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[DMM] Valkyrie Saga


Tentacle God
Aug 12, 2010
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DMM mobile game. Requires a mobile user-agent.

Game: dmm.co.jp/netgame_s/valkyrie-saga
Gallery: g.e-hentai.org/g/739677/5c4ca0d601/


This game features card-battle as well as the ability to customize your character's skill tree.
Depending on which job you pick, you can use a different set of equipment and specialize in different things.

Guild wars occur daily where you can earn job points, allowing you to allocate more points towards your job skills.
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Re: [DMM] Valkyrie Saga

Gallery: g.e-hentai.org/g/728508/8c13f92601/
Re: [DMM] Valkyrie Saga

I'm not so sure about the guild war thing yet and I'm assuming my stamina will began to drain in a few more levels I think I've hit lvl 27 with my stamina bar not moving an inch. I think devil carnival and this game take the cake for the attractiveness of the Hcg they are both well drawn with moving scenes. Though I'm realizing devil carnival doesn't really actually allow you to earn any of the really attractive looking cards which is kind of fail I feel like I've been lied to they put those really great looking cards on their front page when your starting the game but you can't obtain them because its the top 100 prize out of hundred's maybe thousands of people playing the game? they all just spam cash items to stay in the rank so yeah probably unobtainable anything they put on the front page or it will take alot of work like weeks of trying to get enough of those stamina recovery potions to spam. This turned into a mini rant I'm sorry but I don't feel like Valkyrie saga makes the good/attractive cards really unobtainable and it seems like if you get even 1 SR or SRR you can immediately view a scene with it by using intimacy or heart points or something on it most games I've played make you get 4 copies of that card to combine it into SR++ or SSR ++ first. Also looks like the gacha coins are rather cheap and gaurantee you SSR

If anyone is planning on playing this would you mind me adding as a friend on the dmm community thing before you login so I can invite you to the game I think it will give us both a SR my ID number is 12575001 and my name is Strength
Re: [DMM] Valkyrie Saga

Ok, where is the how to play this game for dummies guide? Or more specifically, how does a dummy like me play this game?
Re: [DMM] Valkyrie Saga

you need either a real mobile phone or download a google chrome add on that sets your browser as a cell phone should be a few of them out there search agent switcher. and once your actually in the game you need to make your browser emulate touch screen you hit f12 to open this developer console thing in it should be under a tab called emulation and you put a check box in emulate touch screen. also a few settings in there to make the view port bigger but I have random luck with them working I found that holdin ctrl and rolling the mouse wheel works also and for some reason if you click the game and tell google to open it in another window it will allow it it to translate most of the page which is really helpful but the translation sometimes crashes and you have to reopen the window.

But I actually can't do the friend invite thing this game requires you to send some sort of verification to a japanese cell phone number I guess and on top of the page only works in a jp vpn. kind of lame cause I would probably either actually really try and get people to play the game or just make 5 accounts and invite myself for the free SR and SSR. I've been trying to see if there's some sort of way I can make virtual japanese numbers for free but no luck so far.
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Re: [DMM] Valkyrie Saga

If someone would like to put together a quick guide I can add it to the first post.

TBH I'm not really sure about most of the game lol I just went to do "quest" and then just started pressing buttons as I go. I don't know much about the skills or jobs or guild war or whatever.
Re: [DMM] Valkyrie Saga

well that's the add on I use for chrome if that helps I had to update the user agent string though to have the android 4 os the games require now paste that into the addons options as a new user agent string Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.0.3; ko-kr; LG-L160L Build/IML74K) AppleWebkit/534.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/534.30

I'm not sure if I really know enough about the game to really form a guide I don't know what all of the statuses in game do yet since they don't seem to translate correctly but right clicking then opening the game in a new tab should fullsize the game in the next window and google will translate anything that isn't an image when you do that but it occasionally will fail and wont work till you close and reopen the tab. long as you do that should be pretty easy to find all the important buttons

you only need 1 card copy of the card to view its scene and to use 100 of those intimacy/heart points on SR and greater rarity cards also just like devil carnival you don't need to max lvl cards before you evolve them has absolutely no bearing on their stats which is another thing that makes this game way better than the other card battle games Ive played so far theres no need to grind getting your cards to max lvl first the only point of evolving cards is to raise its max lvl cap and that usually will boost it a couple of lvls along with it skills

If anyone happens to know a site that can give a temporary japanese mobile number I'd like to try that on the friend invitation thing. I'm hoping they just are using it to make sure your not a bot and aren't actually asking for the number of the phone your playing on
Re: [DMM] Valkyrie Saga

Aww too bad this is only for phones.....I think this game looks really good.
Re: [DMM] Valkyrie Saga

Anyone playing this game? Just started myself a few days ago and while I mostly get the mechanics of the game, I have no idea how to get job skills. Or change my avatar's weapons.

Liking it so far though, because you don't need to get copies of a card to get H-scenes like most other games.