur Games

Interesting, not sure if this was only posted on 420chan, but some guy apparently did his own HT mod to the original game, not Bitch Trainer. About to give it a go myself if I can figure out his instructions on how to apply this "xdelta" file.
Is there any description on the board for what was changed?
Re: Akabur Games

You are looking at the older stuff, if you want the updated 4chan threads you can look at this:


it has all the current info posted on the top (as well as links to downloads), and the artist/writers/programmers keep people updated as they progress along with the mods. Some of them are doing awesome work.
Re: Akabur Games

Is there any description on the board for what was changed?
I'll answer that with a message from the author of the mod :):
Sorry, just joined, so I can't post in the thread.
The Witch Trainer mod was just a tiny one. Dialog and spelling fixes, changes to the gameplay to make playing through the original game again less painful, about five added events for the low level favors after she gets slutty, and very few added CG's.

It was done by a single person (me) who was just learning Ren'Py over a relatively short time.
Re: Akabur Games

Another plea from a non-patreon for vague updates :D Been more than 2 months since he started to (troll) work on PT gold and we barely got scraps of sketches and empty blog posts :(
Re: Akabur Games

The only one game related is him showing off Iris's new dress-up, and a brief tease of another quest with her. The rest of it has been more going through patrons for various reasons like the "failed donations" video, and taking requests for shit to draw on his new whiteboard every damn day.

As I recall, the dress-up involves a total of maybe 4-5 outfits. Her tavern outfit, the trench coat she wears on the walk around town, one or two variations on her brothel outfit (I think one was actually Jasmine's transferred over), and one I might be forgetting. Then you can "customize" by swapping tops and bottoms, which I guess is fun, but it's all stuff we've seen before. He also added accessories like shackles and a ball-gag, which is fun I guess. Maybe it has to be your fetish. Oh, and in the "fetish" department they made half-a-dozen or so variations on pubic hair for her.

All of the artwork on show was Dahr's. If he's not getting paid by now, I don't know what the deal is. About a quarter of the game's art assets are his work.

Edit: Oh wait, somebody also recompiled the games (PT & WT) for Android again. They supposedly won't work too well because Akabur would have to redo the controls. I know the battle with Snape in WT was downright impossible in the previous Android recompile, which was actually modified to skip that part of the game. He didn't bother with any of the suggested changes to make the game playable on smaller devices, and just released them as-is. So probably give that a miss if you were thinking of playing it on a phone. The best part is the supporters thinking this was some massive undertaking, when the guy who did it essentially says he just recompiled the source for an Android target.
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Re: Akabur Games

In other news, Dahr and Xaljio released a tester of their game, Iris Quest. From appearances, it's gonna be a mishmash of encountering different princesses and sexing them. A puzzle game, too. But, the art is similar to Akabur's games, since it's Dahr that's doing the images.

I think Akabur did contribute though, in the form of April, his TMNT reporter character. He hasn't claimed it's his work, but I'm pretty certain he gave them her to use in the game.

Anyway, you can see what IQ is all about on Xaljio's patreon. There's a link to the youtube video.
Re: Akabur Games

it seems some large amount of work is being done regarding BT:
Re: Akabur Games

3 1/2 weeks of daily, unrelated drawings; one update stating he was taking a "break" to do some work on Bordello; the usual housecleaning update where we get to see his Patreon numbers go down about 5%; and then a couple of days ago a picture of a half-inked Lola drawing and a longish update about how 11K a month affords him the ability to take his time and pack PT Gold to the gills before he releases it. Then he's heading off to Van Arts most likely.

I'll just reproduce the update text here, since there's nothing spoilery in it.
Akabur said:
Well, you all know that I am working on "Princess Trainer GOLD", no news there. The thing is, that when I was working on the original "Princess Trainer", at some parts of the game I would complain about how I don't have enough time or money, or whatever. But those weren't actually complaints in the general sense. I was just trying to say that if I had enough time and money, this game (original "PT") could be SO MUCH BETTER.

Well, now I DO have time and money, so I plan to show you guys how good of a game I can create with enough resources. But I DON'T plan to go completely insane and turn "PT" into a project of my life or anything like that. I still will be limiting myself because there are so many other projects I hope to work on in the future. But right now I have an opportunity to not rush things unnecessarily, and I plan to use that opportunity. "PT GOLD" will probably be my main and biggest release before I leave for VanArts. So, I plan to pour considerable amount of effort into it. And I mean CONSIDERABLE.

And thanks to your support I can even do the unthinkable: keep the whole production under a cloak of secrecy. I mean I don't even have to share ANYTHING anymore before the release. Can avoid spoilers COMPLETELY if I want to. That would probably cost me quite a few supporters, but I know that quite a few of you guys would trust me to do my thing no matter what.

Well, I have no plans to resort to such dramatic measures as to keep all the development related info in secret, but I think I will be only sharing things on occasion, when I feel like it...

All you need to know is that I am working like crazy on this thing, and that it's gonna be good. I hope I don't come off arrogant here. But if I can do something well, that is to breathe life into characters, make them sexy, funny or annoying. Make the player care for them or hate them, or even want to fuck their brains out :) I think I will get even better at this with VanArts training behind my shoulders, but even at my current level of skill I can create something precious here. Something that will worth your time.

I'm terrible at so many things, SO MANY. But if there is one thing I know how to do, is THIS. So thank you for letting me do this. Toiling away for your entertainment, guys is my greatest joy and honor. Future doesn't seem nearly as bleak as it used to just a year ago. I work my ass of, I sacrifice EVERYTHING for this. But it's SO worth it! Thank you for being such a big part of my life. I feel like I owe all of you so much. But I know just the way to repay you for your faith in me ;)

I don't know. It seems like he's setting the bar high here based on his previous output. After that, I kind of think if there's even one "I didn't have time for this" scene wedged into PT:GE, he's failed to live up to his hype.
Re: Akabur Games

Based on previous experience : game won't come out till christmas, he won't update anymore and all the boasting he threw around that it'll be his best game ever and have 84175934765 scenes per girl and 89672975875 endings will most likely fall completely flat on its face and be another huge letdown .......

PS : The good thing with being utter pessimistic, is that you can't go down anymore, everything that comes after can only be better, unless of course it does happen to blow and you saw it coming :D Refer to my posts in Iris Quest for further details.
Re: Akabur Games

Based on previous experience : game won't come out till christmas, he won't update anymore and all the boasting he threw around that it'll be his best game ever and have 84175934765 scenes per girl and 89672975875 endings will most likely fall completely flat on its face and be another huge letdown .......

PS : The good thing with being utter pessimistic, is that you can't go down anymore, everything that comes after can only be better, unless of course it does happen to blow and you saw it coming :D Refer to my posts in Iris Quest for further details.

lol, sounds like a good idea, kinda like the Avengers movie, was expecting it to be as good or better than the first. It was OK, felt it could have been better. I came away from it thinking that it had too much editing in certain parts, unexplained instances in others and way too many random people I could of did without. I'll prob. re-watch it at some point to see if I was too critical.
Re: Akabur Games

Yeah, so far I think he's shown previews of 3, perhaps 4, new CGs. The pessimist in me wonders how likely it is that that's all he's got, period. Because he's fairly incompetent in most other categories related to making a game, and he's proven over and over that he tends to get bogged down in feature creep. So even if it's 100% true that he's working his ass off, and he's averaging like 70 hours a week dedicated to the game, he could very easily be wasting the bulk of it trying to animate more feathers in Ren'py.

People tend to forget that Princess Trainer was a side game that started as one of the formulas in Magic Shop. It got so big, he spun it off. The entire bleeding game is feature creep. PT is a decent game and all that, but the fact that he wandered off on that tangent and never actually finished Magic Shop is a bit of a tell.
Re: Akabur Games

Yeah, so far I think he's shown previews of 3, perhaps 4, new CGs. The pessimist in me wonders how likely it is that that's all he's got, period. Because he's fairly incompetent in most other categories related to making a game, and he's proven over and over that he tends to get bogged down in feature creep. So even if it's 100% true that he's working his ass off, and he's averaging like 70 hours a week dedicated to the game, he could very easily be wasting the bulk of it trying to animate more feathers in Ren'py.

People tend to forget that Princess Trainer was a side game that started as one of the formulas in Magic Shop. It got so big, he spun it off. The entire bleeding game is feature creep. PT is a decent game and all that, but the fact that he wandered off on that tangent and never actually finished Magic Shop is a bit of a tell.


Trolling aside, how hard can PT Gold really be ? Draw 3-4 scenes per girl, put some color, scan, done. 95% of the game is already done with base PT, all he needs to do is add new stuff to the stuff already in there ...... Unless I'm missing some mind blowing aspect of coding, it shouldn't take him 6 months to "upgrade" a game he already finished.

But hey, we know the man and his tendency to screw around and fail completely.
Re: Akabur Games

You guys need just a bit faith.

I'm one of those that actually quite liked Witch Trainer despite its obvious flaws. You guys want him to do a good game but then you want it to be done in one month. You expect him to work 24h a day because he's got a lot of supporters a gets a lot of money monthly. If I were in his shoes I wouldn't work more then eight hours a day regardless of how much money I'm getting via Patreon and I think that's what he's doing and I don't blame him. He's not a machine, he needs his time off to do whatever he wants to do.

Patreon is a obviously flawed crowfunding platform that can easily be abused but I don't see him as abusing it. No one is forcing the guys that are supporting him to give him money, they all want to provide for him so he has a stable environment to work without worrying about anything beside making games. It's not like he cheated them into supporting him. He didn't make a deadline like many other authors do and then just push the deadline further and further away, he told plain simple he'll be working on this project and that's it. I've never worked on a game myself, but most likely if you do everything alone from coding, making pictures, sound and writing a good story it probably takes quite a lot of time. And it takes even more time to make everything be as high quality as it can be.

I also don't see why a lot of you guys a bitching here about him when you don't really know anything about him or his daily schedule and what he's doing. You're all making some assumptions about him just because he doesn't give you detailed plan about game progress. You don't know how much he plans to expand the game, how much new pictures there will be... When the game is out and it's bad then you can bitch all you want and say "I knew this game would suck ass" but before that, there is really no point bashing and trolling about him.
Re: Akabur Games

I don't think any of us has a truly fixed deadline in mind, or a set amount of content we consider appropriate. We're just anticipating being disappointed by the results regardless.

For my part, I'm talking about his track record where he's always gotten distracted by other project ideas to the point of leaving his old ones unfinished in spite of swearing the contrary, and has never actually finished anything by his own admissions. Meanwhile he declares himself the workhorse who will blow everyone's minds and justify everyone's money. I am showing some amount of faith, or at least the benefit of the doubt, by continuing my support until we see how PT:Gold comes out.

As far as I know, the man is not a charity case, so I have to apply standards to his work somehow. And the discussion at this point is just commiserating for our own amusement. If I wanted to troll, I'd still be complaining about what a letdown WT was on his Patreon, seeing as how I pay for that privilege.
Re: Akabur Games

You guys need just a bit faith.
I had some faith when I supported him. I lost that faith and stopped supporting him after I had seen what the result was of him spending nine months on creating WT. Since then he has done nothing to restore that faith.

You guys want him to do a good game but then you want it to be done in one month.
You seem to forget that he is not creating a new game. He is updating an existing game that was more or less finished. It just needed a few tweaks. Speaking as someone who has experience with creating computer graphics, with Ren'Py, and with programming games, I'd say that he should have been able to release a much improved version of PT in two months time, working no more than 6-8 hours per day.

He is suggesting that he is making many, many changes to the game, making it the BEST GAME EVAR. But he is showing absolutely nothing to make me believe that. It all sounds a lot like he is actually producing very little, spending his time on who knows what, and making excuses because he has nothing to show.

In my view, what he should do is make incremental updates to PT, if it takes him this long. As soon as he has finished a scene, show it off. That would create the faith you think that we should have.

Patreon is a obviously flawed crowfunding platform that can easily be abused but I don't see him as abusing it. No one is forcing the guys that are supporting him to give him money, they all want to provide for him so he has a stable environment to work without worrying about anything beside making games. It's not like he cheated them into supporting him.
Here I can only partially agree. It is true that people choose to support him, and if they do so even when he has an abysmal track record, then that is their choice. But if he indeed will not produce what he promised (and I think that is what we can expect), then he is actually abusing the system.

The reason that I say that is that his behavior will make people trust the Patreon system less. Look at Dahr and Xaljio -- their funding is around $500 monthly each (compare that to Akabur's $10,000). Why don't they get more money? Probably because they have not finished production on a game. But their posts on Iris Quest show that they are making a LOT of progress. It shows them working hard, producing quality work, and getting closer and closer to finishing a game. I actually believe that they will produce something good.

So why am I not supporting them? The answer is: because I felt very much let down by Akabur. Here is someone who has demonstrated that he has talent, and I was interested in seeing what he could do if he could spend all his time on making games. And what I got after nine months in which he could spend all his time on game production was Witch Trainer, a game that is of much less quality than what he had produced before in his spare time.

Basically, Akabur soured me on the whole concept of Patreon. For me, he demonstrated that the system can and will be abused, which means that I am not going to support anyone else until they have demonstrated that they are worth supporting. I don't think I am the only one who is pushed into this stance.

I also don't see why a lot of you guys a bitching here about him when you don't really know anything about him or his daily schedule and what he's doing. You're all making some assumptions about him just because he doesn't give you detailed plan about game progress. You don't know how much he plans to expand the game, how much new pictures there will be...
True, but that's bad, isn't it? It is not as if it would be impossible for Akabur to give his supporters insight in what he is actually doing with their money. The fact that he does not ("trust me guys, I am working hard, but I have decided not to show anything until it is finished -- but it will be great, I promise, this is the best stuff I ever did!") should sound alarm bells, but I guess some people are deaf to those.
Re: Akabur Games

I had some faith when I supported him. I lost that faith and stopped supporting him after I had seen what the result was of him spending nine months on creating WT. Since then he has done nothing to restore that faith.
Was it really nine months? I wasn't paying much attention until I started contributing to his Patreon around October/November. I knew it was at least 5-6, and longer than the end product would indicate.

One addendum is that when I say he's incompetent at some things, I'm not being hyperbolic. He can't code worth a damn. He justifies not commissioning someone decent to do the work by explaining that it would delay him testing out new features to see if they'll work, and the example he backed that up with was his idea to have Snape and Genie chat by a fire while the Snape relationship variable increased by one of two fixed amounts. I think it was safe to assume that Ren'py could handle the strain of having two seated sprites on screen while text displayed and "SnapeRelationship += 5" occurred. Couple that with his inability to quickly fix certain bugs in WT because they occurred in code that had been copied and pasted hundreds of times, and there's why I feel that he can actually be busting his ass working on the game while not accomplishing anything of value to his patrons.