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RPG [さくらぷりん] 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン (RJ080542)

Re: 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン/looks good

I want to download the latest version 1.10 to but no have downloads i need buy the game but i not know how buy games from dl site in japonese site

You can type "how to buy on dlsite" in Google. This has many result in many ways.
Re: 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン/looks good

Can Anyone let me know how to beat the last boss. The woman who chases you throughout the game.
Re: 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン/looks good

Hi there.
I've just started playing this and I'm stuck at the very beggining... like I don't even know how to get out the hall...

Every door I checked doesn't open and I don't have anything to get to the 2nd floor, which I'm guessing I shouldn't yet think about going there anyway. I've tried every option on the menu and nothing happens.

May anyone help me? The walkthroughs shared here don't help me at all.
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Re: 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン/looks good

Hi there.
I've just started playing this and I'm stuck at the very beggining... like I don't even know how to get out the hall...

Every door I checked doesn't open and I don't have anything to get to the 2nd floor, which I'm guessing I shouldn't yet think about going there anyway. I've tried every option on the menu and nothing happens.

May anyone help me? The walkthroughs shared here don't help me at all.

The walkthrough doesn't work if you don't skip the opening. I skipped the opening because it always make me stuck in the first place.

Just choose skip opening option and you can continue playing the game.
Re: 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン/looks good

The walkthrough doesn't work if you don't skip the opening. I skipped the opening because it always make me stuck in the first place.

Just choose skip opening option and you can continue playing the game.

Huh???? That doesn't make any sense, why make an opening if people won't play it because it doesn't tell you what you need to do?
What if there's items you can pick up on the opening stage that you can't pick anywhere else?
Re: 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン/looks good

Huh???? That doesn't make any sense, why make an opening if people won't play it because it doesn't tell you what you need to do?
What if there's items you can pick up on the opening stage that you can't pick anywhere else?

I know that, but still stuck when playing the opening. That's why I have to skip to play as Homura instead of his father.
Re: 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン/looks good

I know that, but still stuck when playing the opening. That's why I have to skip to play as Homura instead of his father.

I completely forgot to make a guide for the opening :\ I never bothered with it again after playing it once and I started writing the guide after my second attempt at completing the game. (I've never actually completed the game, btw, I was writing it as I went along)

I'm going to be out of town for about 2 weeks, so I'll get to work on writing a guide for the opening once I return.
Re: 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン/looks good

the rpg game of sakuraprin this being the Top 1 rpg for a while on this year on dl site the abbadon creators is already making new one more rpg game


{about the history
Sorry translate in google tradutor }

And Kengo trapped alone with the school of the night for some reason, senna seniors!
The identity of the mysterious phenomenon that occurs in the school of night eerie even Just! ?
Two people or be able to go home safely really! ?
School search system Sekuharabukome RPG midnight!

May or may not be present only relevant with a little Abadon.
Re: 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン/looks good

Ver 1.13 download:










Re: 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン/looks good

I completely forgot to make a guide for the opening :\ I never bothered with it again after playing it once and I started writing the guide after my second attempt at completing the game. (I've never actually completed the game, btw, I was writing it as I went along)

I'm going to be out of town for about 2 weeks, so I'll get to work on writing a guide for the opening once I return.

@Hanamura: It's been 3 weeks since you left. Could you continue writing the walkthrough, please?

I have been killed countless times with limited items and rest times in this game...
Re: 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン/looks good

Welp, I'll write up more of the guide tonight. Enlisted the help of some friends and managed to get all to way to the final boss battle, however we have NO idea how to beat it. we tried power grinding and stocking up on healing items but to no avail. We assume that a special item needs to be used to defeat it.
Re: 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン/looks good

Well apparently I can only make a post so long, so I'll continue the guide with this new post:

You'll find that the room now has this impenetrable darkness within the room. You cannot see through the darkness with matches, nor can you move through it. There's not much to do in this room except to head West.

WARNING: As soon as you leave this room to the west, the darkness will cover up the door, preventing you from going back. If there's anything you need to do in the main area, you better do it now.
You now find yourself outside. Your party will be surprised by the fact that a sudden darkness rushes out of the room and covers your exit. Your party wonders what would happen if someone were to go into the darkness. Homura mentions that it would probably be a bad idea and that there's no point in standing around and that you should just keep moving forward.

Map of Courtyard/Main Building

If you head all the way west and then south you will find a pack of gum. Walk alongside the west wall and you'll find a patch of ground that is slightly different from all the rest. Interact with it and Homura will suggest whether to dig there (yes/no). Dig at that patch and you will dig up a bottle of Sulfuric Acid. Sulfuric Acid is a combat item that is useful against flesh enemies (I.E. zombies/corpes). Go a little further north from here to find a Rope. If you head slightly north-east from that point, you can find a ladder. You can head down if you wish, but I haven't found anything of note within. If you head north from that point, you will find another green statue. Use your hammer to destroy it and you will see Yamanobe run across the screen. Your party will ask if something is wrong, and Homura explains that he thought he saw his father (So is Homura hallucinating?) After this encounter, your party notices that there is now a set of stairs to the west. Proceed to head down the stairs.

You now find yourself in another safe room. Save your game and sort your inventory at the storage box. Proceed East.

You now find yourself in a dark room. Use your matches to light up the room so you can see. Proceed through the room and you'll find a book on the ground that reads: "Only those who have become spirits will allow you through the doors..." You'll find that the doors are locked and you cannot open them with your keys, requiring you to go around. Navigate through the maze-like areas and finding any items along the way, such as a [Broken Katana] (Strength 16/ Weight 5) , a pack of gum, and [Hayato's Memo #7]. Head north from this point and the corridor will begin to fill with...blood... Your party will then be attacked by a [Wandering Spirit]. Just keep attacking it until it dies. Continue through the corridor and you'll be in a room full of rotting corpses, including what seems to be, for a split moment, the corpse of one of your friends from the other group. Your party members are clearly shaken-up by this discovery, and though it seems to have just been an illusion, your party cannot shake off the feeling of unease not knowing what is happening to the other party... Feel free to save in this room, then head north. Homura will note that something is blocking the exit, and pushes as hard as he can to get whatever it is that's blocking the exit out of the way.

You are now outside, and it is revealed that your exit was blocked by a coffin. Immediately outside you see a small locked chest. You can choose to unlock it with a Small Key (or Yachika's Hairpin, if you have her with you). Even after unlocking it however, you'll notice that you do not automatically grab whatever is inside. Upon inspecting the box again Homura will state that whatever is inside smells absolutely terrible, and whether he should: 1."I have nothing but bad feelings about this.." (Leave it alone)

2."I shouldn't be worried about something as trivial as bad smells" (Open it)

I would recommend that you leave the box alone (1), but if for some reason you should choose to open the box (2), Homura will look inside, only to be terrified by whatever it is that is inside the box (We could assume that it was a corpse or something of the like) and immediately shut the box. This increases Homura's fear meter so it does nothing but screw you over. MOVING ON. Walking west, Homura will note that he could've sworn that he saw another path... but it has mysteriously disappeared... You can see a gate to the north but you cannot open this. Head into the building.

Homura will see a glimpse of his father before he disappears, leaving behind a "Main Building" key, the same key that Homura's father had when he went into the Northern room. Proceed to the room to the north.

In this room, head to the east to find a door that leads back outside. Grab the Plank of Wood next to the gate and head back inside. Go into the hole in the wall, and you'll find another room with a hole in the wall. Investigate the fallen suit of armor to find the [Armor's Spear](Strength: 55/Weight:15). Proceed to the end of this corridor you'll find another magic circle (much like the one where you first encountered the monster girl) and a Small Key. This item is unnecessary if you already have one, but along the Eastern wall you'll find a cracked wall with some rubble in front of it. Use the [Hammer] on the rubble, and then the wall to access a secret room! Inside you'll find a [Rusty Sword](Strength:19/ Weight:11). After that, head back upstairs. To the North-East you'll find a door that is locked. Use the Small Key to enter and inside you'll find a Broken Ladder, an Antidote, and a locked box which contains some Gum. Grab the Broken Ladder, and the other items if you wish. In the corridor again, you find a door that has a hole in the ground in front of it, which can be traversed with the [Wooden Plank] you found earlier. This door leads to Save room HOWEVER Avoid using the [Wooden Plank] for now if you can. If you use the Plank now, you'll lose access to some good items later on. If you ABSOLUTELY must Save/Rest however, it is your choice. At the end of the hallway to the West, you'll suddenly hear a loud noise. You can see that something is trying to burst through the door! Homura motions for the other party members to get behind him.... and then the banging stops, and the door opens. Homura notes that there is nothing/no one there... Proceed through the door.

In this next room, use your Matches so you can see, and then place the Broken Ladder on the ground to traverse the hole. Keep walking north, up the stairs.

Map of Main Building - Part 2

In this corridor, you find this Green, stick substance covering the area. You cannot traverse this terrain, so for the time being, head into the door to the West. Inside your will reunite with your father! He's apologizes for getting your party involved with this event, though your party tells him not to worry. He states that he cannot move, though he is unharmed. He tells Homura that he must head to the Clock Tower. There he will need to activate a mechanism that will open up a path. Homura want's a more detailed explanation, but his father simply tells him to please just trust him and do as he says. In this room you'll find a locked chest, but you can choose to ignore this as it contains Cigarettes, which can only be used by Seijirou. Head back into the corridor and Homura will state where they need to go... The staircase on the otherside of the green hallway. It's impossible to go through the hallway as things are now, so you must find another way around. Head south and you'll have a jump scare event. Head into the door.

You'll notice that the room is shaking, and upon heading down the cooridor you'll see a moving door. You cannot access it for now, so head into the door to the East. Inside this room, you will find Bandages and [Hayato's Memo #8] Head south and you'll find yourself on an outdoor walkway. You will find a weapon, the [Icepick](Strength: 15/Weight: 2). Continue to head south and the path behind you will crumble. Continue south and into into the doorway. In this next room, go northeast and through the doorway to find yourself back in the corridor that had the moving door. Head inside to find a [Red Key]. Upon grabbing the key, try to leave. Doing this triggers another GTM chase.

I don't believe that there's a way to outrun the GTM this time around, so you'll need to hide somewhere. I personally head West back towards the stairs (Make sure to go to the 2nd set of stairs, as the first set is inaccessible during the chase) and hide behind a pillar. After that's over, head back into the hallway where you found the [Red Key] and to the north you'll find a Red Door. Use the key to go inside and you'll find a [Broken Ladder], and inside the closet is a pair of [Broken Scissors] With that done, head back towards the second staircase and in one of the South-western corners of the room (where you had to use a [Broken Ladder]) you'll find a [Silver Knife](Strength: 30/ Weight:6) Head into the Save Room and drop off the [Main Building Key] (You won't need it), and go south after you head downstairs to find a Red Door. Use the [Red Key] (WHO WOULD'VE THOUGHT) to open it.

Once inside the room, you'll notice that it's dark. DON'T USE YOUR MATCHES YET. Try to navigate to the West side of the room and Homura will mention that he stepped on something, and he'll automatically use the matches. Upon doing so, he doesn't find anything and thinks it was just his imagination. Note: If you DO decide to use your matches, you will find a Skeleton right in front of you, and you'll be forced to fight. You'll notice that there is a door with a hole in front of it. If you decided to hold onto the [Wooden Plank] from earlier, you can use it here to get some goodies! This is completely optional, so I'll put a spoiler tag.

If you DO have a [Wooden Plank]
Head inside and you'll find yourself in a Bathroom. On the ground is [Hayato Memo #10]. You cannot go into the North-western corner due to a fallen pillar, so head south into the toilet stall. Upon entering, Homura and co. will make note of the gory scene that they witness, when suddenly, your 2nd party member will mention that they heard a noise... and it sounded close. Homura says he didn't hear anything, though he'll be careful. In this room, you find another [Wooden Plank] grab it to replace the one you used earlier. Leave the room and your 2nd party member will mention that they heard a noise again. Try to leave and.... a [Madman] attacks! It is assumed that the Madman is Hayato (the one writing the memos, which I'll compile the translations of in a seperate post) After defeating him, you can access the chest in the top left corner. Use the [Small Key] to open it, and it contains a [Machete] (Strength: 42/ Weight: 13). Investigate the hole that the Madman appeared from to access another room. Navigate through the room and at the end you'll find your [Father's Pipe]. Along the Eastern wall, you'll find a crack. Use the [Hammer] to break the wall down and access yet another hidden room. Inside you'll find a [Jar of Blood] grab it, then head all the way back out into the dark hallway.

If you don't have a [Wooden Plank] (or did and already did the above) head East and open the door to the north using the [Small Key]. WARNING:Pay very close attention or someone could lose a heart. Once you enter the room, immediately walk to the north, and as far right as possible. A dagger will come flying out from the east, and if it hits ANY of your party members, they will lose a heart. After the knife hits the wall (or your party member) Homura will investigate it, and you can pick up the (Strength: 22/ Weight: 4). In this room, you also find [Hayato Memo#9], a [Biscuit], and a [Firestarter] Grab the [Firestarter] and you can also access a Grinding Stone on the counter. Use the [Deba Bōchō] on the grinding stone to get the [Sharpened Knife] (Strength:44/Weight:3) Also use the [Jar of Blood] (if you have it) on the grinding stone. This will allow you to get one of the BEST weapons in the game. Use the [Rusty Sword] on the bloody stone and you'll get the [Demon Sword](Strength:86/ Weight:10). There is also a fridge in the room. You need [Broken Scissors] to open it, and once you open it you find that it's infested with bugs and you need the [Spray] to get rid of them. Inside you find [2 Drinks!]

Head back into the hallway and go to the southern room to find the Dining Room. You'll find a note on the ground telling you to light the fireplace. If you try to use your [Matches] on the fireplace, Homura will note that it doesn't seem to work. Use the [Firestarter] you picked up earlier and then the matches to light the fireplace. This will light the room. WARNING: Do not read the memo after doing this if you do, the memo will now read the following: "Thanks... now I can see... YOUR FACES!!!" and you will be attacked by a Madman.

Go back into the hallway and use the [Broken Ladder] to cross the gap towards the stairs. Upon doing so, Yuki will appear, then disappear soon thereafter. Homura will notice that she was facing the wall. Use the Hammer on the wall to access the other half of the Dining Room. In this room you can use the [Small Key] on the chest to find a [Biscuit]. Interact with the fallen bookshelf to which is described to you as "There's something underneath it." Homura will say: "It can't be a person....can it?" and then one of the closets will open. Interact with it and you'll be asked if you want to investigate it further. Say yes and Homura will poke around, and grab something. Upon doing so, something grabs Homura's arm and the closet closes! One of your party members will proceed to save you, and inside you find the [Clock Tower Key]. Head back into the hallway and East downstairs.

In this hallway use your matches. To the north you'll find a discolored wall which can be broken with your [Hammer]. Inside you find a [Drink] and a diary (which I'll translate at some point). Back in the hallway you'll find some [Gum]. Keep proceeding down the halls until you arrive at... THE CLOCK TOWER.

-Guide continued in next post.-
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Re: 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン/looks good

Hell yeah! Finally I can continue playing this game. Thank you very much! Rep+ to you.
Re: 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン/looks good

Dunno if you guys need it at this point, but I posted a map for the West Wing back in the first part of the walkthrough post.
Re: 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン/looks good

Dunno if you guys need it at this point, but I posted a map for the West Wing back in the first part of the walkthrough post.

That would be helpful for the people who new to this game.


In this room, you'll reunite with the other party of friends! Yay! Except the floor suddenly collapses and you guys are seperated once again...darn. The other party will ask that you give them food and a weapon. I do not know how this effects the game later on. (Like if their party will survive or increases their chances of doing so) but feel free to give them any crappy weapon you might have kept along with a biscuit, as you will find another biscuit once you leave the room.

If you choose 2 girls in your party and you did not give anything to when being asked at this point, then there might have chance that the other boys would rape the girl in their party.
Re: 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン/looks good

Updated the guide and Map. Will update again with East Wing map, then continue guide.
Re: 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン/looks good

I'm having problems to get the true ending. Have I to kill the naked woman in any moment to obtain it? (Now I'm in Seijirou route).
Re: 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン/looks good

I'm having problems to get the true ending. Have I to kill the naked woman in any moment to obtain it? (Now I'm in Seijirou route).

Even Hanamura who were doing the walkthrough for this game still had no idea how to defeat the final boss. :(

And I'm waiting for him to continue what he left.
Re: 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン/looks good

I finished the game with the normal ending, but not with the true one.

I read in some japanese blogs that there is a Yuki route too, but I have no idea how to obtain it. I think you can play it if you obtain true ending first.

BTW, I have a little list with some items translated if anyone is interested. :D
Re: 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン/looks good

I finished the game with the normal ending, but not with the true one.

I read in some japanese blogs that there is a Yuki route too, but I have no idea how to obtain it. I think you can play it if you obtain true ending first.

BTW, I have a little list with some items translated if anyone is interested. :D

Can you tell me how you beat the Lady (Entity of Fear)? I've gotten to her multiple times but could never beat her.