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Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Agnes: Casting failure
Sophia: 12 vs 17 drider, miss

Drider: 19 vs 20 Agnes, missed her AP attack on Agnes

Agnes: Casting failure again
Sophia: 5 vs 11, miss again

Drider: 15 vs 3 Agnes, bitten and injected with venom that deals 3 AP dmg.

(Damn, these dice just went totally against you for some reason.)

Agnes seemed to have heard Sophia, but just as she raised her hand to blast some light up into the air, the drider batted her hand down and prevented her from managing it. "Ha, magic tricks won't work on me that easily little fly, and now I'm going to teach you both a lesson," the drider said with a wicked smile.

Sophia's attempt at a sword strike failed as she went in to try and help her friend, the drider managing to back up just at the last moment when she did so. The drider then retaliated against Agnes and attempted to bite her with her fangs, which Sophia knew were venomous in some way. Agnes managed to get a hand up though and blocked her as she grasped her face and pushed back against her. "N-No... l-let me... go," Agnes grunted as she struggled to push her back.

Agnes then threw her hand up that wasn't holding the drider's head back, and then tried to flash her light spell again. This time the drider's hand shot up and grasped Agnes' wrist and squeezed tightly as she twisted, preventing Agnes from getting her spell off. Sophia was again unable to free Agnes with her sword strikes as she came at the drider once more, her opponent lifting one of her spidery legs just at the last moment. "Ha... you'll have to do much better than that if you want to defeat me," the drider laughed at them and their ineffective efforts in fighting.

The drider then reared back and darted her head forward again, this time with Agnes being unable to catch her with only one hand this time unfortunately. Her fangs sank into Agnes' neck just at the base of it where it connected to her shoulder on the left side. Agnes let out a gasp and a soft moan of pain as she was bitten, her eyes going wide as the venom was injected into her bloodstream. Her eyes then went blank momentarily before refocusing a bit, tears shimmering up in them as Sophia could see Agnes' cheeks flushing with more than just embarrassment.

"Hmhm, your body should be heating up just nicely, and by the time I've finished with you both you'll both be more than willing to spread those legs for me," the drider smiled and giggled maliciously, the pair of angels situation getting worse by the second it seemed.

Sophia - 5/6, AP: 3/10
Agnes - 2/6, AP: 4/10, her legs are webbed and gives -2 all attack and defense rolls, and she's grappled, giving her an additional -2 on both, and -1 from AP for a total of -5 to attack and defense.

Drider - FP: 7/10


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"You are touching a pure maiden from the heavens. I will not let you dispoil her. If you stop now I will let you live." Sophia's voice had a rather cold tone to it. It was calm but even Agnes could see how tight a grip Sophia had on her glaive. She would give the drider a moment to let Agnes go. If it failed to do that she would attack and hold nothing back. After all she had Agnes to hold making it harder for her to dodge and Sophia trusted her blade work enough not to hit Agnes.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia: 4 vs 16 Drider, miss
Agnes: 9 vs 11 Drider, failed to break free

Drider: 7 vs 1 Agnes, bitten again for 3 more AP dmg

Sophia: 19 vs 18 Drider, hit finally for 1 FP and broke Agnes free from the grapple, though Agnes is still webbed a bit.
Agnes: 17 vs 12 Drider, hit for 1 FP

Drider: 6 vs 4 Sophia, bitten for 3 AP dmg and no webbing on either of them

"Oh she needs grow up sometime and enter adulthood. Why should she remain a pure maiden forever and miss out on all the joys of sex hmm? It isn't your place to prevent her from feeling the magnificent pleasure sex can bring a person," the drider said as she dodged Sophia glaive when she swung it again, somehow despite the added weight from Agnes she seemed to be not quite as weighed down as Sophia had originally thought. Agnes struggled as mightily as she could against the drider, but she too was unsuccessful in making any headway against her. "And now your punishment my little pure maiden fly, for defying me when you are at the disadvantage," the drider then said with narrowed eyes as she opened her mouth again and sank her fangs into Agnes again, this time into the soft flesh on the other side of her neck as she injected yet more of her venom into Sophia's friend.

The venom hit Agnes almost instantly and Sophia could easily see now that Agnes was incredibly aroused at this point and had she not had the armor on she knew that she'd see Agnes's nipples were hard as little diamonds and that Agnes panties would be soaked through with her sex honey. "Ooooh, she's really horny now, hmhm. If I web her down and pierce her maidenhead she wouldn't even resist any at all now I think," the drider said as she pulled her head back after biting Agnes.

As she was distracted with talking and giggling at Agnes' misfortune, the drider was unable to dodge Sophia's next attack, which managed to cur the drider's human hand enough to force her to let Agnes go. As Agnes fell to the ground, she grabbed her sword and swung almost blindly at the drider, her entire body trembling as she swung from where she sat, not even bothering to try and break free of the webbing around her ankles... or she simply forgot about it. Agnes' sword cut across the drider's human portion right across her waist, making her his in pain and anger.

"Oh I'm really going to enjoy breaking you both in. I'll pound your pussies so hard and raw your screams of pleasure will bounce all through these caverns for everyone to hear just how good I'm making you feel and just how willing you'll be by the time I'm done," the drider said, seemingly saying all she felt like saying and switching to full combat mode and not bothering to do anything but attack them as she hefted her spear and readied to fight.

She feinted Sophia with her spear, thrusting it down at the angel's leg and making Sophia lift her leg to get it out of the way. Little did she realize that the drider wanted her to do this as she came at her and thrust her spear, where Sophia earned a bite herself this time, the drider's fangs sinking into Sophia's neck in the same place as on Agnes' neck. As the venom was injected into her, Sophia felt an incredible wave of arousal wash over her, making her nipples instantly perk up and her panties began forming a small wet spot on them as well.

They were a bit outmatched here it seemed, or they were simply having some rotten luck. Either way the drider seemed to be pretty winded too, but she was pretty much matching both angels move for move. There was no telling what might happen next, but one thing was for sure, Agnes was still hindered by her arousal as well as the webbing on her ankles and calves, which meant she would be a bit less able to help Sophia out as she was less mobile, and she knew that one more injection of that venom into Agnes would be the end of her friend for this fight, as she would be too affected by the stuff to keep fighting, and only the gods knew what would happen then.

Sophia - 5/6, AP: 6/10, -1 attack and defense from AP
Agnes - 2/6, AP: 7/10, her legs are webbed and gives -2 all attack and defense rolls, and -2 from AP for a total of -4 to attack and defense.

Drider - FP: 5/10


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Nor is it your place to force it upon her." The situation was bad clearly the creature out matched her for both speed and endurance. She couldn't give up though. "You shame your protector with your actions. No doubt lady Viridiana will be ashamed of your peoples actions. Perhapse even make you stay down here longer." There was little hope in Sophia's mind that her words would reach the crazed creature but she still tried. However if it looked like the drider wouldn't yeild then Sophia would go all out not even avoiding a strike if it would mean scoring a hit on the drider.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia: 17 vs 17 Drider, player and friendly NPC's hit for 1 FP dmg
Agnes 14 vs 14 Drider, player and friendly NPC's win on tie, so Agnes deals 1 FP dmg to the drider

Drider: 17 vs 10 Sophia, hit with bite attack and Sophia takes 3 more AP dmg.

Sophia: 11 vs 13 Drider, miss
Agnes: 8 vs 2 Drider, hit for 1 FP dmg

Drider: 1 vs 16 Sophia, crit missed and countered for 2 FP dmg and defeated the Drider. VICTORY!!!

"Then who else will do it little fly hmm? You? This way I can give both of you the joys of sex and give you both some of my lovely little eggs, and we can all three feel wonderful together," the drider replied when Sophia stated it wasn't her place to force sex on Agnes, looking a bit more desperate as Sophia came at her again. "Besides... I'm only going on my instincts to breed. Who can fault me or my people for our base instincts? So lady Viridiana wouldn't be angry with me for such a thing, because if she did then she'd have left us out of this sanctuary. And you pretty little flies have those same instincts no matter what you might think or say," she went on to say.

Sophia's glaive caught her on one of her spidery legs and caused it to buckle a bit, but it didn't cut it off or anything, though the chitinous hide was a bit dented and cracked where she hit her. Agnes raised up and flapped her wings one mighty time to get back to her feet, though the webbing was still on her legs and made her unsteady. Then she swung her greatsword at the drider while she was distracted with Sophia and caught her with the flat of her blade right on the side of the head, dazing her a bit.

She recovered quickly enough though and tripped Sophia up again before darting in and biting her again, this time her fangs sank into the soft flesh of the front side of Sophia's left shoulder where her armor didn't cover her up. The effect was again almost immediate and she felt the lust course through her body even more so than before. She could tell that she was on the verge of simply jumping into the drider's arms and kissing her deeply right in front of Agnes, but she was able to hold herself back... barely.

Sophia managed to collect herself enough to fight back again after Agnes smacked her across the face with one of her wings to shake her out of it. Sophia's glaive came around again, but the poor angel was still dazed by hte lust and her swing went wide as the drider batted it aside with her own spear. Agnes brought her sword around again as she swung, catching the drider again, this time on her spidery butt with the flat end as she, which left another crack that was larger than the one on her leg on her chitinous hide and made her cry out in pain as she staggered a bit.

The drider reared up moments after Agnes' blow and came at Sophia, attempting to finish her off for the fight by slamming down on top of her and probably knocking her out or simply pinning her while she dealt with Agnes. Just as she was up at her tallest point though, Sophia managed to grasp her glaive and raise it up just in time to catch the drider with it on her softer underbelly as her blade entered their foe. The drider screamed as Sophia's glaive pierced her body and she fell over to the side, her spidery legs twitching in agony as tears fell down her cheeks.

Agnes fell to her knees as soon as their foe fell over to her side screaming in agony, her human/elven portion trying desperately to grab Sophia's weapon and pull it out, but where it was positioned it was simply impossible for her to do so. "P-Please pull it out... pull it out. Oh gods it hurts..." she cried out as her blood began seeping from the wound as Agnes and Sophia managed to catch their breath.

Agnes then moved over to Sophia's side and hugged her, her wings wrapping around her friend as she did so. "Are you okay Sophia?" Agnes would ask Sophia as she hugged her.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

A dark part of Sophia wanted to leave the drider to her fate, but as Agnes hugged her it all vanished away. Turning her head Sophia kissed Agnes on the cheek. "Yes Im fine but she won't be come on give me a hand." Moving over to the drider Sopha snatched the spider woman's hand before she could harm herself further. "Stop your not helping. Just hold my hand okay." Sophia was strong but the drider was more than likely stronger. "Hold my hand and try to stay calm we will get this fixed up okay." Looking over at Agnes Sophia nodded as she took her glaive by the handle with her free hand. "Are you ready Agnes? You'll need to apply healing right as I remove the weapon okay. Tell me when your are ready and Ill do it." Turning her head to the drider Sophia frowned at the girl. "This is gonna hurt and we are only going to heal you enough so you don't die. After that WE are gong to have a talk about the proper way to manage your intincts."
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Aye, we can't leave her like this. It's too cruel. No matter what she tried to do to us I forgive her, as she was going on her instincts, and those are no one's fault," Agnes said in agreement as they moved to help the drider, where Sophia grabbed her hand that was reaching for the glaive and pull it out but simply couldn't reach it. "Alright whenever you're ready Sophia. This will hurt miss, but I am knowledgeable enough in healing magics to help the pain not be so bad," Agnes said to both Sophia and the drider, waiting for her to pull the glaive out.

"Why don't you just go ahead and kill me? They've already taken everything from me," was all she said in response to Sophia, but her hand was clenching desperately to Sophia's as she held it... looking very scared and obviously like she didn't want to die despite what she'd said.

As soon as Sophia wrenched her glaive free, the drider screamed out in agony as the hand Sophia was holding got squeezed quite hard while her other hand clawed at the ground and a couple of her spidery legs stomped the ground down by Agnes. Agnes in the meantime pressed her hands both over the wound and began praying and mumbling some words as her hands began to glow. The drider cried and pounded the ground with her hand that wasn't holding Sophia's until Agnes finally finished and pulled her hands away, where Sophia would see a scar there, but the wound was very much healed, more so in fact than she'd said to the drider they would heal it. Agnes was just too kind for her own good really.

"Go ahead and talk Sophia, I'll tend to the cracks we put on her abdomen and legs in the meantime," Agnes said, doing just what she said.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Enduring the strong graspe of the flailing drider Sophia watched Agnes work. Indeed her friend was far more generious than she ought to be in this situation. Once the life threating injury had been dealt with Sophia moved over to the drider and rested the woman's upper body on her lap. "I think that you are rather lucky that Agnes and myself are not cruel creatures. At lest today you and your unborn children will live. Everyday alive should be treasured. I want you to remember that. This little fly fought so hard because I had my purity robbed from me and I will never let someone suffer that if I can help it. You will live past today but there will be a punishment. As our prisioner your first action will be to explain yourself to Lady Viridiana." See Agnes finish up her healing Sophia helped the spider lady up. "Come up with you. My name is Sophia and that is Agnes. What shall we call you?"
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"I'm not cruel either, despite what you might think of me. But you've never had eggs to lay before and been exiled from your home for no reason and therefore unable to give your children a good home, enough food to eat, a place to live," the drider said as her head lay in Sophia's lap. "But now this big scary drider wants to put her eggs in you two even more, because you managed to defeat me and all. But that'll be for later maybe, hmhm. But Viridiana won't fault me too much I'm sure, she knows how our peoples can be down here," she added with a mischievous giggle and looking confident that Viridiana wouldn't punish her too harshly.

Agnes finished healing the cracks in her chitinous hide and moved over to sit next to them both at the drider's head. "Well nothing was outright broken miss, but you shouldn't do that anymore, we would have tried to help you somehow if you'd only asked," Agnes said, her cheeks still flushed.

"Hmhm, my darling little angel, the only way you could truly help me out with my predicament is if you got down on your hands and knees and spread those luscious butt cheeks of yours and let me lay some eggs. You'd be a magnificent mother, I can tell just by looking at you Agnes. You as well Sophia, as you're both strong and capable and sexy as hell," the drider told them both, reaching up and caressing both of their cheeks with her hands, which Agnes smiled shyly, the smell of arousal still thick in the air thanks to the drider's venom laced bites on the girls, making their panties both soaked through almost with their juices. The drider sighed and shook her head softly before looking back up at them. "I wouldn't have really hurt either of you just so you know, I just wanted to express my dominance over you is all. And... you two can call me Adriana, I... have no last name... not anymore. And I wanted you both because you two are the most beautiful women I've ever laid eyes on, if that makes it any better and you two hate me less," she then said, introducing herself to the angels and looking away with an ashamed look in her eyes.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Viridiana may not fault you, but as we where the ones you assulted you still have to make reperations to us." Sophia listened as Adriana tried to explain that all she wanted to due was lay eggs in them. So this was a creature ensalved to her lusts. I will not turn out that way. Looking at the drider Sophia scowled slightly. "We don't hate you Adriana but you need to learn you can't just assult people for what ever you want. How would you even know we where good people. What if we just smashed the eggs after you left? For the sake of your children you must think ahead." Sophia moved and picked up the spear and carried it not giving it back to the woman. Letting her words soak in she began heading for the village once more.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"I don't hate you at all Adriana, because you were acting on instinct... I pity you for being unable to control yourself though, and I'm sorry if how the two of us look is what set you off," Agnes said in true sweet and considerate Agnes fashion, though her cheeks were still flushed with arousal from the venom Adriana had injected into her, as was Sophia's.

"I know that Sophia... despite what you think about me, I do know. You're apparently not a mother though, or a soon to be one. A mother does whatever she has to in order to ensure her children are taken care of. How can I provide for them out here hmm? What would you have done in my place oh mighty angel? None of the villages want me in them, my own people have exiled me, the surface dwellers would kill me most likely, and no one will listen to my pleas. Try being exiled from your high heavens for a crime you did not commit and live for a year scrounging for food by sneaking and stealing and being too scared to lay your eggs so they could hatch for fear that they'd starve to death before they were a week old," Adriana replied to Sophia's words as she slowly started getting back up to her feet. She reached for her spear as she did so, preparing to use it to brace herself as she got up, but Sophia grabbed it up as she reached for it and Adriana just gave her a look as if to say, "Really Sophia?"

She used the rock walls to get up after that instead of her spear, where she then looked at the two again. "So... where are we going then? I assume you're taking me to one of the villages, and by the way you're heading it'd be the slime girls village. So who's there? Or are you taking me there to turn me in?" Adriana asked curiously as she got up to her feet again. "Would either of you like a ride? I might be hurt but I can still carry one or both of you if I wish I'm sure," she then asked, to which Agnes looked up at her.

"Yes Adriana, if you don't mind I would like a ride. My legs are a little sore as is my butt after all that," Agnes said, to which Adriana looked away from her.

"I'm sorry Agnes, I apologize if I hurt you," Adriana said, bowing her whole elven half low to Agnes, and then she did the same to Sophia. "And I apologize to you as well Sophia, if I hurt you," she told her, kneeling down where Agnes climbed up onto her spidery back to ride and they waited to see if Sophia wanted to ride as well.

Agnes in the meantime found a single strong strand of Adriana's webbing wrapped around her waist that was then attached to the waist of Adriana's elven half, making Agnes look as if she had a seatbelt. If Sophia joined Agnes up on Adriana's back to ride then she would find one place on herself as well, with Adriana assuring her that she wasn't trying to web her up and that it was only to make sure she stayed seated and didn't get knocked off. "I forgive you Adriana, though... don't do that to and try to force yourself on anyone again without their permission, alright," Agnes told her, which seemed to brighten Adriana up some more.

With that, whether Sophia chose to get a ride or not, they set off towards the slime girl's village. They were able to make their way to the village which they were heading for within about 15 minutes or so as Adriana had to go a bit slower than she normally would have thanks to Sophia actually, and on the outskirts they found a couple of deep dark blue colored slime girls standing guard on the only path in from this direction, both of them holding spears and taking up a battle stance when they saw Adriana and the two angels. "Here it is you two. You'll have to forgive me if I don't come in with you, I'm not welcome in any of the villages as I said," Adriana said as they stopped and she lowered herself down to allow Agnes and Sophia if she was riding too to hop off after she used her claws to cut right through her spider silk seatbelts she'd given the two.

"Halt outsiders... state your business and reasons for coming to our village. Lady Viridiana is within the village at the moment so you may not enter with weapons, we hope you understand," one of the two slime girls said as she stepped forward, the taller of the two.
Last edited:


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"So you would trust random people you assulted instead?" Offering herself as a brace instead of Adriana's spear it was clear Sophia didn't trust her yet. Though the part about being exiled from the high heavens hurt a little though Sophia couldn't blame her. Had she been exposed to the succubus longer she probably would have. Sagging her shoulders Sophia's mood noticibaly dimmed. "I'm closer to that than you think Adriana." It was a careless slip but Sophia hardly cared as dark memories haunted her for the moment. Any reassureing comments would be ignored as Sophia began to lead the way refusing the offered ride and walking alone ahead of Agnes and Adriana.

"Yes we are heading to the Slim village." For the rest of the trip they walked this way Agnes and Adriana behind Sophia who wanted time alone to think. Stopping as the guards challenged her Sophia looked up and examined them in detail. "Agnes if you would I will stay here with Adriana." Moving back Sophia took the greatsword and handed the spear back to the drider. "We will wait for you and the Lady."
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"W-Well... I hadn't thought it through completely, it was a work in progress okay, but I was wagering that you two would be too kind to hurt them for my faults," Adriana sputtered, looking thoroughly embarrassed now and shamed, her cheeks beet red. When she heard Sophia speak further, the drider tilted her head and looked visibly confused. "How in the hell could an angel like yourself be close to being banished the heavens? You're a holy being right? There's no way you could be. I'm just a lowly dweller of the mortal world, hell I'm dirt compared to you, and I've been treated like dirt too," Adriana said after Sophia refused the offered ride on her spidery back.

Agnes looked concerned about Sophia, but she didn't really know what to say that would make Sophia feel any better, so she remained quiet for the time being until she did think of something. Before she could think of anything though they had made their way to the village of the slime girls and she'd dismounted as the guards challenged them. Upon examining the two guard slime girls, Sophia saw that the one on the left was rather ample in the size of her bosom, while the one on the right wasn't quite as large, but she was malleable obviously and could make them larger if she wished. Both of them were wearing light leather armor as well.

When Sophia told Agnes that she'd wait there with Adriana, her friend nodded and handed her greatsword over, then she went on inside the village, with one of the guards going while the other stayed. As Agnes went inside with the guard going with her, Sophia would hear her talking about Viridiana and that they were there to see her and talk about some stuff, but before the guard lady replied they had gotten out of earshot.

"What's the matter with you Sophia? Sad I didn't beat you both earlier?" Adriana asked Sophia as she took her spear and set it down on the opposite side of Sophia from herself as a show of peace before she sat her spider half down onto the ground.

OOC: ( ,


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"No." Moving to sit as well Sophia watched Agnes move into the village. "Adriana" Sophia turned her head to speak with the drider. "What do you know of the eternal struggle?" Waiting to hear what Adriana would say about the battle between the heavens and hells before speaking again Sophia would listen intently. "I see. Needless to say Adriana I was defeated in combat by a succubus. She took my warriors pride by defeating me with tricks. Took my purity by force untill.. well how did you put it back there. "Till your scream for more." Sophia's eyes darkened a little at the memory. "And tainted my spirit. Had I been captive any longer no doubt I would ahve fallen and I tell you this Adriana a fallen angel is worse than any demon."
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Well I know only a bit about it, and that's what lady Viridiana has told us really. But I do know that angels and demons fight a constant battle against one another for supremacy of the mortal world. I've met a demon before though. He tried to con me out of my unborn eggs, said he'd take them and give them a good life elsewhere, where they'd be able to eat all they wanted. I managed to figure out what he was and why he wanted them though and killed him. Fucking bastard wanted to take them, raise them and give them a taste for human flesh to attack the human settlements around on the surface above here, and while the humans may not like us much, which would give us plenty of reason not to care one way or the other for them, I definitely don't want to cause them harm," Adriana said as she sat there with Sophia, looking over at her as she finished talking and listened to Sophia start back up again.

"Ah... I see... well...." Adriana said with a sigh, looking a bit more ashamed now of attacking Sophia and Agnes earlier, clearing her throat she continued talking. "Well the way I see it is like this. You've only lost as much pride as you let yourself lose Sophia. And believe me I know all about losing things honey, I've been scrounging, cheating, and stealing for a little over a year just to survive, and it's very painful holding in all these eggs for so long. And... If I don't lay them soon, they'll die anyway, that was one reason I was trying to get you and Agnes both to bear them, because it's too dangerous to lay them in the wild down here without a good protected nest, which I do have mind you, but I haven't anywhere near enough food to feed them all. So... I'm really out of options for them."

Adriana took a few moments to let her words sink in before she said anything else, reaching over and patting Sophia on the shoulder as she did. "Hey... you obviously didn't fall though Sophia, else you wouldn't be here now most likely, or your wings would be black... if I recall what we know correctly anyway, so don't dwell on it so much okay. I've found the more you dwell on something the more likely it is to happen," Adriana said, then she paused and chuckled a few moments before looking back to Sophia and a slight smirk on her lips. "Say Sophia... would.... Hah.... If I would have asked you and Agnes both nicely to bear my eggs and to help take care of them, would you have done it? If I hadn't tried to tie you both up and all and force it upon you," Adriana then asked Sophia curiously, giving a sidelong glance.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia looked up at the drider a moment meeting the woman's eyes. "If you hadn't attacked us and we where not on an important mission we might have considered it if your need seemed genuien." Sophia looked away and to the village. "If I may ask Adriana why where you cast out of your village? What supposed crime was warrented to bane you from every town and village around you?" Sophia awaited the answer thinking to herself the various things one could do that would result in being banished by all the comunities. If it had been murder then why was Adriana alive. After all if she had done that once than she would do it again making her dangerous to everyone. Though Sophia didn't think that was the case. If so her fight against her and Agnes would have been far more dangerous. No it had to be something really really bad or completely made up and likely something unfamilar to her.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"I... well... it's complicated. I didn't murder anyone though if that's what you're thinking Sophia. The matriarch's mate and personal egg bearer, she's a really gorgeous and voluptuous nymph herself, by the name of Inari. I... she was just so beautiful, and she didn't say no to my advances, in fact she seemed almost enthusiastic, but that's because she's a nymph. The drider matriarch caught me in bed with her personal nymph egg bearer, and so my punishment was threefold. One I was to be outcast from all of the villages, two I was branded as a rapist," Adriana said, pulling her small leather jacket off that she had on to reveal a large R in a circle branded on her back left side. "And the third punishment... it was, that if I entered any village without the explicit consent of lady Viridiana or the matriarchs of said villages, that my ovipositor would be sealed and I could never lay eggs again, though I'd still be able to use it... after they'd take my little ones I've got in here now from me that is and raised them away from me, likely after telling them how despicable a mother they had," she went on to say with a sigh as she pulled her leather jacket back around her human half.

"Well... what do you think of me now Sophia? Do you think I'm still such a horrible person?" Adriana asked Sophia curiously afterwards, though she looked like she was thinking about something herself.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"I see that truely is sad. Though had you had your way you would have made them right by your actions." Sophia sat a moment thinking it would be dangerous for sure. "Adriana I think you are a decent person at heart and Im going to offer a suggestion to you." Looking at the drider Sophia waited to see if she had anything to say. "It seems you and your young cannot make a living down here. So hear me out, while I find your story plausable not every one will. But there is a way we can make sure your children are safe. Let me and Agnes contact the heavens and we can ask if they will shelter them. However you would have to leave them in their care until you are proven to be a good person. Do you understand?"
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Heh, I suppose that I don't really have a whole lot of choice in the matter when you put it like that. And yeah I would have been proving them right I guess. But considering how little regard they had for me already it wouldn't matter all that much. I'm about as trusted as a cockroach down here. And I've contemplated going to the surface to try and get away from this place, but I doubt I'd be any more welcome up there by the humans," Adriana said with a chuckle before looking down at Sophia where she sat. "So Sophia, would your high heavens truly take in the young of such a despicable creatures as myself? I find it hard to believe that they'd be willing to give me such a chance. But... I would do anything for them, they're my little ones and a mother must be prepared to die even if that's what it takes," Adriana then asked curiously, tilting her head to one side as she spoke and looking a bit amazed that Sophia would be willing to do that for her when after what she'd tried to do to her and Agnes.

"May I ask you something in return Sophia?" Adriana asked after a few moments, and after Sophia said anything more on the previous matter. When Sophia told her to go ahead and ask her question, Adriana would clear her throat and smirk a bit. "What is Agnes to you hmm? I'm curious because of how fiercely you defended her back there when we fought," Adriana would ask, her smirk growing into a half grin.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia turned her head to where Agnes had gone. "She is one of my dear friends and I think... once this is over we will be more. She is an innocent pure girl and I don't want to rush her. Love can be a fragil thing. I want it to take root and grow into something amazing." Sophia looked away a blush on her face. "If we are going to let you come with us on the surface Ill need to teach you to blend in. I want you to practice these words. Transforma pedes meos, ut dryadalum. If spoke correctly and with a bit of channeled magic it should alter your appearce so you don't frighten the humans on the surface. For now just practice the words we will worry about the magic part later."