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Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Honestly I hope we can get a hunting sort of job to go after a monster or something like that. I've been itching to swing my sword about ever since I heard about what happened to you and all honestly. I asked the high priestess and the captain both to give me a squad and we'd track that demon down and make her pay for what she did to you. But they told me no that it was for the best that we didn't," Agnes said as they walked on, her hood not pulled up quite as high as Sophia's was, but still up over her a good bit.

It didn't take them too long to arrive at the guild hall, though it was halfway across town on the riverside down the road from the trading post, the building being a quite large one all things considered. It was actually a tavern, larger somewhat than the one back at the inn, but not too much bigger. They saw quite a few different people inside, mostly humans and elves, but here and there were a few different races. They could see a board that had all sorts of papers and whatnot pinned to it, some of which didn't seem to be jobs or requests that needed doing, but a few stood out.

There was one up from a nearby farmer for someone to help stop the wolves that'd been attacking his sheep to the east of the town. A second to the north for someone to go into the hills and investigate and old cave. A third was looking for people to help escort a caravan that was heading south towards the next city that way. Then there was a fourth for someone to find a child that had gone missing near the woods to the west of town. All four of these requests had at the end of each to speak to the guild master for more details, though there were other jobs and requests if they decided they didn't like any of these.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Hummmm" Sophia looked at the board. "We could do all of them starting at the east and moving in a circle till we ended in the south. That way we would have plenty of coin and a trip to a larger town. Still if you don't think we have time we should search for the child."
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Hmm, or we could go clockwise starting from west to east so we look for the child first. I'd say that their parents would be very grateful, though if they don't have a whole lot of money themselves I wouldn't feel right taking any from them even if they offered it honestly. It is part of our duty as angels to safeguard the innocent from evil and whatnot," Agnes said, looking at the board and then looking around to see if she could spot the guild master.

Soon enough they were able to find him, where Agnes led the way over to the man. "Sir, we'd like to ask about looking into finding the missing child off to the west. It says that we should speak with the guild master about the details," Agnes said to the middle aged man, who's hair was starting to go gray on him, and he looked a little rugged like he hadn't had a shave in a few days.

"Heh, you and quite a few others have already come asking about it her. She's a merchant's daughter, his youngest, and she's been missing since late yesterday evening, didn't come home with her friends. Why they were playing over near the woods I'll never know, but there you have it. The parents said they'll give whoever brings their little girl back a hundred gold," the middle aged man said, taking a drink of his mug of ale. "Supposedly her friends said that they got separated on their way back and they just couldn't find her," he added, setting his drink down.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Humm true and it can be a warm up Agnes. Good idea!" Asking about the girl the duo soon found out that it was no peasent that was missing. No doubt she had been captured by bandits or such though surely a ransom would have been given by now. There was a possiblity that there was something else a foot as well so it was best if they investigated anyway. "Is there any other info like where the children where playing at? We need all the info we can get." Getting what htey could her and Agnes would head out.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Well they were playing at a grove just inside the woods on the south side of the river, which is right next to the main road leading west. The other kids were questioned and said that they'd decided to play hide and seek and use the woods around the grove to hide in, and that on their last game she simply didn't come back, but that they didn't notice until they were leaving, so they ran back and told the nearest adults. There's plenty of hunting trails though in those woods, so your best bet would probably be to go and follow some of them about in your search. Its likely she got lost in the woods trying to hide, as it was starting to get dark when they got done and all, just kind of got turned around and all and couldn't find her way back. She's about seven years old or just about to turn that, has blonde hair, and brown eyes. Other than all that, I know about as much as you do now, as it only happened last night really," the man told them, giving them all the info that he had on the matter.

Looking over at Sophia after nodding to the man, Agnes nodded towards the door for Sophia to lead the way and she'd follow, looking eager to get started so they could find this girl that'd gone missing. With Agnes following Sophia over towards where the children had been playing, the pair got over there after about 15 minutes or so, where they saw several other people searching about, having made a camp of sorts to launch the search into the woods.

"Wow, didn't expect quite this many people to be looking for one girl. Though it looks like there's only eight or nine people here of course, but I'm sure there's more inside the woods. Where you want to start? I'd say checking the riverside myself and following it a ways, but that's just me, I'll follow your lead," Agnes said, suggesting one thing they could do.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Its as good a place as any." Heading out Sophia asked where the other had searched. Hopfully they could confirm and narrow the serach down. A little girl alone in the woods during such a storm. Hopefully the child was alright.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"The poor thing must be shivering somewhere in an old hollowed out tree, or beside a tree. Come on let's go, quickly now. From the way the guild master guy was talking they came running back when it started raining last night, because it was starting to get pretty dark when it finally did," Agnes said, hopping off towards the river before anyone around could stop them and ask anything.

Following the river westwards, they soon came to where a path led down to it, one of the hunting trails the guild master mentioned most likely. "Well we can keep following the river edge here, or we can go that way there. Or we could split up and go both ways if you like. Your choice, doesn't matter to me as long as we find her," Agnes said when they noticed the trail, looking ready for any path they decided on.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Follow the river Agnes Ill stick to the trail." It should be rather safe to split up Sophia thouht after all neither one of them sensed an evil presence and any animals had probably took off long ago with all the people tromping around.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Alright Sophia, stay safe, and if you find the girl first, give me a signal, best from the air so I can actually see you. Just let out some energy from wherever you're at, enough for me to feel it, and I'll come a running... or flying rather. And I'll do the same if I find her," Agnes said, nodding to Sophia before heading onwards up stream.

With that they split up, Sophia going down the path and Agnes taking the riverside. As she went along the trail for about ten minutes or so, Sophia came upon some tracks on the ground that looked like they'd been made by the smaller foot of a child. The tracks led further off towards the west and somewhat towards the north a bit, meaning if she continued following them, she may end up meeting up with Agnes again and the girl if they were lucky.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia nodded and followed the tracks moving slow enough not to lose them in the muck but to fast enough to keep a good pace. Hopefully the girl didn't fall into the water. Trying to banish the thought Sophia tried to think of happy things. She didn't want to have to give bad news to the family.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Following the tracks in the direction they led, Sophia continued to find more tracks, fresher ones, and soon enough she came upon a small stream that ran down into the river they'd been following a while ago. As she made her way down to the bank of it, she heard a scream from a young girl coming from down towards the river where Agnes was.

Rushing towards the scream, Sophia would come face to face with a strange cat like creature that had obviously been prowling around and stalking the girl. The cat had 2 large tentacles sprouting from its back and it was solid black, about the size of a panther, maybe slightly larger. The girl was on her butt scrambling back away from it towards the water, splashing some at it, which only seemed to anger it as it growled deeply at her.

"G-Get back... somebody help," the girl cried out, grabbing a rock from the water and throwing it at the cat thing, further angering it.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia acted imidiatly casting off her cloak and letting her wings show while channeling divine power. Surely Agnes would sense that. Dashing forward leaves and dried grass gusted away with the speed of her charge. This tainted creature would not get such an easy meal. "Be gone tainted creature or face the wrath of the divne!
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Round 1:

Sophia: 14 vs 6 TC, hit for 1 FP dmg
Tentacled Cat: 8 vs 6 Sophia, hit for 1 FP dmg

Round 2:

Sophia: 13 vs 10 TC, hit for another 1 FP dmg
Tentacled Cat: 5 vs 5 Sophia, miss

As Sophia made her presence known to all around her, she'd sense a small faint acknowledgement that Agnes had felt her presence as she unveiled herself as well, giving Sophia the sense that she'd be there in a few short minutes or so. The creature meanwhile turned to face Sophia as it planted itself to fight, teeth barred in warning not to mess with it and its meal. As the leaves and dirt were kicked up a little bit in her flying charge, Sophia soon came down upon the creature and thrust her glaive out at it.

The cat creature wasn't as fast as her apparently, as her glaive sliced right along its side around its front left leg. Hissing in obvious anger, the cat leaped to the side somewhat, moving closer to the girl a bit, though its attention was obviously focused on Sophia now and not the girl. The cat then dove at her, where its claws found the gap between her breastplate and battle skirt and clawed her left side, 3 claw marks going around from the front to back, about 3 inches long, shallow claw marks though and nothing that would hinder her in any way.

Whirling around with her wings outstretched behind her, a menacing sight to behold actually, Sophia was able to swing her glaive about and catch the creature across the top of its back, leaving a second cut on the creature. The cat retaliated again by diving at her in an attempt to pounce on her and knock her down underneath its weight, but Sophia easily managed to dodge its attack with a quick sidestepping maneuver, leaving her now completely between it and the girl she was there to save.

"W-Who... w-what are you?" the girl asked in a frightened tone.

Sophia - FP: 5/6, AP: 0/10

Tentacled Cat - FP: 3/5


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia spoke threw gritted teeth. "Go down river my friend will help you!" Sophia rolled the giant cat off her sending a quick jab at it before whirrling her glaive around to hit a tenticle. "Just run!" Sophia had this creature just as long as it didn't have any friends nearby.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia: 15 vs 6 TC, hit for 1 FP dmg
Tentacled Cat: 11 vs 8, hit for 1 FP dmg

Sophia: 19 vs 10 TC, hit for 1 FP dmg
Tentacled Cat: 5 vs 9 Sophia, miss

The young girl didn't say anything and just nodded, running away downstream towards Agnes' position, while Sophia swung her glaive about and cut the thing just on the back of its neck. The cat took another swipe at her though, using its claw as a feint while one of its tentacles smacked her right across the belly, knocking the wind out of her slightly. Sophia could sense Agnes closing in, her divine radiant energies flowing out and basically giving off a signal to anything within a mile or two at least.

Recovering from the swipe from the tentacle that hit her waist, Sophia swung her glaive again, this time slicing the tentacle that just hit her off completely, a few inches from the base of it, where the cat howled in pain as she pulled back. The cat in retaliation made a furious attack, seeming to have gone berserk almost in its attempts to hurt or kill Sophia, though she easily dodged it again, its fury causing it to miss badly.

Sophia - FP: 4/6, AP: 0/10

Tentacled Cat - FP: 1/5


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

The creature was done for. Even if it managed to get a good hit on her it would be pointless as her blow would end the thing. Surprising her though was how long it stayed in the fight. Obvioulsy it was no normal cat but Sophia couldn' sense any demon taint on it. Maybe a magical experment gone wrong. Still any questions would have to wait as Sophia baited the creature in with a feint so she could get a finishing strike in.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia: 17 vs 1 TC, crit hit for 2 FP dmg and killed, victory, and also I've got Sophia's stat experience logged so you don't have to keep track of it.

Drawing the beast in was easy enough as it was pretty much furious at her for the loss of its tentacle. The cat jumped in at her, where Sophia more than quickly reacted enough to catch it off guard by pulling her glaive up, where the cat impaled itself upon the sharp blade of Sophia's weapon. As she beast impaled itself it gave a roar of pain before it hit the ground, drawing its last breath moments later. It did look a bit odd to say the least, and now that she wasn't so worried about being attacked by it, Sophia had the opportunity to look more closely at it. Its tentacles had little barbs on one side of them, which at first looked to be quite sharp, but they were in fact not sharp at all and were instead rather soft, but firm enough that if rubbed against someone hard enough they'd scratch and possibly break the skin, and the other hand they'd probably feel quite pleasurable if the creature had rubbed its tentacle across her crotch.

By the time she was done examining the cat Agnes arrived, carrying the young girl from before in one arm while holding her large blade in the other, obviously ready to set the girl down to bring her blade up in an instant. "Sophia... you alright? This here is Lisa, she came running down the bank of the stream while I was on my way, so I stopped and picked her up," Agnes asked, setting the girl down on a nearby rock and tending to her to make sure she was alright.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia smiled before wiping her glaive clean on the creature. "Good I told her to run for you." Looking up a smile still adorning her face Sophia spoke agian. "I knew you would be comming." Wincing a little Sophia moved to the water to get a good reflection to check her wounds. Thankfully they looked minor. Gathering her cloak Sophia cast it over herself again letting her divne power fade. "Hey Lisa you okay? Did you get stuck outside all night? I bet you where scared? Come on lets get you home humm."
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"These are nothing much, I can take care of them better once we get back, I do have some small healing powers that'll fix you right up, because I actually studied my magics even though I have little talent for them. Wait a sec... magics..." Agnes told Sophia with a smirk after moving over to her and helping her to check her wounds, looking like she'd forgotten something.

"Yeah, those storms came while we were playing and I... I just got turned around so fast while I was trying to run for the edge of the woods. I fell into a hole and skinned my knees up last night while I was trying to get back, then I remembered what my dad told me before that if I got lost at night in the woods, to find shelter and stay put. So I found some tree limbs hanging over the edge of the creek up that way a bit and fell asleep while I was waiting for my daddy to find me," Lisa said in response to Sophia's questions while Agnes continue thinking about what she was trying to remember, sniffling a bit and obviously still frightened as she looked at Sophia and Agnes both, a little wary of them since she'd just seen their wings and all. "A-Are you two my guardian angels?" she then asked after a few moments.

Agnes who had moved over to help check Sophia's wounds looked up at her friend before looking back to Lisa and smiled before glancing up at Sophia again. "Well now... what do you want to say here? I uh... I think we might need to leave town soon now, probably by tomorrow else people will know what we are, and then we might get stuck here for a few days blessing newborns and marriages and things like that, not that I mind really because it's good things, but you know," Agnes whispered to Sophia, looking like she was trying to think of a solution to this unless Sophia came up with one.

"Jeez I'm so stupid, I completely forgot about it, I don't know why it hadn't occurred to me before now. The concealment spell Sophia... the one that they made us all learn in training, pretty much the only spell that you were able to manage in training. Celare forma," Agnes said, lightly smacking herself in the forehead and suddenly remembering what she'd been saying while checking Sophia's wounds just as they were about to head on out and take Lisa back out of the woods, her wings suddenly shrinking down to vestigial size that could be easily hidden underneath their shirts.

Celare forma is Latin just so you know, which I figure is a good language to go for with spells and stuff. Google Translate is so awesome that it works for these sorts of things. :D
Last edited:


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia smirked then sighed. She was never good at magic but almost every angel learns that one first. "Celare Forma" Her wings two shrung making them neigh impossible to see under her cloak. Bending down Sophia brushed a stray tear from Lisa's face. "No dear we are not your guardian agnels. We are on a secret mission. Can you keep a secret Lisa? Its nothing bad you just can't tell people who we are okay? Do you think you can do that for us?" Sophia looked at the little girl trying to see if she understood and not wanting her to worry. Picking her up Sophia held her as she began to walk back. "Lets get you home okay. Maybe tommrow before me and Agnes leave we can play a game. That is if your feeling up to it humm. Ive Sophia by the way."