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RPG RPG Maker [ kokuryuuki Software] [ 黒竜騎ソフトウェア ] Foxy Blade / フォクシーブレイド RE132732 RJ132732


Grim Reaper
Oct 29, 2012
Reputation score




So, in this RPG-Game, our protagonist is a cute fox woman who battles against her foes through the use of sexual tactics. On her epic journey she travels to fight against some... uh let's just say "evil of some kind".


Some of these include but not limited too,

  • ★ 51 pieces of basic CG number (including standing picture)
  • ★ Combat Battle fuck of course!
  • ★ Combat and full voice acting!
  • ★ Auto message
  • ★ No game over
  • ★ CG · Recollection mode

Currently, priced at $14.00 USD (a few cents here or there/plus tax)

I'll keep an eye out for any releases via the *wink, wink* black-market aka forums, if they show up or if someone is kind of enough to release one.

As always, the infamous BGN!
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Re: フォクシーブレイド

Well the artwork is nothing amazing, but the voice acting isn't too bad, and the gameplay isn't bad either.
Re: フォクシーブレイド

who battles against her foes through the use of sexual tactics.
[*]★ Combat Battle fuck of course!

thads means bf rpg:D
maybi i give it a try

the art dont looks so good but i seen worse. but what's annoying me is that the girl looks like loli maybe just, flat chested
but still too young for my taste:(

why are there always lolis in h games? think japanese really like to fuck flat chested children's. dam hentais (reali hate pedophile, loli shit)
don't rape the innocence:mad:
Re: フォクシーブレイド

Probably because drawing in actual human proportions takes more time and effort and gives you less leeway to mess with things.

('sides, it's not like America's odd people are any better. instead of messing with little children they just shoot them.)
Shots fired.

Hm, interesting one. Decent circle.
Illustrations are well integrated into gameplay, suggesting this is probably a one-person-operation.
And for that, the illustrations are decent. You can see clear improvement over their previous games, so it'll be interesting to see what they can do in a few years.

Traditionally, my problem with games like this is that they tend to "burn out" too fast -
eventually you've seen all the attacks and things just get repetitive and grindy. (No pun intended)

That said, this one might be decent - there's some size increase between demo and full game,
and there seems to be a lot of material in the demo archive that's not actually accessible in the demo story (or I'm just too stupid to advance),
suggesting they packaged the demo a few weeks before release, and added more stuff since.

The status effects from enemies are a nice touch - a little sparse and far between, but they do exist. Clothing destruction too, a bit.
Also, I like how you eventually "run out" of an attack in combat - you can't just keep spamming the same ability, you need to switch it up sometimes.
There also seems to be a "weakness" system where certain enemies are more sensitive to some attacks than others.
Heck, the whole ejaculation mechanic is a nice idea - whoever hits the final attack does the damage.

Overall, I very much like the concept. It'll probably still get boring halfway through, but it should still be good enough while it lasts.
Re: フォクシーブレイド

Is it just me or do her 'proportions' change if you use certain attacks?

The protagonist is kind of cute though, I do always prefer the more subtle cuteness to the overly 'hot' and/or 'cutesy' designs.
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Re: フォクシーブレイド


*Must have this game*
Re: フォクシーブレイド

Is it just me or do her 'proportions' change if you use certain attacks?

The protagonist is kind of cute though, I do always prefer the more subtle cuteness to the overly 'hot' and/or 'cutesy' designs.

Nope not you, she purposely changes are breast size for certain attacks. Mostly paizuri and other breast related ones.
Re: フォクシーブレイド

By cracking the demo I've found an image that appears to be her pregnant.

Just a heads up for people who like that sort of thing.

Although I can't say if it's just a status effect or a proper game mechanic.
Re: フォクシーブレイド

Damn, I finally decided to get this game given nothing else is really out there and boy I do regret it. A couple of things to do, the battle sequence is painfully long and extremely repetitive (I actually got a headache playing this...). The artwork is at best meh, for lack of better word, basically not very good. During the battle sequence there is no consistent behavior such as, if you're battling one person and the enemy uses a particular move suddenly there is more then one guy sexually attacking you. Depending on the move, she randomly changes costume and then turns back, this is just pure lazy game design. To add insult to injury, when and that's a big IF suddenly your armor is destroyed, there is no matching picture to aid during battle and it is repair via attack then destroyed again during standby. Also, after each battle your HP/Mana?(blue) is restored to full and levels have no real meaning behind it as far as I can tell. After playing about 35-40 minutes I finally alt-f4 this game. To those who are brave enough to venture forth, I'll aid you in your journey however I regret getting this. *hangs head in shame*

Hopefully, better stuff comes out and this time I'll hold off till I see something that's worth buying rather then something that appears like it's good only to find out otherwise.

Re: フォクシーブレイド

Strangely, it's on the top best seller and there are people that give good review to it...

Personally, I find this game to be lazy as well... All attack only have a fixed dialogue , battle is really boring after a while. They could have added victory rape as well. It's only worth the price because of the voice acting, which is pretty good.

Hopefully they will update the game and add more content(How can they call this BF if the girl don't rape the guy if they win?).

Thank for the link! Sorry to see the game disappoint you as well.
Re: フォクシーブレイド

thads means bf rpg:D
maybi i give it a try

the art dont looks so good but i seen worse. but what's annoying me is that the girl looks like loli maybe just, flat chested
but still too young for my taste:(

why are there always lolis in h games? think japanese really like to fuck flat chested children's. dam hentais (reali hate pedophile, loli shit)
don't rape the innocence:mad:

Pedo ≠ loli
Re: フォクシーブレイド

Strangely, it's on the top best seller and there are people that give good review to it...

Personally, I find this game to be lazy as well... All attack only have a fixed dialogue , battle is really boring after a while. They could have added victory rape as well. It's only worth the price because of the voice acting, which is pretty good.

Hopefully they will update the game and add more content(How can they call this BF if the girl don't rape the guy if they win?).

Thank for the link! Sorry to see the game disappoint you as well.

Technically winning a BF is its own kind of victory rape, if you think about it.

I also imagine the clothing always changing is easily handwaved within the game proper by the fact the protagonist is a kitsune with magic that already lets her alter her breast size - she can presumably also change outfits this way.

Though I have no idea what her clothes being damaged actually does.

Thinking on the demo, the game might also be aware it is a game - I recall the kitsune mentioning "RPG" and "H-CG" in her text dialogue.
Re: フォクシーブレイド

It was the second of June. A day like any other, or so we thought. We couldn't know this day was to be remembered forever in the annals of history.
It was the day the games finally became self-aware. They started plotting, distributed on computers all over the world. Slowly planning the revolution...

I don't think it's as bad as you make it out to be. Sure, the combat gets a little repetitive over time, but I don't buy the "lazy" argument.
Note that you're only forced to fight bosses - all the minions can be dodged or sneaked. (If you run, they chase you, if you walk, they won't notice you unless you're directly next to them)
If you don't spend all your time fighting minions, I find the game fairly enjoyable - there's some interesting variation between bosses in their special attacks.
That said, you probably want to spend a bit of time on minions to level up, too.

- The village boss has a gangbang move. That's the point. He's the head of the village, of course he can magically summon a bunch of guys to fill you up, only to have them vanish again.
- Her moves change her costume. That's the whole point of the game. The only tag it has is "cosplay" - she's a magical kitsune that summons an outfit to attack. Note that enemies are weak against specific outfits.
- Because of this, they couldn't make clothing destruction work on her attacks, it would be WAY too much to draw. So unfortunately it's just another status effect that only affects her standing picture.
- HP regens between fights. I think that's intentional - they didn't want to make it a sustain-powered large RPG where you go out, level up, return to town, sleep.
- Levelups unlock additional abilities, which also unlock additional interactions in the village (once you beat the boss there). It might also increase defense, not sure.
- BF is not VR or GOR. They are related, but all BF means is that your attacks are sex-related. You beat enemies by sexing them into la-la-land, but that the point is the sexing, not the ending.
- The belly is "egged", a special move of the forest boss, I think. It's basically a delayed damage nuke, where you need to time your "defend" right so you don't take as much damage from birthing.
- That's only a single enemy/attack, though, not worth buying the game over. The core things about this game is cosplay and sex attacks. If you like these things, you get some good variety once you get a couple of levels.

I still like the game. It shows that it's made by a small circle, but then again - the large ones would be charging 2-2.5k円 for it, and make it worse by not really understanding the concept.
I think they understood the limitations of what they were working with, and I like that they didn't go overboard.
Sure, they could have added more static scenes, more varied dialogue, and all that - but then the game would only have 8 different moves and 2 bosses because they ran out of time.
Re: フォクシーブレイド

Pedo ≠ loli

Of course it is, as most people on this board and elsewhere playing this kind of crap picture "loli" anyway. Not going to open a can of worms (at least I didn't initiate it), but don't try to deceive yourself ^.^

Anyway, the main point remains, which is :

why are there always lolis in h games?

Disregarding the art, this game seems to be pretty mediocre, forgettable and not worth being bought/played, which is not even remotely surprising since 99% of this kind of "games" always happen to be.
Re: フォクシーブレイド

Pedo ≠ loli

Actually when you look it up you'll find that it actually is the exact same thing, lolicon being a slang term to describe someone attracted to underage girls.

I imagine you might have meant something along the lines of "pettanko ≠ Pedo/loli" Or just attraction to small/flat chests in general does not make you Pedo/loli.

This game is one of those "maybe" scenarios where the girl looks plausible either way, personally I look to the size of limbs more than the size of tits when determining age, as that tends to be a much more reliable indicator. Problem in this case being the general look of childish glee with a hint of innocence that a lot of people will take to mean "this character is a child" supported by the small tits and ambiguous proportions.

Which of course, might not be true considering the subject matter is a Kitsune, which are a type of fantasy creature often portrayed as mischievous and playful.
Re: フォクシーブレイド

Jesus christ, not this discussion again please!

So far i really like this game compared to the other rpgs, which came out in the last few weeks.
Re: フォクシーブレイド

Mist, 深淵のイクスフィリア(RJ135015), 剣士ミリアの復讐(RJ13527), the one from BAROQUPID and a few others.

It's just my opinion. Since i dislike playing a male character in an RPG and/or having game overs, it limits alot of games which i would have otherwise played through.
Re: フォクシーブレイド

i play this game and really boring about skull item and other...

i think it's item kill myself but no... this thing is really piece of shit

i user it but it's not dead soon it's just Standing still for Ai attack you

serious? i must wait this thing for Ai kill me a little damage

i just Only play this game for get pregnant scene

but i'm done this game is really suck