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[RPG Maker VX Ace] My Own Kingdom

Re: [RPG Maker VX Ace] My Own Kingdom

Well, I'm moving to another country. As my rants suggests, living here is a nightmare. What does this mean for this game? I sold my PC with everything so I just have my laptop. Meaning I won't be drawing until I move and buy a new tablet so it's going to be a few months until I can. I will be working on the game itself as much as I can without the drawings but I will probably will be working on another project I have with another artist so it shouldn't be a problem I only have the laptop.

I really didn't want to work on another project until I finished this one, but given the situation I think it's the best thing to do. When I've confirmed the other project I will post something around here :D
Re: [RPG Maker VX Ace] My Own Kingdom

So, after almost a year, I'm finally reviving this thread. For those that were following my game:

First, I'm very sorry for the huge delay. Settling down on my new life in a new country took a lot more than I thought so I couldn't think too much about this game or h-game in general. I logged in here and there, played only a few games that reaaaaally caught my eye, etc. Here's a picture of how sorry I am:


Secondly, I'd like to update on how things are going for the game. After some thinking about how to put the game out there I decided to jump on the Patreon wagon. Though I will probably publish the games on DLSite, the games will be more expensive so I pretty much just see DLSite as a way to maybe appeal to the japanese market if I do it. I will explain eventually how pledges will work in detail but I already can tell you it will be only one payment per game. I finally got my Payoneer card today so I could set up my account already.

About the game itself, well, bad news. After searching my things I couldn't find the .psd files of anything I made. I could swear I made a back up of all that but nope, apparently I'm that stupid and just copied the game files. What does that mean?

I'll be drawing all I did from scratch. Reasons being that it's been a friggin' year, I'm not sure I'll be able to keep the same style, and I'm switching to Manga Studio 5 which will probably have an effect on the final result too. I got it on a sale a looong time ago, didn't use it much, but I saw it got a lot of good reviews and I feel it's better for what I will actually do.

I will draw Mao as close as I can to the original but the girls may get some changes, probably complete remakes. At least the game is there, half done, so it's not starting from scratch. I will wrap up a mini demo with the old artwork and upload it for those who'd like to have them.

Here is my Patreon page, it's still under construction but at least you can read about how the pledges will work there.

And that's it, I will update as soon as I have something :)
Re: [RPG Maker VX Ace] My Own Kingdom

Keep us posted, looking forward to seeing your new art!