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ACT [azurezero] Dash - lil red ror (RELEASED £3.20)

Re: Dash - lil red ror (early access/pre-order £2.30/4usd DISCOUNTED)

Well it's your IP so you can do what you want with it. As for the bundle not being popular, my guess is that it hasn't been advertised enough. You tend to put most of your stuff here when you first release it so I figure most people with money here already have most of your games. Try advertising it in places you don't frequent.

Just remember, discretion is the better part of valor.

ulmf seems to be the only acceptable place to post my stuff though
Re: Dash - lil red ror (early access/pre-order £2.30/4usd DISCOUNTED)

Bad news - dash is gonna be a bit late (i'm not giving an estimate til i hit the end of the month)

i only have 3 levels and one hentai sprite left to make :3

the good news is this means will be extended even longer
Re: Dash - lil red ror (early access/pre-order £2.30/4usd DISCOUNTED)

I got the credits made last night but then realised im gonna have to retweak the timing every time someone buys the pre-order and wants the credit thank you thing...d'oh....
Re: Dash - lil red ror (early access/pre-order £2.30/4usd DISCOUNTED)

Just make like, one or two dozen credits spots for those people and time for that, and then once more after removing the empty spots when you finally launch it. You'll probably save a bit of time that way.
Re: Dash - lil red ror (early access/pre-order £2.30/4usd DISCOUNTED)

I didnt think of that...

anyway today i added the text intro (wait 15 seconds on title screen)
and got another level done so just 2 more and the endings on my side of things,
cg 5/8 is just on the semen detail now... if i'm unlucky it might be a cg per week
and cut into my rika time...though now i think about it... i could probably work on that while waiting for cg anyway...

rika update - still need more monsters for the castle/library but the 2nd boss will be the dark nun from the magus game, barreytor kindly redid the game over animation with rika but ill still need to come up with new attacks and ai for it to work with rikas battle system... im used to using switch statements now so it should be more interesting than boss flies around in a loop, though i definately want her to have an orbiting weapon
Re: Dash - lil red ror (early access/pre-order £2.30/4usd DISCOUNTED)

Okay, the current estimate for the finished game is 2 weeks from now so... the 13th of august yeah that's plenty of time to get the remaining cgs done, i pray i will not have to extend again.

on my end
2 levels remain
coding the endings
Re: Dash - lil red ror (early access/pre-order £2.30/4usd DISCOUNTED)

Game finally got announced on dlsite, hopefully should generate some interest before release, cause i really need this one to do well if im going to complete all the concepts i want to do.
Re: Dash - lil red ror (early access/pre-order £2.30/4usd DISCOUNTED)

Good for you. Hope it gets some recognition.
Re: Dash - lil red ror (early access/pre-order £2.30/4usd DISCOUNTED)

So, I don't know if this has been addressed or not yet, but when I dl'ed the demo from DLsite, unpack it, and play it, I get as far as clicking the level select when Lil Red drops down out of view with the camera stuck. I'm able to move the camera left and right, but I cannot see Red or the stage, and I'm able to go all the way to the left till the camera will not scroll anymore.

Does anyone else have this issue?
Re: Dash - lil red ror (early access/pre-order £2.30/4usd DISCOUNTED)

So, I don't know if this has been addressed or not yet, but when I dl'ed the demo from DLsite, unpack it, and play it, I get as far as clicking the level select when Lil Red drops down out of view with the camera stuck. I'm able to move the camera left and right, but I cannot see Red or the stage, and I'm able to go all the way to the left till the camera will not scroll anymore.

Does anyone else have this issue?

it sounds like your computer doesn't support surfaces, which I need to combine all the solid objects together (cause 60fps can get laggy with too many objects)
Re: Dash - lil red ror (early access/pre-order £2.30/4usd DISCOUNTED)

getting nervous about the deadline again as i haven't heard from lustfire about cg6/7 yet...but all the levels are done and i just need to make the final sex animation on my end
edit- been out of contact for a week now

in other news i got a rpgmaker game commission to do
and my pitch on offbeatr for my CYOA hentai game was accepted, so once i get my id verified i can start work on that too
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Re: Dash - lil red ror (early access/pre-order £2.30/4usd DISCOUNTED)

I have to apologise again, it's really seeming like another delay is needed, i haven't heard from lustfire in a week and i'm really worried about him.

Until i get those cg from him, i'll be working on freeko's sex wrestling game commission, which i'll have more info on down the line (once i've got enough cg done to show the demo)
Re: Dash - lil red ror (early access/pre-order £2.30/4usd DISCOUNTED)

Games been updated with the witch cg (for the early access people only)

just the final cg to go and a little bit of coding...
and then i can release, then the censoring, and then the dlsite release

edit- also enough deadlines, lustfire will have the last cg done when he has it done
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Re: Dash - lil red ror (early access/pre-order £2.30/4usd DISCOUNTED)

OKAY!!! Dash will be released later today, so now is your final chance to purchase the game at the reduced price :3

omg this cg is hot... *drools*

EDIT- time's up i'm afraid
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Re: Dash - lil red ror (RELEASED £3.20)

in the next few days ill send it off to dlsite after the censoring for thats ddone
Re: Dash - lil red ror (RELEASED £3.20)

Question. Did you test the game at all once the witch spawns? She is impossible on stage 15. If I go fast then she kills me instantly with the rope attack. Also if you think the player can just dodge it, spoiler THEY CAN'T. The hitbox is way too big and how close she is at the start makes it nearly a point blank shot. If I go too slow then I can't advance because the pink slime blocked the path and the witch instantly catches me. Even without that by the time I even get to stage 15, I'm at 3 lives most, because the stage right before it is pure luck based on whether with witch turns around fast enough or when she fires her attack. I went through stage 14 10 times at the same speed using the same tactics. Half the time the witch would fire at a completely different time and I'd lose a life thanks to terrible RNG. Other than the witch being a rage inducing cunt, the game has been very enjoyable and fun. By the way did you remove the scene with those furry poison dart shooters? It just gives the basic game over screen that you get from the machine dart shooters if you get hit by them.

Edit: Apparently the game bugged and the witch was spawning closer than she should have on stage 15. After restarting it fixed itself.
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Re: Dash - lil red ror (RELEASED £3.20)

I don't do how to use the unlock on the demo...
Re: Dash - lil red ror (RELEASED £3.20)

I don't do how to use the unlock on the demo...

Just have it in the same folder.

Azure, can I get the cg unlock for the poison bush monsters? They're bugged and show the generic game over cg instead of their own so it doesn't unlock.
Re: Dash - lil red ror (RELEASED £3.20)

it is it still says demo. and CG's wont unlock says not in trial.
Re: Dash - lil red ror (RELEASED £3.20)

What do I have to do to get the witch CG into the game. I bought the unlock file and downloaded the demo but the CG isn't there.

Do I have to download a new unlock file or is it in the demo?