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Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

Much as she had surmised Erik seemed rather pliable this evening, eating the food from her hand as though her were a dog. It did take him some time to get the meat down but eventually he was finished. An almost grateful look came over his face as he watched her move back to the plate. Still Vezina did sense a bit of fire behind the eyes of the chained mortal before her.

The sight of her dagger quickly doused that fire as he looked between it and the food in her hands. His eyes raced back and forth as he thought on the best way to answer. His aura was pulsated brightly with fear as he stood there chained before her but he eventually sputtered out.

"I-i'm not really sure milady. My cousin never told me why he wanted the old man, just that the family wanted him out of the way. I actually came up with the idea to steal the land when I saw her. I-i sort of convinced my cousin that Berenice didn't need to disappear as well."
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)


Vezina lowered the hand with the food within reach of Erik's mouth and thought about the implications. They were certainly worth investigating. If only she had the time to draw this sort of situation out properly, instead of crudely splashing her blood around during the night. It was at times like these when she keenly felt the youth of her vitae. A proper ruler had an established network of servants with which to act as her eyes, ears, and hands. She was only just creating the foundation of her future desmene, and would have to toil personally for every step forward. Still, she knew how to do this, and a part of her relished the hands on nature of her struggle.

"Would it satisfy you to know that I have been in your current position Erik? That someone far worse than me had his turn with the dagger and the scourge? I believe that if one is truly meant to wield the implements of the macabre and the installations of tortuous effect, then one must also experience them first hand. Learn exactly how effective one blow, one cut, one scrape is over another. Do you agree?"

She moved over to the plate grabbed another morsel and approached once more.

"Do you truly believe in all-merciful God? Perhaps you think He forsakes you? Tests you? Mmm? Has He turned away from your plight or does he revel in it? Do you think upon your sins as I CUT you?"

As she says the word "cut" her dagger flicks out and creates a new red scar upon the surface of his breast, digging deep enough to rake the meat. As he struggles to regain his composure, she holds the food up for him.

"There there, my lord. Eat. You need your strength. Do you want to know what I am? I am your angel. Oh yes. Your own avenging angel come to claim your soul and set you on your path. Does that hearten you, Erik? Do you wish to know the path I have in store for you?"

She held the dagger up again, pressed her tongue against the blade to show him how she savored the taste of his blood. She showed him no fangs however. Not yet.
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

Erik's head darted to the food like a snake's twisting and pulling the food into his mouth. It was almost like feeding a newborn farm animal who had yet to learn to eat slowly. He would eventually make a useful edition to her domain but he still had much to learn.

His eyes showed he did not believe that there could be something more cruel than she. Of course she probably wouldn't have believed it if she were in his current predicament either. He said nothing with his mouth full of half-chewed food but he did give a fearful nod. There was still a curiosity in his eyes, he may not enjoy being the one tortured but he didn't mind learning.

His sudden hoarse scream as the dagger bit into his breast devolved into a choking sob. He calmed more quickly than he had the previous evening though he was still unsure. Perhaps he might even grow to like the pain eventually but not yet. He seemed torn between nodding his head in agreement or not as he moaned out.

"I-i'm afraid to know. A-angels don't do this sort of thing."
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

"No of course angels don't do this sort of thing. They're not as kind as I am. They would sit up in Heaven and watch as you bound yourself for Hell. They would not intervene, as I would. They would not teach you, as I am. They would not offer you a moment's succor from the eternity of torment that awaits you. Whereas I, my sweet Erik, I can show you what Hell is like now, and then I can grant you escape. Glorious, sweet escape. That's what you'd like, isn't it? To escape suffering? Of course. Of course you would. As did I."

She smiled at him then, and cupped his chin in her grease-stained hand.

"Now listen, I am going to get to the bottom of why your cousin wanted Berenice's father out of the way. You are going to help me. Do you know why? Because if you do, you will receive gifts that will make all your original desires seem insignificant, including a way to stave off the Hell that you and your cousin so richly deserve. If you fail to help me, I will ensure that your eternal damnation begins now and never stops. Never."

She pressed her finger against his fresh wound.

"Pain can be mastered, but only if I will it. Untreated, this wound will fester, as your other wounds have already begun to do. It is agonizing. Pledge yourself to me, wholly and without reservation, and I shall help you to master your pain."

If Erik agreed, which she anticipated he would, regardless if he truly wished to help her, then Vezina would slice her hand open before him and command him to open his mouth. She would squeeze her blood into his mouth, and then tell him to swallow. If he swallowed, she would caress his cheek and whisper:

"Now you are truly damned, and only I am your salvation."

After that she would watch and possibly guide him in using her blood to heal his wounds. Then she would leave him, deciding that the time had come to go hunting. She would seek out Berenice and ask what sort of staff were still sleeping in the castle grounds.
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

Much as she had anticipated Erik gladly accepted being damned over being in pain or dead. He greedily gulped down the blood from her cut hand she noted little change in his eyes. Of course that was to be expected for he already desired Vezina and she knew it. Such was the power of the blood bond a power she knew only to well.

Even now in the thoughts in the back of her mind dwelt on Gyulu, her lord in all things. Even before the thoughts of revenge on the usurpers and her future domain. The only feeling that might be stronger at the moment was her need to find sustenance. She could feel the pull of the beast telling her it's needs even as she stood and taught Erik to heal himself.

Berenice had finished her own meal by the time she had returned and upon hearing the request thought for a moment. "Most of the servants will be in their quarters by now except for the cook and maid. Oh and our groom who sleeps in the stables. Would you like me to send for one, milady?"
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

"The maid will do for tonight I suppose," Vezina said upon a moment's consideration. "But stay a moment before you send for her, as I wish to tell you of things I have learned about your father."

The vampire put a pale hand upon the edge of the dinner table, suddenly given over to the memory of her late mortal father, as he lay dying of terrible wounds. She recalled immense sorrow, despite a lifetime of partial resentment, and therefore she was now concerned that Berenice might be given to a similar grief.

"The news is not without hope, but it is a small one I fear. Our guest, Eric, is but a fox next to the wolf that is his cousin, the archbishop. It is that one who plotted the downfall of your father, wishing to remove him and yourself as obstacles to some as of yet undiscovered machination. Your father resided with the archbishop, last Eric knew, but is suspected to be dead as he was of no further use. Ironically, you live only because of Eric's personal desire for your lands. There will be more information to glean from our prisoner in the nights to come, and so I have decided to tend to his wounds that we might extend the duration of his questioning. Tonight however, after I make preparations, I must depart to investigate the archbishop. I have a contact within the church who may be able to tell me more of the archbishop's intentions, and the whereabouts of your father. It is a slim chance that you must cling to, but know that I promise you justice for him, even if we are too late to win his freedom."

After dealing with Berenice's reaction to this news, Vezina would have the maid sent for. She did not know these servants well, and had no idea of their wholesomeness or their age. Her preference was for the young, the innocent, and the unspoiled, and she would not be surprised to find that none of the old keep's servants lived up to these qualities. Sadly, Vezina could not yet afford to be choosy. The "other" within her was gnawing, and she needed to feed. Blessings be to the Eldest that she was no Ventrue, and could stomach lesser vintages.


When the maid came, she would act as a noble, and simply order the maid to close her eyes and be still. It would only be a fraction of a moment and she would sink her teeth into the maid's neck and the ecstasy of the Kiss would take over.

She would take care to drain what she could without causing permanent harm to the mortal. After all, there was such a small herd here to begin with. She would have to reverse Berenice's fortunes swiftly if she were to have a consistent supply of blood.

Drain 3 blood points. I'm assuming that the act of biting causes a hazy memory for the maid and I won't require another level of Dominate to cause her to forget things?

After feeding, Vezina resolved to take a horse and ride back to London to consult with Sister Pallas. If anyone were to know about the archbishop, it would be the Ventrue Primogen. It may well be that Pallas worked through him, and if that were so, perhaps some mutually beneficial bargain could be arranged before the Tzimisce went stepping on a potential ally's toes.

She might also consider a talk with the Brujah primogen as well, but his link to the insufferable Toreador elder made it a risky prospect. Still... she was new enough, and had recently gained some temporary clout by aiding the Warmaster. Certainly a Brujah should respect martial actions - if stereotypes were anything to go by.

Vezina would first seek Pallas out at her haven.
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

Berenice seemed to handle the news that her father was most likely dead without a tear. Though it was quite evident that she was saddened at the possible truth as she nodded her head. Before sending for the maid she asked what should be done about Erik should Vezina not return from her evenings journey. The maid like most of the servants she had seen was old as most of the servants had been. Thankfully she seemed to be in excellent health and Vezina was able to feed with little trouble. Not exactly a satisfying meal but a nourishing one at the least.

With her plans in place she retrieved her mount from the stable and began her ride north towards London. The guards at the gate were alert as they had been the previous evening reminding Vezina of the news of the queen's assassination. Another bit of knowledge she would have to learn more information about when she met her fellow kindred this evening. Pallas' haven at St. Helen's Priory was less than a mile north of the great bridge and Vezina soon found herself riding up to the gate's of the simple church. The priory itself was located in the back of the grounds and Vezina made her way quickly to look for the primogen of Lincoln.

Vezina knocked at the door of the priory and as might be expected for this time of the night it was answered by the one Vezina sought. Primogen Pallas looked a bit surprised to see her guest but quickly invited her in with a slight smile.
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Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

Retcon notice for dear readers:
Sister Pallas' haven has been retconned to St. Helen's Priory, for purposes of not making her residence the lion's den for yon mortal archbishop foe.

"If I do not return tonight, then you are to keep Eric locked up, but fed, until the next night. If I do not return by midnight, you should make arrangements for Eric's body to be hidden elsewhere, off your premises. On the third night that I am not returned, you should kill him, and ensure that he is not discovered. I doubt very much that it will come to this, but my not coming back should mean that a misfortune has befallen me. I've no desire for this to occur than you do, dear Berenice."

With her instructions to Berenice complete and some fresh vitae in her undead veins, the Tzimisce made her way back to London town, whereupon she approached the priory at St. Helen's. She noted the high alert of the guard, and made certain to draw as little attention to herself as possible.

When she appeared at the priory, she asked to speak once again to Sister Pallas if she was within. If she was eventually met by the Ventrue primogen, she would offer all due protocol and respect to the elder, and speak plain her purpose.

"I wish to know about the Archbishop of Westminster, and whether or not he is under the influence of the kindred. He is involved in a mortal affair in which I have some interest, and I thought it prudent to inquire before I overstepped any pre-established bounds."

In addition to discussing the position of the archbishop, Vezina would also ask Pallas if there had been any recent news in the community since the apparent assassination of the queen, and if any newcomers or signs of Usurper activity had become apparent.
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

Having lead Vezina to her own private quarters in the priory Pallas listened with interest as the young Tzimisce asked her questions. She nodded as she offered a seat for the younger vampire before taking one herself.

"I myself don't know the archbishop personally though he is well known to the court. He was appointed to the position by King Henry himself some few years ago, I assume you know of his ancestor and the incident in the New Forest? I am unsure if he might be under some influence by Donegal though he is quite close to Henry himself. This may put him under the influence of Valerius or even Lord Mithras himself."

Pallas picked up a letter from the table and glanced over it's contents before offering it to Vezina. The short missive explained of the queen's assassination and an entreaty by Sir Rodger to keep any potentially harmful activities under control until the matter had been settled. Pallas took the letter back before continuing by saying she had heard nothing new on the matter of the usurpers.
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

"So you are not certain then of any kindred ties, but you suspect that if there is, it is a great mover among our kind. Pity. I had halfways hoped he had been under your control, Pallas. For whatever reason, the archbishop has chosen to involve himself with kidnapping and quite possibly the murder of a minor noble. On the surface, the design of the plot seems simply to be a land grab by way of a forced marriage between his young cousin and the late noble's daughter, though the nature of the crime would suggest he plays for some greater advantage. It has struck my curiosity - and once struck, my curiosity resounds on like a church's bell."

The Tzimisce had barely sat down before her energy compelled her to stand once again, pacing the room.

"I suppose the dictates of courteous transparency shall lead me to Donegal tonight. Do you know of his favored haven? And perhaps something of the Brujah's preferences? I would like to soften that one's tone against me, and should he be not attached at the hip to the Toreador, perhaps a gift unasked for might garner some traction, if you had a suggestion for one. He is something of a rival of yours, but all the more reason then that you should know of his sentiments."

The Tzimisce stopped, craned her head at Pallas and offered a wild smile which twisted into a throaty laugh.

"And here I am, a guest at your doorstep, already asking favors. I do little to uphold my Clan's traditions by acting in such a way. Forgive me and I pray you do not think me some impudent foreigner. I solemnly offer my aid to you in return for your honest information, as a matter of course. And once I am vested with a proper haven, your presence will be as welcome as thou have welcomed me these opening nights of our accordance."
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

"It certainly sounds like one of the petty ploys these mortals pursue in their lust for power, if only they knew what it meant to be a true lord. Even so they still prove useful no matter how petty they be." Pallas mused as she watched the young Tzimisce pace back and forth in her room. A bemused smile played across her face as she thought before continuing.

"The Brujah does seem to spend an inordinate amount of time with Isleena, though he at least has other interests. Typically I would deal with him through intermediaries but it might be possible to find him if you know who to ask. Look to the young beggars of Southwark, he teaches them to read or so I am told. Why one would waste their time on such a thing is beyond me but I then I am no idealist." Pallas answered before listening to Vezina's apology.

"Spoken like a true lord of the Carpathians, you are forgiven and I am sure someday you will be able to repay me in kind. Normally to gain his aid I make a charitable donation to his coffers which no doubt goes to feed and teach his little ragamuffins. Though as you have yet to establish a haven perhaps he might be willing to trade information for information. He seemed quite interested in that hideous monstrosity you captured."
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

Vezina's expression soured as the suggestion to discuss the Tremere abomination with the Brujah was broached.

"That Usurper abomination is a dangerous creature and should be exposed to the sun. Its only use is in leading us to the dens of its presumptuous masters. But if sharing information about it will serve my purpose, then I suppose I can entreat with the Brujah that way."

She inclined her head toward Pallas, holding her tongue about the usefulness of teaching reading and writing to the peasant class. Having been of that mortal stock, she could see how the Brujah's methods allowed him to seek potential from an underestimated group of mortals, but she agreed that in the vast majority of cases, such mortals were meant to serve the Cainite lords as food and little else. It was wise to keep peasants in the dark about many of life's mysteries, save for those that had promise. Naturally, Vezina considered herself one of those latter cases, and Gyulu had proven such true when he embraced her into the noblest of all Cainite clans.

"I shall visit Southwark then and stroll among the beggars. We Tzimisce enjoy walking among the cattle every now and again. The better to inspire due fear and respect - if only this court were more understanding of the importance for a show of force and majesty. As a mortal, I was properly groomed to hold Cainites with the proper awe that is our due. Yet here there is such a lack of..." She gestured off handedly as she searched for a word.

"Trepidation, among the mortals. It is disheartening that all are not on a tighter leash. Surely as a lord yourself, you must see the advantage in all castes of mortals knowing - on an instinctual level if nothing else - their proper place."

Regardless of Pallas' ideological response, Vezina would bid her a good evening and an enjoyable hunt before exiting the priory and riding to Southwark. She would seek out one of these young beggars, asking them first if any could read. The ones who said 'yes' or 'a bit' would be able to lead her to the Brujah primogen. She would send a message through them to him, unless they could lead her directly to his location.

She wished to arrange a meeting on neutral ground, wanting the beggar intermediary to say that she was interested in sharing knowledge. If he was interested, Donegal should meet her at the inn near the city gate - the one that she had originally stayed in when she first arrived in London.
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

Perhaps surprisingly Pallas nodded her head in agreement with Vezina's statement as she added. "Perhaps, but I worry more about some of my cousins who do not seem to know their proper place in society. Alas, that is the burden we Ventrue must bear as lords of the kindred."

Pallas said little else as she escorted her guest from the priory other than to wish the young Tzimisce good luck in her endeavors. Soon Vezina found herself traveling back the way she had come on her way to Southwark. Thankfully it was only a short ride from her current destination to Lambeth and her new servants.

Finding a beggar would be little trouble in the poorer city of Southwark, the problem was finding the correct beggar. She would need to find a youth of good health she imagined. The Brujah were idealists after all and they often sought out the hale and hearty in mortals.

Over the bridge Vezina rode and soon she was traveling for the gate to search for her quarry. Southwark's streets were far dirtier and crowded than that of London proper. There was also likely more crime here, not that she was worried about such insignificant criminals but it was best to remain wary just in case. The gate was just ahead and a number of beggars could be seen though only two of them looked to be young enough. Now how to question them without being mobbed by a dozen of the filthy creatures all at once.
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

Vezina approached the gate by horseback and scanned the groups of odorous beggars closely for sign healthy and hale urchins that would likely attract the attentions of the Brujah primogen. She tried to recall what little her sire had taught her of that warrior-poet clan. Passionate and idealistic to a fault, he had labeled them. What hope did this elder have for peasants such as these? Vezina saw nothing special about them.

She approached the young ones and pulled her horse up beside them. The cowl of her cloak hid her face.

"I am wanting to speak to a man. Tall, broad of shoulder, pale of skin, lordly in his bearing. I am told he is known to those that dwell and beg here at the gates of Southwark. He teaches scripture during the night. Do you know of such a man?"

If these peasants dared to crowd around her she would squeeze the horse's flanks and ride forward until she was clear, round her horse and take out a dagger, allowing the blade to flash in the moonlight. Then she would approach slowly, warding anyone who she did not direct a question at away with a threatening point of her knife.

Vezina will describe the Brujah Primogen more accurately, but I do not recall what he looks like, so I'll leave it to you to fill in the gaps.
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

After warding a number of the beggars away with her dagger, Vezina was finally able to get close enough to one of the boys where she asked her question. Vezina felt her beast rise and thanked herself for having fed earlier in the evening, for the pair of boys looked at her so impertinently.

One of them stood and sneered before looking back at the other who scampered off into the tangle of streets that made up Southwark. The remaining youth held out his hand with his impertinent eyes on her.

"I might know someone who meets that description, but your daft if ye think I'll just tell you where to find him. And don't think you being a noble scares me, lady."
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

The boy's disrespectful attitude did tempt the Beast inside her, but Vezina wrestled the alpha predator within her back into her subconscious. She could handle this herself, and she didn't need the Beast to help her wipe the look out of this beggar's eyes. Unfortunately, she was on a diplomatic mission and it would do no good to bring harm to the urchins that the Brujah looked after, but she refused to seem weak or cowed in their eyes.

"I assure you, my nobility should be the least of your fears," she regarded him coolly, keeping her dagger bared in one hand. "And if your information is any good, you'll be paid for it. If it is useless to me, you'll learn why you ought to be scared."

She peered at him with her second sight, using her auspex to determine his emotions. If he showed signs of extreme hostility, she'd be ready for him.

"So. A coin for you if you tell me where I can find him, and by what name that you know him. If you have a liking for this teacher, know that I'm not intending him any ill fortune."

If he continued to keep his palm open before answering anything of substance, she would fish around for a coin and produce it, but did not put it in his hand right away. Not at least until he started speaking something of worth.
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

The boy cowed a little, though still not quite enough for beast's liking. Yet as long as he didn't decide to push it Vezina remained quite in control of herself. The boy nodded and grabbed the coin quickly from her hand as he waved her to follow.

"Oy, yer more pushy than that priest who's always looking for the teacher. I'm pretty sure I can lead you to him, he doesn't always teach in the same place every night but one of us'll know. Calls himself Sir Donegal of Carlisle or something like that, right? He can be kind of a grouch though I'll warn ye."

The boy moved quickly but Vezina would have little trouble keeping up with him so long as he remained in the street with the other refuse. The streets of Southwark were even narrower and dirtier than those of London proper and the stink of a nearby tannery lingered on everything. After several turns the boy stopped at an alleyway, more of a gap between buildings and waited for her to catch up.

"I know a shortcut, if yer willing to walk lady. Otherwise ye'll wanta keep that dagger handy. Streets up ahead can be pretty rough."
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Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

She could only smile at the pushy comment, and she wondered about who the priest was that she was being compared to.

"His grouchiness is of no matter. I've dealt with types far more unpleasant."

High above them, her ghouled owl glided gently through the moonlight keeping an eye on the alleyways, concerned with its own food and the thought of nipping another taste of Vezina's blood, should she be kind enough to offer it.

She followed on horseback as the boy led her through several turns, keeping her dagger out, but hidden under the cover of her cloak. When the boy stopped to wait for her and made mention of a shortcut, she brought the horse to a stop.

"On foot is it?" She eased herself out of the saddle, and leaned close to the horse's ear to whisper to it with her Animalism. It should make its way outside the gates of Southwark and keep out of sight from humans until she called for him again. If any human made to grab it, it should charge through them and kick violently. She gave it a pat on its flank and a short double whistle to send it on its way. The show of animal kinship may or may not earn a look from the urchin, though if it did, she hoped that it would be an impressed one and not invoke fears of witchcraft. If he inquired after the feat, she would merely comment that her father's yeomen had been expert horse trainers, and leave it for his peasant mind to speculate.

She kept her dagger in hand, but motioned for him to take the shortcut. His aura did not seem to involve deceit, so she relaxed a little, but the knowledge that Donegal was ahead of her did not make her feel at ease. The Brujah primogen would be her elder, and therefore a more dangerous predator. Her advantage was her relatively unknown quality and the prestige of two recent and successful hunts against the minions of the Usurper clan. Perhaps Donegal would respect that, but then again, perhaps he was too much Isabella's creature.
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

The street urchin raised an eyebrow in awe as Vezina sent her horse away, a mix of admiration and fear crossing his filthy brow. Her explanation seemed to satisfy his curiosity for the most part though it was unlikely someone of his status would understand it entirely. He shrugged his shoulders and began to make his way through the narrow gap between the buildings.

Vezina had little trouble making her way through the gap as she was of similar size to the boy. However her ability to react to an ambush would be hampered should the situation arise. The boy remained quiet as he led the way through the shadowy gaps between the ramshackle buildings of Southwark. Several twists and turns through the stinking buildings brought them to another narrow street somewhere in Southwark.

Waiting for them in the stinking mud of the street was the same youth that had been at the gate with them. The boy she had been following stopped and waved to Vezina before hastily making his departure down another narrow alleyway. The new youth waited for Vezina to join him before holding his hand out with the same impetuous stare the first had shown her.

"The teacher is waiting, lady. Shouldn't be too much further when yer ready to head on."
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

Vezina approached the new youth, looked behind her to see the previous urchin darting off, and then returned her gaze to this new boy.

"These plans to take drain the pockets of those with wealth are not a means to improve your lot, young man. At least, not a respectable one."

She took the boy's wrist in her cold grip and stared down at his open palm.

"You have a thin life line." She pointed to one of the folds in his skin. "Broken here and here. This suggests change. Perhaps tonight will represent one of them."

She fixed her eyes upon his own and invoked her Dominate discipline.

"Take me directly and safely to Sir Donegal of Carlisle."

She released her grip on his hand and added, "Your young fellow has your half of the payment for this courtesy. Though if that is not enough for you, meet me at the gates later tonight."