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Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Elise Regens 4 MP. 39/40

Attack Rolls:

Elise: 155+717=872, 155+593=748, 155+621=776, 155+456=611 & 155+296=451 vs. Karsetti: 150+368=518, 150+70=220, 150+107=257, 150+810=960, 150+667=817.

Only 3 of Elise's hits landed, and of the three one of them critical hit! Total Damage: 400.

Elise didn't even get to the Rune Burst as the beast was already dead!

Elise: 155+365=520, 155+546=701, 155+212=367, 155+532=687 & 155+92=247 vs. Possessed Human: 120+230=350, 120+632=752, 120+475=595, 120+610=730 & 120+715=835. Elise lands only one hit out of that mess, and it doesn't crit. 100 Damage.

Rune Burst:

Elise: 175+624=799 vs. Possessed Human: 75+494=569 (LANDS!) No Crit.

Total Damage: 200.

Possessed Human HP: 425.

Elise: Clear Focus: 10/15 for Cooldown. 6/10 turns on Mantra of Speed. 24/40 MP. Rune Carve Cooldown: 5/5 turns.

Brianna regens 12 MP. 106/120 She regens 7 HP. 69/70.

Attack Rolls:

Brianna: 125+472=597 vs. Possessed Human: 75+772=847 (MISS!)
Brianna: 125+ NO ROLL NEEDED. vs. Possessed Human: 75+23=98

Brianna missed with her first attack, but she sure didn't miss with the second one, blasting the last enemy into a million flaming bits alight with holy magic.

Brianna and Elise are victorious!

XP Gained: 1,100.

Elise Adjusted Stats:

Level 1: 1,100/3,000 XP.

HP: 105
Mana: 39/40
Sexual Stamina: 160

20/50,000 KP.

Clear Focus: 10/15 for Cooldown. 6/10 turns on Mantra of Speed. Rune Carve Cooldown: 5/5 turns.

Brianna Adjusted Stats:

Starting HP: 69/70
Starting Mana: 106/120
Starting Sexual Stamina: 180

KP: 9,377/50,000.

Mantra: 5/10 Turns Remain.


Sifting through the bodies, the two discovered the following items:

2x Mana Potion for each and 1x KL Lowering Potion for each!

Both Women have 2/3 Mana Potions, and 1/1 KL Lowering Potions now.


1: Have Brianna Replicate Something.

2: Move onward without replicating.

3: Something else (IE: Have Brianna drink the KL potion and then replicate a new one for herself off the one Elise has, or something like that.)
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Diving towards the Karsetti, Elise slashed the thing to bits, tearing it apart with her daggers and forcing it to let go of Brianna with the choke hold it had her in, where she then kicked the floating squid to the ground and stomped her foot into what passed for its head. "Fucker, anybody who hurts my Brianna like that dies," Elise growled at the now dead fiend before darting at the human guy with a flurry of slashes from her twin daggers.

She was amazed at how fast the man was despite being possessed like he was and likely unable to actually think of anything but sex. So as a result only a single slash of her daggers managed to hit him, which was unfortunate she thought, but better than nothing at all. She then watched Brianna pick up her slack and finish the guy off with a blast of flame as he all but melted on the spot, leaving nothing behind but a pile of ash.

"Good work sweetie, those bastards didn't stand a chance once we got really into it I think. So let's head on now and... whoa wait a sec. Look at these," Elise said to Brianna starting to move on before noticing the potions left behind by their foes.

Picking them up, Elise noticed what they were and instinctively knew how useful they'd be. "Brianna sweetie, you should drink one of these I think, and do some magic on mine here to make another. I know you can do it, because you're damn smart, a lot more so than I am. I mean hell I got lost about a few hundred feet out from where I started," Elise told Brianna after picking up one of the corruption lowering potions, knowing that Brianna from the looks of it had already gotten some of this corruption flowing through her body and that she needed to nip it in the bud while they could.

[Option 3, have Brianna drink her KL lowering potion and duplicate Elise's KL lowering potion. Then move on afterwards.]
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Brianna nodded, taking the whole potion in one gulp, grimacing as she did.

"Oh god that tastes nasty, but it seems to work."

Brianna is now at 0 KP!

Brianna worked her magic, and soon after she'd created a replacement potion for herself, willing it into storing itself from the looks of it.

"Hmm, strange, I guess we've got a magic backpack or something with us. Kinda cool."

Brianna loses 60 MP and has 46 remaining.

The two of them moved on, finding nothing but a quiet section of the stream. There were a few small tracks here, perhaps indications of a patrol, but right now the place was empty.


1: Move Onward.

2: Rest and regen Mana. (How many turns, or to full? Regen out of combat is 25% so for Brianna to reach full, she'd need 3 resting turns. Chance to be attacked.)
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Elise watched Brianna drink the potion down and from the looks of it the thing seemed to taste horrible, but she knew what it was just as Brianna did surely. Once she'd drunk the thing down, Elise watched her carefully for a few moments before Brianna spoke, stating the thing tasted horrible, but that it seemed to have done the trick thankfully. Elise leaned over and kissed Brianna on the lips for the first time since finding her after that, thankful that it had worked and that Brianna was able to use her magic like she thought she could to duplicate the other potion identical to Brianna's that Elise had.

"Well now this is very good indeed, because now we're both fresh and ready to go, well as fresh as fresh can be when it comes to this corruption at least. And yeah I noticed that too before I ran into you, because I had three things in mine that I was using on those last bastards we fought to knock them off of me," Elise replied to Brianna, smiling as she helped her up so they could move on.

After a short while of following the stream, the pair found themselves at a quieter area of it where the water was all but silent and flowed steadily along. She saw the different prints around them on the ground, but she felt thirsty herself and was sure that Brianna had to be as well. "What say we rest for a minute or so and get us a drink?" Elise asked Brianna, kneeling down and carefully testing the water by cupping her hands and bringing a drink up to her lips while keeping a watchful eye around at everything else around them.

[2: rest and regain some mana and stamina for 1 turn to see if anything attacks and if nothing does rest a second turn then move on, and get a drink from the stream if it isn't corruptive or anything while they're resting, as they don't really have waterskins or anything like that and likely need a drink.]
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Brianna nodded, taking some careful sips from the water herself before nodding again.

"Clean from what I can tell. At least of corrupting influences, who knows what kind of germs exist out here, but we're as likely to get those walking around naked as we are from drinking water, so it's a risk we have to take."

The two women got their rest in undisturbed for two straight rounds, packing up and leaving again.

Elisse: FULL HP.

Brianna: FULL HP, 106/120 MP.

New Zone:

The two women once again found themselves near a small wooded area, different from the last time because these trees were BLUE! There wasn't anything but tracks around, and by now Brianna was back to full strength.

Brianna: FULL MP.


1: Enter the Forest.

2: Wait a turn and think this over (chance of being attacked).
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Thankfully the water seemed to taste alright and wasn't poisoned or anything like she almost figured it would be, and thankfully nothing came along to attack them again, as they'd needed a bit of rest she thought. "Aye we are, and I really would like to find some clothing sometime soon, or maybe even just a blanket or two at least to wrap around us. Because I dread the coming of winter on this world if we're stuck here that long and still don't have any clothes," Elise replied as she drank her fill of water since it was clean enough, figuring they ought to drink as much as they could while they were here.

After a few minutes of undisturbed rest, Elise got up and helped Brianna to her feet before following the stream further on. They followed it to another patch of woods, though this one was smaller than the one she'd found Brianna in and different in color with blue trees instead of the normal greens, or orangish or reddish colored in autumn. Brianna seemed back up to strength by the looks of it by the time they made their way into the woods, which Elise was thankful for. "Hey... as soon as we find another safe house we'll hole up for the day so you can get some sleep alright, I think you need it if you've been around for almost three weeks before I woke up, and I'll sleep some too. And who knows maybe we'll be able to get a bite to eat," Elise suggested they do at the next opportunity. "But there's nothing else to do really save to press onwards I believe for now, because the further we get today the less we'll have to travel tomorrow and the sooner we'll get out of here," Elise added with a confident nod of her head as they entered the new patch of woods, with the halfbreed girl keeping a close eye on their surroundings while letting Brianna pick the path itself.

[1: enter the forest, carefully.]
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Brianna said nothing about the winter part, but at the mention of sleep and food, she shifted uncomfortably.

"Um, Elise ... I ... I don't know how to say this but ... back when I was with Rachel and we were trying to get out of here, we noticed something. The sun never sets here. It's the same temperature all the time, and worst of all, we went for weeks and we didn't need sleep or food or anything. Whatever happened to us while we were asleep ... it changed us. We're not entirely mortal anymore. The only time I feel I need any rest is when my casting power is low, and even then only a few minutes later and I'm good to go. I think whoever captured us has the power to change us to be more suitable for his sick game. Worse still, I've got a sinking feeling these changes are permanent. And if that's changed about us, then what else did he change?"

They entered the forest as she spoke, and they hadn't gone far when ...

Trap Evasion Rolls:

Trap???: 150+137=287 vs. Elise: 150+109=259 (TRIPPED!)

Suction/Drainer Trap: Sexual Attack Rating: 150. Pleasure: 40.

Pleasure Rolls:

Trap: 150+837=987 vs. Elise: 150+274=424 (PLEASURE)
Trap: 150+22=172 vs. Brianna: 120+45=165 (PLEASURE)

... suddenly the two of them heard a wire snap, and before either could react, two different traps were unleashed. Both Elise and Brianna saw and felt three suction cups for each one of them fly out and latch onto their bodies, one on each breast, and the other on their cocks. Almost immediately the cups drew tight, and began to work them, Brianna letting loose a soft moan of surprised pleasure as she felt the sensation of being sucked on.

Both Elise and Briana suffer 40 pleasure, and both gain 60 KP from the sudden rape attack. Due to the rape, Brianna's Mantra of Speed has been snapped!

Adjusted Stats:

Elise: Clear Focus: 6/15 for Cooldown. Rune Carve Cooldown: 1/5 turns. 120 Stamina left. 0/50,000 KP. KL: 0 60/10,000 for the fight.

Brianna: 140 Stamina Left. KP: 60/50,000. KL: 0. 60/10,000 for the fight.


1: Attempt to get free of the trap.

2: Get sucked off and on another round due to shock.

((Brianna goes after Elise))
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Elise walked along beside Brianna and listened curiously as her beloved explained what she and her once friend Rachel had learned along the way over these last three weeks. "Wow, s-so you haven't had to eat at all? Or actually sleep? That's... strange really. How do we recover strength then I wonder? Maybe whatever is making us like this is only while we're on this world. I mean I'm not saying I'd want to have to hunt for food while we're here or anything, but you know," Elise said, letting Brianna know that she didn't want to hunt for food or anything, but that it just felt strange is all. "But don't worry about it being permanent or not sweetie, we'll deal with that when we get out of here, and we'll also deal with whatever else he changed when the time comes that we need to, as there isn't much we can really do about it now," Elise added with a pat on Brianna's shoulder.

Walking a bit further in, Elise suddenly heard the snapping twang of a wire, where before she could even blink a pair of suction cups launched out of nowhere and latched onto their breasts, while another single one launched out and snatched up their cocks into them. Before Elise could even make an effort to will the pleasure away she let out an unbidden moan. Elise's dick sprang into action as soon as the sucking began, the pleasure washing over it forcing it to harden up almost instantly.

"GAH! Shit... get off of me. Brianna sucks it way better than you do you damn cup," Elise cried out at the suction cups as she grabbed the one on her and began tugging at it to rip it off of her before it forced her to do something she'd rather not do in front of Brianna.

[1: try and break free.]
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Escape Trap Rolls:

Elise: 150+723=873 vs. Trap: 150+631=781 (FREE!)

Elise manages to get free, and the trap literally vaporizes.

Brianna: 120+617=737 vs. Trap: 150+27=177 (FREE!)

Both women manage to free themselves quickly!

Elise: Clear Focus: 5/15 for Cooldown. Rune Carve Cooldown: EXPIRED!


1: Move Onward.

2: Take a turn and 'catch your breath', thinking about what might have happened if you hadn't gotten free...
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Tugging at the suction cup on her dick, Elise managed to pull it loose from her there, where she was then quickly able to get the ones off of her breasts as well before she suffered any more pleasure from the cruel devices. Brianna she saw managed to break free too just as Elise had, the two of them freeing themselves from these suction devices. "Oh gods, I'm glad that's over, those things... f-felt really good though. But not as good as you sweetie," Elise panted after breaking free from the thing, glancing over at Brianna as they both sat there recovering for a few moments.

"I want to sit back for a minute or two, but I know something else could just come along while we recover from that. And we probably shouldn't just sit back every time we get grabbed or something," Elise said after catching her breath and standing up to stretch. "I say we try and get a move on, unless you need to rest some, I'm fine to go if you are," Elise added to Brianna.

[1: Move on, unless Brianna feels that they should rest a turn, in which case 2: rest a turn.]
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Brianna shook her head.

"I'm good, besides, there are usually patrols that check on these traps every now and then, and I really don't want to run into one of them again."

The two women moved on deeper into the woods and eventually they came across a pair of grenades! Stopping only long enough to take them they continued onward ...

Magical Grenade - "EAT THAT MOTHERFUCKER!" Deals 150 shadow damage. Allows you to escape a grapple instantly. Can only be used when you are grappled. Doesn't work on most traps.

Trap Evasion:

Trap???: 175+444=619 vs. Elise: 150+757=907 (EVADE!)
Trap???: 175+141=316 vs. Brianna: 120+719=839 (EVADE!)

... Brianna suddenly ran up to Elise and shoved them both to the ground, Elise catching the faint outline of a tentacle snaking down from the tree tops! After picking themselves back up, they moved onward again, albeit a little nervous at how close they'd come to finding out what was up in some of these trees. They continued on still, eventually coming to a small river that had what appeared to be a shrine of some kind!

As they saw it, Cassidy suddenly appeared again, speaking to them.

"You have found a Shrine of Magical Strength. Shrines can grant you temporary boosts to certain stats, or other benefits. However, in order to use a shrine, you must first defeat it's guardians. If you wish to use the shrine, step forward and approach the shrine to start the battle. If you do not wish to fight and want to pass on this chance, I suggest you hurry away before the guardians become aware of you. This shrine offers you the opportunity to do double damage with any non melee skill, what you would call a magical skill for a brief period of time. The choice is yours, choose wisely friend."

Once more she vanished, leaving the two of them to decide what to do.

Brianna looked to Elise and shrugged.

"It might be helpful to have that, but what do you think? It's not just my call to make."

Adjusted Stats:

Both women have a Magical Grenade.

Elise: 1 Turn left on Clear Focus Cool Down.


1: Let's get this shrine!

2: No thanks (Move on).
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

"With as many footprints around I thought as much, and I agree about running into any more patrols just yet. So let's head on too I think," Elise agreed with Brianna, offering her a hand to help her up.

Once they were on their feet again and ready to go on, Elise would lead the way, keeping a close eye out for any more traps or patrols that they might run into. Heading through the woods further, Elise and Brianna soon found a couple of grenades that they could use against the various creatures on this planet. "Oh look here sweetie, these look like they'll come in handy," Elise said as she picked up the grenades and made to hand Brianna one.

However Brianna suddenly dashed towards her and tackled her to the ground, and just as she was about to ask Brianna why she'd done that she saw why as a tentacle was lurking down from the branches of a nearby tree just like earlier when she'd first found Brianna. "Whew, thanks for that sweetie. That was like the thing that tried to grab me when I first found you earlier. Glad neither one grabbed me, because I don't think it'd have been good," Elise said, hugging Brianna for a moment and thanking her before getting back up and helping her lover up.

Moving on once more, they picked their way through the woods a bit further until they came to a nearby river that ran along through the patch of woods. They then saw what seemed to be a shrine of some sort alongside the river a bit away from where they found the water source at. Before Elise could even make a move towards or away from the shrine, Cassidy came forth before the pair of them once again and spoke. Elise listened to the woman explain what the shrine was to them. Once she was done and vanished again, Elise glanced over at Brianna as her lover shrugged and admitted thinking it helpful to have this extra power.

"Hmm... well since you are a magic user apparently, then yeah I agree it would be helpful to have. Thing is though can we manage it? I hope we can, but I'm not entirely sure. But... well we do have these grenades to use if we're in a pickle, and those mana potions if you start to run low," Elise said, agreeing it good to try, but unsure if they could succeed.

In the end, Elise's curiosity and feeling that they should risk it won over and she nodded her head. "Alright, let's do this sweetie. Just stay back and let me in front again just like last time. I think it's worth the risk. Besides, we'll have to tackle more powerful enemies soon enough anyway I imagine, so we might as well get us some good experience now while we've got the chance," Elise said to Brianna confidently, raising her daggers to prepare for battle as Brianna did so with her staff as she stepped forth in front of her lover.

[1: Will got for the shrine guardian boss, Elise is confident after their first battle, though that'll probably be her downfall. XD]
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Nodding to Elise, the two women made their way to the shrine, and almost instantly some kind of barrier went up behind them, and all around them. It was big enough to allow movement, but they knew instantly there was no turning back from this fight!

Shrine Encounter:

Vampiyra: HP: 5,000. Accuracy: 205. Evasion: 210. Capture: 205. Sexual Attack: 200. Magical Defense: 225. Speed: 210. Pleasure: 50. (Sucks you off only).

Level 2 Scylla: Accuracy: 205. Evasion: 185. Capture: 185. Sexual Attack: 195. Magical Defense: 125. Speed: 185. Stamina: 135. Pleasure: 45. HP: 600. Damage: 12.

Initiative Rolls:

Vampiyra: 210+493=703 (3rd)
Scylla: 185+547=732 (2nd)
Elise: 160+787=947 (1st)
Brianna: 140+521=661 (last)

Elise: Clear Focus Cool Down EXPIRED! (She can use it again!)

The shrine boss seemed to have once been a Mathosian woman, and she was clearly a vampire of some kind now, corrupted herself. From the water a Scylla emerged, leaving the women with two enemies to fight.


1: Attack Vampiyra.

2: Attack the Scylla.
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Looking at Brianna confidently, Elise led the way inside the shrine to prepare to fight whatever was within. As soon as they were inside a barrier raised around the place behind the way out, which Elise expected actually, so that didn't really bother her much. "Alright, what's it gonna be?" Elise muttered where only Brianna could hear her as they waited for their opponent to emerge.

Seeing what it was that they were to be fighting and mentally feeling what and who it was they were to fight, Elise readied herself to do battle with Vampiyra and the Scylla. Elise saw that Vampiyra was once a full blooded mathosian like her own mother is and that meant she would be physically stronger than Brianna definitely, but she was sure that she could handle her if it came to a physical fight. "Alright you, I'm sorry but this shrine has power that we need. So we'll be taking it from you," Elise told Vampiyra as she mentally prepared herself for the battle to come.

Flourishing her weapons, Elise activated her focusing skill and went at Vampiyra's minion, intent on taking out any support that the big girl herself had to give her and Brianna both a good 2 on 1 fight. Elise stepped into the water a bit and timed her strike just right so that she would slice the Scylla to bits and they'd have some good sushi to eat afterwards... or they would if they required food here anyway.

[Attack the Scylla after using Clear Focus, using Rune Carve Chain on the Scylla to try and ensure she goes down.]
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Elise uses Clear Focus and loses 5 MP, leaving her with 35. She has 5/5 turns on auto crits, and 15/15 on the cool down.

Attack Roll:

Elise: 155+197=352, 155+333=488, 155+465=620, 155+94=249 & 155+442=597 vs. Scylla: 185+356=541, 185+761=946, 185+538=723, 185+15=200 & 185+630=815. Only one skill hits, 200 damage.

Rune Burst:

Elise: 175+588=763 vs. Scylla: 125+191=316 (HIT). CRITICAL HIT!

Elise crits her rune burst as well, and does a total of 400 damage, leaving the Scylla with 200 HP left. 4/5 turns on Clear Focus, 14/15 for Cool Down.

Grapple Attempts:

Scylla: 205+499=704 vs. Elise: 210+606=816 (DODGE)
Vampiyra: 205+213=418 vs. Elise: 210+357=567 (DODGE)

Elise dodges both attempts to grab her!

Brianna casts Mantra of Speed, losing 50 MP and both she and Elise now have 2 turns per action!

Attack Rolls:

Brianna: 125+566=691 vs. Scylla: 125+632=757 (MISS)
Brianna: 125+703=828 vs. Scylla: 125+720=845 (MISS)

Brianna somehow misses BOTH attacks.

Brianna: 9/10 Turns on Mantra.
Elise: 10/10 Turns on Mantra.


1: Finish the Scylla.

2: Attack Vampiyra.
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Slashing the Scylla, Elise managed to cut it up a bit, but not a enough to kill her unfortunately to leave Vampiyra alone against the two of them. The runes bursting from Elise's special attack managed to apparently daze the thing enough to prevent her from managing to grab her back. Elise managed to evade Vampiyra as well when she came at her, likely in an attempt to grab and rape her. "Nope, can't let you grab me," Elise said as she slide from side to side to avoid them.

Brianna however didn't manage to hit with her attacks, but Elise saw she was able to start her mantra to speed them up some more, so at least something good came from it. Elise took this opportunity now that she was faster and moved in at the Scylla once more, intent on ending it for good this time. Darting in at the thing once more, Elise slashed her daggers out to try and take it down, then she'd turn and go for Vampiyra, quickly moving in behind to slash at her back and keeping her occupied on her while Brianna took the opportunity to use her magics as much as need be on her.

[Use Swift Edge Chain on the Scylla to try and finish her off, switching to use Beast Swipe on Vampiyra if that succeeds, though if she has to use her 2nd turn to attack the Scylla then use Swift Edge Chain a second time on it.]
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Elise Regens 4 MP and has 24/40

Attack Rolls:

Elise: 155+807=962 vs. Scylla: 185+344=529

Elise lands the first hit, and that is all she needs to kill the Scylla, not even bothering to finish the chain as she moves on to Vampiyra.

Elise: 155+540=695 vs. Vampiyra: 210+57=267 (HIT)

Elise deals 600 damage and STUNS Vampiyra. Vampiyra will not attack on her turn. Vampiyra has 4,400 HP remaining.

Elise: She has 3/5 turns on auto crits, and 13/15 on the cool down. 9/10 Turns on Mantra. 3/3 Turns for Beast Swipe Cool Down.

Brianna Regens 12 MP and has 82 now.

Attack Rolls:

Brianna: 125+616=741 vs. Vampiyra: 225+724=949 (MISS)
Brianna: 125+400=525 vs. Vampiyra: 225+178=403 (HIT!)

Brianna only lands one hit, dealing 600 holy damage! Vampiyra has 3,800 HP remaining.

Elise's Turn.
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Elise slashed the scylla perfectly just as she'd planned, her blade biting deep into her and hitting her vitals, ending the monster before it could really grab a hold of her and do anything like the vision she'd gotten momentarily of what the thing could do to her should it latch on to her. Elise didn't even bother finishing her combo of attacks on the scylla however and dove at vampiyra as soon as the other creature was dead, darting around behind her and slamming one of her dagger hilts into the side of Vampiyra's head and stunning her momentarily thankfully.

"Gotcha bitch, now you're gonna go down," Elise said in Vampiyra's ear as she hit her, confident now that they had the scylla out of the equation that they could handle Vampiyra now.

After that she watched Brianna do her attacks, her holy magics slamming into the vampiric Mathosian sorceress and hurting her a bit along with Elise's dagger attacks. Elise took this opportunity to press the assault since they had the upper hand on the shrine guardian in front of them, aiming to slash at her legs and try and slow her down some for when the stunning effect of her previous skill wore off.

[Attack again with Swift Edge Chain on both attacks since she doesn't have quite that much mana and that all of her other skills that she has the mana for are in cooldown. Though you didn't show it, Elise is in cooldown for Rune Carve Chain I believe.]
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

((You are quite correct!))

Attacks Automatically Succeed as Vampiyra can't evade attacks while stunned and unable to move.

Elise does 900 damage on the first, and 900 damage on the second attacks for a total of 1,800 damage.

Elise: She has 2/5 turns on auto crits, and 12/15 on the cool down. 8/10 Turns on Mantra. 2/3 Turns for Beast Swipe Cool Down. Rune Carve: 3/5 on Cool Down. 28 MP now.

Brianna deals 600 and 600 for a total of 1,200 damage! Vampiyra has 800 HP remaining.

Brianna Regens 12 MP and has 94 now. Brianna has 7/10 Turns left on the Mantra.

Grapple Attempt:

Vampiyra: 205+484=689 vs. Elise: 210+198=408 (GRABBED!)

With a snarl, Vampiyra came out of her stunned state and grabbed Elise before the woman could react!


1: Try to get free!

2: Time for some sex!
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Swiftly rushing back in, Elise slashed Vampiyra a few times as she passed by her, then she rushed back and slashed her again, leaving several gashes and wounds all over her. Elise then watched Brianna blast Vampiyra with her magic, leaving the shrine guardian woman heaving and very wounded. "Keep it up Brianna, we've almost got her," Elise cried to her lover to continue the assault and press Vampiyra until they defeated her.

Then just as Vampiyra recovered though, Elise was unprepared for her to rush at her and grapple with her, nearly knocking her over where Elise was sure something bad and or sexual would happen. "N-No bitch... g-get off of me," Elise grunted as she wrestled with Vampiyra, trying to get her off.

Struggling with Vampiyra, Elise attempted to throw her off of her, where she'd follow up with a dagger to her belly before punching her with the hilt of her other dagger to knock her away.

[Break free from Vampiyra, and if possible use Swift Edge Chain again twice since that's really all she can do, and I don't want to waste the mana on Signet of Agony Chain just yet.]