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Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Along the way to the baths, Sophia would notice Michael stealing a few glances her way, seeming to try and be more discreet than he was with Agnes earlier with sidelong glances in hopes she didn't notice, though Sophia being an angel could easily see his eyes wandering.


Agnes looked so peaceful laying there Sophia could see, the sight of her nude body effecting the more conscious angel somewhat. Seeing herself in the mirror seemed to have effected her even more from the looks of it, her nipples were erect underneath her arm and hand that she used to cover her chest with. Upon cursing Azalea and kneeling beside her bed to pray, Sophia would notice Agnes stirring slightly in her sleep, but she continued snoozing for now.

While she prayed, Sophia would hear Clara's words sounding through her head that she'd told her back in the high temple back home... "Remember Sophia, these feelings that you're having aren't all alien to us. And yes there is a small amount of taint in you from what she did to you yes, I can sense that. However the feelings that you're having are what the mortals call the desire to mate. They are feelings that not all of us, but quite a few angels have eventually at some point in their lives, usually when we are either like you and myself. The only real way to help you my dear is for you to help yourself, for this isn't something that can be unseen once our eyes have seen it you might say. It's kind of like coming to terms with it in a way I suppose you might say," Sophia would hear Clara's voice saying, the memory of earlier sounding in her head, and the kind and wise words of the high priestess calmed Sophia's soul somewhat and the lewd and muddled thoughts began to break up some, allowing other thoughts to filter in and mix it up.

She had by no means gotten rid of the lewd thoughts altogether, but Sophia could feel that she was able to focus less on them with a calmer heart and mind than before. Looking at Agnes didn't effect her in the same way it had a few minutes before, but she could still notice her nudity underneath the blanket. As she stood back up, Sophia would see Agnes roll over a bit which caused her blanket to fall off her chest, leaving it exposed to Sophia who could see Agnes' large yet quite perky DD-cup breasts. The sight of Agnes' breasts would cause Sophia to blush again, but Clara's words rang through her mind again, that it was her choice how her feelings effected her, but that her feelings she was having weren't any that she could ignore and something she'd simply have to come to terms with.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

It would be a difficult road for her that much was sure. Getting up Sophia headed over to Agnes's bed and pulled her friends covers over her a little more. After all the mortal realm was not a paradice and she didn't want Agnes to get a cold. Turning back she slipped into her own bed, Clara's words echoing in her mind and calmed her soul and she soon drifted into a restful sleep.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

As she pulled the covers up over Agnes once more, Sophia would see Agnes grip the blanket as it was laid back down over her body. "Mmm... d-don't worry Sophia... won't let anything... happen to you again... I swear," she'd hear Agnes mumbling in her sleep.

Climbing into her bed, Sophia was soon napping herself with Clara's words calming her a good bit as she did so. After a short while, Sophia was gently shaken awake, and when she opened her eyes she'd see a still nude Agnes hovering over her, having woken her up. "Hey Sophia, it's time to get up, we've been napping for over an hour now. It's near dinnertime too I believe, so we can go get cleaned up if you'd like. Was there any way we can get privacy in the bathhouse?" Agnes said as she woke Sophia back up, stepping over to her pack to take out the fresh clothes she'd apparently decided on wearing once they'd left the baths.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia brushed a strand of Agnes's hair before retreating to her own bed for a nap. Waking to an all to pleasent sight Sophia got up the blush on her checks all to clear and unavoidable. *cough* "Umm yes but it will be one at a time and I suggest we wait till most everone is done. It seems like we are currently the only female guests so it shouldn't be to bad." Explaining the fees and the private rooms that cost more Sophia got dressed further and even doned her armor just in case as Agnes decided what to have for dinner.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Hmm, surely we aren't the only girls here. The others are probably just all either in their rooms or elsewhere right now. But I can wait until after dinner to clean up I suppose," Agnes replied, obviously wanting to take her bath before dinnertime, but deciding it best to wait until later when they could get more privacy after hearing about how much the private baths cost.

With that, Agnes led the way downstairs after she'd slipped her clothes and cloak back on from earlier back on so she didn't dirty the clean ones, where they saw Michael still at his post. "Ah ladies, are you ready for dinner? You can take it up to your room if you like, or you can eat in the tavern area with the others who might be there eating," he said when he noticed them, looking like he was about to head that way himself for something to eat.

"Well, you want to eat down here or back up in our room? Doesn't matter to me really," Agnes asked Sophia, not seeming to care where they ate. Michael though looked almost hopeful that the two of them would eat in the tavern area, likely so he could steal glances at the both of them Sophia would probably think to herself.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia looked to Michael as he spoke sensing his intent. "Lets eat in the tavern tonight Agnes and see who some of the other guests are. Who knows we might meet someone intresting." While undoubtly they would draw attention to themselves it was also a good way to scout out if they where being watched by less than honest people. Heading in soon after Michael Sophia picked a table as close to the middle as possible so that her and Agnes would have a great view of their tavernmates. "Whats on the menu tonight I wonder?" Sophia looked over the offered menu if any before speaking in a slightly hushed tone to Agnes. "Keep an eye out for anyone looking at us that seems out of place. Being the center of attention would draw eyes to them but that was part of the strategy. If everyone was looking at them any pursures may take the oppertunity to look even closer revealing themselves. Beside Sophia knew when she was being looked at in a less than honest way.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Alright, I'm sure everything will be fine Sophia, it's our first night after all, so nobody should know we're even here yet I think. But if we do end up meeting someone interesting, then I suggest we don't reveal what we are just yet," Agnes whispered back to Sophia as they entered the tavern area and got their table.

Nodding back to Sophia as she told her to keep an eye out for anyone suspicious that might be eying her, Agnes covertly glanced around the room, as Michael sat down across the table from them. "Well the main special tonight is the stew, but auntie can cook you girls anything you like really, as long as we've got it at least," Michael said at Sophia's question of what was on the menu for dinner.

Around them sat about 10 other people, half of whom were human and three of those men, while there were a couple of elven women, a dwarven man with a big bushy beard, and a couple of cloaked and hooded figures sitting off to the back of the main area who were eating some stew and chatting in hushed voices to each other, looking deep in conversation. The elven women looked over at them, seeming curious, while the dwarven man was sitting alone at a table and munching on his dinner, and of the various humans about only one gave them much of a glance and it was one of the two human women, and she kept staring at them after they'd sat down, but didn't look overly dangerous or suspicious really.

"I think I'll have the stew myself, I'm not an overly picky eater honestly, and just water to drink, unless you have a light wine available," Agnes said, leaving Sophia to decide on what to get for herself.

"Aye we have lighter wines. Just ask one of the waitresses for it when they come over," Michael answered her.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia didn't want to put their host out so she kept her order light and to what was already avaible. Flagging down a waitress Sophia realayed Agnes's order before giving her own. "Humm Ill have the stew as well. Oh could you have some buttered bread sent out as well. Also do you have any mead?" Sophia looked to see what the waitress answered and would order some if avaible and if not stick with some wine as well. After the waitress left Sophia would speak as if defending her choice of beverage. "What mead is a warriors drink. You should try it some time Agnes." Chuckling slightly Sophia's eyes took in the other guests. All seemed quiet enough and any trouble would likely come from the men in the shadows. Though she doubt they where here for her and Agnes. Out of the woman only one gave them any serious looks and Sophia figured it was likely jealously or some such sense both her and Agnes where graced with divine beauty.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

It didn't take long for Sophia to spot a young human girl waitress walking around the tavern, carrying a couple of drinks to the cloaked hooded figures in the back before coming back and stopping at their table when she saw Sophia waving to get her attention. Michael ordered the same as Sophia for himself, not looking like he was overly picky himself. "Yes miss, I'll have it brought out right away for you all, give me a couple of minutes please, and yes we have some good mead I can bring you, a bit strong maybe, but still good," she replied and headed off to get their order.

Agnes looked over at Sophia as she defended her choice of drink, holding her hands up as if not trying to argue with her. "Sophia you know I prefer wine. especially the lighter ones. Because the last time I drank too much I nearly threw up in the temple the next morning," Agnes replied, reminding Sophia of the last time she'd drank too much back home.

The girl that had been staring at the pair of angels continued to look over at them, staring at both equally. After a minute or so of staring at them, she shook her head and seemed to have worked up the courage to come over to them. "Excuse me, ladies. Can I ask how you keep your hair so beautiful and silky smooth?" the girl asked, looking at their hair almost covetously, her own hair being a darker red than Agnes' and full of curls. Agnes looked over at Sophia for a moment, as if asking what they should do here, though she didn't look scared or worried about this girl.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia smiled slightly she figured it was along these lines. "No problum. My name is Sophia whats yours?" After getting a name Sophia offered her a chair to sit down. "Well dear I use a special creme in my hair when I have time to do it. Usually when Im at home. Im not sure what Agnes's uses but I can let you in on how I make it. I would offer some but I don't pack it when I travel." If allowed she would tell the girl who to make a natural hair conditioner that she used at home. "I always add some vanillia to the mix to help scent my hair. Oh and don't forget to make sure you rise your hair very well afterwards." Sophia smiled to the girl and waited to see if Agnes had anything to offer.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"V-Vanessa, my name's Vanessa, and your hair is just magnificent," the girl said, introducing herself and listening closely to Sophia's explanation of hair care, as if taking mental notes on what to do to make her hair conditioner.

"Aye and make sure you brush it out really good after bathing, and after I first get up in the morning I wet it and brush it out as well, and I brush it some before I go to bed too. It's always helped me keep my hair nice in the past," Agnes suggested to the girl as well.

"Thank you both so much, I just... your hair is so... perfect and mine kinda... isn't," she told them with a bow, almost giddy that she'd learned their secrets of hair care as she headed on back to her table to finish her food.

Soon enough the waitress brought out the girls stew they'd ordered, a mug of mead for Sophia, and a goblet of light wine for Agnes. "Ah thank you miss, it smells delicious," Agnes said to the waitress as their food was set down in front of them.

"You're welcome ladies, and hang one a sec Michael and I'll bring yours," the waitress replied, going and getting Michael's food.

A minute later they all had their food and were eating, with Michael stealing a few glances at both girls, though Sophia easily noticed him doing so, however Agnes didn't notice it really. She could say something to him, but it looked more like he just wasn't brave enough to come right out and say anything, rather than obsessed with their beauty.

"This is delicious Michael, tell your aunt that I've not had stew this good around these parts in a long time," Agnes said to Michael.

"O-Oh, sure I'll tell her," Michael stammered, shaking out of the reverie he'd kind of been in staring at Agnes at that particular moment, and Sophia could see a bit of a blush on his face as well.

It didn't take too long for them to get done with their dinner, after which Agnes looked over to Michael. "Say Michael... do you by chance have a map we could borrow or could you direct me to a place where I could purchase one?" Agnes asked Michael, obviously trying to get them either a world map or at least a map of Dorrach where they were at.

"Oh um... let's see, you could probably get one at the library for a couple of gold pieces or so, of Dorrach at least. A world map you might have to go to a bigger city to find one of if I had to guess, because I've never really seen one of them in the library," Michael replied to Agnes' question.

"Thank you Michael. Sophia I'll head over to the library with him and get us a map or two of the area so we'll have a good general idea as to which way to go, while you can check about for any signs of that. Also Michael do you know of a place named Gathurn?" Agnes said, then turned to Sophia and gave her a nod, giving her the hint to look about for any demons and or devils of any kinds since they could feel the presence of corruption that either might bring about.

"Gathurn huh... can't say I've ever heard of a place called that myself, but sounds draconic though to me," Michael replied to Agnes' next question with an apologetic look.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

While Michael was a good if easily distracted host he had little to offer Agnes or herself as far as information went. Moveing a hand to touch Michaels arm to get his attention Sophia spoke in a soft voice. "Michael I was thinking.. this tavern sees a lot of travalers dose it not? Maybe you know of a place where caravans and traders go to resupply?" It was a safe bet that given the size and prosperity of the Inn they had to have at lest one trading company present or even a minor warehouse in town.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Travelers and traders huh, well you could say we see quite a few. And where they resupply at... well that'd probably be main market and over at the trading house if I had to guess," Michael replied to Sophia's questions. "The trading house is over on the riverside and the market is spread across the bridge on both sides of town really, not to hard to find either I'd say. The library though is across on the opposite side of the river," he added, giving her directions to both.

"That enough to go on Sophia? I mean we've still got some light left if only a little thanks to it being summer and all, so I figure we might as well make the most of it and plan out our next move as much as we can tonight," Agnes asked Sophia, seeming to have decided on something for them to do until later when they could take their baths together.

If Sophia agreed on utilizing what little daylight was left, Agnes would look to Michael before they both got up and went on to see about getting a map or two. Agnes still didn't know that Michael seemed to fancy her quite a bit, though he was a young man and she an beautiful woman and an angel to boot, as was Sophia, it only made sense that he'd fancy them both really.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Thank you Michael." Getting up Sophia put her hood back on and looked at Agnes. "Ill check the traders and what not they should be able to give us some good information. Maybe even a map but you should still check the libarary as well just in case. I know traders canbe.... stingy." Heading out Sophia went to the trade house first.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Aye, that they can be on occasion, so be careful Sophia and don't get into any trouble again. We'll meet back here in say... an hour or two then?" Agnes said before they parted ways, suggesting a time for them to meet back before they went to look for the other.

Once Sophia was out and was on her way to the trading post, she'd see that the rain was starting to move in, with the clouds from before practically right over the town now, meaning the rain would likely be coming down any minute. Sure enough the rain did set in about 5 minutes after she left the inn, though her cloak kept her dry for the most part and definitely kept her wings from getting soaked through and weighing them down.

The trading post was centered right on the riverside just as Michael had said, with the door still unlocked for her to enter. Inside she saw a couple of older men standing over behind a large counter, looking like they were preparing to close up shop for the day, one of the men had a big bushy beard and was fairly short and upon closer inspection she saw it was a dwarf man, while the other was a human man that looked to be in his late 20's or so, both had black hair and the human man was about a couple of inches shy of 6 feet even.

"Hmm, hello miss. We're getting ready to close up the post here for the evening, but we've still got a few minutes before closing time. There something you need?" the dwarf man said to Sophia when he noticed she'd come in, asking what she needed.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Right lets meet back here an hour or two should be good." Smiling Sophia headed out only to get dumped on by the rain. Still it wasn't unexpected. Heading across the river via a stone bridge that had seen better days Sophia entered.

Noting the men she smiled politely. "Why thank you good sirs. Im in need of a map or at lest some directions. You see I need to get to Gathurn and Im unsure how to get there from here." Looking over the supplies the men had Sophia took note of anything they might need. Mostly it would be food and water and some extra tavel cloths if need be.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Gathurn eh, well if you're looking to get a ride there from here then you'll be out of luck unfortunately, as this here river doesn't run anywhere near Gathurn. It's in the dragonkin kingdom far to the north of here and across the sea. But you can catch a ride here to go down river to the coast if you'd like to one of the big cities and catch a boat ride across. Though you'll of course have to pay for passage, as there ain't no free rides. Costs five gold pieces per person to get ferried down, plus a little extra if you've got something to be shipped other than yourselves," the dwarf man told Sophia, while the human man walked over to a shelf and was looking at some rolled up pieces of parchment and paper.

"If you like we carry maps of Dorrach here. Five silvers a piece, but they are fairly detailed maps that show all of the larger cities of the country and a few smaller ones, and all of the main roads. The library has better and more detailed ones though of course, but these are good enough for trade routes or if you're just heading to one of the larger cities to book passage across the sea," the human man said, showing a rolled up map to her.

I'll say Sophia and Agnes have a total of about 70 gold pieces between them after Agnes bought all of their travel supplies before heading down, split about even between the two of them. And I'm assuming that Sophia would keep her money pouch on her hip most of the time as well when going around a town too, to give her the chance to be able to buy one of those maps if she wants to.

A possible map of Dorrach to come later also if I can find a way to make one for the thread, which I'll post up in my albums and link into the thread from there.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia frowned that seemed awefully expensive. "I see thats rather disspointing. But I will take that map please." Sophia handedover some coinage for the map and thanked the two men. Heading out and into the rain she siged again. Still she had finished her task rather quickly maybe she could catch Agnes before she got to deep in the library. Heading in that direction Sophia wondered how long such a voyage would take. Undoubtly her prey had long sense left that area.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Well sorry lass but we've gotta make our money too, as we would be taking you all the way down to the coast and stopping at all towns and whatnot in between which is a good ways actually and there would be a couple of stops to make along the way," the dwarf man said as the human man set the map in front of her, taking the 5 silver coins from her and putting them into a box after handing it to her.

Making her way over to the library, Sophia managed to spot Agnes and Michael fairly quickly, while the rain outside continued to pour down in a nice summer rainstorm that had no thunder and lightning or high winds. Agnes hadn't noticed her yet and was looking at a book that she seemed to have gotten interested in, though it looked like she was asking Michael something as well.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Moving up Sophia decided to suprise Agnes with a hug. Walking forward as quietly as possible even motioning to Michael not to ruin the surprise by pressing a finger to her lips. Moving up she listened to what Agnes was saying before surprising her with a sudden hug. "Gotcha Agnes!" Holding her she giggled before letting her go.