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How to tell questionable age


Demon Girl Master
Sep 3, 2012
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What characteristics make a depiction questionable? And how to be sure a depiction is above question?
Re: How to tell questionable age

Whenever I'm considering the legal ramifications of something, I ask myself this: "Does she look underage? Could she be confused for an underaged girl?" If the answer to either of this is "Yes", then it's probably not appropriate for here.

Not that I'm implying that I've ever shared anything here. All of the stuff I like has usually been shared first or gets a fail under the above two questions.

tl;dr, even if the character isn't "really" underage or isn't tagged thus, if she looks it, don't post it.
Re: How to tell questionable age

But what are the specific characteristics? like breast size or butt size or other things
Re: How to tell questionable age

If you want specific figures, I couldn't give you that. You just have to apply your own common sense, really.
Re: How to tell questionable age

And it really is mostly common sense.
Re: How to tell questionable age

Back story and original age of character don't matter. Only the body matters and the face does not either?
Re: How to tell questionable age

Well, I suppose kids do tend to have a different face from adults.

Johnny Law doesn't particularly care about the character's backstory. You can protest all you like that the characters are really over 18, but if they don't look it, the law won't care. Like I said, apply your best judgement.
Re: How to tell questionable age

Back story insignificant, good. platitudes not useful.
apparently how character acts doesn't matter either. see geh
does height matter?
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Re: How to tell questionable age

As far as art is concerned I believe there's a fairly obvious line.

Just stay away from the stuff that looks like 11 or younger.
Stubby limbs. Baby fat. Baby fingers. Head that mega-dwarfs their body.
If any of those apply then you should steer well clear of it.

The rest of any anime, art, etc.. could be a girl from 12 to 25 or older.

Generally girls in this range could have teeny tiny boobs, epic boobs, slim figure, fat figure, etc.. but they always have a youthful appearance. You're usually pretty safe in this area, so long as her surroundings and/or sex partner don't make her look like a miniature person. Height does not matter, but looking like a miniature person does. Having long sexy legs (especially with nice thighs) also helps.

Here's some examples (with my opinions in secondary spoilers) if you want to test yourself.


That couch dwarfs her so I'd guess she's around 11 to 12. Not safe.

She could pass for 13+ and nothing dwarfs her, so it's safe to assume she could be 18+. And she has nice thighs.

Hourglass figure. Obviously safe.

Wow... Her head is bigger than her thighs. Well her figure would normally say 13+ but you can't ignore epic heads, so she's not safe.

For a real life example just look at Meryl Davis (olympic skater). She's 27 but she will probably look like a 12 year old her entire life. xD
Re: How to tell questionable age

Just stay away from the stuff that looks like 11 or younger.
Stubby limbs. Baby fat. Baby fingers. Head that mega-dwarfs their body.
If any of those apply then you should steer well clear of it.

Here's some examples (with my opinions in secondary spoilers) if you want to test yourself.


That couch dwarfs her so I'd guess she's around 11 to 12. Not safe.

Wut!? what kind of kids do you have in your area? Are you sure you are not describing dwarfism? Like the kind that is completely legal to videotape even?

No hotlinking. I want a giant couch.

Giant heads? that never ever crossed my mind.
Re: How to tell questionable age

Giant heads? that never ever crossed my mind.

For "realistic" art, adult's head is about 1/8 of the body height. For kids it can be as much as 1/4.
Re: How to tell questionable age

There is a model kit (or figure) by saikorokyarameru of a girl with a build very similar to hers and I've been told by more than one person that it is too loli to be considered safe. Actually the kit has a slightly more mature build than her.

As for dwarfism... People don't typically draw dwarfism. Fantasy dwarves? Yes. Dwarfism? I've yet to see it, especially in anime.
Re: How to tell questionable age

ok paladox you are describing babies aren't you? "offensive to everyone" -EHG

Characters can be short cause artist drew them cause magic, like fairies. Also dwarfism and i know at least one actress that has the height of someone with dwarfism but isn't. On the other hand all of these have breasts and other adult characteristics.

Giant heads are probably a stylistic choice. I'm sure i have seen it bunch of times.