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ACT Active Ryona Guro [Eluku] Wolf's Dungeon

Re: Wolf's Dungeon

Easy to just cheat engine it. Set the first scan at 201...get hit once or twice and then hit TAB. Your current HP is what you put in for the next scan. You'll have your #.

There isn't anything after the ogre still. You beat him, go to door...locked...go to girl stuck in wall and pull key out of her butt and open door. There is another room with a hay stack which you can sleep on by hitting CTRL. That's it.

Re: Wolf's Dungeon

Yes, everyone, thank you so much for telling us that cheating makes the game easier.

Now does anyone have real advice?
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

Now does anyone have real advice?

I think someone said, earlier in the thread, wait for the orc to get to the far end of the room, jumpkick, retreat, rinse and repeat.

As for the latest blogpost..

Re: Wolf's Dungeon

Yes, everyone, thank you so much for telling us that cheating makes the game easier.

Now does anyone have real advice?

I tried pulling a "Mortal Kombat 4" kind of strategy. I kept doing jump kicks and running (well, walking since it's the fastest Wolf-chan can move) away, hoping Orc doesn't follow me. Managed to very almost beat him, but I still couldn't. It would be easier if I could jump over him and not get budged into a corner.

In a related note, here's Sunday's update. No new version of the game this week. The words "Irregular Updates" was highlighted in orange, so I assume he's going to give us a new version when he's made enough progress. Picked up on three important things, though:

1. Eluku's been talking about some new skills for Wolf-chan; including a Wolf Cry and Wolf Slash.

2. There's a small gif included that compares Wolf-chan's size to the Meatopener's, as well as the movement animation. (it looks like there's a wind up screw on Meatopener's back, too)

3. Eluku is talking about adding some BGM to Wolf's Dungeon. It's from KY46, the same guy from YouTube who made BGM for Fairy Fighting.
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

I think someone said, earlier in the thread, wait for the orc to get to the far end of the room, jumpkick, retreat, rinse and repeat
I tried pulling a "Mortal Kombat 4" kind of strategy. I kept doing jump kicks and running (well, walking since it's the fastest Wolf-chan can move) away, hoping Orc doesn't follow me...
This is the only strategy that has worked for me. Jump kick, hope I don't get hit immediately after, run away, repeat. Only managed to beat the orc once doing this without cheats.
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

I remember Fairy Fighting had that problem too with some bosses, where about the only way to clear them was spamming jump or dash kicks over and over again. I wonder how Eluku tests the difficulty.
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

its Ryona its supposed to be hard as fuck. then you get raped or murdered horribly.
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

The orc really isn't all that hard. You just have to think about how you attack instead of being an idiot and mashing buttons in its face.

Reliable strategies:

1: Use forward+attack (kick) from its maximum range. Follow this by jumping straight upwards and kicking - the orc will usually walk into it. Hold ctrl(guard) upon landing and wait for the orc to attack. The moment you see it, tap back to backstep it.

It's important that you dodge on reaction, or at least wait until the orc is right in your face before just doing it. If you move before the orc attacks it will follow you and you'll get backed towards the wall.

2: Stand in front of the orc at the same range as above, but keep jumping straight up and kicking. You're not aiming to hit; you're aiming to miss in front of it. If the orc walks forwards it will get hit so block/dodge its attack the same way as above. If the orc walks backwards you can follow it and start again.

This is slower than the first strategy, but is less likely to get you backed into the wall. If the orc is already on the far right you may as well jump forwards instead of upwards to guarantee the hit.

3. Jump forward kick and hold block upon landing. Take the orc's attack regardless of what it is.
- If the orc attacks normally, attack once and block again. Repeat.
- If the orc grabs, don't wait for the arrow. There is no penalty for getting it wrong, so quickly press every direction. Start with backwards so if you react fast enough you'll backstep and not even have to deal with it. After escaping the grab, do another jumpkick.

This is riskier in terms of taking damage, but it can be done with your back to the wall, and it will force the orc back as long as you deal with its grabs properly.
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Re: Wolf's Dungeon

hey guys !

somone got a link for the newest version of the game

i try on the eluku blog but dunno why it dosen't seem to work

thanks in advance i wanna see the change !!!
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

Reliable strategies:

1: Use forward+attack (kick) from its maximum range. Follow this by jumping straight upwards and kicking - the orc will usually walk into it. Hold ctrl(guard) upon landing and wait for the orc to attack. The moment you see it, tap back to backstep it.

It's important that you dodge on reaction, or at least wait until the orc is right in your face before just doing it. If you move before the orc attacks it will follow you and you'll get backed towards the wall.

This is what I did, it does work.
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

Forget those, I rather just use cheat engine to lock the HP bar.
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

can beat Orc 50% of the time by constantly jumping towards him and kicking in the air if you are lucky with timing you can jump over most attacks/grabs and slowly beat him, don't worry about loosing too much HP as you can regain it by resting on the save point in the next room
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

It's update day! We don't have a new version of Wolf's Dungeon yet, but Eluku's been brainstorming (and he's given us a gif of Wolf-chan's eating motion)

1. Something about weeds in the dungeon that you can eat.
2. You can cure your thirst by 'drinking from the enemy'. Fairly obvious what he means.
3. Something about eating eggs that are birthed. So I reckon there's going to be some egg-pregnancies in the game, too.
4. There may be items that can cure you of parasites that are living in the player's womb. Otherwise I assume parasites will continually spawn from you while you play.
5. I found the words "Easy Mode" at the end of the post. So I think Eluku's picked up on how hard it is to beat that darn Orc.

That's as much sense as I can make. Hope I made enough sense. :)