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Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project

Re: Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project

Love the Grin face... the other... not so :D
Re: Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project

I seriously can't understand how it is so terrible.

For the other faces? I don't like the "thick lips" image I'm getting from them...
Re: Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project

For the other faces? I don't like the "thick lips" image I'm getting from them...

yeah that is what I meant thanks.

I actually already planned to modify the lips a bit, they are bit too light and really hard to see what position the mouth is in. So was going to make some darker lines for it. I didn't really plan on making them thinner. I will see how it looks though.
Re: Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project

Looks like the project won't hit the $3800 goal. :(
I pledged $50 but looks like it wasn't enough to get the ball rolling.

Re: Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project

Looks like the project won't hit the $3800 goal. :(
I pledged $50 but looks like it wasn't enough to get the ball rolling.


Thanks for the support. no worries. The ball is rollin. the game will be done. nothing to worry about. yes the amount I see is a bit steep in comparison to people familiar with my work. The amount was suggested to me. I personally actually asked my friends and family to not pitch in anything. Opposite of how kickstarter suggests to you from day 1. As they would not let it fail for sure. I felt it was not really that big of a deal. Kind of sucks for the mousepads but whatever, I'll make up the cost later.

The whole face issue kind of threw me way off and I actually stopped marketing many days ago in my attempt to fix the problems people had with it. Not really a good use of my time I feel. Don't get me wrong, it is good to get all the advice and critique. But I will apply it to future games instead on this one. This one is a bit too late for me to go back and change the eyes and various animations. It is actually a ton of work, even though it might not seem that way. The nose and lips however, I can do something about. I decided that if it is to be judged based on the look of the art that I chose to do for this game in particular then so be it. Nothing is really stopping me from finishing it though. In fact I was almost done to begin with. I guess am done having fun lulz'ing around kickstarters terms of service. So I will go with my original plan. Which was something along the lines of what AceofWind mentioned. And also have a free version people can play if they want to see what I can actually do at no risk to them but their time.
As for right now I am just focused on finishing the game only. I have the rest planned out already. I wanted to have it done this weekend but I went out of town to relax a bit, clear my head.
Re: Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project

As for right now I am just focused on finishing the game only. I have the rest planned out already. I wanted to have it done this weekend but I went out of town to relax a bit, clear my head.

So how is the work going?

What are you going to do if the kickstarter fails?
Re: Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project

Hey I have to hand it to you, you took on a challenge and you're seeing it through to the end, you're taking the criticism and input very well and with great stride. It may have been a little ambitious to ask for that much for startup money,but with the work you're putting in and with that good attitude you have, I'm sure you'll make a bit of scratch from this game.

It's like you said, take what's been said into consideration for future projects and finish this one to completion. It was impossible to know everything about what your consumers would want from the very beginning, and so long as you made something that you are proud of and took it in the direction you wanted to take it, then it's certainly not a failure. There's a pretty big difference between making a game and making a game to sell, in the sense that the former is more fulfilling creatively and allows you to express yourself and take it into whatever direction you want, but it might not be able to sell very much or if at all, like "art for art's sake". The latter takes a lot of input and consideration for appeal, personal tastes, and pandering to consumers and being wary of trying anything too ambitious at the risk of displeasing an audiance. This is usually where developers hire outside artists to cover their art so that the appeal of the game is much wider if the developer's artistic talent isn't too spectacular.

Looking at your game, it looks a bit like a QWOP mod with school girls and weird faces, but I respect the work you put into it, the ambitious game design, and your great attitude. These are all things I can't ever put you down for, and they'll lead to some great games in the future.
Re: Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project

So how is the work going?

I decided to go ahead and make some of these changes, mostly with the art. because I would probably regret letting the years I put into this be criticized forever by only a week or two work of work I could have done. crappy animation I can probably deal with and improve later. I was unable to work on this last weekend. Nor will I be able to work on it next weekend. So I have to work on it between work which is making it go slower than I would like for it to.

This where I am at with the art right now:
I'm not really stuck on the look, but I just don't want to change it too much. I'd bet people would like it better if it was more anime, but I just don't really want to do the super duper anime look, with the non-existent nose, and only a line for a mouth. Not that I hate it, I just don't want to use it here.

What are you going to do if the kickstarter fails?

distribute free version around the net with a option for a full version for a few bucks on my site. It think it is be best way people can become familiar with my work because vandread was a long time ago. After that just post it around on flash game sites and call it a day and move on to something else. Both versions are complete games. so basically the same result regardless of the KS outcome. I'm not even supposed to be on KS with hentai game to begin with, and people tend to remind me of this quite a bit to say the least. So I will probably cancel the KS when I am complete in setting up my alternative and update various places including there. I could easily remake the KS and set the goal for something I could easily reach, but as I mentioned, not really worth doing. Plus I would rather attract attention to my own site.

It's like you said, take what's been said into consideration for future projects and finish this one to completion. It was impossible to know everything about what your consumers would want from the very beginning,

Thanks for the nice comments. I'm not even really sure who my consumers are thoguh tbh. I'm honestly just taking guesses by posting this around in various places. I normally don't even engage a forum aside from my own. The face issue has caused me to do so. And because of that, people that like my stuff have come from playing my previous flash games that I posted, or were stolen and re-posted, and from my art lol. which much of the time, will look something similar to the mousepad art. I draw a bit of realism from time to time also thoguh. But aside form all that, I barely even post games to even begin with. Many games don't even leave my site.

I don't mind working with a artist, and I have before in the past. However I just want to get a few games done myself, for this game and the next which is much smaller anyways.
Re: Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project

That second picture looks so much better face-wise. I understand what you're saying in regards to not making it super anime and plain, but when it comes to even ATTEMPTING an anime style, the eyes are what set the difference between anime style and "poorly executed anime".

We've all seen examples of poorly drawn anime. You can't just slap a pointy chin, big eyes and spiky hair and call it anime. I think the problem I'm having with the previous version is the closeness of the eyes. When you pulled them apart and shrunk them down just a tad, it did wonders. Even changing the colors a bit to make the contrast a bit lower makes her look so much better. As for the nose and mouth, I think they're great. That's your own personal style and they're executed well. After reworking the construction of the face a little bit, you can see how you kept the original style intact while increasing the quality of the character design and visual interest. Keep that in mind while making your next game and people will be blown away.

Anime is tricky because it's all about subtlety, you can see how those small changes you made makes all the difference in the end product.

I think the style is anime, but unique. You're not aping some manga or specific anime's style, and it has a softness like in shoujo manga which is often rare for this type of game. Seeing the screenshots of the girls with no context, I would think it was a highschool romantic visual novel suitable for teenagers, and not some ero game. This is a good thing I think, and can set you apart from other styles.
Re: Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project

This where I am at with the art right now:
I'm not really stuck on the look, but I just don't want to change it too much. I'd bet people would like it better if it was more anime, but I just don't really want to do the super duper anime look, with the non-existent nose, and only a line for a mouth. Not that I hate it, I just don't want to use it here.

Quick, go and upgrade all the pics associated with this project on kickstarter, and maybe you'll get a much better response from backers (of anime-oriented projects).

That improvement is remarkable, by the way. I'd be much more inclined to back this if the eventual game looked like this. So... maybe you can pitch is as... what you've got now is "working graphics" and the final product will have this "improved graphics" once production is under way? That might be some thing people would like to back.

Will you change the graphics? How much longer does it take you to draw in your new style?
Re: Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project

That second picture looks so much better face-wise. I understand what you're saying in regards to not making it super anime and plain, but when it comes to even ATTEMPTING an anime style, the eyes are what set the difference between anime style and "poorly executed anime".
Seeing the screenshots of the girls with no context, I would think it was a highschool romantic visual novel suitable for teenagers, and not some ero game. This is a good thing I think, and can set you apart from other styles.

Thanks for the feedback. In the final look I reduced the height of the forehead a bit.

Yeah I made it look that was just for the KS page, like some kind of VN I guess. But ero is indeed in it, and those parts actually have nothing to do with romance at all. However also is a complete game with no ero in it at all.

Will you change the graphics? How much longer does it take you to draw in your new style?

Thanks, Yes I am working on updating the graphics right now for the characters.

I'd rather spend that time updating the graphics as opposed to trying to go around and update everything and spend time trying to re-promote it. I'll try crowd funding again alter for something else maybe later. No worries.

my goal to complete this is this week. I also want to look at a decent running animation and see where I can make some adjustments to the one in the game.
Re: Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project

distribute free version around the net with a option for a full version for a few bucks on my site. It think it is be best way people can become familiar with my work because vandread was a long time ago. After that just post it around on flash game sites and call it a day and move on to something else. Both versions are complete games. so basically the same result regardless of the KS outcome. I'm not even supposed to be on KS with hentai game to begin with, and people tend to remind me of this quite a bit to say the least. So I will probably cancel the KS when I am complete in setting up my alternative and update various places including there. I could easily remake the KS and set the goal for something I could easily reach, but as I mentioned, not really worth doing. Plus I would rather attract attention to my own site.
Is there any way to register on your site now?

Looking forward to the game so I hope it won't take long after kickstarter has been successful or failed that you finish the game and can offer it to the crowd.
Re: Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project

I want to thanks everyone who provided me with constructive feedback.
I just wanted to update this post saying that I finished this game.

I have finished the game and made the game available to play at these locations.
the full game was too large to fit on Newgrounds so these versions are bit smaller in scale.

I just left the art and animations the same since changing it in mass like that made the game not fun to work on anymore at all. I'll just have to get it right from the start the next time. :(

I have the full version and the album available here:
or you can donate as little as $1 a month to have early access and updates to anything I am working on.

For the next game I will be working with pinoytoons so I can focus on just the programming part of it.

I wanted to post a demo a bit later to get some feedback on it since it i will be easier for to change stuff before there is too much progress already made on it.
Re: Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project

I want to thanks everyone who provided me with constructive feedback.
I just wanted to update this post saying that I finished this game.

I have finished the game and made the game available to play at these locations.
the full game was too large to fit on Newgrounds so these versions are bit smaller in scale.

I just left the art and animations the same since changing it in mass like that made the game not fun to work on anymore at all. I'll just have to get it right from the start the next time. :(

I have the full version and the album available here:
or you can donate as little as $1 a month to have early access and updates to anything I am working on.

For the next game I will be working with pinoytoons so I can focus on just the programming part of it.

I wanted to post a demo a bit later to get some feedback on it since it i will be easier for to change stuff before there is too much progress already made on it.

so basically the free version is just smaller resolution and the paid version has ost and just bigger resolution?
Re: Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project

I realize that saying smaller in scale was not a correct description. It is not just reduced quality there are a number of things I had to take out completely to fit NG upload limits.

I did try to keep them similar thoguh by reducing the image quality where applicable, instead of taking tons of stuff out.

some things missing from the online version are:
-music mini game after getting guitar and joining Music club had to be removed
-there is a missing hentai minigame in the sex club
-the cheerleader minigame was removed.
-the good ending scene was shortened.
-there is a harassment/bullying mechanic that was removed
-traveling to the park area and all the photoshoot objectives got removed.
-I have a few customized graphics you can import into the game which work offline that are not present also.

the OST is basically just donation thing unless you also like the music. If you are hesitant about paying anything I suggest just waiting a little bit. I plan to have the offline version available for anyone to play after I make certain updates.

There is a lot of work to do on the game, from suggestions that I received both here and other places. I just wanted to progress to some kind of a initial release version. I will add in the other ideas overtime through modifications and updates.
Re: Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project

I realize that saying smaller in scale was not a correct description. It is not just reduced quality there are a number of things I had to take out completely to fit NG upload limits.

I did try to keep them similar thoguh by reducing the image quality where applicable, instead of taking tons of stuff out.

some things missing from the online version are:
-music mini game after getting guitar and joining Music club had to be removed
-there is a missing hentai minigame in the sex club
-the cheerleader minigame was removed.
-the good ending scene was shortened.
-there is a harassment/bullying mechanic that was removed
-traveling to the park area and all the photoshoot objectives got removed.
-I have a few customized graphics you can import into the game which work offline that are not present also.

the OST is basically just donation thing unless you also like the music. If you are hesitant about paying anything I suggest just waiting a little bit. I plan to have the offline version available for anyone to play after I make certain updates.

There is a lot of work to do on the game, from suggestions that I received both here and other places. I just wanted to progress to some kind of a initial release version. I will add in the other ideas overtime through modifications and updates.
One thing to think about later on that sadden me a little that it wasn't in the game is a PoV onanism. Gives something to do later on when she's flying through the tests and since you can play with your boobs at anytime I don't think the teachers will find it too bad lol.
Re: Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project

One thing to think about later on that sadden me a little that it wasn't in the game is a PoV onanism. Gives something to do later on when she's flying through the tests and since you can play with your boobs at anytime I don't think the teachers will find it too bad lol.

You can just end the test if you click on the papers after completing every question.

My main problem is that I can't figure out how to get her naked in the locker room for the PoV-Photo...

Edit: I just tabbed back in and triggered it by accident.
Ugh. I'd still like to know what I'm supposed to do, though.
Re: Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project

You can just end the test if you click on the papers after completing every question.

My main problem is that I can't figure out how to get her naked in the locker room for the PoV-Photo...

Edit: I just tabbed back in and triggered it by accident.
Ugh. I'd still like to know what I'm supposed to do, though.

Bring up her tablet, then click on her breasts. It's a known bug talked about on the site. For the photo itself, simply get any part of her breasts in the viewfinder and press A.

I know you can end test beforehand, but it would have been a nice little extra to add in.
Re: Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project

Well, I've "finished" the game (Haven't done the teacher's projects yet, whatever those are).

My only real complaint is that there doesn't seem to be too much point in raising relationships with anyone. Guys especially. Girls you can bring with you for sex jobs, but I can't seem to find any advantages to making friends with the guys outside of the mandatory requirements.

That being said, the game was fun, decent length (~4 hours, IIRC), and I'm glad to hear that you'll keep updating it.