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ACT [C-laboratory Slave Girl ENA / ]奴隷少女エナ RE134318 RJ134318


Feb 27, 2009
Reputation score

A side-scrolling beat-em-up game where you play as an elven slave (no loli tag but she's also not that tall compare to the enemies)

While it's got ryona tag, it's not exactly the bloody/bruising kind based on the demo, but also more on beating the girl up than rape so far .- .

There's cloth HP where certain attacks reduces it, and you remains naked for the stage when it's broken (no other effect though it seems)

Directions for control (you have double jump, dash, air attack)
Z for attack (ground and air)
Down + Z to use barrier (hit nearby enemies and heal you while inside, note that you have to completely be inside the barrier to be protected, move a bit too much and you can get hit)
V to pause the game

You can cancel an attack into anything so long as the attack hit (so you can chain air attack -> 2nd jump -> more air attack if you want)
But a whiff means you have to wait for a fairly long time to recover.

Kinda low on the H-content in the demo
1 sexual grab(fingering)
1 game over screen (just losing all lives in demo)
There's 5 enemies in total
-Basic guy, he either kicks you or grab you, if he grab you he'll spank you before tossing you off.
-Whip guy, does a fair bit of clothing damage and a fairly big attack range, but nothing else
-Dog, bite or claw at you
-Red guy - throw red ball that knock you down and stun you when you get up, can grab and fingers her (reducing barrier gauge) before throwing her off

-Boss, he has 3 attcks (none H)
-Arm swing, slow as hell
-Bodyslam, only the white explosion hit you, so you can even double jump over it if need be
-Charge, seem to only use this when you're far from him, doesn't reach full screen though so if you're running away, REALLY run away

EDIT: Release date is late July
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Re: [C-laboratory]奴隷少女エナ

>elven slave
Is there any other kind?
Re: [C-laboratory]奴隷少女エナ

The art quality is really top-notch...
Re: [C-laboratory]奴隷少女エナ

Sometimes the basic guy's grab does a chokehold instead of spanking. Dunno how I triggered it instead of the spanking. Maybe facing the other direction?
Re: [C-laboratory]奴隷少女エナ

While the art is good , it already has voice actrees

Can't wait until July...
Re: [C-laboratory]奴隷少女エナ

Love it! Looks good, smooth animation!

Also, the barrier looks like Safety Wall from RO :D

edit: I wonder if there's some way to loop just the chokehold animation... D:

Edit 2:

Not 100% sure on chokehold animation, but I think it has something to do with direction arrow. It's either down when you're grabbed (about to be grabbed?) or arrow direction either facing him or opposing him.

Still testing, but I manage to get that animation straight 4 times in a row.
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Re: [C-laboratory]奴隷少女エナ

Lack of invincibility and offensive options makes combat kind of a chore. Not to mention the fact that if anyone even has a finger close to her vagina she loses pretty much a fourth of her barrier points. Could also use a way to break out of grabs, too. Oddly enough, the boss was a cakewalk.

But damn, are those animations smooth and great to look at. If they managed to spruce up combat a bit and add more h-animations, this would be easily one of the better h-action games released this year.

As for the choke animation, I only got it twice and it was both when I was stunned from the red-ball thing.
Re: [C-laboratory]奴隷少女エナ

The lack of invincibility frames isn't much of an issue when you learn that jumping has priority over the enemies attacks. You can usually jump out of any attack.
Re: [C-laboratory]奴隷少女エナ

Lack of invincibility and offensive options makes combat kind of a chore. Not to mention the fact that if anyone even has a finger close to her vagina she loses pretty much a fourth of her barrier points. Could also use a way to break out of grabs, too. Oddly enough, the boss was a cakewalk.

But damn, are those animations smooth and great to look at. If they managed to spruce up combat a bit and add more h-animations, this would be easily one of the better h-action games released this year.

As for the choke animation, I only got it twice and it was both when I was stunned from the red-ball thing.

The boss is a cakewalk, I got more frustrated on the stage, esp with 2 red thrower around.

The lack of invincibility frames isn't much of an issue when you learn that jumping has priority over the enemies attacks. You can usually jump out of any attack.

Unless you jump and got poked with the ball in the leg.
Re: [C-laboratory]奴隷少女エナ

The boss is a cakewalk, I got more frustrated on the stage, esp with 2 red thrower around.

Unless you jump and got poked with the ball in the leg.

Yeah, 2 throwers on each side + 1 whip guy is probably the most frustrating part of the stage.

Thankfully if you're conservative with barrier usage, just drop it down somewhere, and go kill one side first (just remember that pushing an enemy into barrier usually = death to that enemy with all the hits the barrier does)

Also, the throwers seem to not start throwing if you're in the air already, so double jump over the initial throw, then quickly close the distance with dash and jump attack them and starts the stunlock party.
Re: [C-laboratory]奴隷少女エナ

Now we only need how to do the chokehold consistently... (if the chance is not random, and I hope for sure, no ;__; )
Re: [C-laboratory]奴隷少女エナ

well ryona tag is not exactly a bloody tag... is about violence with girls, even some games like DoA can be tagged as ryona don't mistake it with Guro.
the game looks nice indeed hope they will add more attacks since spamming normal attacks without even doing a combo (like streets of rage or final fight) gets boring ( maybe the gauge will be a special later?)
Re: [C-laboratory]奴隷少女エナ

well ryona tag is not exactly a bloody tag... is about violence with girls, even some games like DoA can be tagged as ryona don't mistake it with Guro.
the game looks nice indeed hope they will add more attacks since spamming normal attacks without even doing a combo (like streets of rage or final fight) gets boring ( maybe the gauge will be a special later?)

Well, me mentioning about ryona is because one of the common thing I see in most ryona stuffs is light bleeding (like small cuts from thorns or whips) or bruising (ye olde fist, rock, etc) but in this one the whip doesn't cause any sort of whip marks (it can tear the cloth but that's about it) and neither does getting her ass spanked make it redden or anything like that.

And while there's the choking it's not the point of giving her actual suffocation (pale face) so my point was that it's very light ryona. (the heavier kind of ryona basically borderline guro)
Re: [C-laboratory]奴隷少女エナ

Man...I do love some spanking. I feel it is a largely unexploited fetish in Hgames.
Re: [C-laboratory]奴隷少女エナ

expected price is 900 yen. isnt that a little cheap? I'm kinda worried for the amount of content for the final product now.
Re: [C-laboratory]奴隷少女エナ

expected price is 900 yen. isnt that a little cheap? I'm kinda worried for the amount of content for the final product now.

Says 5 stages and 5 bosses. I anticipate the 3 enemies we saw in the first stage to be it for that stage. Maybe one new enemy per stage.

So, a total of 3+5+4. 12 enemies. Just a guess of course.
Re: [C-laboratory]奴隷少女エナ

At the least, hopefully.
Re: [C-laboratory]奴隷少女エナ

expected price is 900 yen. isnt that a little cheap? I'm kinda worried for the amount of content for the final product now.

From the demo You already know it has 4 stage and 4 Boss (don't know how many stage in the final product)

1 Stage has 3 Area

So Yeah , it will be quite a short game
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Re: [C-laboratory]奴隷少女エナ

From the demo You already know it has 4 stage and 4 Boss (don't know how many stage in the final product)

1 Stage has 3 Area

So Yeah , it will be quite a short game

well to be fair there would potentially be more enemies and whatnot, but I think I wasn't really thinking about the whole picture when the game itself is done, but I was probably thinking of the lack of H-scenes or H-actions in game because the trial only has 1 of each, but I guess everything would have at least 1...
Re: [C-laboratory]奴隷少女エナ

FYI, you can deflect the bombs thrown by the annoying red guys with attack. Kinda wish the artist spent a little more time on combat movement, although I've played plenty worse with just 1 attack animation.