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SIM [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2 / ジンコウガクエン2


Tentacle Monster
Mar 23, 2012
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Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

I'm not really sure what you did there majin; maybe you messed something up installing a mod? Or did the problem just start happening out of nowhere?

Also, hole brothers/rod sisters is a thing in this game.

Edit: I started messing around with the exploitative and masochistic girl with my evil character. I'm not really sure how insulting works, it's seems it has a chance to work when you first start interacting; she says things like "please insult me more." When I started using the "show" option, the success rate went as high as 999% like some of you said. Forcing yourself on her seems to be the opposite of most interactions; instead of the chances decreasing, i saw it increase from 3% to 30, 60, to a whopping 999% (also there was no one there as I got lucky and caught her in the library after all the classes.) I'll keep messing with it more to see what else I can figure out. Or maybe I'll just get caught up in Wildstar again.
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Tentacle God
Jan 5, 2012
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Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Goodluck. That's on my animes to watch list when I get around to it. Saw that crazy time wizard chick in an AMV and it seemed decent. Gotta love dem yandere girls (In anime anyways...). I'm still waiting on some mods before I try all the Monogatari girls. I think most are already posted, but I like creating them myself.
Kurumi (crazy time chick) is really one of two reasons I continue to watch the anime. It's light and fluffy, which is fine since I enjoy all the characters in general....except there's like 5 of those every anime season. Kurumi always manages to make things take a dark and sexy spin.

The second reason, is really stupid to be honest. It's one minor character that the only thing she has said in the 2 seasons it's been going is "Maji hikuu wa!" for every situation, conversation, everything. it's stupid, but funny, but stupid.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Aug 23, 2012
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Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Well, I think I had the issue from the beginning, I just didn't realize it. I didn't exactly made the cleanest installation of all, so I just did it from the ground up. Fixed that issue...now I have an issue with the hearts during sex xD. You can barely see it coming out from the pointer, like a second or less, makes it harder to know if doing it right but it's still playable so I will look into it later :rolleyes:


Tentacle Monster
Mar 23, 2012
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Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Try moving the cursor around more. If you move it just a bit it doesn't really show. Either that or mess around with you graphical settings a bit.


Tentacle God
Jan 24, 2013
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Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Was messing around with the official character uploader and found plenty of anime girl in like kurumi you mention in date a live
Other char from old anime such as al azif from demonbane / Hazuki from tsuki moonphase etc etc. Those editing is really well done :D

On another note anyone know what trait or char setting to make those girl STOP !!! interupting me, making a harem and yes all 23 girl stat is on angel / overflowing love (no lover this way i can kiss / hug / touch without being called cheater =P )
It get totaly anoying now that everytime i walk all those girl always talked to me and someone else will always interupt me. ( hence im trying to find a trait to make them more doctile ;) or will change socialibility help :confused: )


Tentacle Monster
Mar 23, 2012
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Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

One of my MC's lovers went down to no interest. I'm not sure it I should grab her attention, or just leave her be for a while :confused:


Tentacle God
Jun 22, 2011
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Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

One of my MC's lovers went down to no interest. I'm not sure it I should grab her attention, or just leave her be for a while :confused:
Depends on what caused it. She may need to be encouraged or praised or something because she's upset. If you did something to piss her off and she's more prone than normal to mood swings, you may need to ask a friend/other lover who is on good terms with them to help you get along with them. I've found that's a really easy way to maintain relationships. It usually seems to raise a relationship rank (Just went NormalFagsGoDie to Classmates in testing) by at least one. I didn't notice that option till KHTA mentioned it :p


Tentacle God
Jan 5, 2012
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Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Depends on what caused it. She may need to be encouraged or praised or something because she's upset. If you did something to piss her off and she's more prone than normal to mood swings, you may need to ask a friend/other lover who is on good terms with them to help you get along with them. I've found that's a really easy way to maintain relationships. It usually seems to raise a relationship rank (Just went NormalFagsGoDie to Classmates in testing) by at least one. I didn't notice that option till KHTA mentioned it :p
That's what I'm here for, finding the small things others miss. Well, that and pointing out the stupidity level of some of our members (by some I mean, a lot).

Another small things I found out with the NormalFagsGoDie (i love that phrase btw) is that it usually only happens when you and someone who loves you display that love openly or when a lot of people try and spread good rumors about you. I think someone actually mentioned that earlier in the thread but I can't remember. Also, help out other people relationships can get them to like you as well. A girl that hated me since I kinda peeped on her in the bathroom....and the changing room....twice.....each.....but once I started spreading good rumors about her she kinda cooled down.

OH and be careful what you choice when answering your gf/bf(s) about someone. Sometimes they're asking you if you're in love with or slyly asking if you cheated on them with. I've gotten the cheater! one from a girl....who I never even talked to in the game yet.


Tentacle Monster
Mar 23, 2012
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Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

OH and be careful what you choice when answering your gf/bf(s) about someone. Sometimes they're asking you if you're in love with or slyly asking if you cheated on them with. I've gotten the cheater! one from a girl....who I never even talked to in the game yet.
Yeah, I've made that mistake before. That'll net you "Unforgivable" for a while. The translation still isn't to well done, at first I pretty much said yes to everything. Using the deaf trait can help, it gives you a "huh" option that doesn't really hurt you're relationship. Useful for when someone wants you to skip class when you don't really want to or do not want to do anything to h in public.


Tentacle God
Jun 22, 2011
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Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

I'm making this murder mystery-horror class :p About half have the evil trait, most aren't too obvious about it. I think trying to survive in that class should be fun. I actually don't remember myself what traits most people have, but I think it'd be even better for a complete blind playthrough. The player can make whatever character they want. Normal mode = Lucky trait, Hard mode = No Lucky trait XD

I think the evil trait doesn't make people murder others unless they really don't like them? In that way, even if everybody had the evil trait, it's not like there'd be murders constantly? Maybe I'll post it on Hongfire after I test it a bit, gotta see how often there are murders and tweak stuff to make it interesting first. I'll probably make like 40-50+ Characters so you can randomize and it'll take a while to learn who all is evil even with multiple playthroughs. I'm trying to hit on most fetishes and body types and such so it'd be interesting for everybody. After creating all those characters, I really will completely forget who I can't trust, lol.

OH and be careful what you choice when answering your gf/bf(s) about someone. Sometimes they're asking you if you're in love with or slyly asking if you cheated on them with. I've gotten the cheater! one from a girl....who I never even talked to in the game yet.
Huge downside to the machine translations. Ticks me off when I accidentally agree to skip class as well (Especially if it's the start of a new period). So I'm seriously looking forward to the full translations. Knowing what to do about dates or meetings can be difficult as well.
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Tentacle Monster
Mar 23, 2012
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Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

The killer and their victim are removed from the class and your bumped to the next day. You'll see cuffs and flowers on the kill and victims death respectively, just like AA one. Evil characters will kill their lover when they find out they've been cheating. They'll get the "TOGETHER FOREVER" status, and then ext time they're alone the screen will flash red and the victim will scream.

That actually happened in my last file, a girl who takes lovers at the drop of a hat takes on my evil character one day, then later... Yeah. The crazy s*** is it all happened in like two periods :eek: She didn't even have sex with most of her lover to begin with, I remember one girl she always use to run off with though.


Tentacle God
Jan 5, 2012
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Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

The killer and their victim are removed from the class and your bumped to the next day. You'll see cuffs and flowers on the kill and victims death respectively, just like AA one. Evil characters will kill their lover when they find out they've been cheating. They'll get the "TOGETHER FOREVER" status, and then ext time they're alone the screen will flash red and the victim will scream.

That actually happened in my last file, a girl who takes lovers at the drop of a hat takes on my evil character one day, then later... Yeah. The crazy s*** is it all happened in like two periods :eek: She didn't even have sex with most of her lover to begin with, I remember one girl she always use to run off with though.
.....................I think.....my PC is in a sex friend like relationship with someone with the evil trait. lol....might not end well considering that I have 2 gfs already. Just have to sit back and pray she never asks me out.


Tentacle Monster
Mar 23, 2012
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Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Just having sex with them shouldn't be enough for them wanting to kill you. If you were lovers.. Well... Good Luck with that... Their might be a way to pull it out of the drain if you avoid any ero long enough and lose that state.

I think someone spreading rumors about my PC, everyone is admonishing me for lewd behavior. I haven't really done anything when other people where around, and the file is too new for me to track down the culprit.


Tentacle God
Oct 3, 2012
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Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

The very awkward moment when you accidentally enter the girl's locker room before you realize it, (that speed is faster than my reaction rate) and then panicked and pressed the wrong key and talked about daily life surrounded by girls in underwear.

Em no, that was not suppose to happen => alt-F4 *runs away*


Tentacle God
Jun 22, 2011
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Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Man was testing my serial killer school, nobody died by about day 4. I even tried to get people pissed at me. When I want people to get mad at me, everybody falls in love with me, and when I try to get along with everybody, I piss people off >.> Maybe it just takes a bit for everybody to set up relationships, nobody is really together yet. I did want some immediate problems, maybe I need more hardcore crazies.

The very awkward moment when you accidentally enter the girl's locker room before you realize it, (that speed is faster than my reaction rate) and then panicked and pressed the wrong key and talked about daily life surrounded by girls in underwear.

Em no, that was not suppose to happen => alt-F4 *runs away*
Happens to me at least once in every class. It's impossible to stop yourself from running in there when you're searching for somebody with a high athletic score and come in from outside x.x

Last time I had a bunch of girls run in behind me and block the exit, I ended up talking to 3 of them + the girl I was hunting for before I finally clicked outside :p Surprisingly most girls don't mind as much as you'd think, except the difficult ones.
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Demon Girl
Dec 14, 2011
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Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Hahaha yeah it used to be very annoying when starting out. The constant accidental entering of girl-only areas, probably put dents in my MC's popularity and slowed my progress down.

Of the 2 female only areas, the Shower and Changing Room tends to most often be the culprit. I've almost never searched for a person and ran into the Girl Toilet. It ended up that the instant I entered the Old School Building I would immediately press right click and manually walk one map away. Like if I came from the Courtyard, I'd manually go to the Gym Entrance and if I came from the Gym I'd manually go to the Courtyard before searching for the chick again. If I turned around then screw it, not worth the dents to my MC's popularity and harem goal.:rolleyes:


Tentacle God
Jan 5, 2012
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Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Happens to me at least once in every class. It's impossible to stop yourself from running in there when you're searching for somebody with a high athletic score and come in from outside x.x

Last time I had a bunch of girls run in behind me and block the exit, I ended up talking to 3 of them + the girl I was hunting for before I finally clicked outside :p Surprisingly most girls don't mind as much as you'd think, except the difficult ones.
Talk to the girls you walked in on as fast as possible after leaving and praise them. 2/3 times it actually softened the blow. Kinda like saying "Sorry I ran up on you changing, but you looked amazing" or something along those lines. 1/3 times, I got slapped.....or with my first MC who had a low athletic score...beat up.


Tentacle God
Oct 3, 2012
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Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

I recall there's a specific sample girl which I walked in on ... 5 times in a row, and she ends up disliking my PC for obvious reason.
But that was during a test game, and now she's already conquered, tsun tsun is still tsun tsun, but there's a bit of dere in it. Like a certain Tsun tsun dere tsun dere tsun tsun~ song.

As for me, my popularity, while still rank 1, no longer doubles the next person's. though my athletic score raised to 2nd. (Yes, club activity makes a noticeable difference)

Study score on the other hand ... I am now #12, not because my study scores are low, but because of the top 7 are all max in that score. Insert "this is what you get when you always study with everyone after class."

PS: Praise is a broken talk option, it cannot go wrong the first time of any period.


Demon Girl
Dec 14, 2011
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Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

As for me, my popularity, while still rank 1, no longer doubles the next person's. though my athletic score raised to 2nd. (Yes, club activity makes a noticeable difference)
May I ask how you are getting popularity to rise so high? I tried to model my MC after myself, giving him just normal in popularity because well...I ain't getting swarmed by chicks in real life haha! The top of the popularity charts are (no surprise here :rolleyes:) 2 girls with rainbow cards. Anyways, I'd like to aim for at least top 5, any advice?

On another note, I tried to keep the game experience centred around my MC, and would avoid playing as the girl I was chasing as it seemed abit cheat. So Girl A isn't reciprocating my MC's feelings, better switch to her and make her love my MC. :eek: But there are girls who would outright refuse to be lovers with my MC if he's already attached. Switching to them and letting them be the one initiating the proposal solves this but doesn't really fit my playstyle for this run. Kissing, touching, going on dates are fine, but asking to be lovers has steadily been 0%. Will they eventually soften up or is this like the girl's trait, complete and utter refusal to accept a proposal from an attached person. :\


Demon Girl
Jul 5, 2013
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Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

It's entirely possible to juggle 6 girls and a teacher in a 8 person school. They hate each others guts, apart from 2 rod sisters (all my characters in this sample are bisexual and have normal and higher virtue). No girl wants to break up with the MC and so far only got slapped once for public sex. The easiest way to do this is to flee crowds and bang them in secret places. After some testing making them cum at least 3 times and having them squirt gives love points so crazy high they will always come back to MC. I think that those points awarded are ridiculously high and all you have to do is maintain their spirits by combination of praise/confess/encourage and calm. The only problem you may run across is outruning all those girls who cockblock you. After more bouts of public sex every girl who witnessed or participated started to be extremely proactive and promiscuous. This lasted the entire day and kinda resets every morning.
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