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SIM [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2 / ジンコウガクエン2

Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Fucking hell... The rightclick button of my mouse has finally completely stopped responding, from 1 out of 3 clicks not registering to I don't have a rightclick button anymore. I'm going out on a stretch here but I think it's AA2's fault. Rainbow characters walking too fast and that violent "OH SHIT!" press of the right mouse button when your MC heads towards girl-restricted areas.

I wonder. Is there a way to actually get the Harsh personality to say they love you? They might in a confession, but they seem to be the type to not really do romantic interactions that much. They've pretty much become one of my favorite personality types.

Harsh = Uptight am I right? Haha yeah her crudeness is pretty refreshing. "Come. We're going karaoke." :D She actually instigated my MC to take her virginity rather than the reverse like you'd expect (granted she did bring my MC into the cubicle and then deny penetration :rolleyes:). She sometimes says "I love you.. is what you expected me to say isn't it?" with a sly smile, that's close enough for me!

I usually try and fill up a class. I have one file where the MC teacher is the only male and I have at least one girl for each personality. My usual file has 8 boys (two for each personality) where most of the girls just lean hetero and always seem to end up in relations with each other if one another as well as some guys.

My main characters main lover actually ended up going out with his best friend to. Betrayed by your best bro... Brotrayal™

Some personalities seem to have a really high libido compared to others. The moody/ordinary girls always seem to be in the mood. Readily dragging me off some where private so she can add her cherry to the cake.

Wow that is ALOT of guys, the most I've had was maybe 4 or 5 only ><. Indeed. Annoying how that happens right? I guess every guy would have a thing for an attractive teacher. Best friend did it in each hole with the teacher lover of my MC, still don't understand how it happened when she's singleminded. I guess its just a multiplier to her reject chance of H with non-lovers rather than a outright 0% sigh...

I find frisky has pretty high libido as well. Like playful but more lewd, the way she talks, she keeps dragging out the words. Pretty cute, she really seems genuinely happy to see you (stark contrast from Harsh :p), "OHHHH you CAAAAAME to see me!"

Yeah, tried everything, my girl is actually bi and normal virtue/sociability. She doesn't even have Singleminded or anything, it's just that the more social girl (I keep calling her a lesbian, but I checked her traits and she's bi too) was dating her a day before me. Now that I check both of their stats/traits, I actually have no idea why this is so hard for me, neither of them should be making this so difficult. I wonder if Passive on a PC can hurt your H chances, maybe I need to remove that. Would be pretty funny if this whole time my own character was the one screwing me over. Worst part is one time she was going to ask me for sex, and we were interrupted mid dialogue.

Yeah I thought I read that the 1.0.3 patch affected interrupting rates or something. It seems slightly lessened maybe? Could be a placebo effect though... With my MC having 5/6 lovers, I don't even bother interacting with them if there are many of them on screen. Just a waste of effort. Click on a girl, interaction menu pops up, hear the outraged cries of 3 other girls, interaction menu lags abit, BOOM! "What are you 2 doing..?" Hmm.. I think the passive trait shouldn't affect you? Cos if you gave yourself Naive, you'd probably still go home whenever you liked. If you gave yourself Deceptive, you could actually not spread anything. So passive shouldn't affect you? Hahaha? :confused:

No I didn't get the scene, but I have before. If you stop an H interaction and make your lover choose, if she chooses you, a sex scene can start immediately. Maybe it needs a very high roll or something. Didn't happen this time though, after my girl friend chose me, the lesbian girl just kept H'ing on her like nothing happened >.> I had to stop like 5 other interactions.

Oh I see, its more likely to happen if the competing was due to a caught in the act H? Haha thank god I haven't experienced it then, I would just :( if I caught my MC's lover with someone else.

I created all of my girls and guys myself (As well as using the default girls), starting from randomization on looks and trying to use an equal amount of personalities and traits. Basically as if the randomize button actually created balanced looking and acting characters. It must work because my all around average mc usually ends up right in the middle of the athletic/academic/popularity scores. So I tweak some stuff, like removing moles/glasses, fixing eyes and such, since those are likely to be weird or have an unnatural amount of said thing (Like 75% of people would have glasses otherwise and like 90% moles :p). I randomize and tweak hair and breasts and skin color until I feel like it fits that character too, trying to get a good variety of types of girls.

I just put my MC into the game and randomize the class to full, sometimes I ditch some characters I'm not interested in seeing in that playthrough to randomize again :p Getting pretty tired of all my characters though so I might need to start downloading other player's stuff. I usually end up with around 2-5 males in the full class, I try to keep that male/female ratio of characters so I always get some competition from the randomize class button.

That must have taken alot of dedication, your self-made characters, by any chance did you share them anywhere? I clicked the random button and got a few extremely dark and large headed girls with weird breasts, never used it again. :eek: You do make me think I should give it a second chance though! :p I tend to take characters from existing media because I'm bad with names. With my severe lack of anime knowledge, (mainstream stuff I don't really touch, apart from One Piece's Nami, and 2 non-main characters from Fairy Tail. Bleach, Naruto despite the wide array of girls with different personalities, somehow just nah) I've visited the HF character request thread, when I see a character that intrigues me, I catch up abit on their respective media, if I like it then hey everyone wins. I get a new character, a new manga/anime, and the requester gets his request for liking something that pleases my exquisite and difficult taste! :cool:

I really need to add in more males, need abit of turmoil and conflict. The next game, it shall happen! Yeah man you should download, it's crazy how many original and existing characters have been made. Pretty cool, one that really really REALLY caught my eye was the Ralts/Kirlia/Gardevoir evolution line, 3 girls, all 3 heights, 3 different personalities, I would have put it in straight away if it didn't feel so out of place, but I'll get over it, it's just tooo good.
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Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Nope I haven't posted them anywhere yet, because there's a lot. I'd have to post them as entire classes, and I'm not sure where to post that exactly. I guess it'd still fit into the original character uploads, I'd just have to host it on mega or somewhere. I have a class I designed just to be like a murder mystery basically as well, so I'd have to separate it into two classes or the evil/deceptive/masochist/exploitable traits would be uneven :p

Speaking of, I finally had my first murder, came out of nowhere. Was two girls I forced myself on (Going for an evil playthrough) and on the 3rd day, one of them killed the other. I didn't even know one of them had the evil trait and I have no idea why they were mad at each other. I was just chatting up a random girl by the pool alone, heard a scream, and the game fades to black. I thought I was killed mid conversation by an assassin girl or something :p

Girl who died was the last girl I sexed too, maybe the other girl I forced myself on got jealous? They all hated me though... Quite interesting. Funny enough it wasn't even strictly my murder class, but a combination of all my characters randomized into a class. My murder class should actually do better now with the latest update that makes deceptive force themselves on exploitable characters, maybe it's time to replay my murder class~ I think they failed so hard at killing because nobody was having sex, so people forcing others should do it. That seems to be what sets people to murder. You rape a partner of someone with the evil trait = death.
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Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

I cant really keep up with Fruitsmoothie, but i worked on a complete class myself. Just very regular class pretty much like the vanilly chars, but I wanted the chars to be as i would expect them to be and it felt like a better experience.

Also, this had the added benefit that i could create every char as bisexual. Personality/Trait combinations also felt weird sometimes, so making new chars was quite fun. I put some effort in designing every char somewhat cliché while making all of them look differently and at least somewhat interesting.

I must admit though, i didnt include chubby girls or an otaku boy, but i might change that later on.

It would certainly be interesting to share some creations and look at the creations of others.
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

I cant really keep up with Fruitsmoothie, but i worked on a complete class myself. Just very regular class pretty much like the vanilly chars, but I wanted the chars to be as i would expect them to be and it felt like a better experience.

Also, this had the added benefit that i could create every char as bisexual. Personality/Trait combinations also felt weird sometimes, so making new chars was quite fun. I put some effort in designing every char somewhat cliché while making all of them look differently and at least somewhat interesting.

I must admit though, i didnt include chubby girls or an otaku boy, but i might change that later on.

It would certainly be interesting to share some creations and look at the creations of others.

I have a few chubby girls I think, but tall/chubby are less frequent than the other types. I just now went back through all my girls and fixed their mosaic censor color, most were made before I used an uncensor patch, so I didn't know how terrible the darker colors would make the genitals look.

I would love to share classes/girls, I'm curious what everyone else's looks like.

There may be some problems with that though, so maybe I'll have to post it to Hongfire. Kind of defeats the purpose though, which is why I haven't shared them anywhere. In my mind there shouldn't be a problem with posting them here because of their body size, but everybody has their own opinion. It'd be easier if the damn pngs weren't nude.
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Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

I can never seem to keep a save for more than a few days due to me constantly tweaking my characters.

I never really though about sharing my characters. I know hf has set up a database to share girls but I never really bothered to look at it much. I understand why sharing characters here would be a bad idea, due to how young you can make your characters look. Not a lot of my characters really look like they're that young, but still.
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

There's a save file editor in the mods thread on Hongfire, less reason to remake a class :p I tested it and it works very well, even lets you change things that you shouldn't be able to like safe/danger days for sex, int/str/club values, relationships, etc, etc. Well I've just used it for traits, I should test the relationships sometime.
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Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

"Do you dare to try out my God finger?"

Uhh... Was that a God Hand reference?
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

I finally have a character who will actually take advantage of my exploitable character! XD Thanks to that 2.05(?) patch (the newest hf update) I can actually have a decent chance of having my guy be forced into sex by the ai!! I'm so fucking happy, I even got the sleep sex event in the nurses office to happen.
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

I finally have a character who will actually take advantage of my exploitable character! XD Thanks to that 2.05(?) patch (the newest hf update) I can actually have a decent chance of having my guy be forced into sex by the ai!! I'm so fucking happy, I even got the sleep sex event in the nurses office to happen.

The sleep sex event I've noticed happens more often with a girl/guy who skips class often. If they ask you to skip, they will usually either take you to their house, go to the roof or go to the nurse office. Every single time I've been taken to the nurse office the sex event happens. Even with girls that normally have little to no interest in me.

There's one thing I don't get though. The "Let's study together" option that pops up during the evening. If I use it the girl will usually turn me down by stating that I have ulterior motives. If a girl invites me, it turns to a sex scene. If I invite them and they accept, they usually either have a seductive response or blushing.....but then we really do study. Any one figure out is there a way to activate this scene by choice?
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

I also have a question, since I just recently got it. I've been friendly to mostly everyone in my rather small class, yet two girls are "Stuck" on considering me "Too far gone..." What does that mean? Did I do something wrong? If so, how do I fix it? They've been like that the past day and a half now. :(

Also I must have the best teacher ever, she keeps telling me "Name" seems to love my dearly, and am curious if thats suppose to be her method of spreading good rumors or something. :S
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Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

I also have a question, since I just recently got it. I've been friendly to mostly everyone in my rather small class, yet two girls are "Stuck" on considering me "Too far gone..." What does that mean? Did I do something wrong? If so, how do I fix it? They've been like that the past day and a half now. :(

Also I must have the best teacher ever, she keeps telling me "Name" seems to love my dearly, and am curious if thats suppose to be her method of spreading good rumors or something. :S

This is something that needs to be added to the wiki already. It's scattered in the gameplay info but it should be in the faq or something, as I'm sure it's a common problem. I've only found one sure fire way so far, and that's asking a girl/guy who likes both of you to help you get along with the angered character (I want to get along with). From my testing, they'll usually talk to that person soon and your scores will very slightly raise with them.

Still it's extremely difficult, the less they like you, the more they need to like your "messenger" or it will fail. Just getting a friend who is willing to even do that for you can be difficult. I usually see like 1-3% increases on casual talk with the angered character if they're around classmate level with the messenger, so it's a very slow process. I found it best to try to do it with many characters at the same time, just going around the school befriending people who like the angered character and asking them for help with them. Don't expect any drastic changes for at least a few days, it's probably best to avoid the angered character for quite a while when attempting this or you risk losing the progress.

The "grumble" option might help, as it's the only chat option that can be positive when someone hates you that much. I'm not sure exactly what it does, could only be a temporary bonus. At least they talk to you (Barely) so it's probably slightly beneficial. You could also try apologizing to them, but I think that's only useful in special circumstances. Wiki says apologizing is only helpful for "Unforgivable" but I haven't tested it myself, don't think I ever managed to get an apology to work. My negative relationships are all pretty much from forcing an exploitable girl that doesn't have masochist or from a tsundere/asshole type character who doesn't get along with anybody.
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Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

I also have a question, since I just recently got it. I've been friendly to mostly everyone in my rather small class, yet two girls are "Stuck" on considering me "Too far gone..." What does that mean? Did I do something wrong? If so, how do I fix it? They've been like that the past day and a half now. :(

Also I must have the best teacher ever, she keeps telling me "Name" seems to love my dearly, and am curious if thats suppose to be her method of spreading good rumors or something. :S

I think you mean "Gone too far..." and that's not really a negative on your part but a negative on their part. Like saying "Damn, I think I went to far with so and so" Example: Say you forced yourself or just had sex with Girl A a lot when she's not your GF on MC A. Then you switched to MC B and looked up the relationship levels of Girl A. MC A level towards Girl A might say "Gone too far...".

I've usually noticed this when my MC already has a gf and I'm making him have sex with another girl but never ask her to also be my gf. I also noticed it when I have sex with a girl on a dangerous day.

edit: The japanese wiki is far more advanced than ours, well rightfully so. They actually have a list of all the different impressions and what they mean. Sadly, translating them left me with more questions than answers. "Gone too far..." was one of them.
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Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

There's one thing I don't get though. The "Let's study together" option that pops up during the evening. If I use it the girl will usually turn me down by stating that I have ulterior motives. If a girl invites me, it turns to a sex scene. If I invite them and they accept, they usually either have a seductive response or blushing.....but then we really do study. Any one figure out is there a way to activate this scene by choice?

My understanding is that you have to have horny maxxed out before you ask them to study at home, then the sex scene happens. Hope that helps!

The "grumble" option might help, as it's the only chat option that can be positive when someone hates you that much. I'm not sure exactly what it does, could only be a temporary bonus.

According to the wiki, you're right. Grumble is only temporary until one of you leave the room (and doing it 3x in a row sometimes makes a calm or encourage action necessary, which will then usually fail). So if you grumble, only do so if you have a next move in mind, like an easy topic convo or a encourage to cooperate-> go study combo.
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Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

My understanding is that you have to have horny maxxed out before you ask them to study at home, then the sex scene happens. Hope that helps!

Oooooh! Didn't think of that. I have to try it since one of the girls I'm dating is really easy to get to 999. Thanks.
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

I tend to remove characters I don't see my MC being friends or lovers with. And usually they just disappear from the class roster, silently... But oh man, oh maaan, I removed 2 of my MC's lovers due to the other characters I'm adding having the same personalities, and I didn't realize that if they have a lover they'd say something as they were getting removed. :eek: Now I feel terrible, well the Harsh girl just said something harsh, typical of her, not showing much emotions. But the Creepy girl, I heard (daijoubu) something like "that's fine... I'll be alright..." maybe throw in a few sniffs. :(

I've usually noticed this when my MC already has a gf and I'm making him have sex with another girl but never ask her to also be my gf. I also noticed it when I have sex with a girl on a dangerous day.

edit: The japanese wiki is far more advanced than ours, well rightfully so. They actually have a list of all the different impressions and what they mean. Sadly, translating them left me with more questions than answers. "Gone too far..." was one of them.

Now that you mentioned it, the few times I've used another character, just to see my MC's own opinion on his classmates. The "Gone too far..." were girls who were sexed (through unloving means) and not my MC's lovers. Could that be it? Your MC just thinks of them as like a sextoy, cos there wasn't any friendship to begin with. Nothing to buffer all the negative emotions. Kinda makes you wonder right? When the ai realizes he's gone too far but you haven't. ;) ;)

I also have a question, since I just recently got it. I've been friendly to mostly everyone in my rather small class, yet two girls are "Stuck" on considering me "Too far gone..." What does that mean? Did I do something wrong? If so, how do I fix it? They've been like that the past day and a half now. :(

Also I must have the best teacher ever, she keeps telling me "Name" seems to love my dearly, and am curious if thats suppose to be her method of spreading good rumors or something. :S

Would group activities help? Or getting your MC to join their club. I recently added 6 more girls to my current game, and decided to also change my MC to another more artsy club. You can be athletic without having a athletic club no? Starting out, definitely all girls were "Don't know" towards my MC, but the ones to become friends first were those in the same club. And despite not having much friendship to begin with, they had decent chances (more so if you stacked praise/grumble) to accept doing club activities with you. Once your character's established a decent popularity, one shot asking the whole class to do stuff, I find characters that dislike you are more likely to turn down a 1-on-1 activity rather than a group.

I would love to share classes/girls, I'm curious what everyone else's looks like.

There may be some problems with that though, so maybe I'll have to post it to Hongfire. Kind of defeats the purpose though, which is why I haven't shared them anywhere. In my mind there shouldn't be a problem with posting them here because of their body size, but everybody has their own opinion. It'd be easier if the damn pngs weren't nude.

I never really though about sharing my characters. I know hf has set up a database to share girls but I never really bothered to look at it much. I understand why sharing characters here would be a bad idea, due to how young you can make your characters look. Not a lot of my characters really look like they're that young, but still.

That's a shameeee :( We could always start with a screen shot of the class roster though? Or cropped pngs? That's seem like alot of unnecessary work though. Well this makes it clear though, something that is clearly missing in AA2 is a means for a class photo, could just be standing in their personality poses, clothed (that's a must right?) and according to their sitting roster, teacher row first. Someone contact Illusion!
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

I never really though about sharing my characters. I know hf has set up a database to share girls but I never really bothered to look at it much. I understand why sharing characters here would be a bad idea, due to how young you can make your characters look. Not a lot of my characters really look like they're that young, but still.

You talking 'bout <a href=http://aadb.netne.net/new/index.php>this</a>? I don't see whats wrong about uploading your characters there and referencing it in a post when you do. I've uploaded 3 characters there, in the search box type my ID.
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Yes, that's what I'm referring to. You know I might as well. It's not like I have anything to lose.
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Yeah problem with using that for me is that most my girls aren't meant to be downloaded individually. They aren't all Mary Sue types/cliches (Though some are) and the names are mostly just randomized. Their attractiveness is like average to beautiful instead of disturbing to beautiful, lol. They're kind of like additional default classes/characters in a way since I balanced their personalities and traits out. Well my evil class unbalances it slightly, but I think everybody appreciates more girls having Deceptive/Masochist/Exploitable anywho~ Evil I'm not so sure about :p

Honestly most people just want super cute girls with huge breasts... I love variety and I think having some girls you're not too interested in not only makes it more realistic, but can make you enjoy the girls you're interested in more too. Sometimes I also get with the more "Average" girls because they're nicer and easier to get along with :p I mean really, some combinations of traits/personalities are just assholes in this game, lol. I'd rather date a nice virtual girl :p

P.S: Class photo would be so awesome.
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Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

I don't really make characters in sets. I look at a certain personality and start shaping the character around that. Most characters are ongoing works that I often decide to go back any tweak (anything from looks to personality.) Most of then don't have huge boobs either, their overall cute factor is the whole bring greater than the sum of it's parts. I actually already put up a few characters already, some of my more favorites actually.

I also support the class picture idea. that would be flippin' awesome.
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

I actually already put up a few characters already, some of my more favorites actually.

I also support the class picture idea. that would be flippin' awesome.

Downloaded some of your ladies. I must say, you do seem to enjoy girls with different eye colours. I'm ashamed I don't have a single girl with heterochromia, but I do now. ;)

Honestly most people just want super cute girls with huge breasts... I love variety and I think having some girls you're not too interested in not only makes it more realistic, but can make you enjoy the girls you're interested in more too. Sometimes I also get with the more "Average" girls because they're nicer and easier to get along with :p I mean really, some combinations of traits/personalities are just assholes in this game, lol. I'd rather date a nice virtual girl :p

P.S: Class photo would be so awesome.

Haha yeah any girl I bother making and adding in myself, I probably intend to get my MC with. Really need to look into just adding friends, it is a school after all! :x Well not everyone! Definitely most of my class are skewed towards huge breasts (anime/manga based characters, I can't modify what the author decided on without losing character likeness D: ) but I've thrown in some small and normal breasted girls in. ULMF auto shrinks the dimensions of uploaded photos. Do I really have to upload it somewhere else and link it here if I wanted to share my class roster... :rolleyes:

Incidentally, HF Patch 0.9.1 is , I think there at least one new hair set added in, front and back.
Edit: Apparently it's a hair extension instead. Looks pretty useful, probably will review if any of my characters need it.
Edit2: Well shit, with the new 1.0.4 Eng Launcher, when I click for a chracter's personal card at the Buddha Statue, my game straight away gets an error and has to close; and you guys aren't around to help me ascertain if I'm the only one. ): Troubles from living in S.E.A.
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