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ACT [ NightWatcher] Beatdown * Affront Predator 倒せ☆凌辱プレデター RE131116 RJ131116

Re: 倒せ☆凌辱プレデター

Well fuck a duck. I go away for a night to sleep, and come back to a bajillion messages. o.o
Re: 倒せ☆凌辱プレデター

Well fuck a duck. I go away for a night to sleep, and come back to a bajillion messages. o.o

Re: 倒せ☆凌辱プレデター

That was brave of you to google fuck a duck :p
Re: 倒せ☆凌辱プレデター

I'm more interested if this game contains sprite sex.. So, can anyone tell me? :D
Re: 倒せ☆凌辱プレデター

No it does not. It contains cut-in sex in leiu of a comic strip. The panels are animated though. It does look strange to see your character just stand there while the panels pop up...
Re: 倒せ☆凌辱プレデター

No it does not. It contains cut-in sex in leiu of a comic strip. The panels are animated though. It does look strange to see your character just stand there while the panels pop up...

Oh, okay then. :3
Re: 倒せ☆凌辱プレデター

Does anyone had a save file? Still missing a few CGs
Re: 倒せ☆凌辱プレデター

i second the save request

Re: 倒せ☆凌辱プレデター

No real need for a full save just try this;get yourself caught but don't make the comics action go on(aka leave your keyboard alone),you won't be able to move but the ennemies will still destroy the crate BUT if the crate is destroyed while you're stuck in limbo the little alien will remain crouched as if the crate was still there,just free yourself from the grapple and enjoy god mode for the little fella:D(really usefull for last boss CG and any stage where you find yourself ran over).
Ps:for the really lazy.
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