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RPG [さくらぷりん] 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン (RJ080542)

Re: 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン/looks good

Out of curiosity, I have a question regarding the Jar of Blood and the Grindstone. After reading the journal in the Madman's bloody underground lair, about how the Jar of Blood was used with the Grindstone to prepare some really strong weapon, I naturally used the blood on the stone immediately, but... I'm pretty certain I messed things up by doing so, as the effects (wriggling bugs soaking into the stone, if I recall correctly) didn't seem to logically connect to any of the weapons that I then sharpened on the stone, and no item that I found after that point seemed like it could be used with the stone.

What was I supposed to do there? Use the blood immediately prior to the appropriate weapon? Use it in tandem with a different item, to properly prepare it? Sharpen a weapon that I never found?

I suppose it didn't really matter, as I never found myself wanting a better weapon, but... It does bother me somewhat, that I never properly completed it.

You use the [Rusty Sword] that you find hidden behind the Magic Circle room on the bloody grindstone to get the[Demon Sword]. Make sure that you didn't sharpen the sword on the normal grindstone first, or the sword will break.
Re: 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン/looks good

You use the [Rusty Sword] that you find hidden behind the Magic Circle room on the bloody grindstone to get the[Demon Sword]. Make sure that you didn't sharpen the sword on the normal grindstone first, or the sword will break.

Well, now I feel silly...

I did do that, I just hadn't realized that's what the note was referring to ^^; . I hadn't translated the name of the sword, you see, and the game didn't seem to say anything special when I sharpened it, so I'd just assumed that it was an ordinary sharpened sword, and that swords were particularly nice in this setting.

Thank you for clarifying that for me!
Re: 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン/looks good

Well, I finished Yuki's path and it has no mysteries anyway I'll write something:

Yuki's route

  • Do ALL the same you did to get the true ending.

  • Sleep in beds 7 times before the last bed (8 with this).

  • Choose Homura alone when you sleep in beds, he will talk with Yuki and she will tell to Homura some stories.

  • If you don't want to dissappear Yuki when you sleep, choose these options:
    -In 2nd conversation choose 1st option (I will help you as much as possible).
    -In 4th conversation choose 2nd option (I like you) then 2nd again (If Yuki even like).
    -In 7th conversation choose 1st (I want to see you), then 1st (I won't betray you), then 1st (of course), then 1st again (I'll help you), and last 1st (You're my little sister).

  • When you face the meat monster which forces you to choose between Yuki and X member, he'll ask you who are going to suffer, choose another member NOT YUKI, another member will die and Yuki will appear in the last room with you, Homura will freak out because he finds his friend's/father's corpse, but Yuki will cross it and says it's okay now.

  • Sleep with her in the last bed for a CG scene (H scene, that's obvious). Now you can exit the room for Normal ending or enter in south room (if you did all to get the true ending) to get Yuki's true ending.
Yuki will ask to Homura to leave the mansion with her and forget about all your friends/father, she doesn't want to face scary things anymore and she will ask you to live with you, together. They'll escape from the mansion, credits will show the mansion with thunderstorm and Yuki is now living with Homura while they playing videogames happily.

The naked woman will appear in the room with her human form and will ask you who are you, then Yuki will interrupt her and she'll freak out, trying to escape but Yuki won't permit it, she will close the door. Yuki reveals she's Mizuki onee-chan. Mizuki believes Yuki was dead, she threw into a hole. They will have a conversation talking about Homura onii-chan (or Mizuki's otouto). Homura doesn't know anything, he's confused because he has 2 siblings. Then Yuki will stare to Homura to their eyes and Mizuki try to stop it. Yuki will manipulate your memories (CG scene) and now you're the true Homura :eek: Homura is now mad and he'll murder Mizuki.

Time passed (CG scene) and now Homura is a little boy with Yuki by his side, they're one now and he can use the "force". Yuki will ask you if you can control the "force" and if you enjoyed the game. Then the mansion will collapse and the final credits will show. Congratulations, you have beaten all the game! Now your starting menu is green with a different song and another background. Don't panic if your game close up and you can't load anything.
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Re: 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン/looks good

Got a question is it possible to avoid all H-scenes except the unavoidable ones and finish the game like normal? including true ending
Re: 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン/looks good

Got a question is it possible to avoid all H-scenes except the unavoidable ones and finish the game like normal? including true ending

Assuming I understand your question correctly, it is indeed possible (and rather simple to avoid them) without harming your ending or missing anything important. While I, personally, have only completed the normal ending, nothing I read suggests that this is different for the true ending.

Of the unavoidable H-scenes, there are only two of them (one reading a journal, the second watching a video), and you'll not miss anything crucial to the plot by just fast-forwarding through them.
Re: 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン/looks good

whatever the fuck's happenin' to the people who supposed to translate this shit? there seems to be no progress at all as opposed to being well-skilled translators they are?

EDIT: oh also put those walkthroughs in
will ya?. that's spoiler tag for ye
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Re: 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン/looks good

If someone is interested, I found some really interesting scenes in 3 videos from Nicovideo , explaining some situations in the game, if you have an account you can watch them, you'll know why some situations in the game, plus it contains some bugs.
Re: 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン/looks good

Well, I haven't worked on a NG+ guide at all yet, but in the meantime I've compiled a list of all weapons in the game, as well as their stats. I've also translated all of the [Hayato Memos] if anyone's interested.

A list of all the weapons in the game. I've also put their original japanese names next to them, in case you can't read moonrunes but need to compare it to whatever weapon you found.

NOTE: Since both the Tsurugi and the Bōchō are foreign weapons, I've decided to keep their names as-is. If you're interested in what they are though, I've linked them to their respective Wikipedia articles.

Weapon List
Broken Lumber (おれたかくざい)
Strength: [8]
Weight: [3]

Broken Scissors (こわれたハサミ)
Weight: [1]

Knife (こがたな)
Weight: [2]

Scissors (ハサミ)
Weight: [2]

Lumber (かくざい)

Rusty Knife (さびたナイフ)

Old Spear (ボロのやり)

Small Ax (こがたのおの)

Iron Pipe (てつパイプ)


Wooden Sword (ぼくとう)

Machete (なた)

Armor's Spear (よろいのやり)

Silver Spear (ぎんのやり)

Silver Knife (ぎんのナイフ)

Bloody Sword (血まみれのけん)
Weight: [54]
Strength: [16]

Crossbow (クロスボウ)

Heavy Spear (おもいやり)
Strength: [15]

Sharpened Knife (といだナイフ)
Strength: [26]
Weight: [3]

Sharpened Spear (といだやり)
Strength: [36]
Weight: [7]

Butcher Knife (ブッチャー)
Weight: [14]

Crowbar (バール)
Strength: [65]

Ice Pick (アイスピック)

Rusty Katana (さびたかたな)
Weight: [11]

Cursed Sword (ようとう) (I previously translated this as the Demon Sword)
Strength: [86]
Weight: [10]

Broken Katana (おれたかたな)

Divine Sword (しんけん)

Bowgun (ボウガン)

Electric Conductor (でんどう)
Strength: [50]
Weight: [10]

Sharpened Bōchō (とぎぼうちょう)

Bloody Bat (血だらけのバット)

Weight: [15]

Rusty Scissors (さびたハサミ)
Strength: [30]
Weight: [1]

Bloody Knife (血ぬられたナイフ)
Strength: [45]
Weight: [5]

Iron Ax (てつせいのオノ)
Strength: [99]

Now for the Hayato Memos:

[Hayato Memo 1]
"To think that we'd get trapped in this mansion deep in the hills. Ryo is keeping a tough act, but that scaredy-cat Misa is being honest with herself."

[Hayato Memo 2]
"I look outside the dirty windows and see a bright light... but when we got here it was already dark out. What's with this place? And it seems that some strange creature resides in this mansion...Why did we decide to come here?"

[Hayato Memo 3]
"A really comfy bed... is what I'd prefer, but at least we found a bed we could rest on. Ryo and Misa... The bed they were sharing together just recently is still warm... I don't think they were doing anything weird together, but I can't shake this feeling of unease..."

[Hayato Memo 4]
"I shouldn't have checked the room! I know that they're dating, but to do this even though I'm near by... Unbelievable! Ryo knows how I feel too!"

[Hayato Memo 5]
"As I thought, this mansion isn't normal. The mind and soul starts to deteriorate after the countless dangers we faced... I don't even care anymore..."

[Hayato Memo 6]
"I forced them to let me rest with Misa. Ryo...this is your fault...Misa's body was better than I thought."

[Hayato Memo 7]
"Misa disappeared...I decided to follow after Ryo. Ryo's screams are lost in the darkness...Are you sad that Misa is gone? However now that my wish has come true, I can barely stop myself from laughing as hard as I can."

[Hayato Memo 8]
"Ryo, who was supposed to be standing guard, disappeared. Is Misa that important to you, or have you gone crazy too?"

[Hayato Memo 9]
"Even though I finally found Ryo... I thought he would give up once he saw Misa in pieces...So why did he come at me? I thought that as long as I was with you, I would be fine... but after a while, I couldn't stop thinking about how much I wanted your body....Sorry Ryo... and thanks for letting me embrace you in the end...From now on, feel free to be by Misa's side... forever."

[Hayato Memo 10]
"Fa..ce.. My..f...fa..ce..!? Ho...t...my..b..body..melt...ing (Something else is written here, but it isn't legible.)"
Re: 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン/looks good

Thanks a lot for the translation! Will you translate Aika's memos too? I'm curious about some notes.
Re: 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン/looks good

I've got some news. Sakuraprin is developing harem ending for this game:




Development at the moment: 90% for girls, 90% for boys, 70% for text, 60% for dot-art and 10% for bonus (I dunno what it will be).

Sakuraprin is developing very fast so I think we can get this update about January or February's begining? :p

I have no idea if you would get some specific harem ending (Mia/Yachika, Kippei/Yachika, Seijirou/Mia, Rikana/Kippei... etc) or a total harem ending (at least for girls, since you can avoid harem ending with boys with BL OFF).
Re: 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン/looks good

is available now with harem routes!

I think it has bugs but... it is :D

Edit: link was down so I replaced it with a new one.

Plus, a new patch was released today fixing some bugs. You can download 1.21 from . Just replaced the folders with the new ones.
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Re: 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン/looks good

Sakuraprin released ハーレムドーン - 中に ! 中に ! - yesterday on DLsite.

It seems to be CG pack and bonus save data to unlock harem route without fulfilling the actual requirements.
From the Dlsite preview, it seems the CG pack has some pictures that aren't in the game itself.

They also released 1.22 which is supposedly fixed the bugs on 1.20 and 1.21.
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Re: 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン/looks good

what is new in version 1.23 Sakuraprin released but i not sure what is new more bug fixed?
Re: 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン/looks good

what is new in version 1.23 Sakuraprin released but i not sure what is new more bug fixed?

The changelog on DLSite for 1.23 says it's something about improving processing speed.

From SakuraPrin blog, it seems there will another update planned for this Spring to fix more bugs and adding netori endings.
Re: 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン/looks good

Does anyone have a link to version 1.23?
Re: 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン/looks good

Whatever happened to the translation effort? I'm assuming they stopped like almost every translator does?
Re: 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン/looks good

Hello, minasan, I finished the game once and found that I only completed something like 8% with 13 on... 164 CG! What a joke! Ok, it's a Tokimachi Eisei's game and I love that artist, that's why I played it first but I must say this is the worst game design I ever saw. You are forced to complete it how many times to get all the CG, one by character + harem ending + Yui's ending, maybe more? This is totally insane!

So, do someone know a listing (english or japanese) on how to get all the CG, indexed one by one? A way to use a 100% save with kind of a manual like 6th CG of the Mia gallery is the second scene you get in bed, etc.

If not, I propose to make it here. I will create a general post and everyone will contribute by sharing the way they got such and such CG with utmost attention about spoilers. What do you think?
Re: 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン/looks good

You can get some CG scenes without complete the game. Just found them and you won't need complete all the game to having it in the gallery.

01 - Select Mia like your 1st mate.
02 - [West Route only] Select Mia to peep in the wall's hole (1st left room, not the one with bookshelf).
03 - [West Route only] Select Mia to drink the wine (room where naked woman appears, open the fridge with scissors).
04 - [East Route only] Select Mia like your 1st mate. It occurs when you go to the kitchen. [Thanks to Bulopu for confirm it]
05 - [East Route only] After lake's events. You need 30 or more affection with Mia. It takes place when you wake up from the bed inside grave.
06 - Select Mia like your 1st mate. The scene will be triggered when Homura come near to the door at the top after come to main building. You need some affection with Mia. [Thanks to Bulopu]
07 - Bed events.
08 - Let Giant Tentacle Monster beat you (I think it occurs randomly if you have another woman with you).
09 - Sleep with her while she's in Desperation Mode (having 1 heart/seeing someone traumatic). You need some affection with her, I'm not sure how much.
10 - [xKippei+Seijirou] First select Yachika and Rikana (order doesn't matter). Second, when you meet the another team (in this case: Mia, Kippei, Seijirou, when the floor breaks up) don't pass them any items. Third, when you're in underground path it will show.
11 - [xHomura+Kippei] Sleep with Kippei while he's in Desperation Mode. He will ask you why not rape Mia together, if you select OK it will result in game over (you'll appear in last save point) and it'll show the CG.
12 - [xHomura+Seijirou] Sleep with Seijirou while he's in Desperation Mode. He will ask you why not rape Mia together, if you select OK it will result in game over (you'll appear in last save point) and it'll show the CG.
13+14 - No idea
15 - Come back to the room without the key when Shima kidnaps her.
16 - [Netorare] You need 80 or more affection with her. Let her sleep with another one. This event will happen in the last bed.
17 - [Main Building only] You need 40 or more affection with her. She needs to be in Desperation Mode. She will run because she's afraid so you have to find her. You can encounter her at different places:
All these places are related to main building:
1st Floor
- Dinner room (bottom left).
- Garden (entrance to main building, she's behind fence, you have to enter there from top door).
- Going to first's main building room, enter in broken wall (that you broke during Yamanobe's prologue).

2nd Floor
- Where you pushed the statue during Yamanobe's prologue (bottom left).

3rd Floor
- Look into first room from labyrinth (where you encounter Aika's Memo 10).

Clock Tower
- She's looking into the abyss in last floor.
18+19+20+21 - Last bed events. You have to sleep with her in all beds before this.

01 - Select Yachika like your 1st mate.
02 - [West Route only] Select Yachika to peep in the wall's hole.
03 - [East Route only] After taking the boat in upper-left corner. You need 30 or more affection with Yachika.
04 - Bed events.
05 - Let Giant Tentacle Monster beat you.
06 - Sleep with her while she's in Desperation Mode. You need some affection with her, I'm not sure how much.
07 - [xKippei+Seijirou] First select Mia and Rikana (order doesn't matter). Second, when you meet the another team (in this case: Yachika, Kippei, Seijirou, when the floor breaks up) don't pass them any items. Third, when you're going to forest (before climb down the building), look through the windows then it will show.
08 - [xHomura+Seijirou] Sleep with Seijirou while he's in Desperation Mode. He will ask you why not rape Yachika together, if you select OK it will result in game over (you'll appear in last save point) and it'll show the CG.
09 - Come back to the room without the key when Shima kidnaps her.
10 - [Netorare] You need 80 or more affection with her. Let her sleep with another one. This event will happen in the last bed.
11 - [Main Building only] You need 40 or more affection with her. She needs to be in Desperation Mode. She will run because she's afraid so you have to find her. You can encounter her at different places:
All these places are related to main building:
1st Floor
- Bedroom (that one where you read maid's diary).
- Kitchen (where you can sharpen your weapons, she's next to sink).
- Going to clock tower, break the upper wall (if you completed succesfully doll' sidequest a doll will show that place).
- At top left corner in blood poll (before the first bedroom).

2nd Floor
- At red room (you need to unlock it with red key).

3rd Floor
- Look into safe room from labyrinth (where you encounter save point).
12+13+14 - Last bed events. You have to sleep with her in all beds before this.

01 - Select Rikana like your 1st mate.
02 - [West Route only] Select Rikana to peep in the wall's hole.
03 - [East Route only] After Yuki's appearance go to the toilet. Select entering anyway.
04 - Bed events.
05 - Let Giant Tentacle Monster beat you.
06 - Sleep with her while she's in Desperation Mode. You need some affection with her, I'm not sure how much.
07 - [xKippei+Seijirou] First select Mia and Yachika (order doesn't matter). Second, when you meet the another team (in this case: Rikana, Kippei, Seijirou, when the floor breaks up) don't pass them any items. Third, when you sleep then it will show.
08 - [xHomura+Kippei] Sleep with Kippei while he's in Desperation Mode. He will ask you why not rape Rikana together, if you select OK it will result in game over (you'll appear in last save point) and it'll show the CG.
09 - Come back to the room without the key when Shima kidnaps her.
10 - [Netorare] You need 80 or more affection with her. Let her sleep with another one. This event will happen in the last bed.
11 - [Main Building only] You need 40 or more affection with her. She needs to be in Desperation Mode. She will run because she's afraid so you have to find her. You can encounter her at different places:
All these places are related to main building:
- Go to first place you encountered Shima in prologue (to that blood circle).

1st Floor
- Go to the toilet then climb down (where you encounter Father's Pipe, she's at the end of the guts pool).

2nd Floor
- She's at balcony (where floor broke, in the bottom looking into forest).

3rd Floor
- She's behind stairs.

Clock Tower
- At lobby (go to north from save point, don't go up floors).
12+13+14 - Last bed events. You have to sleep with her in all beds before this.

01 - Select Kippei like your 1st mate.
02 - [West Route only] Select Kippei to peep in the wall's hole.
03 - [West Route only] Select Kippei to drink the wine.
04 - [East Route only] After taking the boat go to upper-left corner and look through the window.
05 - [East Route only] After lake's events. You need 30 or more affection with Kippei. It takes place when you wake up from the bed inside grave.
06 - Bed events.
07 - Let Presence of Fear (naked woman) beat you (I think it occurs randomly if you have another man with you).
08 - [Main Building only] Sleep with Yachika all beds before main building. When you arrive to main building sleep with Kippei while he's in Desperation Mode.
09 - [Boy's Love must be ON] Come back to the room without the key when Shima kidnaps him.
10 - [Boy's Love must be ON][Netorare] You need 80 or more affection with him. Let him sleep with another one. This event will happen in the last bed.
11 - [Boy's Love must be ON][Main Building only] You need 40 or more affection with him. He needs to be in Desperation Mode. He will run because he's afraid so you have to find him. You can encounter him at different places:
All these places are related to main building:
- You'll need a hammer. Go to first place you encountered Shima in prologue (to that blood circle) then break the rocks in the bottom right so the wall, he's inside (I think he'll appear there if you broke wall before, I'm not sure).

1st Floor
- Toilet.
- Entrance to main building (where Homura encountered Yamanobe's key, at bottom).

2nd Floor
- At room where you encounter the locked chest (that one to get true ending, he's next to window).

3rd Floor
- Go to the east zone, he's outside rooms.

Clock Tower
- Entrance to clock tower.
12+13 - Last bed events. You have to sleep with him in all beds before this. If you wanna watch scene 13 [Boy's Love must be ON].

01 - Select Seijirou like your 1st mate.
02 - [East Route only] Fight against 'himself' event.
03 - Select Yachika like your 2nd mate. It occurs when coming back room where floor breaks up.
04 - Select Rikana like your 2nd mate. It occurs when coming back room where floor breaks up.
05 - Bed events.
06 - Let Presence of Fear (naked woman) beat you.
07 - Sleep with him while he's in Desperation Mode. You have to be alone with him and no more in your team.
08 - [Main Building only] Sleep with Rikana all beds before main building. When you arrive to main building sleep with Seijirou while he's in Desperation Mode.
09 - [Boy's Love must be ON] Come back to the room without the key when Shima kidnaps him.
10 - [Boy's Love must be ON][Netorare] You need 80 or more affection with him. Let him sleep with another one. This event will happen in the last bed.
11 - [Boy's Love must be ON][Main Building only] You need 40 or more affection with him. He needs to be in Desperation Mode. He will run because he's afraid so you have to find him. You can encounter him at different places:
All these places are related to main building:
- You'll see him going to the deep zone, he's at starting.

1st Floor
- At library (where you moved the bookshelf in prologue).
- Going to the toilet (where you encountered the hammer in prologue), he's next to the painting.
- Going to the clock tower (you'll encounter him in your way in the grey zone).

2nd Floor
- Statue's room (that one where you put sword and shield in prologue, he's in left wall).

3rd Floor
- Go to the northeast zone, he's outside rooms.
12+13 - Last bed events. You have to sleep with him in all beds before this. If you wanna watch scene 13 [Boy's Love must be ON].

01 - Let Presence of Fear (naked woman) beat you.
02 - [West Route only] Select Kippei like your 1st mate. You need 30 or more affection with him. Let the another mate die. When you arrive east building and confront Giant Tentacle Monster let it kill Homura (NOT KIPPEI).
03 - I'm not sure about this. I achieved it letting Mia guard in first bedroom from main building (You must see another Homura having sex with Mia).
04+05 - Kill all your members except Homura. Do true ending route then go to last room (after re-encounter your father and put the sculpture in the magic circle) where you read the last diary.
06 - Let the final boss defeat all your members in true ending (except Homura).
07 - [Boy's Love must be ON] Select Kippei and Seijirou like your mates. When Shima kidnaps a member go out the room and kill the another one then go back to the room and let Shima defeat you.

01 - Presence of fear apparition event.
02+03 - [Girl's Love] Let Mia and Yachika sleep together.
04 - [West Route only][Girl's Love] Select Mia and Yachika like your mates (order doesn't matter). It occurs when you go to the bathroom's chapel first time.
05+06 - [Girl's Love] Let Mia and Rikana sleep together.
07 - [Girl's Love] First select Kippei and Seijirou (order doesn't matter). Second, when you meet the another team (in this case: Mia, Yachika, Rikana, when the floor breaks up) don't pass them any items. Third, when you're in main building (after underground path) a painting will slide down (before first bedroom) then it will show.
08+09 - Let Mia and Kippei sleep together.
10+11 - Let Mia and Seijirou sleep together.
12+13 - [Girl's Love] Let Yachika and Rikana sleep together.
14+15 - Let Yachika and Kippei sleep together.
16+17 - Let Yachika and Seijirou sleep together.
18+19 - Let Rikana and Kippei sleep together.
20+21 - Let Rikana and Seijirou sleep together.
22 - Rikana must be in Desperation Mode. You need between 30-80 affection with her. You mustn't get special relationship with anybody (don't sleep with anybody). Other mate must be dead. After amulet is available go to room where Yamanobe is imprisoned, try to go south then Rikana will stay with Yamanobe. Return then enter from top floor (before put statue).
23+24+25 - [Boy's Love must be ON] Let Kippei and Seijirou sleep together.
26 - [West Route only] Play video tape B.
27 - [West Route only] Read Hayato's Memo no.6.
28 - [West Route only][Boy's Love must be ON] Read Hayato's Memo no.9.
29 - [East Route only] Read Aika's Memo no.4.
30 - [East Route only] Play video tape C.
31 - [East Route only][Boy's Love must be ON] Play video tape E.
32 - [East Route only] Play video tape D.
33 - Play video tape A.
34 - [You can't avoid this scene] Play first video tape event.
35 - [Yuki's Route only] Sleep with her in last bed.

01+02+03+04 - Get true ending.
05 - Get true ending. Plus get special relationship with Kippei.
06 - Get true ending. Plus get special relationship with Seijirou.
07 - Get true ending. Plus get special relationship with Mia.
08 - Get true ending. Plus get special relationship with Yachika.
09 - Get true ending. Plus get special relationship with Rikana.
10+11+12 - Get true ending.
13 - [Yuki's Route only] Get true ending.

01 - Get some ending and special relationship with Mia.
02 - Get some ending and special relationship with Mia. Your fertility rate and her have to be high.
03 - No idea.
04 - Get some ending and special relationship with Yachika.
05 - Get some ending and special relationship with Rikana.
06 - [Boy's Love must be OFF] Get some ending and special relationship with Kippei.
07 - [Boy's Love must be ON] Get some ending and special relationship with Kippei.
08 - [Boy's Love must be OFF] Get some ending and special relationship with Seijirou.
09 - [Boy's Love must be ON] Get some ending and special relationship with Seijirou.
10 - Get true ending. Don't get special relationship with anybody.
11 - [Yuki's Route only] Get normal ending (go through right door, don't go down).
12 - [Girl's Love] Get some ending. Mia and Yachika must be in special relationship.
13 - [Girl's Love] Get some ending. Mia and Rikana must be in special relationship.
14 - Get some ending. Mia and Kippei must be in special relationship.
15 - Get some ending. Mia and Seijirou must be in special relationship.
16 - Get some ending. Kippei and Yachika must be in special relationship.
17 - Get some ending. Kippei and Rikana must be in special relationship.
18 - Get some ending. Yachika and Seijirou must be in special relationship.
19 - [Girl's Love] Get some ending. Yachika and Rikana must be in special relationship.
20 - Get some ending. Seijirou and Rikana must be in special relationship.
21 - [Boy's Love must be OFF] Get some ending. Seijirou and Kippei must be in special relationship.
22 - [Boy's Love must be ON] Get some ending. Seijirou and Kippei must be in special relationship.
23 - Get true ending. Kaneda's ending.
24 - Get true ending. Shima's ending.
25 - [Yuki's Route only] Get true ending (go through down door, don't go right).

01+02+03+04+05 - Select Mia and Rikana like your mates (NOT YACHIKA AND RIKANA, I'm not sure about Yachika and Mia). You need some affection with both (not sure about how much). When you arrive main building, enter first bedroom then inspect box so drink the content.
06+07+08+09 - [Boy's Love must be ON] Select Kippei and Seijirou like your mates. You need some affection with both (not sure about how much). When you arrive main building, enter first bedroom then inspect box so drink the content. (Note: If you have harem expansion released with bonus pictures and play from Boy's Harem save, try to turn OFF ingame the BL switch then continue to the box, it'll happen a LOL scene).

By the way, Kira has abandoned the translation:

'Due to a change in my job responsibilities, all of my translation work is on an indefinite hiatus. At the time that I took on the Abaddon Princess, I had a lot of free time to use on translation work, so I saw no foreseeable difficulties in finishing the project. However my life situation changed suddenly and without warning, taking away a majority of the time that I used on hobbies, such as translation. I apologize to everyone who was anxiously awaiting the game. I was hoping that the situation would calm down in time; once I had settled in. However it did not. If anyone else had interest in translating the Abaddon Princess but did not do so due to my picking up the project, I fully encourage you to do so now as I do not see myself having time to finish it. Thank you for your understanding.'

In other hand, Sakuraprin is developing a new version: Netorare endings. I guess we can play soon (state at the moment: 100% paintings, 50% text, 70% dot art). :D
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Re: 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン/looks good

That's perfect! I don't even have to do the job! Thank you Kanarazu.

Kanarazu said:
You need 30 or more affection with Mia.
This. How do you see your affection rate towards someone?

Kanarazu said:
By the way, Kira has abandoned the translation
In fact, he didn't start it because of too many encoding problems.

Kanarazu said:
I think it occurs randomly if you have another woman with you
About the tentacle monster, I think you can choose who will be raped. It should be the first teammate who lost. That's how it occurred to me.

Edit: in your walkthrough to have the true ending, you said:
Kanarazu said:
Save the member, kill Shima's abomination and return to the rest room. If YOU DIDN'T TAKE THE STATUE NOW YOU CAN'T ENTER! when you try exit the room the naked woman will appear. NOW IT'S YOUR CHANCE!
I have the statue, the door of the rest room was shaking so I supposed it was good but when I enter and try to exit it, the naked woman didn't appear...

Edit2: btw if someone has a save 100% for the 1.23, I will glady take it.
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