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Lorelai (Zilrax)



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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Perhaps to her surprise, the Lich responded.

"The first of us originated many years ago on another world. Do not let the identical appearances fool you though, each is as much an individual as you and your friend are. However, each child born has the memories of both it's parents, and with that we have gained a better understanding of all around us. We are preparing for the day the true ones awaken, who will lead us all into a glorious orgy of life and undeath. Mortals such as yourself normally could not procreate with the undead, however we long ago learned how to manipulate your DNA structures to allow the feat. Perhaps someday I, or one of us will show you how. I suppose it depends upon how this day goes for us both."

Escape Grapple Attempts:

Lorelai: 1 vs. Lich: 28.

Lorelai: 21 vs. Lich: 3.

Lorelai breaks free surprisingly easy on her second try, almost as if the Lich Queen had let her go...

Attack Rolls:

Melissa: 23, 23, 3, 13 & 28. vs. Liara: 3, 1, 2, 12 & 23. (All 5 Land)

Melissa: 28, 13, 7, 26 & 15 vs. Liara: 2, 10, 20, 25 & 20. (3 Land)

Melissa lands 8 hits out of 10 on her beatdown attack, 4 of which go critical! Melissa deals 1,440 damage and leaves Liara with 3,560 HP. Melissa attacked Liara due to Lorelai being engaged at the time she saw an opening.

Grapple Attempts:

Liara: 17 vs. Lorelai: 13.

Liara grabs Lorelai now!

Lich: 3 vs. Melissa: 29.

The Lich only half heartedly goes after Melissa for some odd reason...


1: Struggle free and reply.

2: Struggle free and ignore her.

3: Reply without struggling to get free.


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
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Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai blinks in surprise at the response, raising an eyebrow. "A fellow scientist of sorts. Generational memory? That's certainly fascinating. I mean, ultimately there is much here to learn from and discover. But how much progress can we all make in such an orgy state, where most of us have our souls replaced or subsumed by demonic spirits?"

She wriggled free with surprising ease, grunting though as Liara took the liches place, the Lich seeming reluctant.

"I've nothing against sexuality in and of itself. Were this place not determined to strip my free will from me I might consider dallying more and would certainly love to study and learn more of all this. But the nature of it hinders that and by extension yourselves. If all your future generations both know is sex, you'll gradually enslave yourselves to be little more than sex beasts as over time all the parents will know is that, and pass that down. Bit by bit brilliant minds eroded away. Off, bad vampire!"

She growled and struggled with Liara as she multitasked.

"I imagine you've little choice though. If you rebelled you'd be destroyed, if you fight you get destroyed... I don't envy your position, and that's why I need to resist this sort of thing.," sighs Lorelai sadly, "I mean, you're beautiful, intelligent, powerful, effectively immortal, yet you're less free than I am despite it, and any offspring you make are just as trapped. That's why this overdemon that holds all your strings needs to go."

The lich was reluctant. Maybe of anyone, an ancient creature with countless individuals of memory might know a loophole to blind the demonlord to their presence, or to shuck the bonds of it. Someone who might know a way to subvert his influence, if just a little. Risking the corruption of an undead might be worth it to have access to those tools and the knowledge she held.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

((You've given me some ideas now that will set up future games. Lorelai had BETTER survive all this to get that far now!))

Lorelai's words seemed to be striking something deep within the Lich, something big. Her eyes began to glow, and there was the faintest flicker of a very powerful aura around her....

Escape Grapple Attempts:

Lorelai: 10 vs. Liara: 11
Lorelai: 27 vs. Liara: 8

Lorelai breaks free easily on the second try, as some of the Lich Queen's aura actually touches her own!

Suddenly everything froze around them, as time literally seemed to stop. Melissa and Liara were completely motionless, with the former appaearing to have been 'frozen' in mid attack. The Lich turned to look at Lorelai, and what the woman saw in her eyes was enough to know that however it had happened, the Lich was the cause of the time freeze. Looking at Lorelai, she began to speak.

"There are some things you should know. Not all of us are completely slaves, some wish to find a peaceful coexistence with your species. Unfortunately, our numbers are very small, and we don't have the strength to stand against an army of this size. What I am doing now may very well cost me my life later on, but it is worth the risk. Your captor, Thembrihkal as he is known, is nothing more than a very powerful puppet himself. There are others even more powerful than he that he serves, but there are others still who have their own plans, different from his. I risk this because you are the first I have encountered here who I believe can truly do something to end this madness. I wish I could help you further, but I can't without drawing his power down upon us all. I do hope though one day we will meet again. Good Luck to you."

A moment later the Lich had completely poofed out of existence, and time resumed to normal. Melissa blinked as her target had simply vanished, but recovered quickly to go after Liara instead.

The Lich Queen has left the fight!

Attack Rolls:

Melissa: 24 vs. Liara: 27.
Melissa: 6 vs. Liara: 28.

Melissa missed both attacks, having been thrown off by whatever had happened.


1: Attack Liara.

2: Do nothing and try to process what just happened.


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
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Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

(Well she intends to fight her way through so let's hope!)

Lorelai stares in surprise as time freezes, her looking to the lich queen and listening to her words. It confirmed some of what she suspected indeed, and that was worrisome. Still, this, this gave her some hope. Hope that there might be something better at the end of this after all.

"I see. No, your words help plenty. Knowing that we're not alone, that there's more to fight towards, that others are trying in their own ways... I promise to fight my way through this for all of us. And hopefully find others who see beyond all this. Good luck with whatever it is you're planning. We'll keep up our efforts."

Once time restarts she reorients upon Liara. She'd love to be able to tell Melissa what happened, by the incredibly high likelihood that Thembrikhal was listening would make talking about it a poor gift to the lich who gave her more hope for the future.

"Now that she's taken care of, you. Let's see if I can't stuff a spirit in your soulless body.," smirks Lorelai as she aimed, unleashing a spirit thrash at the vampire.

Meanwhile, N'gaasha seemed somewhat confused by what happened, frowning a bit and eying Lorelai with her open firey eye.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

((Oops, I skipped Liara's turn by accident haha))

Liara tries to grab Lorelai, but the woman times a counter attack perfectly, landing for 400 damage! Liara has 3,160 HP left.

Attack Rolls:

Lorelai: 20 vs. Liara: 29.

Lorelai: 19 vs. Liara: 7.

Lorelai misses her first attack, but lands her second. Between she and her spirit, they deal 650 damage. Liara has 2,510 HP left.

Melissa: 22 vs. Liara: 3
Melissa: 28 vs. Liara: 4

Melissa uses 50 MP to cast her Smite Attack, landing both hits for 1,600 damage total. Liara has 910 HP left!

Grapple Attempt:

Liara: 12 vs. Lorelai: 25.

Lorelai dodges with ease.


1: Finish Her!

2: Sexy time?


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
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Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai grunts as Liara lunged at her, but shot her out of the air. The vampiress was thrown out of the way of her follow up shot, but was caught by the next shot.

Melissa came in then, beating down the Vampiress with her holy infused staff, staggering her aside. Liara seemed to be still reeling, as her next strike was way off, Lorelai side stepping in.

"Nap time.," says Lorelai simply, firing off another pair of spirit thrashes at her opponent. A shrine well worth the attempt it seemed today.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Attack Rolls:

Lorelai: 29 vs. Liara: 19.
Lorelai: 10 vs. Liara: 4.

Lorelai ends the fight by killing Liara!

Both women gain 5,000 XP off Liara, and get a map piece!

Melissa glanced over at Lorelai, definitely curious about what had happened to the Lich, but realizing that whatever it had been, it might be a bad idea to talk about it. Instead she just shrugged, indicating she was going to let it go.


1: Move onward.

2: Rest to full and then move onward (2 turns needed, can't be caught).

Current Stats:

Character Name: Lorelai (Zilrax) (Forgotten Tower lvl 5) +20 attacks pre lvl 5

Character Race: Mathosian

Character Class: Spiritmaster

Starting Stats:

Starting HP: 107/105+2=107
Starting MP: 227/225+2=227
Starting Sexual Stamina: 187/185+2=187

8,953/50,000 KP. (495 KP this turn)

XP: 9,900/16,000. Level 6. 3x MP & HP pots for each woman 1 KL Lowering Potion for each. 1x Full HP Potion for each. 35% Crits.

Very Weak vs. Succubus Pussy Rides (+10 Pleasure), Weak vs. Pussy Rides (+5 Pleasure). Strength: 2x Effectiveness on Class Specific Skills.

345 HP Spirit.

8: Shrine of Power: When activated, this shrine PERMANENTLY raises ALL of your stat points by 2 each time you activate one. This stacks, so you can get some serious buffs if you are lucky to find a number of them. Guardian: Weeping

Kelaino (Elite Virago) and Minions.

Barrier Spirit: 300/300, 0/10

Has a Companion: Melissa Krintara +20 attacks pre lvl 5

Character Race: Norn

Character Class: Chantress

Starting Stats:

Starting HP: 147/145+2=147
Starting Mana: 100/180+2=182
Starting Sexual Stamina: 242/240+2=242

KP: 10,361/50,000. KL: 0. KP for Fight: 320

XP: 9,900/16,000. Level 6. 30% Crit.

Mantra of Speed Active. 0/3 Beatdown C/D

Weak vs. Anything with tentacles inside or outside their body (Plants count) (+5 Pleasure), Weak vs. Full out restraint/unable to fight the attack/resist (+5 Pleasure). Strength: Half Pleasure Gain.

Lorelai's Skills:

Summon Elemental Spirit - The Spiritmaster summons a Fire, Cold or Lightning damage dealing spirit, whichever one she chooses upon the casting of this spell. The Spirit can attack in one of two ways. If the Spiritmaster connects with an attack of any kind, the spirit instantly hits the enemy for the SAME amount of damage in it's element. If the enemy was cursed with lower resist, the elemental damage is doubled. If the Spiritmaster does not connect with an attack, this spirit deals 50 Elemental Damage by itself. Spirit attacks can't be avoided and will always connect, and will always attack the enemy the Spiritmaster is. This spirit lasts until it's HP is depleted by her special skill, or all enemies are slain, regardless of if the Spiritmaster is raped or not. However, if she is raped, the Spirit will randomly target the enemy with the lowest HP that isn't raping a player. Mana Cost - 0. This does not consume your turn unless you casted another spirit already this turn.

Summon Barrier Spirit - The Spiritmaster summons a spirit which forms a protective barrier around her, or an ally of her choosing. This barrier prevents an enemy from harming or raping the protected ally at a price. Each time the spirit protects it's target, it loses 50 HP. This spirit has 300 HP, so it can protect up to six times before it is slain. It will last either until it's HP is depleted, or it has been on the field for 10 turns. Mana Cost - 75. Once this spirit dies, it can't be summoned for fifteen turns. Does not consume your turn unless you casted another spirit already this turn.

Spirit Thrash - The Spiritmaster attacks with a shadow damage dealing attack which hits for 300 HP instantly. This type of damage can't be avoided, and there is no immunity to it. Mana Cost - 0. Magical Attack.

Spiritual Sap - This spell saps the energy out of a target enemy, causing them to be paralyzed for 5 turns, or until they are struck with an attack. While highly useful, this skill has a 10 turn cooldown, and can't be casted more than six times in a single fight, so use it wisely. It also can only be cast on an enemy who is not currently grappling or raping a woman. Mana Cost - 150. Magical Attack.

Spiritual Time Bomb - This highly useful spell simply is the best protection in the world. When cast, this spell instantly afflicts the target enemy with a prevention spell. This spell prevents an enemy from grappling for 3 turns,
actually dealing 75 damage every time it tries to attack. As enemies will always try to attack, this can be highly useful to both prevent a grapple, AND deal damage. It may only be cast once every five turns, and only once per enemy in a fight, so use this VERY wisely. Mana Cost - 250. Level Gained: 5. Magical Attack.

Erosion - This spell causes an enemy to lose 400 HP every turn for 5 turns. Mana Cost - 175. Level Gained: 5. Magical Attack.

Class Specific Skills:

Spirit Substitution - This skill allows the Spiritmaster to deflect 50% of the sexual pleasure she suffers when she is raped to be absorbed by her elemental spirit's HP. If for some reason she did not have an elemental spirit out then she will suffer the full brunt of the sexual pleasure crashing over her vulnerable body. If she had a barrier spirit active on someone else, then this skill will only reduce 25% of her sexual pleasure. Her elemental spirit starts with 700 HP, and gains 40 per level she gains. Once the spirit is killed, the Spiritmaster will have to cast it again before she can use this passive skill again. She must wait two turns after it dies and she is free to be able to cast a spirit again.

Kamikaze Spirit - The Spiritmaster may choose to send her Spirits on a suicide run, detonating them on any enemy not currently raping someone. Each Spirit will detonate their entire life force, so this skills damage is only limited by the remaining HP of ALL her spirits. The drawback to this skill is that she won't be able to summon any spirits for fifteen turns after using this skill. This skill is not affected by Mastery skills.

Being a Mathosian, her elemental spirit starts with 1,400 HP and gains 80 per level. Her Barrier Spirit also has 600 HP.

Melissa's Skills:

Mantra of Persistence - While this buff is active, each party member has 25% more Health, 20% More Mana and 30% more Sexual Stamina. This buff remains active from the time it is cast through an entire battle, unless the Chantress is raped. Once penetrated, the buff fails and must be recast later when she is free. Mana Cost - 50.

Mantra of Speed - While this buff is active, your companion is able to have two actions per turn. If they are being raped, they have two chances to escape penetration. If attacking, they can attack twice with the same skill at only the cost of one cast. This might be one of the more useful spells later in the game, along with Persistence. As with all buffs, if the Chantress is raped, the buff ends. Mana Cost - 50.

Replication - This skill allows the Chantress to replicate ANY ITEM in the game except an item that you can only have one of at a time upon their dropping. A highly useful skill, it is used at the end of a fight, so plan your mana usage wisely. Mana Cost - 60.

Holy Blast - This skill deals 300 Holy Damage if it hits, double against undead and demons. This damage cannot be reduced, nor enhanced, it will always do 300 damage to non demons or non undead, or 600 if they are demonic or undead. Magical Attack. Can't critical hit.

Smite - This skill deals 400 Holy Damage, double if against an undead or demonic opponent. Mana Cost - 50. Level Gained: 5. Magical Attack. Can't critical hit.

Beatdown - The Chantress goes into a flurry of hits with her staff, lashing out a total of 5 times, dealing 100 damage each time she lands a hit. She doesn't need to land a hit to keep the string going. Physical Attack. 3 turn cool down. Level 5.

Class Specific Skills:

Sexual Frustration - The name to this is misleading to say the least. This passive skill doesn't block pleasure the Chantress suffers, nor does it increase her chances to avoid getting raped. Instead it allows her a little payback. When the Chantress is raped to an orgasm, her body rapidly channels the pleasure she suffers into raw energy, and upon her orgasm the Chantress's body will release this energy in the form of a directed blast of damage upon any enemy raping her at that time. The damage will be equal to 2x her MAXIMUM Sexual Stamina, so to begin with an orgasm would deal 360 damage to any and all enemies who were alive at the time she suffered an orgasm.

Heavenly Delight - The Chantress can, once per battle, choose either herself or her ally to target with this. This spell allows for whoever is targeted to completely resist taking KP from that point on until she suffers an orgasm. Once the target has an orgasm, the spell is broken and she can gain KP again. Very useful in a situation where things aren't going well and you need a boost, or in combination with a class that can deal damage when they orgasm, allowing them a cheap way to kill something, or seriously mess it up. The only drawback to this spell is it consumes whatever mana the Chantress still had at that point, leaving her very limited until she can regen. If she has some potions though, this isn't such a loss. The Chantress can't cast if she is penetrated, or penetrating, but she can if she's grappled. Mana Cost: 100 to start.

No Pregnancy Buff.


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
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Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai launched her blasts and dropped her opponent, checking the shrine briefly then nodding to Melissa. "Phew. Let's catch our breath and keep going." She appreciated Melissa's discretion on the matter. She looked forward to seeing the Lich Queen once more. Or Lich Queens as it may be. Though a being of corrupt energies and perhaps a slightly amoral nature, she could respect a fellow seeker of knowledge. And a good ally perhaps. She hoped she could find more beings like them out here, potential allies. Alone they were nothing... But perhaps together and united...

"Wonder if we'll find an actual settlement of some kind at some point. Doubt it'd be friendly but it might be nice to find some real food and bed.," muses Lorelai, "Not holding my breath though."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Melissa only nodded, sitting down to rest. In short order they were both at full strength, and moved onward into the next level of the tower. As they moved down into the next level though, Melissa spoke quietly.

"Don't you find it a little un-nerving that we're going further under ground? Do you suppose the next place we'll have to go is well below the surface? I have to admit, I don't relish the idea of being forced to fight so far under
ground, one bad aimed spell and we could bring everything down on top of us, literally."

As the moved along, they came across a heavily fortified safe looking room similar to the ones they had seen before. Ducking inside, Melissa let out a sound of victory, and held up a pair of Neural Impactors, handing one over to Lorelai.


1: Take, talk and walk.

2: Take, talk and rest for no real reason.

3: Other?


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
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Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

"Unnerving? Mmm, not really. I half expect to step outside into a field, it'd make just as much sense as anything else around here. But well, if everything collapses and we die, it might be arguably better than being raped to soul death.," grimaces Lorelai, "We'll be careful either way."

Coming to a room to a safe room, she considered it a bit, blinking as she takes the neural impactors, hooking it on her belt. "Neat. Pity we've no way to recharge them after hm?" She looks at the safe room a bit and considers.

"On one hand, don't need rest, on other hand, sleeping on an actual bed for a short while. It's sorta disturbing. Lack of physical exhaustion, the suppression of bodily functions and needs in general. Makes me wonder if we even are actually alive, you know? Or even what we were originally. Maybe we're already demons physically and it's just our souls haven't been adapted."

She hums and muses, "If it's just the planet, will all our needs catch up if we leave? If not, will we be too inhuman thereafter to be relatable. It's all very interesting conundrums. Agh, if only I had my lab to study all these things! It's driving me nuts with all the philosophical jargon and no means to verify anything! Gah, let's go, safety makes brain think, danger makes brain stop!"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Melissa thought for a moment before nodding. She'd much rather be killed by a cave in than raped to death, though she wasn't going to say that out loud. However Lorelai going on about ther situation and what might happen if they left the planet caused her to hesitate a moment, and then reply.

"Or we might die if we leave this planet. There's really no way to know for certain unless we try. All I know for sure is one thing, if we do appear like we're going to die, I'm taking as many of these fuckers with me as I can."

As they walked along they came to a partially flooded room. They would have to wade through the water, which seemed very deep in some places, in order to proceed onward. As they started moving though ...

Enemy Spawn:

Level 7 Scylla: Stamina: 185. Pleasure: 55. HP: 800. Damage: 22. Weak vs. Magic. Has the Tentacle Bind Ability. 3/3 Anger Slots.

Level 8 Giant Kraken: Stamina: 150. Pleasure: 55. HP: 600. Damage: 20. Weak vs. Lightning. Has the Tentacle Bind Ability. 3/3 Anger Slots.

Initiative Rolls:

Lorelai: 25 (2nd)
Melissa: 6 (Last)
Scylla: 17 (3rd)
Kraken: 30 (1st)

... the Water suddenly rippled, and two enemies came to the surface. One was a tentacled woman, while the other was a large Octopus like creature with very long tentacles! Before the women could react, the larger one, a Kraken, raced it's tentacles out towards Lorelai!

Grapple Attempt:

Kraken: 3 vs. Lorelai: 25

Lorelai manages to dive out of the way, though in the process has to dunk under water and come back up to the surface, getting completely wet.


1: Attack something.

2: Other?


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
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Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai nodded. "I would settle with just taking Thrembrikul with me." As useful as it might be. Evidently he was just a small fry to boot. Still, she had to assume that any damage she could deal to this strange conspiracy was of use to someone.

Moving into the water, N'Gaasha suddenly waved her hand, and pointed at a darker point in the water. Abruptly from there, tentacles lashed out of the water, some sort of octopoid, and yet another Scylla.

Lorelai swiftly dived out of the tentacles paths, grimacing in disgust at getting dunked like that. Who knew how long this water had been stagnant here.

"N'gaasha, Lightning Claw.," she growled, before spirit thrashing at the assaulting octopod. She didn't know what gender it was, and didn't want to find out by being raped by an animal.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai summons her lightning spirit!

Attack Roll:

Lorelai: 30 vs. Kraken: 20 (Waste of a 30 imo lol)

Lorelai lands her hit with surprising ease, dealing 300 damage, and her spirit follows up with 600 more, killing the Kraken instantly!

Grapple Attempt:

Scylla: 30 vs. Lorelai: 15. (Ouch, auto-penetration crit hit)

The Scylla takes advantage of Lorelai being distracted by the death of her target to sneak in, grab her and almost immediately futa her! Before the woman realizes what is happening, she's being ridden inside a pussy that had tentacles inside of it!

Lorelai suffers 30 Pleasure after her spirit absorbs some of it, and gains 80 KP. She has 157 Stamina left while the Scylla has 130.

Melissa casts her Mantra of Speed, giving both she and Lorelai 2 turns per round now. Melissa has 132 MP left.

Free Lorelai Attempts:

Melissa: 17 vs. Scylla: 12

Melissa frees Lorelai on the first try!

Attack Roll:

Melissa: 3 vs. Scylla: 4.

Melissa misses her attack!


1: Lash out into the Scylla!

2: Other?


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
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Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai easily ducked around the Kraken and unleashed her shock assisted thrash, blasting the animal to bits. Sadly she was too distracted to notice the Scylla swiftly coming up behind her.

She yelped as she was turned around and gender blended, then jammed right into her, her yelping at sliding into a tight hole that was wrapping around her cock and wringing her. Fortunatly, the stimulation was brief as Melissa grabbed the Scylla and tossed her aside. Her follow up strike just barely was ducked aside from though.

"No. None of that. Shame on you.," growls Lorelai, not enjoying being ravaged like that. So many bizarre breeding methods in these creatures. Pity she had no chance to study them. Not without risk to soul and sanity anyways.

Regardless she launched her spirit thrash at the octogirl, determined to end this fight swiftly.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Attack Rolls:

Lorelai: 13 vs. Scylla: 25
Lorelai: 1 vs. Scylla: 21

The Scylla avoids both of Lorelai's attack attempts, and might have laughed at her if her Spirit hadn't smacked her for 100 damage. The Scylla has 700 HP left.

Grapple Attempt:

Scylla: 16 vs. Lorelai: 23

Lorelai dodges!

Attack Rolls:

Melissa: 16 vs. Scylla: 8 (Used Smite, lost 50 MP, 82 left)
Melissa: 25 vs. Scylla: 18

Melissa ends the Scylla with two well placed Smite Blasts, and just like that the fight was over!

Both Women gain 600 XP.

Loot Phase:

Scylla: MAP PIECE!

Kraken: Full MP Potion.

Melissa bent down to pick something up from each body, handing a more potent looking Mana Potion over to Lorelai, and looking at the Map Piece she had found. Smiling slightly, she said, "This one shows us where the boss is, and who she is. So apparently we have to fight ... Countess Andra and she has a Tar Demoness, a Tar Demon and a Demonic Bug as servants."


1: Move Onward to the Boss Fight!

2: Rest to full before the fight (can't be caught)


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
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Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai grunts as her spells missed. The Scylla shot her a grin, before N'haasha smacked her upside the head and knocking the smile off her face. N'gaasha was the one grinning now.

Two blasts flew from Melissa's side and finished the job, Lorelai nodding in satisfaction. "That's what you get."

She looks over as Melissa brings the map piece over, her frowning a bit. "Countess? They have nobility around here? Sheesh. Well, let's pray she's reasonable, and prepare to brutally slaughter them if she's not. Hm. Wonder what we're about to face. And if the names short for that Andariel individual that Blood Raven was on about."

She shakes her head, "Let's recover then head in. Clear out the dross then concentrate on her I figure."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Melissa shrugged slight, not really sure, but knowing they would soon find out for sure.

Sitting down, both women rested up to full, and then they were moving onward ...

Level 8 Tar Demoness: Stamina: 180. Pleasure: 55. HP: 700.Stamina: 180. Pleasure: 55. HP: 700. Weak vs. Fire. Has the "Stuck on You" ability.

Level 8 Tar Demon: Stamina: 160. Pleasure: 45. HP: 600. Weak vs. Fire. Has the "Stuck on You" ability.

Level 8 Demonic Bug: Stamina: 195. Pleasure: 40. HP: 800. Weak vs. Cold.

Countess Andra: HP: 10,000. Stamina: 300. Pleasure: 55. (Uses her Pussy only)

Entering the room of the Boss, the two women spotted their foes. The minions looked like typical run of the mill stuff, nothing special, but Andra was a different thing. She was tall, easily over six feet tall, and her eyes were as green as an emerald. Her skin clearly was that of a corrupted being, an obsidian black color, but still retaining the same flesh like appearance she probably had been known for in life. Clearly this was not a born demon, but an unfortunate soul like Blood Raven who had come before them and been defeated. By now Lorelai would be able to tell, having seen it in Blood Raven's eyes, that part of the mind that had once been the Countess remained, but wasn't in control. There was a haunted look to her eyes that suggested something of the original soul was still there, but was every bit a prisoner inside the demonic shell her body had become as they themselves were on this planet. A haunted look that begged for the two of them to be the ones to finally end her eternal torture, and to lay her spirit to rest.

Initiative Rolls:

Lorelai: 26 (1st)
Melissa: 1 (Last)
Tar Demoness: 21 (19 tie breaker) (2nd)
Tar Demon: 11 (4th)
Demonic Bug: 21 (14 tie breaker) (3rd)
Andra: 9 (5th)


1: Attack! (which target?)

2: Other?


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai grimaced as she came face to face with the latest of tortured souls that the demon lord had caused. Well. No point in putting this off then.

"I'll get to you in a minute, for now take a seat. N'gaasha, sit on her soul." She called up her energies, N'gaasha grinning then coiling her giant temporarily solid tail around Countess Andra, or tried to anyways, to keep her from getting involved for a bit.

(Spiritual Sap on the boss.)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Spell Attempt:

Lorelai: 26 vs. Andra: 15

Lorelai casts Spirit Sap on the Countess, who now can't move for 5 turns! Lorelai loses 150 MP and has 77 left. She has used this spell 1 of 6 times allowed for the fight. 10 rounds on cool down.

Grapple Attempts:

Tar Demoness: 9 vs. Lorelai: 1

Lorelai finds herself tackled by the Tar Demoness!

Demonic Bug: 14 vs. Melissa: 25
Tar Demon: 24 vs. Melissa: 26

Melissa manages to dodge both her would be attackers!

Andra is Paralyzed for this round and 4 more.

Melissa casts her Mantra of Speed buff and now has 132 MP left.

Attack Rolls:

Melissa: 30 vs. Demonic Bug: 10.

Melissa lashes out with her Smite Spell and deals 800 Damage due to the bug being Demonic! She has 87 Stamina left, and the Bug is DEAD.

Melissa: 27 vs. Tar Demon: 3

Melissa lands her Holy Blast skill for 600 damage due to the Tar Demon being demonic, and instantly kills it as well!


1: Try to throw the Demoness off you and get in on the killing fun!

2: Other?


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai nods as N'gaasha's tail pulls tight upon the countess, holding her still for the time being. She had little time to be proud however, as she found herself tackled by another one of the tar demons, her cursing. "Come on! I just got all the gunk off me from the last one of you!"

As she struggled with the demoness, Melissa easily swatted aside the assaults of the other demon and the bug. With them off balance, she easily fires a blast of magic from each hand, slaying both at once.

"Always the hero of my story.," Lorelai calls over with a wry chuckle, given how she was almost always the damsel, before renewing her struggles, not wanting to be dead weight in this battle.