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Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

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Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

Right so getting back on topic since fighting will only cause the thread to close. Anyone else have a hard time with the basketball part, or is there no way to win?

Best bet is to use cheat engine and slow the game down. I believe I stated that somewhere already once. Anyhow, if you don't want to slow the game down, make sure to head directly up and than to the right, pull down and than to the right. That should get you close enough to the basket to win. (It has been my strategy so far and it works 65% of the time.)
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

In fact, I've wanted to email the author a dash script more than once with the heading, "Just copy and paste into your games." :D

Oh my god, please do!

Best bet is to use cheat engine and slow the game down. I believe I stated that somewhere already once. Anyhow, if you don't want to slow the game down, make sure to head directly up and than to the right, pull down and than to the right. That should get you close enough to the basket to win. (It has been my strategy so far and it works 65% of the time.)

Going to try out that strategy myself. Thanks.
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

Are there any bad endings in this game?
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

Hi, All!

In the recent beta email, the author mentioned he felt kinda discouraged lately, because a recent build was leaked. I felt pretty bad for him, but I thought that maybe we - as the western H-enthusiast community - can do him a real solid by chipping in to his latest project. :)

It really wouldn't take much. He doesn't have a ton of buyers right now (I think in the mid-200's), so even if just a few of us chipped in, I think it really would make world of difference for him! (And, count me in, too!)

I think it would do wonders to encourage him and other Japanese H-developers to make more English ports. That's wonderful for everyone!

Think of it this way, would you rather buy half of Call of Duty, or help a rare, indie Japanese H-developer - who's willing to spend his time making an English port - get on his own two feet?

He's got the English speaking community's back, so let's show him we got his back, as well! :)


You can chip in, right here! -->
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Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

@cavcricket48: The reality is that if you are not a paying customer, your feedback IS less important. Sure, it may still be "reliable" and address things that should be improved, but the author of this game is attempting to make money off of doing this. Therefore, satisfying his paying customers should be his first priority and attracting potential customers his second. You would fall in the latter.

Fair enough.

If you really feel strongly

I don't.

When the thread devolved into a war between the customers and those who got the game for free, I felt obligated to step in and remind them that the creator of this game is not the fucking Messiah. The amount of salt produced by people that acted as if they had been personally injured by the leak was incredible and intolerable. So I decided to throw myself in.

I then decided to post my 2 cents about the game. But then this guy suddenly begins to question my credentials about giving feedback about an H-game. I was stunned. He's really bitching about that? But then my disbelief turned into rage when I realized that he really believes that his feedback, warped by the money he's invested into the product, is more valuable than someone that's turned a critical eye on it. Sure, the game may appeal to him more than it appeals to me (to be fair, yes, I like corruption and exhibitionism, and I do like the way he implemented them into the game) but that does not disqualify my feedback in any way shape or form. So I let the dude have it. Hopefully he learns his lesson.

I will say, it is surprising how heated people get about this game. That would be an interesting psychology question in itself.

Again: It turned from the game's aspects to an attack on my qualifications, for god's sake. I, or anyone for that matter, don't need qualifications to rate an H game, but for some reason this twit thinks that I gotta pay in order to rate this one.

Think of it this way, would you rather buy half of Call of Duty, or help a rare, indie Japanese H-developer - who's willing to spend his time making an English port - get on his own two feet?

Call of Duty has 3-D and gunz tho!!!11!!!11!!1


Considering that I don't have any real interest in FPSs, this is a tough one.

Also considering that all of my savings right now need to go towards a new, not-shitty laptop, I think that's not a tough one.
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

Call of Duty has 3-D and gunz tho!!!11!!!11!!1


Considering that I don't have any real interest in FPSs, this is a tough one.

Also considering that all of my savings right now need to go towards a new, not-shitty laptop, I think that's not a tough one.

Fair enough, all good mate. =]

Thanks for reading!
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

@Cavecricket: Nice, civil reply. I wish all comments were like this. I can see what you're saying about why things got heated. Although, my last comment was about more than just you. People seem to take offense that this author doesn't want his stuff leaked and pirated. Not sure why, nobody wants their stuff stolen.

"to be fair, yes, I like corruption and exhibitionism..."

Insert shameless pandering: You should give my game a try when the full demo is released later this month. I love corruption, and it will be featured heavily :D
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

@Cavecricket: Nice, civil reply. I wish all comments were like this. I can see what you're saying about why things got heated. Although, my last comment was about more than just you. People seem to take offense that this author doesn't want his stuff leaked and pirated. Not sure why, nobody wants their stuff stolen.

"to be fair, yes, I like corruption and exhibitionism..."

Insert shameless pandering: You should give my game a try when the full demo is released later this month. I love corruption, and it will be featured heavily :D

Couldn't agree more, i love the slow degradation and especially the humiliation parts :p
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

I then decided to post my 2 cents about the game. But then this guy suddenly begins to question my credentials about giving feedback about an H-game. I was stunned. He's really bitching about that? But then my disbelief turned into rage when I realized that he really believes that his feedback, warped by the money he's invested into the product, is more valuable than someone that's turned a critical eye on it. Sure, the game may appeal to him more than it appeals to me (to be fair, yes, I like corruption and exhibitionism, and I do like the way he implemented them into the game) but that does not disqualify my feedback in any way shape or form. So I let the dude have it. Hopefully he learns his lesson.

Again: It turned from the game's aspects to an attack on my qualifications, for god's sake. I, or anyone for that matter, don't need qualifications to rate an H game, but for some reason this twit thinks that I gotta pay in order to rate this one.

Nah never said my qualifications were more valid even for paying to help the guy make his games. Just pointing out the fact that you've obviously got some interest in the games he makes even if you don't want to admit it. Excuses are excuses.

The main point is that there are very few English game makers so why throw out discouraging comments over such trivial details. Just don't use your "qualifying" review of the game while its still in the development stage to justify the fact you've gotten half of this game for free, and his prior game, and the one before that. You're obviously interested in his games, why not go to his blog and share your critique there, maybe you can donate for the games of his you've played so far while you're there.

Please don't "let me have it", you'll be wasting your energy typing.
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

Is there a way to get through the door behind the bookcase in the locked room? I came across one of the alternate ending while trying. The principal said Alona had finally passed her probation and would officially be a teacher. I thought this would lead to getting through the door. It only led to a "horny girl on train" ending. Is the drug lab through that door? Was trying to see the drug lab captured and defeated scenes.
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

Is there a way to get through the door behind the bookcase in the locked room? I came across one of the alternate ending while trying. The principal said Alona had finally passed her probation and would officially be a teacher. I thought this would lead to getting through the door. It only led to a "horny girl on train" ending. Is the drug lab through that door? Was trying to see the drug lab captured and defeated scenes.

You have to do the night mission then get your school rep over 100 to become a full time teacher. You will get an ending like that if your alertness is real low and or you have completed some of the chains that would lead to an ending (getting all train scenes for instance).

I played it again but this time beating some of the student challenges to move my rep along faster without going down any of the paths. I was able to get into the lab that way. Be warned the drug lab defeat is gross. Other than that the game is coming along well.
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

Nah never said my qualifications were more valid even for paying to help the guy make his games. Just pointing out the fact that you've obviously got some interest in the games he makes even if you don't want to admit it. Excuses are excuses.

Why are you even still trying?

Like, let me link you to the real fast.

Are you telling me that your previous posts weren't essentially trumpeting your ability to pay for the game over mine? Let's put this here:

He asked for feedback from those that have donated, not from the moochers. You obviously aren't someone that would contribute to the "betterment" of his games.

I try to keep it civil, but this is giving me a headache trying to keep it in, so I'll just say it: How stupid are you?

Regardless, I gave a clear review of the game and the aspects that were unsatisfactory to me. If you want me to link that, I'll gladly do it. Also:

(to be fair, yes, I like corruption and exhibitionism, and I do like the way he implemented them into the game)

means what it means. I like the way that he implemented it. But this does NOT redeem the game from an overall negative rating. You know that there's been two updated versions of the RPGmaker engine right and that RPG Maker VXAce just went for slightly under half of this game's price this past holiday season on Steam right? Nah, you didn't.

The main point is that there are very few English game makers so why throw out discouraging comments over such trivial details. Just don't use your "qualifying" review of the game while its still in the development stage to justify the fact you've gotten half of this game for free, and his prior game, and the one before that. You're obviously interested in his games, why not go to his blog and share your critique there, maybe you can donate for the games of his you've played so far while you're there.

So the fact he's using a 10 year-old game engine is trivial? The fact that combat is a bit odd (pulling down someone's skirt does more damage than punching the victim in the gut I suppose)? The fact that over a few years there's no noticeable improvement of the graphics used or the oddball plot?

Okay, the combat and the plot part can be forgiven. It's an H-game, its measure of success is the fappability.

My "interest" in the game consists of me getting severely irritated by more than a few people acting like the creator is the Messiah and that every wound he suffers is a wound upon yourselves, and from there deciding to play the game that you people are so stridently defending as being sacred. So I did and I ended up finding more faults than pluses, though there are pluses. So it goes.

Please don't "let me have it"

Breh I just did.
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

I just see a lot of the same, someone that likes to talk. Great you don't care for his creations. Keep your negativity to yourself. Most of us are not expecting Bungie to get into the H Game making business.

Your opinion just comes off very hippocratic seeing how you don't like the way he makes games and yet you've sleazed your way into playing them all for free. You don't need to play his games anymore and you won't need to come round for the eventual free download. Your opinion is biased because you are a cheapskate that likes to make excuses for the reason why he doesn't want to support something he keeps mooching.

Even the peanut gallery has the decency to shell out a few pennies so that they can share their opinions.

I guess I need to provide links...
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Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)


Hypocritical. Not Hippocrates. Hippocrates is a Greek Physician in the good ol'days. These Good ol'days had all the supreme fetishes that got even better as time went on and the Roman's refined them into the Golden Good Ol'days.
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

I just see a lot of the same, someone that likes to talk. Great you don't care for his creations. Keep your negativity to yourself. Most of us are not expecting Bungie to get into the H Game making business.

I didn't ask for Bungie to make porn, but obviously you think I did. Link where I asked and I will bow down to you. Also, you seriously need to stop riding the creator's dick or something, fair criticism is not negativity.

Your opinion just comes off very hippocratic seeing how you don't like the way he makes games and yet you've sleazed your way into playing them all for free.

Ignoring your inferior grasp of the English language for a second. (Do you not at least do a once-over before you press submit?)

You don't need to play his games anymore and you won't need to come round for the eventual free download. Your opinion is biased because you are a cheapskate that likes to make excuses for the reason why he doesn't want to support something he keeps mooching.

You're a fucking hypocrite (Will you look at that I actually used the right word) if you can say with a straight face that you have paid for every H game that you have played. Like, if you're all of a sudden standing up for the rights of creators, then pay for every H game you've ever played for free, or shut the fuck up.

I guess I need to provide links...

Yes you are for trying to make me spend money that I 1) don't have and 2) likely doesn't deserve to be spent on the product right now. Oops. I guess I violated the 11th commandment: Thou shalt not be poor.
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Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

This is a hentai sharing site as much as it is for discussion. People can talk here and not share links if they want, but people will inevitably grab links for everything.

Those of you who haven't paid better have an attitude of "It'd be good to have this game, but no is obligated to give out links." No one owes you anything, and they're not worse people for it.

Those of you who have paid could probably grow up. You think this is the only game on here people pirate or that this author is the first to get screwed by people getting it without paying? Have you seen.. maybe.. every other thread here? People share games. We, of course, want authors to continue making games, but, of course, everyone prefers getting the same thing for free than paying if they can get it that way. And with this being the internet, there will, of course, be availability.

I had an early version of this game, and I like it. If a link comes up, I'll download it. Having said that, $30 is pretty fucking ridiculous.

So from here on out, I'd like discussion to be game-oriented, or the willing inclusion of links. What I will not take are beggings and postings asking for links or some stupid moral/financial argument on the benefits of encouraging artists or the inevitability of pirating. Almost every single thing that will be shared here is something everyone already knows, they just use pieces of that knowledge more than others to justify whatever position they're holding.
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

This is a hentai sharing site as much as it is for discussion. People can talk here and not share links if they want, but people will inevitably grab links for everything.

Those of you who haven't paid better have an attitude of "It'd be good to have this game, but no is obligated to give out links." No one owes you anything, and they're not worse people for it.

Those of you who have paid could probably grow up. You think this is the only game on here people pirate or that this author is the first to get screwed by people getting it without paying? Have you seen.. maybe.. every other thread here? People share games. We, of course, want authors to continue making games, but, of course, everyone prefers getting the same thing for free than paying if they can get it that way. And with this being the internet, there will, of course, be availability.

I had an early version of this game, and I like it. If a link comes up, I'll download it. Having said that, $30 is pretty fucking ridiculous.

So from here on out, I'd like discussion to be game-oriented, or the willing inclusion of links. What I will not take are beggings and postings asking for links or some stupid moral/financial argument on the benefits of encouraging artists or the inevitability of pirating. Almost every single thing that will be shared here is something everyone already knows, they just use pieces of that knowledge more than others to justify whatever position they're holding.

Yup that's a good point. The only issue here is that no one is talking about the game and is instead talking about "Waah, where are the links?! Give us the links you smarmy bastards."

So this is going to be my last post in this thread till someone asks for advice on what to do in the game. So, yap.
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

Well said Toxic your words are wise and true, 30 dollars is quite high and people like Nhoerst are upset cause he is one of the many that were suckered into paying for an unfinished project. the game maker is brilliant to get people to pay him, Now all he needs is an excuse or a reason to slow production on his game so he can milk more money from the donators.

I'd be happy to donate to help him along if the price was lower as 30 is like 3 blowjobs, and I'm not sure the game is worth giving that up!!! :D
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

I never expected that this thread became so funny :D.
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