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Re: Akabur Games

Once you have the "Let's Hang" conversation with Snape about ruining Hermione's grades, reputation, and the standing of her house, things should start to occur fairly automatically.

Don't be in too huge a rush to max out your relationship with Snape, though. They may have fixed this, but one or two versions ago, if you maxed out Snape and the "Let's Hang" option disappeared, it was impossible to get Daphne because you needed to hang out at night to be able to press Snape for more women and information on them.
Re: Akabur Games

Lol fck sakes I can't get past 11 points...
I have the following:

1 - 3 points
2 - 3 points
3 - 2 points
4 - 2 points
5 - 2 points
6 - 1 point

I played this a long time ago and can't remember what I did x.x
Re: Akabur Games

do everything once again, you'll eventually get it
Re: Akabur Games

Lol fck sakes I can't get past 11 points...
I have the following:

1 - 3 points
2 - 3 points
3 - 2 points
4 - 2 points
5 - 2 points
6 - 1 point

I played this a long time ago and can't remember what I did x.x

I think that you need to do some public requests to make her more slutty. But I'm also not sure that you were asking about that :)

PS. Does anybody have complete savefile for 1.5.1, and yes there is a ENG version too, you just need to click EN on the wall in loading screen.
Re: Akabur Games

Well, I got to the part where everything start be russian xD
I guess I'll just wait for the full translation to come out.
Oh yeah, thanks for tips ^^
Re: Akabur Games

I think that you need to do some public requests to make her more slutty. But I'm also not sure that you were asking about that :)

PS. Does anybody have complete savefile for 1.5.1, and yes there is a ENG version too, you just need to click EN on the wall in loading screen.

Nah, unless they changed something, public favors don't do anything for her whore level. It gets to a certain point and you just have to repeat things and choose different routes, or risk pissing her off. I haven't looked at the code, but it seems like you also have to let her be pissed for a turn or two for things to unlock. If you're immediately cheating away her anger, that could be a factor.
Re: Akabur Games

Hi all,

I have a quick question; in 1.5.1 i get to a point where I get "?????" every time I give Hermione a newspaper task. Is this due to the fact that the game just isn't fully translated yet, or is there a way to get past this?

Thank you very much!
Re: Akabur Games

^ Don't even know how to get the newspaper arc, so don't look towards me for help :p
Re: Akabur Games

Well, horrifying thing happened a moment ago.
Re: Akabur Games

Well, horrifying thing happened a moment ago.
Something for the trap amputee fetishists I guess.

The newspaper arc goes nowhere at present. You get one photoshoot (no CG or anything, just a couple of chibi animations), and you can have her do research for maybe three articles. One of them will unlock the Muggle clothes in the wardrobe, firstly for the assignment, and then you can change her into and out of them at will.

You have to talk to Snape, Hermione, and I think activate Daphne and make some progress with her training to start the newspaper arc. They all have some small amount of input, but just what's required is unclear, as parts of the text leading up to the option unlocking are either blank or in Russian.

Once you get to the point of blue "?????" and blank test as you try to hand out assignments, you're done with the available content.
Re: Akabur Games

Can someone PM me (or just post) a translation of the letter you find on Fawkes (the phoenix) after petting him several times?
Re: Akabur Games

How far can you take things with Daphne so far?

I have her at 9 corruption, but none of the options (most of which are in russian still) don't lead anywhere. Do I need to do something else to move her events forward, or is this the end of it for now?

I think the last thing I did was send her to Snape's class dressed in something risque.
Re: Akabur Games

when u change to russ is have some word but she don't do that work
look like we need to wait for 1.5.2 come out
Re: Akabur Games

Something for the trap amputee fetishists I guess.

The newspaper arc goes nowhere at present. You get one photoshoot (no CG or anything, just a couple of chibi animations), and you can have her do research for maybe three articles. One of them will unlock the Muggle clothes in the wardrobe, firstly for the assignment, and then you can change her into and out of them at will.

You have to talk to Snape, Hermione, and I think activate Daphne and make some progress with her training to start the newspaper arc. They all have some small amount of input, but just what's required is unclear, as parts of the text leading up to the option unlocking are either blank or in Russian.

Once you get to the point of blue "?????" and blank test as you try to hand out assignments, you're done with the available content.

Daphne i training her get point 14 now she stop do all training i can't do camera task anymore it show ????? too
Re: Akabur Games

New PT:G update about coloring Iris smex scene, seems a nice one by the screenshot.