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Re: Akabur Games

Akabur states his games are free on his patron page. But were on earth are the donwload links?
Re: Akabur Games

Akabur states his games are free on his patron page. But were on earth are the donwload links?

You can find the links to his game on here or try and search for the titles by name.
Re: Akabur Games

No thread on it here yet, you can be lucky and Xaljio updates his Patreon with info on it or try the dev's Patreon

Thanks for the link!

Is it bad that I'm eagerly anticipating the 11th
Re: Akabur Games

Thanks for the link!

Is it bad that I'm eagerly anticipating the 11th

I'm anticipating it too. I discovered Witch Trainer completely by accident when it came out, thinking it was going to be one of those shitty rule 34 flash game, and I was really impressed with it (of course at the time I didn't know it was supposed to be better and that it disappointed everyone). I haven't played it since, so I can't wait going through it again, hopefully the mod delivers.
Re: Akabur Games

I'm anticipating it too. I discovered Witch Trainer completely by accident when it came out, thinking it was going to be one of those shitty rule 34 flash game, and I was really impressed with it (of course at the time I didn't know it was supposed to be better and that it disappointed everyone). I haven't played it since, so I can't wait going through it again, hopefully the mod delivers.

I personally liked the game, what frustrated me was it felt unfinished and grindy. It could have been so much better, not to mention the temper tantrum and unprofessional behavior Akabur has exhibited since it was released/leaked His attitude has been very off-putting and the game's rep has suffered because of it.
Re: Akabur Games

I actually played the Russian mod 1.5.1 before I played the Vanilla version. I gotta say, the Vanilla version felt very rough and less-well thought out compared to the Russian mod.

On that note, really looking forward to the 1.5.2, but not holding my breath that they can meet their target deadline. :D
Re: Akabur Games

It's a 4chan joint, so the probability of vaporware is astronomical. For now it's being actively worked on, as far as I can tell.

True, but the guy working on the art has shown off more work than Akabur himself, and I believe he's almost done with all of the art for 2 of the 5 girls, at which point I think a demo will be released showing off Susan and maybe Cho. He also has Mo doing the coding/implementation of the art and scripts, and Mo was basically the only other person than Maverick that was working on and releasing mods that actually worked earlier this year. The only wild card is the writer, as I think they've gone through 2 or 3 different writers. The artist spoke highly of the current writer, though, so hopefully he can keep up so Mo can implement the finished art and scripts as soon as they're completed.

With Akabur working at a snail's pace to collect as much Patreon money as possible I sincerely doubt that PT: Gold will be released before Spring 2016, and even after that who knows what his next game will be, and even if there will be one and he just doesn't use his savings to move to Canada and attend Van Arts and basically just live off his continued Patreon money and commissioned work. As such, I'm looking forward to the 4 Houses mod more than anything else at the moment.
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Re: Akabur Games

True, but the guy working on the art has shown off more work than Akabur himself, and I believe he's almost done with all of the art for 2 of the 5 girls, at which point I think a demo will be released showing off Susan and maybe Cho. He also has Mo doing the coding/implementation of the art and scripts, and Mo was basically the only other person than Maverick that was working on and releasing mods that actually worked earlier this year.

They've shown off a lot of art in 4chan threads over the last 10 months or so. A lot of what I see recently is recycled or slight modifications of things that have been around since at least March. And it's all chibis or basic "in-scene" stuff (whatever you call those dolls). I haven't seen a single CG, or anything that leads me to believe they're branching out beyond the "people standing in a room or a formless void and talking" that was 99% of the base game. Although, I don't follow it constantly, and I might be missing the larger updates full of completely new artwork. I think the thread is archived and restarted about 5 times a week, so missing news would be easy to do.

Mo was the guy who was doing the Silver Edition, which up and vanished like a fart in the wind, and no explanation was ever given that I know of. Has he been back posting, and describing what he's doing for 4 Houses, or is this just secondhand news? Either way, I don't see any reason to assume that a quality release is guaranteed just because he's purportedly involved.

Don't get me wrong. I'm just as hopeful that they'll produce something good in the near future as anyone. I'm just not terribly optimistic about the chances, and wouldn't be surprised if it evaporated on demo release day without a word said by anyone involved.
Re: Akabur Games

Another Akabur update, another Iris chibi sketch. Promises of video showing them moving, "lenghty" update to tell us what he did/has left to do and drooling fans cover him in praise.
Re: Akabur Games

Yeah, those responses always seem weird to be. There aren't really any negative ones there.
Re: Akabur Games

was the 1.5.2 with full english translation coming today? or did i miss something:confused:

I hope that they wouldn't end up like Akabur, and we will get link for this game tomorrow or at least to the end of next week, I could wait till next sunday :D
Re: Akabur Games

We aren't supposed to ask/whine about it being released.
Re: Akabur Games

Just a heads up, probably not going to see 1.5.2 today.

Khan posted this on the Witch Trainer forums:

Бета тест версии 1.5.2 так и не начался по техническим причинам......

Which roughly translates to:

The beta test version 1.5.2 has not started due to technical reasons ......
Re: Akabur Games

One piece of news: Poking the people to release the game is rampant on the Russian forum as well. Yay?
Re: Akabur Games

Due to some technical issues, we did not yet start our beta test for WT RE 1.5.2. I hope today (monday) we will resolve them and after a short beta test will release the game. Thank you.
Re: Akabur Games

Due to some technical issues, we did not yet start our beta test for WT RE 1.5.2. I hope today (monday) we will resolve them and after a short beta test will release the game. Thank you.

Cool. I'd be glad to help with beta testing. :)