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[DMM] Taimanin Asagi

Re: [DMM] Taimanin Asagi

Oboro can be encountered outside Fever Time, although her appearances are rarer than the other bosses'. Friend helper cooldown has been part of the game since the previous boss hunt event. I think it might last around 8 hours or so? I could be mistaken.

Yeah, I just gotten her outside of Fever Time. The bosses this time around are quite brutal. Already need to use 2 BP to deal with Rina (around 50s) and Oboro (around 30s) and even that sometimes is not enough for Oboro. Just hope I can get her to drop. Also, it's sad that they seemed to have abolish the 0BP usage when assisting. I'm not sure about you guys but it certainly reduces the incentive for people to help out IMO.

Didn't notice the friend helper cooldown from the previous boss hunt event but it's mildly annoying to say the least. Ah well, just got to make do with what you can.

In other news, I just used 12 premium tickets and got 9 Rs (9 duplicates, 1 of the time-limited ones: Crackle) and 3 HRs (1 duplicate and 2 copies of Souta/Sayaka? not sure about the pronunciation). I'm this close to throwing my laptop out the window.

I know that feeling very well. Getting the UR Asagi was a pain in the ass but thank god I managed to get her on the last day after much money sinkage. I really should know better. Conserving my current stockpile for next event. Gotten 3 of the 4 Limited Event cards, wonder if I should try for the last R card. I don't suppose they can be gotten from Rare Medals, right? Tis sad if twas the case.

EDIT: I would like to add that I have seen a low level player (around Level 15) having 2 LR Oboro when battling them in the arena and another with 2 UR Sakura. The one with 2 Sakura was quite harrowing to fight against due to their skills.
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Re: [DMM] Taimanin Asagi

not sure about the UR card (since i never got her) but the others still can be gotten using medals ( spend all my free tickets but none came out but gotten 3/4 event cards from the medals :p)
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Re: [DMM] Taimanin Asagi

not sure about the UR card (since i never got her) but the others still can be gotten using medals ( spend all my free tickets but none came out but gotten 3/4 event cards from the medals :p)

You're almost certainly mistaken.

※新カード4種([UR/魔族]シュヴァリエ、[HR/対魔忍]弓走 颯、[R/魔族]クラクル、[R/米連]ウィンディ・レンバース)はプレミアムガチャとスペシャルガチャから出現します。メダルガチャ、レアメダルガチャでは出現しません。
Re: [DMM] Taimanin Asagi

Next event is an arena event. The one after that, or perhaps the one after that again might be the Anneroze event. I don't know, obviously they want it to coincide with the third episode's release, but I thought there was going to be a Halloween event and I've been stocking up for that reason.
Oh well, at least with the arena event I've got plenty of time to stock up on raid boss drops.
Re: [DMM] Taimanin Asagi

Oh my, seems like the game has reached 300,000 users. And in response to that milestone, they are having the following celebratory promotions:

  • A new SR added with increased appearance rate.
  • 3,000 DMM Points required for 10-cards Premium Summon. Valid once.
  • 6,000 DMM Points for 20-cards Premium Summon with increased UR and LR appearance rate. Valid once a day. Guaranteed at least 1 SR per summon.
  • Free Premium Summon Ticket.

That's the gist of what I could understand. Anyone going to gun for their special rates?
Re: [DMM] Taimanin Asagi

The new card is limited? i dont see any information...
Re: [DMM] Taimanin Asagi

I believe that she's a permanent addition to the lineup, which frankly speaking is solely lacking in the SR department. I have already gotten all the non-exclusive SRs. Granted, the appearance rate and the SR Premium Summon Ticket might have something to do with them but still...
Re: [DMM] Taimanin Asagi

It,s just my impression or people are not much interested in that dark Asagi? I’m no really trying and I’m in 340th place... Also, for the first time in this game I have gained a really good hand buying a 10 pack, all new girl have come (2 in pairs) and i have finally gained a Rinko lnv 4 (have all 3 Rinkos now)
Re: [DMM] Taimanin Asagi

Nice one. I've been trying to get the UR to have that extra boost against SR Asagi here but no luck thus far and not going to spend more than the initial 3,000 pts for the Premium Summon. That UR I've gotten last event really helped out against SR Oboru. I'm determined to get all the Asagi I can lay my hands on. Already have LR and UR Asagi and this one will round things off nicely.

Currently ranked 587th. Hopefully, I'll be in the 150-300th bracket by the time this ended. Only 3 Fever Time so far and can't really played during work.

On that note, I managed to land myself in the 150-300th bracket fairly easily last time against SR Oboru, so who knows?
Re: [DMM] Taimanin Asagi

You're shelling out for an UR in order to secure yourself an SR? have fun with that. I haven't gotten a single UR, much less an LR and I've maxed out a bunch of SR's abilities.
Luckily I managed to secure myself the HR suicide gacha with event tickets, it helps with the HR raid boss which I seem to run into all the goddamm time.
Re: [DMM] Taimanin Asagi

You're shelling out for an UR in order to secure yourself an SR? have fun with that. I haven't gotten a single UR, much less an LR and I've maxed out a bunch of SR's abilities.
Luckily I managed to secure myself the HR suicide gacha with event tickets, it helps with the HR raid boss which I seem to run into all the goddamm time.

Well, I've been known to be irrational about Asagi so yeah... In any case, not going to shell out any more. I'm fine with trying to get her either via ranking (More likely) or drops (Very unlikely).

I'm fortunate enough to get LR and UR Asagi (the latter very much so). Recently, I have added UR Rinko and LR Asuka into the mix but SR Asagi hits like a truck. I already need 3 BP just to OHKO her.
Re: [DMM] Taimanin Asagi

I have decided to try this game few days ago. I am very impressed by the artwork, and not so much with the gameplay.

Any tips for beginners? I have read the Taima Nin blog (if you are still around here - thank you very much for that) and so far I think I have semi decent USA two star deck. Kurumi S as a leader, Christia, Brenda, Charlotte + 1 random in defense team and Jane, Asuka, some three-star chick with Taimanin def down and three star Anemone in attack team.

I do wonder, what I should do next. Complete story mode? Try to get some rewards from event (and is there a good place to find translations of current events?) ? Do PvP?

Deck-wise USA isn't my team of choice, but that is how Gatcha has been treating me so far. Should I try to build a different nation deck? Seems like Taimanin should be most useful, as most bosses are demons...

I don't yet know, however, if color really matters. Is the rock-paper-scissor of Taimanin>Demons>Usa>Taimanin reflected only in skills or do fractions get some additional attack bonus, when attacking enemy fraction?

Anyone has free friend slots, and is willing to share units with a noob? I am on Amidahara server.

Finally, any other starter tips and tricks are appreciated.
Re: [DMM] Taimanin Asagi

I have decided to try this game few days ago. I am very impressed by the artwork, and not so much with the gameplay.

Any tips for beginners? I have read the Taima Nin blog (if you are still around here - thank you very much for that) and so far I think I have semi decent USA two star deck. Kurumi S as a leader, Christia, Brenda, Charlotte + 1 random in defense team and Jane, Asuka, some three-star chick with Taimanin def down and three star Anemone in attack team.

I do wonder, what I should do next. Complete story mode? Try to get some rewards from event (and is there a good place to find translations of current events?) ? Do PvP?

Hmmm... I'm not sure I'm going to be much help but you can try to complete the beginner's quests (assuming it still is available). It should give you some starter items to kick things off. I do agree, however, that the gameplay is quite lacking but I'm a sucker for collecting and a fan of Kagami-sensei.

Story mode does grants you R card to boost your deck but I would recommend you try out the event. You could try to get some points which should give you a few Premium Summon Tickets that you can use to try out for stronger cards. If you're lucky enough to get UR Saya, she's a wonderful leader to have due to her ability to essentially cut attack by 25% irrespective of types. Useful for dealing with raid bosses. In conjunction with HR Anemone who lowers defense by 22% for all types, it can really help in dealing with raid bosses. Of course, getting an LR is great but very time consuming to max out early on.

Deck-wise USA isn't my team of choice, but that is how Gatcha has been treating me so far. Should I try to build a different nation deck? Seems like Taimanin should be most useful, as most bosses are demons...

I don't yet know, however, if color really matters. Is the rock-paper-scissor of Taimanin>Demons>Usa>Taimanin reflected only in skills or do fractions get some additional attack bonus, when attacking enemy fraction?

In regards to the Taimanin > Demon > US, I believe it's mentioned somewhere in the thread. Perhaps we should consolidate all these info in this thread in the first post.

As to my own experience regarding these types, Taimanin has the most variety, at least in the R and HR section but upon further inspection, that doesn't seemed to be the case. I find their SRs rather lacking with the more useful ones locked as event exclusives. I find the Demons have the more useful SRs such as Shiranui who is great in defense whereas the US SRs are shockingly lacking in terms of options. It's quite telling that there are more URs than SRs.

I'm currently a hybrid Taimanin/Demon deck, mainly because both LR and UR Asagi boost attacks by 25% irrespective of type.

Anyone has free friend slots, and is willing to share units with a noob? I am on Amidahara server.

Finally, any other starter tips and tricks are appreciated.

I wouldn't mind adding you but I'm in the Tokyo server. That's all that the help I can provide. Hopefully it's of some use to you.

On another note, holy snap! Went from 587th to 817th. Need to hunker down and get some more Fever Time. Hopefully will be able to get that White Suit Asagi sometime later down the line, along with Annerose.
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Re: [DMM] Taimanin Asagi

And here I'm trying hard still in 9879ranking...
Re: [DMM] Taimanin Asagi

I'm just going to coast on this one. I was able to stay under 2k last event and got the SR event Oboru, but unless I get SR Asagi from a lucky drop I'm content sitting this one out and just getting whatever I can get from my natural regeneration.

I'd really really like to get the preggy HR with purple hair, but if I do I do and if I don't I don't.
Re: [DMM] Taimanin Asagi

How the hell do you just "coast" on these things? I ended up using around 7k and the bulk of my stored up 1BP potions on the Oboro event. Granted I did get two and not one. What are your stats and setups like? For some reason I've gotten a fuck ton of Yukikaze's mom, so I've got one maxed out and two on ability level one in my defense, then a level 2 taimanin event blonde with glasses and a level two delicious defense US team gynoid.
In my offense team I've got zombie Murasaki in the lead, two SR Ingrids, a regular SR Rinko level 2-3 and my newly acquired US team Oboro (which I've got two of, but won't use the other because she's too weak for most of my high level boss raids).
None of these bitches came cheap and of the 3-4 times I've evoked the 10xpremium gacha only once have I gotten something half worthwhile out of it and I don't even use that card any more.
Do you people not sleep and eat? Have you got little Chinese people working for you grinding all day? Pacts with demons, promised to sacrifice your firstborn and all that jazz? Fuck, my wits are at an end. Just now had the pleasure of seeing a level 3 newb with an LR Asagi for the enth time when picking friends for my next raid boss.
Re: [DMM] Taimanin Asagi

By that, I mean I'm not actively going to go after the SR by getting and staying under 2000 in the rankings. It was a pain (though not horribly expensive, really - I think I spent maybe $40 on BP potions) and I'm not a big Asagi fan. If they do an event Ingrid I'll be all over that.

I've got two LRs (Asagi and Asuka), one UR (Murasaki) and a pile of SRs (Oboro, maxed out Dragon Ingrid, Shiranui, and enough regular Rinkos to max her and have a spare). I've only got lower than SR on the defense side now. These have all just been luck-of-the-draw from tickets I've gotten from events, aside from doing the 3000 yen/10 draw once (which netted me a bunch of garbage I sacrificed... and LR Asagi).

Offense is: Asagi (lead), Maxed Rinko, Murasaki, event Oboro, spare Rinko
Defense is: Shiranui, LR Asuka, elfy demon girl (HR), maid US forces girl (HR).
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Re: [DMM] Taimanin Asagi

By that, I mean I'm not actively going to go after the SR by getting and staying under 2000 in the rankings. It was a pain (though not horribly expensive, really - I think I spent maybe $40 on BP potions) and I'm not a big Asagi fan. If they do an event Ingrid I'll be all over that.

I've got two LRs (Asagi and Asuka), one UR (Murasaki) and a pile of SRs (Oboru, maxed out Dragon Ingrid, Shiranui, and enough regular Rinkos to max her and have a spare). I've only got lower than SR on the defense side now. These have all just been luck-of-the-draw from tickets I've gotten from events, aside from doing the 3000 yen/10 draw once (which netted me a bunch of garbage I sacrificed... and LR Asagi).

See? It's shit like this. Which lower caste demon did you promise your unborn child to for that kind of fortune? LRs are a 1 in 200 occurence on regular Ticket Gachas and you've got two? That's some bullshit man. UR Murasaki alone is a massive powerhouse. I bet you're soloing level 100 demon Asagi like nothing with 1-2 BP.

Edit: Huh, just as I had finished complaining I got a single drop of the HR event Taimanin. Not that she's worth much aside from her ability, which is completely wasted on her since she's so weak, but at least it's something.
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Re: [DMM] Taimanin Asagi

Do you people not sleep and eat? Have you got little Chinese people working for you grinding all day? Pacts with demons, promised to sacrifice your firstborn and all that jazz? Fuck, my wits are at an end. Just now had the pleasure of seeing a level 3 newb with an LR Asagi for the enth time when picking friends for my next raid boss.

Either they are extremely lucky or they have cash to spare. I was up against a low level player who has 2 LR Oboro on the defense team. And yet another one with 3 LR Asuka on the defense team. Needless to say, I got my ass handed to me on that one. That said, during the 30,000 Users Celebration Campaign, the odds of getting a UR and LR are much higher for 6,000 yen for 20 Premium Summon. I've gotten a UR Rinko and LR Asuka out of the deal.

See? It's shit like this. Which lower caste demon did you promise your unborn child to for that kind of fortune? LRs are a 1 in 200 occurence on regular Ticket Gachas and you've got two? That's some bullshit man. UR Murasaki alone is a massive powerhouse. I bet you're soloing level 100 demon Asagi like nothing with 1-2 BP.

Hmmm... I'm not so sure about that. I have a pretty decent team and I still need 3BP to take her down and sometimes not even that. It really helps to have the Special Attack cards for this event, as they can deal increased damage against the Raid Bosses, especially the UR.
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Re: [DMM] Taimanin Asagi

Well, I’m now in 173th and I’m not doing much work to be honest, in the last events i have struggled real hard to stay above 2000th, I suspect that my team become strong enough to burst thought the bosses using a minimum of Bp, in general I’m using only 1 or 2 BP to kill a lv 70 boss (Asagi is forcing me to use 3 or 4) and maybe not much people are interest in getting the Dark Asagi.
And of course i have bought and used 2 Sets of Bp potions until now, how strong are your team guys?

Mine: (28303 \ 23342)