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Re: Akabur Games

honestly, anybody who has been contributing to him for a few months probably has more lines in their financial statements for game-development expenses than he does.

Lol. XD It's that bad, eh?
Re: Akabur Games

Yeah... 12k per month is kind of a lot. I'm not saying I wish he didn't have it. I'm just saying... I don't know. It feels weird. Again, though, he does good art and kind of has this particular market by the neck.

As for trying to stay up to date, I think I'll just sit on the sideline twiddling my thumbs until the full, English version comes out. It seems a lot easier than working with broken games and trying to patch it with English.
Re: Akabur Games

Lol. XD It's that bad, eh?
Well, yes and no. To my knowledge, Akabur has never once said he'd use any of the money people contribute to fund game development. Just that it would lessen his budget burdens, and that he'd use it to buy equipment and conveniences for himself that might, in theory, speed development.

In my opinion 12K+ per month should allow an enterprising person to do much more than he is, and his contributors should be expecting more than what they appear to be getting. People started throwing money at him so they'd get a better Witch Trainer, more quickly, and he didn't really deliver. Now he makes over twice the money, PT:GE appears set to take twice as long, and he's so mum about the actual quantity of content that it might be 3 CGs and 10 scans of I-was-rushed-and-ran-out-of-time sketches.
Re: Akabur Games

If I could make as much money as he does and live for my passion I would work my ass off.

He said he wanted to enter Vanarts and I guess he succeded, seems like it's full time engagement
Re: Akabur Games

Someone should just hack patreon and re-direct the funds he's getting to a cause that's actually worth-while. I'm not even talking feed the poor worth-while here, though that's a good idea too!, I'm talking have that money go for something that it will actually have an impact on.
Re: Akabur Games

I'd sort of like to study Patreon. Yummy Tiger appears to run a decent project, and he's got his set to pay out on major updates. That could be once every few months, or once a year depending on how ambitious an update is, and how much time he can devote to it. That seems a fairly reasonable set of terms to me. Yet, his next update is pledged about half of what Akabur pulls down every month, and I can't help but wonder how much of that is just people thinking they can part with $10, regardless of how often they'll be re-billed. I'm betting there's some overlap in supporters, and many of them have given Akabur 5-10x as much due to monthly billing without thinking about the difference.

There are other factors, sure. One of them is all the "reward levels" Akabur put up, and then immediately suspended the rewards for. About 1,500 of his Patrons paid and signed up for Kickstarter-style rewards that they've never once gotten. Well, people's names went into the credits of WT (whoopie), and you can get access to the super secret galleries (of art leaked ages ago) if you contact him. He's not about to expend effort looking at his donor rolls to see who should have it and hasn't gotten the password or whatever.
Re: Akabur Games

I don't know if people remember this but Akabur did have to clean up his Patreon because some people were just saying about payment, but used that as an excuse to see all the Patreon "exclusive content" So I really don't believe those numbers at all.
Re: Akabur Games

There's some of that, yes. People pledge for a bit to get access and rescind before the payment goes through. When they undo their pledge, it reflects immediately in the total. Akabur has posted videos of the clean-up he does after payments are processed, getting rid of pledges that didn't go through for various reasons, and the total never drops more than a few hundred from that.

You have to remember, access to the feed is what people are after because none of the rewards mean anything, and he wouldn't provide them without at least one successful payment anyway. That costs you one fake dollar as a pledge.

If you want to knock his total down, the biggest cut is that Patreon takes 5% and expects creators to cover credit card fees, so his net before taxes (which he ought to be paying) is between 90%-92% of the total. I don't know what Russian taxes are like, or if he's paying them.
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Re: Akabur Games

New Azalea renders by Dahr, she changed a bit.

EDIT : He's inking the new "gasping-from-behind" scene, with added perk : he needs to re-do most of the PT stuff with her since they (Aka and Dahr) switched models in PT:G
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Re: Akabur Games

I haven't worked on it today yet but now that the error has been fixed I plan to do as much as I can tonight. I just know it's going to be a nightmare because now I have to go back through the script and find out if I left spacing anywhere else and then I have the issue that I have translated around 30 or so scripts and just realized that since I have been trying so hard to keep to the original translation that the writing is terrible. I'm not happy with what has been done so far so I have to go into my list of completed scripts tonight and be a little more adventurous with the script because a word for word translation is going to be no better than what someone would get from hooking translation software to a Japanese game and the the whole goal for me in this was to make a translation that someone could pick up and never know that it was ever in a different language. Except for the fact that I clearly marked in the top bar that it's the Russian version and that it was translated by me.

EDIT: I'm thinking that I may just open Akabur's witch trainer and just copy his script word for word. That way all that would need to be translated is the new content, which happens to be about 70% done. Actually it's almost guaranteed that what i'm translating is actually supposed to read exactly like the original version. Although I can flat out say that they doubled the amount of endings so that is still going to have to be translated. I love the new public whore ending for Hermione so far. ;)

The only problem with trying to copy Akabur's script though is that I can't find where the JEdit program that comes with Ren'py supposedly is and Scite does not allow 2 instances running at the same time, so I can only work with one script at a time right now

Any news on how long the translation is going to be :)?
Re: Akabur Games

Latest update. I'll just let the man speak for himself.

Akabur said:
The damn silence taking over again.

I'm here, I'm alive and I'm working. Business as usual.

About half-way through Azalea's story line.

This is how it will work. After completing quest 13 (The Favorite Customer) you will gain ability to run errands for Azalea. Every time you accept an errand you will have a choice to do it yourself or order one of the girls do it (if they already moved in with you that is). Completing those tasks will generate "Development Point" that you can later spend on upgrading Azalea's store. I decided not to go too deep into this, so there will be no customizations or anything like that. You will be just leveling up the store for the better from level 01 to level 07.

Like I said when you accept a task you have a choice of doing it yourself or let Iris or Lola do it. Doing any task yourself will always result in success and a medium amount of development points. But it will keep you busy till the evening. Letting one of the girls do it will allow you to spend the day on something else (same way like when you send Jasmine to work). But by the end of the day the task may end in a great success when you get double the points or in a failure where not only you don't get any points but also loose some... This will depend on the task because Lola will be better at one things and terrible at other and same goes for Iris. So basically completing the task yourself is the safest but slowest route and will also steal away your time. Letting the girls do it may lead to loosing some points unless you already know what task which girl is good at.

Now every time you level up the store you get an even with Azalea.

There will be 5 events. During each event you will be given some choices and depending on the choices you make Azalea's personality (and destiny) will change one way or another after event 5.

After that you will have new version of Azalea in the world and 3 new events with her (3 for each of the 2 of her possible personalities). Those 3 events will be looping events that you can initiate as many times as you want.

That's about it.

I finished the 3rd event yesterday. So 3 of the 5 events are in the game already. But Azalea still missing her emotions. The remaining 2 events are already written but it will take me another 5 days or so to put them into the game.

After that I will need to write anther 6 events (3 for each possible ending). Then put them into the game... Still have plenty of work ahead of me...

As soon as I am done with Azalea I plan to work on Iris' looping sex scenes that you will be accessing from her room.

That's concludes my "developer's blog" for now.

But there is something else I want to talk about...

It's been a while since I recorded any videos. So let's fix it by creating a short "Q&A" vid. Leave your questions on this thread or (if you want to ask anonymously) here:

I'll then print them out and answer those questions in my next video.

Well that's it for now. Thank you for all you suppo--

Nah... Thank you for all your love, people.
Re: Akabur Games

*Says goodbye to Christmas release predictions* ..... IF and I mean IF he can deliver on all the "massive improvements" he's been on for ~8 months, this is gonna be Game of the Century, if not, hope the internet blackhole and implosion will slap some sense back to him.
*Says goodbye to Christmas release predictions* ..... IF and I mean IF he can deliver on all the "massive improvements" he's been on for ~8 months, this is gonna be Game of the Century, if not, hope the internet blackhole and implosion will slap some sense back to him.

I yet have to see a game with all the features akabur promised...

^ I said "all" but meant more: deliver something on all the stuff he's planning, like a few new scenes per girl, a few tweaks and whatnot. Not just vaporware and "screw you all into pushing me with a time limit" gimmick he's been on for the last 2-3 years.
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Re: Akabur Games

I yet have to see a game with all the features akabur promised...

^ I said "all" but meant more: deliver something on all the stuff he's planning, like a few new scenes per girl, a few tweaks and whatnot. Not just vaporware and "screw you all into pushing me with a time limit" gimmick he's been on for the last 2-3 years.

What happened there? You have incorporated my post? o_O
Re: Akabur Games

Probably a mod tried to merge his double posts away and picked your post by mistake.
Re: Akabur Games

Rawr, I cannot be modded, phear my L33Tness. /joke

Either loopy's got it right or my epic triple post just ate yours.
Re: Akabur Games

Woah, I just noticed that the guy has patrons totaling over 13k per month. That's over 140k a year. Akabur better deliver to his patrons....
Re: Akabur Games

Dont count other people's money. If you yourself support him ~13k then you can demand better deliver to his patrons....
Re: Akabur Games

Dont count other people's money. If you yourself support him ~13k then you can demand better deliver to his patrons....

The patrons that support him obviously do it out of their own intend. For me, supporting someone with ~$50 per month is way too expensive since I can buy full games for $50. I jut curious about his product delivery compare to, for example, studio fow. Ofc, studio fow has more people working on it. Nontheless, similar amount of payment should warrant similar product delivery (as least in quality, if not quantity).