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ACT [ Red Dragonfly ] [ 赤いトンボ ] Pandemonium: Slash Princess Sakura / 百鬼夜行 剣姫無慘 RE137944 RJ137944


Tentacle Monster
Nov 3, 2013
Reputation score

Doesn't seem like theres any thread for this yet.
anyways this circle made a similar ARPG a while ago,this seems pretty good too,gives a mmorpg feel to it.
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Re: 百鬼夜行 剣姫無慘

A Action rpg ? Now this i gotta try.
Thanks for the share.
Re: 百鬼夜行 剣姫無慘

kinda confused about controls though,if only i can understand the readme -_-
Re: 百鬼夜行 剣姫無慘

game is extremely easy once you get a bit used to it

first I << inventory - you can equip clothes and swords 2 of them - use pots

C is to check your status and equipment already equiped

H < knockout for lewd enemies get you << very good if wanna cheat to not die easily

when grabbed move mouse left to right many times to free yourself << can bug out using it before getting grab but in the end you get free but enemies still think you are grabbed and not attack you so you can kill everything near you

- you can only do dmg if you have swords equiped

every monster with animation not minions of course have 2 diferent sex animations

demo has varios mini quest and just 1 boss quest after that you cannot accept more quest and if you keep walking to other place you get outside map with nothing

ah yes with I you can also change clothes if you have but for quick change use F or G i forgot with one was

at least thats all i know from the demo
Re: 百鬼夜行 剣姫無慘

can't find any h in demo though
Re: 百鬼夜行 剣姫無慘

Oh, its there. It took me a few minutes to find it as well.
Re: 百鬼夜行 剣姫無慘

I dunno about you guys, but the moment I crossed a bridge, I got raped by orcs.

Then promptly bugged off of said bridge, fell down the valley, still getting porked along the way.

The controls are sort of...awkward. Hit detection is a, well, a hit-or-miss thing, too. Sometimes you get hit, sometimes you don't. Even if they're swinging a mace right at your face. Sometimes you also get hit while getting porked, which can be a turn on for some folks, I suppose.

Also, doesn't look like there are any "Finishes" on the rape animations either. Which is kinda sad, I'm a big fan of those.
Re: 百鬼夜行 剣姫無慘

urgh,so buggy
Re: 百鬼夜行 剣姫無慘

lol what im doing is just run to the area with the bosses and repeat rape till im happy...

just go near press H for knock down for them to screw u ....H again for another position but might not happen... move your mouse left and right to escape...repeat...

this is very good imo if it wasnt for the bugs and that theres no finishing animation...

but the positioons used are good..
Re: 百鬼夜行 剣姫無慘

those positions looks really painful though
Re: 百鬼夜行 剣姫無慘

Really enjoying this game and looking forward to the full version, though I've discovered a few things in the demo.

There's a "bomb" move you can use right from the beginning - press backspace to deal 9999 damage to everything in a huge radius. I think it's supposed to cost health to use, but is glitched and doesn't, so feel free to just walk around and spam that. It seems to give less drops though.

You can use 0 on the keyboard to dance, not sure if it does anything else.

Press T to do a dance for a few seconds before teleporting back to town.

Spam clicking > holding clicking

H scenes don't end unless you shake the mouse, and they don't do any damage either so feel free to just let it run.

G to cycle between clothes in your inventory

H to incap yourself so enemies may rape you

hold right click and drag mouse to move the camera, mousewheel zooms

Loot is visible on the ground, walk over it to pick it up. There are outfits, weapons, potions and... I'm not rightly sure what the extra items are, or what they do. I can't equip them, or seem to do anything with them.
Re: 百鬼夜行 剣姫無慘

almost 500 sales,hope links get released soon
Re: 百鬼夜行 剣姫無慘

how does one talk to the npc or get new costumes lol

edit : figured it out
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Re: 百鬼夜行 剣姫無慘

can't find any new clothes -_-
Re: 百鬼夜行 剣姫無慘

Was this game released?
I've managed to find some links so far but they seem fake.:(
Some link when I download and unpacked I just got Angel Beats doujinshi:confused:
Most of the link I found were broken when I unpacked them too.
Anyone working link would be appreciated.:p

Edit: Someone says that there're some type of files that labeled as .zip but can't be unpacked with Winrar, Winzip including 7-Zip.
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Re: 百鬼夜行 剣姫無慘

we will just have to wait for a kind soul to share this.
Will try out demo shortly, from pictures reminds me one of those story driven action rpg anime games, hope i dont get disapointed.
Its always like that, or thers a good game mechanics that make the game fun but bad H or good H but totaly boring game, i guese ther are just no companies interested in making a good game with decent H content,best so far for me was home mate and its old like hell.
Re: 百鬼夜行 剣姫無慘

Tried the demo, was not impressed. While it's nice to see a dlsite release that isn't RPGmaker/wolfRPG for once, the gameplay just isn't there. There seem to be no special moves, no magic, no blocking, no skill points or any sort of progression from levelling other than minor stat boosts. You just...spam left mouse. The game. The pacing of the game seemed awful as well, as the orcs across the bridge are impossible to beat without the cheat bomb button and grinding the weaker enemies below takes forever just to gain a couple levels, which still won't make the big orcs any easier.

Looking at the preview video, I didn't see any special moves being used either so I think that's really all there is to the gameplay. I heavily suspect the full release is going to be incredibly short, with the artificial wall of grind used to prolong it. Those that take the sane approach and just spam the delete button bomb to level will probably be done in an hour.

It looks nice, but that's literally all the developer seems to have put any effort into. If you want a better alternative I'd suggest
which is being sold for 108 yen (~$1) and while also very simple still has far more gameplay depth that this.
Re: 百鬼夜行 剣姫無慘

that game you suggest i didnt liked it doesnt matter i thought the controls were a complete pain and was insane slow and to much animation for skills

just played 20m and deleted it .

also on this game i see at least far more content aside H well i do not care if its rather simple

E << for talk npc

Enemies random drops for clothes and weapon

i played the demo around 20m cuz thats the time i t took me to finish all quest available and get outside map nonexistent zone and just had 4 costumes aside default

school girl - Short skirt kimono - Ninja << i presume - Maid and Mini skirt night attire for parties i presume cuz looks lewd o_o haha
Re: 百鬼夜行 剣姫無慘

I thought it was going be a grindfest too until I found the enemies that aren't too hard to kill and give you massive exp. I ended up being lvl 20 in about half and hour. Don't bother with the lil goblin and ogre looking things. If they don't have a rape move then chances are you ain't getting much from them.

I've gotta say this is pretty damn impressive for someone who's just venturing out into something like this. Just from the demo there is about 10-15 enemies each with 2 h moves. So I cant imagine what the full game is going be like. Also the graphics are pretty damn nice especially with the little touches in animation he adds. I was pretty amazed at that blimp that they animated the rotors how it was making it move.

Only real bad I have to say against it is that the clicking gets repetitive. I played the entire game without knowing bout the bomb though.
Re: 百鬼夜行 剣姫無慘

I'm impressed I could not figure out what menu options did what in inventory and such so unless there is a translated UI at least I can't get anywhere in this game.