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Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Sept. 25th)

I know a great game when I see one, and this game has a big sticky load of potential. With that in mind, I would like to know if there is any room available as a contributor to the work.
Unfortunately, I am not a programmer or an artist, but I am an accomplished writer and editor.
Got work?
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Sept. 25th)

I know a great game when I see one, and this game has a big sticky load of potential. With that in mind, I would like to know if there is any room available as a contributor to the work.
Unfortunately, I am not a programmer or an artist, but I am an accomplished writer and editor.
Got work?

Hard to say. Are you looking for paid work? If so, I'm afraid I'll have to disappoint. My poor wallet doesn't have room to be paying for things that I can theoretically do myself. However, if you wanted to just chat about story and such with me, I'd be willing to discuss it. The plot is the thing I've been focusing the least on, anyway. Feel free to shoot me your skype in a PM or something, if you'd like.

Aside from that though, thanks for the interest! It's always good to hear people like the project so much that they want to actively contribute.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Sept. 25th)

Hey guys, sorry for not posting any updates for a while! I haven't had much free time in the past few days.

First off, I wanted to post another picture of the lighting engine, this time in a slightly brighter room instead of the pitch-black of the last update.


As you can see, the room is still bright enough to see in, but the lighting makes it feel more like an actual cave. I'm quite proud of the effect, myself.

In addition to that, here's a gif of the 'slide' move and new crouch sprite in the v.04 update. As usual, view it as an mp4 for smoother quality.

The slide allows Alicia to go into short passageways that she wouldn't normally fit in, as well as enabling her to dodge underneath enemy attacks by shortening her hitbox. Unlike some games (Castlevania), though, her slide does NOT damage enemies. It's purely used for dodging and traversal.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Sept. 25th)

It's a bit hard to tell because of the quality, but it looks like you compressed her chest in the crouch and slide sprites instead of letting her huge boobs hang out there like you would want huge boobs to do, to show off their hugeness.

More generally, she looks more like she's shrinking than compressing.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Sept. 25th)

It's a bit hard to tell because of the quality, but it looks like you compressed her chest in the crouch and slide sprites instead of letting her huge boobs hang out there like you would want huge boobs to do, to show off their hugeness.

More generally, she looks more like she's shrinking than compressing.

Hm. Haven't heard that yet. I think a good part of it is perspective issues - her back is arched, but it's arched away from the screen, so you can't really see it, and pulling off that perspective is tricky business. I should hopefully be able to improve it a bit though, so I'll try touching it (and her boobs) up for the next Patreon update. Thanks for the feedback.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Sept. 25th)

Small update, everyone - but I think it's the one you've all been waiting for.


bom chicka wow wow

Also, the v.04 update is still scheduled for public release on the 25th, so only about 5 days left!
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Sept. 25th)

Last pre-release update, everybody. This time I'm showing off another lighting element.

(To view it as an MP4, with smoother video quality, click the "..." icon in the upper right and then click the "Show MP4 Version" button that comes down)

These little guys come in a bunch of different colors, and they just like to float around. They aren't fans of danger though, so they'll disappear for a while whenever trouble shows up.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Sept. 25th)

Love the atmosphere building, and love how you're listening to what we want. Looking forward to buying your game.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Sept. 25th)

Love the atmosphere building, and love how you're listening to what we want. Looking forward to buying your game.

Hey, thanks man. The atmosphere is something I'm very interested in, which is a bit difficult considering I don't have much talent in background tilesets, lol. Still, there are ways for a programmer to make things pretty - like the lighting engine. v.04 is by far the best update to the game so far, in my opinion. It's really starting to make the whole thing come together and actually feel like a game. Hopefully everybody else will be as happy with it as I am!
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Sept. 25th)

Hey everybody! Sorry for posting a bit later than usual, but it's time for the public v.04 update! Unfortunately I'm exhausted as all hell and currently running on fumes, so the actual post from me will be brief and also copy-pasted between the different forums I update on. Sorry for the temporary laziness, pls to be forgiving <3

And here's a list of all the major things I accomplished in v.04.

-Add in Force Shot upgrade
-Add sliding
-Update crouching animation
-New HUD
-Design, animate, and prep enemies for combat (tentacles)
-Add in lighting system
-Improve camera
-Fix the visual glitches zoom-in is causing
-More sex animations (tentacles, slime duo)
-Create more content (areas), begin re-tiling areas

Some of you may notice that last one, "begin re-tiling areas". That is because, in light of Dace leaving the project, I began working with another artist last month, an extremely talented fellow named Orexius. He did a fucking fantastic job of plowing through the necessary tiles and getting them ready for the v.04 update, but there unfortunately wasn't enough time for me to re-tile every room, as he joined in the last week or so before the update. Because of that, some rooms will be the older tiles that Dace made - but hopefully you'll agree with me that the newly tiled rooms look fantastic, and fit the style of Crisis Point better than ever.

Once you've finished enjoying the v.04 update, here's a list of the things you can look forward to when v.05 comes out:

-Add in melee attack
-Add in a non-knockdown "taking damage" animation
-Design, animate, and prep enemies for combat (Warped Soldier)
-More sex animations (Warped Soldier)
-Begin designing first boss (won't be accessible ingame yet)
-Re-code collision engine
-Implement customizable controls
-Finish HUD
-Create more content (areas), finish re-tiling areas, introduce new environment

If any of that sounds enticing, now's the time to pop over to the Patreon campaign and join up - only Patrons who have joined before the month ends will be able to access the v.05 update before it goes public!
(Sorry to keep spewing rhetoric with that, I just want to make sure there's no confusion about the new distribution system I'm using.)

Anyway, that's enough out of me. I'm tired and retreating under the sheets for a nice nap. Enjoy the game, everybody!
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Sept. 25th)

Very nice! This is coming right along.

I did notice one POSSIBLE bug? There's at least one area (going to re-run again to determine exactly where it was so I can give you the right information) where you can jump after you catch the double jump, and you end up 'inside' of the map. It looks like any one of the areas you could jump up to access the 'cavern above', but instead of a new area, you jump above the map. My attempt to get down the same way I got up literally caused Alicia to fall through the map and vanish completely, not even a light aura to show where she was, but the game didn't end with a death or anything. Like I said, I'll re-run through and try to figure out exactly which room it is in and get you a screen cap once I find it, so expect either another post sometime soon, or an edit.


Screen shots I took for now.

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Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Sept. 25th)

Very nice! This is coming right along.

I did notice one POSSIBLE bug? There's at least one area (going to re-run again to determine exactly where it was so I can give you the right information) where you can jump after you catch the double jump, and you end up 'inside' of the map. It looks like any one of the areas you could jump up to access the 'cavern above', but instead of a new area, you jump above the map. My attempt to get down the same way I got up literally caused Alicia to fall through the map and vanish completely, not even a light aura to show where she was, but the game didn't end with a death or anything. Like I said, I'll re-run through and try to figure out exactly which room it is in and get you a screen cap once I find it, so expect either another post sometime soon, or an edit.


Screen shots I took for now.

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it. The v.04 update is easily the one I'm most proud of.

As far as getting outside of the game area, it's definitely important for me to know which room it was in particular. In general, any problems that only occur when developer cheats are turned on (like buggy areas you can only get to with double jump) are most likely not problems at all, just unfinished things - but I'm not so sure that's the problem here, as there shouldn't have been any areas you can't get to without double jump. Can you remember exactly what state you were in when you tried to go back down? Which side of the hole did you jump down on? Which room was it in exactly? I'd appreciate as much detail as you can give me, it's kind of hard to decipher anything from those screenshots lol. If it is a potential problem rather than just an unfinished area, it definitely needs to be addressed.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Oct. 25th)

It may be because it was an unfinished area based on your explanation. I'll see if I can repeat that without the double jump acquired/activated, and get back to you ASAP on that.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Oct. 25th)

Double post, I know.

Just tried doing it without the double jump activated, and couldn't duplicate it, so it is only a 'glitch' when you have the developer cheat/double jump active. Based on what you said in your previous post, it sounds like I just happened upon an unfinished area that is still open enough to cause a 'glitch' when using the double jump.

As far as the location, if you go where the developer cheat upgrade was last update, then backtrack the way you came, you come to an area where you can jump up, or go through a door to your left. Jump up, and go to your right, where you will find a wall that needs to be blasted off with force shot, and eventually to the right of that you will find the area it happened in for me (again, only happens with the double jump active).

I did however notice that the area you now get the developer cheat upgrade from appears to have a minor glitch, where if you land in a certain way, Alicia becomes completely stuck and can't slide, jump, or move at all. Only have had it happen the one time, so I think it's probably alright, but it is there and could theoretically happen again.

If I notice anything else, i"ll be sure to let you know.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Oct. 25th)

Favorite is still the single blue goblin-like guys animation. Great progress so far and I absolutely love the dialog with the guy. Funny stuff hahaha

Can't wait to see this finished! :)
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Oct. 25th)

Found a glitch for ya:

In the room where you are blocked from progressing without sliding

If you rub up against the wall, duck and try to jump into the crawl space; my head clipped through the cave wall and I got stuck. (No cheats were active or anything, clothes were ripped)

Here's little something I learned in gamemaker that you could try:
When a character bumps into a wall or goes "into" it, push the character's instance back out to a certain point so they don't get stuck in geometry. (Think pokemon, bumping into walls)
Basically, walls forcefully move you so you are about 1 pixel away from collision with them.


I tried it again, and i can manage this weird sideways, duck-jump, and get wedged in the slide passageway; i didnt get stuck this time, but i could still poke my head through the walls
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Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Oct. 25th)

Found a glitch for ya:

In the room where you are blocked from progressing without sliding

If you rub up against the wall, duck and try to jump into the crawl space; my head clipped through the cave wall and I got stuck. (No cheats were active or anything, clothes were ripped)

Here's little something I learned in gamemaker that you could try:
When a character bumps into a wall or goes "into" it, push the character's instance back out to a certain point so they don't get stuck in geometry. (Think pokemon, bumping into walls)
Basically, walls forcefully move you so you are about 1 pixel away from collision with them.


I tried it again, and i can manage this weird sideways, duck-jump, and get wedged in the slide passageway; i didnt get stuck this time, but i could still poke my head through the walls

Sounds like the exact same place I found my glitch getting stuck and unable to move. Now when I got that to happen, the clothing hadn't been ripped yet, so I don't think that has anything to do with it.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Oct. 25th)

Double post, I know.

Just tried doing it without the double jump activated, and couldn't duplicate it, so it is only a 'glitch' when you have the developer cheat/double jump active. Based on what you said in your previous post, it sounds like I just happened upon an unfinished area that is still open enough to cause a 'glitch' when using the double jump.

As far as the location, if you go where the developer cheat upgrade was last update, then backtrack the way you came, you come to an area where you can jump up, or go through a door to your left. Jump up, and go to your right, where you will find a wall that needs to be blasted off with force shot, and eventually to the right of that you will find the area it happened in for me (again, only happens with the double jump active).

I did however notice that the area you now get the developer cheat upgrade from appears to have a minor glitch, where if you land in a certain way, Alicia becomes completely stuck and can't slide, jump, or move at all. Only have had it happen the one time, so I think it's probably alright, but it is there and could theoretically happen again.

If I notice anything else, i"ll be sure to let you know.

Strange.. there shouldn't be any problems in that area. Guess it's time to look it over, thanks for the extra detail.

@Vinceras - Thanks. Unfortunately, the blue guys won't come in to the game for a while, so I don't expect to see their animations and AI finished any time soon, but I'm glad you like them so far anyway. The dialogue is one of my favorite parts of every update, too. :p

@Evilmonkey3 - Yeah, one of my friends actually pointed out a similar glitch the other day, where they were able to wedge themselves into the hole and slide on through, skipping the majority of the update. I've modified the layout there slightly to make sure it's impossible to do that anymore.

Anyway, glad you guys are enjoying the update. I still got a lot of work to do for the Patreon update, only 5 days or so left.. wish me luck :I
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Oct. 25th)

Great work Anon42! Keep it up.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Oct. 25th)

It is really coming along nicely.