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What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

"Nice to have met you, Syn. I'm Candis." the witch with freckles said, before letting Syn go to find Sparkle. She ended up following a witch with a whole bowl of candy all the way to the upper level of the mansion, and into a large room with double doors that looked like a mixture of bedroom and office. A large bed was in the back of the room, and a rectangular desk of gray wood sat in the middle with Sparkle sitting behind it. She was currently speaking with another Dullahan, who looked furious. Said Dullahan had long golden hair that ran down along the back of her armor, which was as black as night with white trim.

"Your complaint has been noted, Grievous," Sparkle replied to the dullahan. "Would you like some candy?" Sparkle inquired with a giggle, before the dullahan turned with a grunt and left the room, taking a moment of her time to look at Syn, and glare at her angrily as she left. The witch sat the bowl down in front of Sparkle, as the demoness herself reached her hand in, and plopped a purple and round candy into her mouth. "Ready to get busy, Syn?" she inquired with a grin while a large lump was sticking out of her cheek from the candy.
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

Syn nods with a smile to Candis before heading upwards. she basically followed a witch with candy onwards and upwards. She wasn't all that surprised really. Everyone around here seemed to have a real sweet tooth.

Soon they entered into an odd combination of bedroom and office. Fairly sparse, but had a big bed and a big desk. Sparkle seemed to be talking with another dullahan. One that was far from happy. Already Syn felt a cold block in her stomach.

Sparkle seemed to dismiss the dullahan, evidently Grievous, rather casually. It went over as expected. The glare Syn received from here as she went by was also fairly expected. Somehow she knew it'd be about her in some manner. This was not going to be pleasant clearly.

Once addressed, Syn stepped forwards and nodded. "I'm not really one for idleness usually. And since I'm your belonging for the forseeable future, may as well get started. Though I have to ask, am I going to have to be concerned about that Dullahan? She clearly does not like me."
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

Sparkle laughed. "Belonging isn't exactly the word I'd use. Indebted employee is more accurate. The way I like to work things has you first paying off your debt, and then finding that working here isn't so bad. So, once you are done paying off your debts, you continue to work here as a thriving member of my little part of the universe." she declared. "And don't worry about her. She's just concerned about you trying to ditch and not work hard to earn your keep and pay off your debt." she assured Syn. "Of course you're not going to do that~ Because then you will have both me and Avarice trying to kill you, and that would be bad indeed!" she chuckled.

"So, what I desire for you to do is actually simple. I haven't made the final deal with Avarice, I just merely got word from her that she'd accepted. The transaction hasn't been made. So, I need to deliver her the essence she desires and will accept as payment before it's final. I want you to be among my bodyguards for me as I travel there."
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

Syn nodded and listened to Sparkle's description. She could see how the other Dullahan would be concerned, a bodyguard who might cut and run was a huge liability.

"You don't really need to worry about threats, I sorta got the drift the first time when you mentioned the snipers. I won't deny that there's places I want to be, but seeing as I'm not going anywhere, it's in my better interest to play ball. Anyways, bodyguarding huh? That's a new one, but I'll do my best. I dunno what would dare take a crack at you though.," says Syn with a shrug, "Anything powerful enough to try is probably above my pay grade, but well, I guess I have a reputation for getting myself murdered saving other people for reasons now. guess it fits."

She shakes her head and smiles wistfully, "Though I imagine I won't get a third chance if I get blown apart again. Anyways, I'll stop wasting your time. Just let me know when we're leaving and I'll try to be ready then."
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

"The more powerful you are in this world, the more attention you gather to yourself. Then gathers a bunch of mean hellish folk that want a little piece of what you are. Are you incorrect in saying that I can handle a bunch of little imps wanting a bite? No, you're not. However, don't forget that there may also be far superior foes who would seek me out. What a disadvantage I would be in if I spent all my power and energy fighting off small-fry only to be exhausted for the bigger fight!" she declared to Syn. "The reason is truly simple, simple like candy. Mmm~" she moaned as she popped yet another article of candy into her mouth.

"We'll be leaving in a couple days." she replied, before gesturing a finger at the candy jar next to her. "Would you like some candy?"
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

Syn listened to Sparkle's explanation and nodded. "If there's that many suicidal small fries out there, fair enough. I'm coming along regardless, but I'll bring my best flyswatter for any imps along the way.," says Syn, her considering what kind of demons would willingly slaughter themselves for the benefit of someone else. Service and fear was one thing but given a choice between two guaranteed deaths... Well it didn't matter.

Syn perked up from her musings at the time, and nodded. "Armor or no armor, I'll be sure to be ready. Though I've little doubt it will be fixed long before then. And no thank you, I've not much a sweet tooth. Or a living digestive system. I rather not try and find out if the ritual accounted for being fed candy or if it'd just sit there forever. Bleh. Anyways if you do not require me for anything else, Grand Elder, I will leave you to your duties."

If there was nothing else, Syn would head back to her room for the time being. Honestly she did not dislike Sparkle, odd as the Grand Elder was, but simply being around others far more powerful than herself made Syn uncomfortable. She always felt like she had to measure every single thing she did and said for fear she;d be destroyed. And the fact was she did not know Sparkle in the least nor how she took anything. She likely was purposefully throwing up that persona to disguise her true nature as well. It was dancing around hidden explosives, you never knew if your next step was your last.

But for now she was alive, so to speak, and at least body-guarding didn't strike her as too complicated. It even sorta seemed familiar almost. Either way there was a good chance she would flex her muscles on something that could fight back or even win once more. She should probably invest in something to drag flying things to her level. Just needed to figure out what.
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

Sparkle giggled at Syn's intent to swat the imps like flies. "If only imps were such minor pests. You will need to bring a big fly swatter, and set it on fire too for good measure!" Sparkle encouraged her, before taking a more serious tone. When Syn refused the candy, she shrugged. "Suit yourself, but I don't have those things either. I just happen to have a functioning system of tastebuds woven into my tongue. Speaking of, did you do the thing that some do? You know, the alteration on tastebuds that make semen taste good?" she inquired, before letting Syn answer without much more than casual inquiry. "You don't need to worry about doing anything other than betraying me, Syn." she calmed the dullahan, as if detecting the fallen hero's worry. "Speak your mind! Even if you so dare as to call me fat for my candy eating indulgence, the worst I will do is bend you over my knee and beat your ass so hard that your butt will burn as if it was raped with a volcano!" she giggled. "Bye-bye, Syn!" she waved Syn goodbye, before plopping another candy in her mouth. Syn in the meanwhile was allowed to roam around the grounds and retire to her room if she wished.
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

"I suppose if they do show it'll be enmass, so you're right. I'll figure something out, I'm not very good at dealing with flying things. Maybe ask if the witches can make some sort of glue thrower.," says Syn, musing a bit, "And figure out a way to pay for it."

Syn blinked at Sparkle's comment and shrugs. "No, I just don't got much a sense of taste at all. I can feel the energy, but mostly I get my enjoyment from a good struggle. I mean it's survival, I do what I need to to live but feeding on other isn't really how I get my kicks. Though I do like seeing their faces in the process a bit, heh. But orals never really been my interest. Too risky. One wrong thrust and my heads off and then... Bad things happen." She gave a shiver at the thought of it.

Syn flushed a bit when Sparkle predicted her thoughts. "Forgive me, Elder. Old habits die hard. I just find it hard to be comfortable around others stronger than me. After all this may be your decision now but if it changes later, well, not like I can do anything about it. In any case I have no interest in betraying the person who pulled my life back into existence."

Syn bowed to Sparkle as she slipped out. Whatever the Elder said, it just was hard to be at ease. She didn't really do idleness very well, even while playing toll guard, she had wiled the time practising her craft. It had just been nice to be somewhere where she wasn't constantly feeling under the thumb of something that could snuff her out. Pity she never found that one strong knight to give her that challenge she desired so badly, the one she could make her squire. She flushed slightly at the flight of whimsy.

For now though, she simply moved back to her room. She rather not get tangled up with the other dullahans if she could help it. Her room had enough space she could practice her forms. It'd also give her time to think up a way to pay for some sort of device to deal with demonic swarms.
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

"What do you mean you cannot handle flying things? You're a fucking Dullahan. A former Hero. You were never able to fight a flying mamono? You're the worst Hero I've ever heard of!" Sparkle said harshly.

And then Syn went back to her room to ponder how she ever got away with becoming a Hero without being able to fight a single flying mamono. Her room was quiet, and cozy. The view was great too if one didn't mind horrific and spooky hellish landscapes.
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

"Maybe I could. But I don't remember how now. I don't remember anything."

Syn winced a bit at the harsh critique as she moved out. There it was. And this was why she avoided other Dullahan's and serving others in general. Her general inferiority by comparison to them put her in a poor position. Fact was, they could use magic and she didn't know how hers worked. If it could make a difference at all for airborne things.

Maybe she ought to buy a bow with... Something. To go with the glue thrower. Seemed a reasonable solution at least. It was obvious she had to compensate for her general inferiority. Least she was physically strong.

She stood and looked out the window awhile, sighing a bit as she considered her options. She supposed there was little for it. She had to get the funds to buy a bow and some arrows. After all, just picking up and hurling boulders was basically reliant on there being boulders around.

She headed out and decided to check her options then. Must be someone who needed something heavy moved or something. Though she wasn't holding her non-existent breath on it.
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

Looking around for work, Syn would manage to find a few paying jobs.

There was a succubus and a hellhound next to a sign that read: "Looking for Erotic Helper". It seemed to pay very well.

There was a sign outside the candy brewery that Syn came out from earlier that read: "Looking for tasters." It seemed like a very low paying job.

Finally, there was a sign on a board in the middle of the hallway that seemed to advertise a particular job: "Looking for someone stupid. Report to the back of the estate in the right corner. Will pay depending on performance."
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

Syn headed out. While it occurred to her on the way she could maybe ask the witch girls to maybe help her figure this magic crap out, it likely would cost her money too. Never mind that humiliation but that was liable to spread around pretty quickly anyways. The pathetic dullahan. She was having a distinct case of deja vu. This was why she liked being human side. Well, one of the many reasons.

Regardless, she was useless without something to trade, and seeing as all she really had was her clothes, that meant working.

Scanning the area, it seemed she had three obvious options. A place to taste candy. Low pay, and she didn't really have a sense of taste, so that was out.

There was the sign advertising for someone stupid. She... Really didn't know how to feel about the fact she was considering it. She certainly felt stupid most of the time compared to her peers.

That left... A succubus and a hellhound wanting erotic help. This likely was not going to be her thing, but given the options, it was worth at least hearing them out on what they meant by erotic helper.

So she approached them. "So... You're looking for an erotic helper? What exactly does that entail?"
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

Entering the section with the succubus and Hellhound, it seemed she was a beasttamer of sorts. There were cages in the room that housed two other Hell Hounds that seemed to be in an impatient rest inside their cells, waiting to get out and to be unleashed upon the world. It was a dark room given a dark red color from the burning flames of the Hell Hounds in the room. One could argue that the tamer needed no lights because the hounds were the lights, but it was still very dark, and it smelled slightly of the smell of beasts, however it seemed there was a small bath across the room that was where the tamer cleaned the humanoid yet very primal creatures.

With her current hound, the tamer pet the beast's head as it sat on the floor, scratching behind her ears before looking to Syn. The beast girl looked tall enough to easily tower over both girls in the room, but while sitting her head was in easy reach of the tamer's hand. "Yes, I'm looking for help." She replied, before raising a brow at Syn as if left in a stupor at the next question that was asked. She looked at Syn as if she just asked her if the moon was out, when it very clearly was provided you just looked at the window. "... The erotic help I'm seeking entails satisfying the sexual urges of my pets here. Since the mother gave birth to twins, I'm having trouble managing them on my own, and would like some help." she explained in full.
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

Well it was good to know if she had to put in for that stupid job, she'd have plenty of references. She'd seen hellhounds only a couple times before. Big, brutal, and strong. Not high on the book smarts ring, but not stupid by any means. Aggressive as hell though, the succubus must be far tougher than she looked if the hellhounds weren't running the show.

"Right. Why not, I need the money and quick and it's not like I'm at risk of ending up with pups or something. Just lend me a collar so they don't knock my head off by accident, please?," says Syn with a shrug, "Anything else I should know? Never really handled hellhounds directly, though seen em a few times."

Somehow she figured she'd regret this, but well, servicing giant dog herms would probably just be awkward and make her a bit sore. She'd had worse experiences from other dullahans. Probably.
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

"Ah, yes. When it 'begins' you shouldn't try to stop it." The demoness said as she went and ended up getting a dog collar that she'd take up the task of wrapping around Syn's neck and letting the leash dangle over her front. "Even when she's finished, you'll need to wait until she releases you. That'd be the same if you were male. Their vaginas lock up and hold the penis inside them, making it very dangerous and painful for the man if he tries to pull out." she stated. "I just need help with one, though one alone will be enough for you." she stated, before directing her hand to a hellhound that looked a bit anxious inside her cage, glaring at the other two women outside intently.

"Just get in the cage and I'll come back in a bit to get you out. I need to do something as well as get your payment." she stated.
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

Syn tried not to let the fact she had a leash on her be noteworthy in the least, nodding as she listened to the succubus' explanation. She was in for a long day, but well, the pay was good and she'd need it. Somehow she suspected some of this money was gonna get spent on some other necessities after all this.

Well whatever. She already agreed and it couldn't be that bad, stuck to a horny hellhound. It wasn't like she was one of the humans pet dogs, she was a person. Maybe a little more instinctual than some but, well whatever. Time to get fucked silly she guessed.

Syn got into the cage with the hellhound she was directed too. "Uh, hey... Guess I'm your partner. Have at it then, if you don't want me to prep you first." She was basically the hellhounds prostitute, so what the hound said went.
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

Once Syn was in the cage, the pacing Hellhound very nearly jumped out of the cage to attack her until the succubus told her to stay inside. Angsty, the hellhound obeyed until Syn was locked inside. "No talk." The hound commanded Syn, before jumping on the Dullahan and thrusting wildly, accurately slamming herself into Syn's folds, allowing Syn to feel the swelling knot push against her folds, dipping inside of her pussy for a moment before the hound pulled it back out, only to slam it back in again as she wrapped her front paws around Syn in a tight embrace, holding her still while fucking herself into the undead fallen hero.
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

Sheesh, like a wild animal in many ways still indeed. She must have been really pent up. Syn had to fight her instinct to spike the hellhound girl when she moved to attack, but fortunately the succubus had her stay in the cage.

Once inside the hellhound ordered her to silence before mounting her, Syn sighing a bit but obeying. Ruined half the fun honestly, but whatever, she was here to get paid. Plus well, it might be nice to get screwed awhile. Shame the hounds seed was going to a dry well, but then, she wasn't sure a headless hellhound woulda been a great idea anyways. Still made her feel that twinge of longing though.

Syn moaned as the hellhound struck home easily, diving her hound cock right up into her before hugging her close to rut her proper, squeezing down on the smooth inhuman cock pounding into her. Syn might be here to please the hound, but she certainly wasn't going to be just a passive mount for her. She rocked back into the hound best she could, and working over the canine cock plundering her.
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

The hellhound thrusted wildly, pounding into Syn from behind while draining her energy. Her knotted cock continued to slam against Syn's folds, demanding entry, while quickly working herself up to the release she seemed to desperately desire. The canine didn't make Syn cum, however, as if knowing that the dullahan would have nothing left if she did. So, letting Syn have some mercy, the hellhound slammed her knot inside Syn's pussy as it began to inflate, before tying the two of them together. The hound then just let herself slump down in relaxation, pushing Syn down to the ground with her black breasts squishing against Syn's back. She laid there, locked inside Syn, pumping rope after rope of thick cum inside of her pussy, before pulling out with a tug, popping her knot out and then laying down off to the side, satisfied.

Syn would feel a little unsteady and light headed form the ordeal. The prolonged orgasm having dealt a blow to her energy supply. "Good job." the succubus said, who'd been observing after leaving for a moment and coming back. "She should be calm for a few days. I'll give you your payment." she said, opening the cage for Syn to crawl out.
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

Syn groaned, gasping as she was hammered brutally. The pace was certainly pleasant, but the draining not so much. But that just was hell for you. Sex and food was basically interchangeable. Well, usually anyways.

While the sex was certainly desirable, the hellhound edged her instead of driving her over. Whether sadism or mercy it was hard to say, or just the desire for her own release alone, the hound-herm slammed her knot home, tying her as she clenched hard, giving a cry as she stretched out around it.

The hellhound dragged her down, using her as a bed/cumdump, draining her copious fertility into her. An act that would probably leave anyone not blocking it with a litter in short order. Syn sighed a bit, noting that she was quite unwillingly protected from that, the undead being utterly infertile. A rather large stinging point for her. It didn't help that the hellhounds actions were making her rather jealous of her endowment. She wanted to do this to others. Drag them down, drain into them, knot them so they have to snuggle. As well as the capacity to put a future squire or three in some lucky girl knight.

But it was not to be. Eventually the hellhound popped out of her, and just rolled over, seeming satisfied. "Unf, not bad. Hope that'll last you awhile.," says Syn simply to the hound as she staggers out a bit. Ugh, she was running on fumes again. Not that that was unusual. "Thanks. She's got quite the drain on her." Syn went over to get her clothes while the woman fetched payment for her. She slipped the dog collar off, and put her choker back on, needing to keep her head secure. With so little energy she couldn't afford losing the rest, not now.