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CYOA: Tyris' Revenge

Re: CYOA: Tyris' Revenge


None of this shit.
Re: CYOA: Tyris' Revenge

Doesn't this place have bouncers? Call one of them over.
Re: CYOA: Tyris' Revenge

Tyris closed her eyes as the nasty hand kept working on her asscheek, with so much anxiety that it was actually hurting her a little bit. In any other scenario, that damn hand would be already broken by at least seven different places. However, the coins won the battle against her anger, making her slowly, yet firmly moving the groping hand off her mistreated rear. As the chubby pervert blinked in confusion, the yellow eyes of the maiden opened again, firing a glare at him before she made her absolute best to smile, releasing the hand.

- "I'm terribly sorry, míster. As you can see, I'm serious about my job. And since I don't want to lose it, I have no choice but to refuse your generous offer. However..."

Tyris stopped in order to think for a second. That man had to pay for his offense...and she just realized how to do it without jeopardizing her payment. The girl almost let out a dry smirk, but controlled herself and didn't, mantaiming the fake smile over her face instead.

- "...If you wait until I finish my shift, once the sun starts to fade away, I might be on that alley for you. Does that sound good enough to you?"

The man grinned and nodded repeatedly, licking his upper lip while brushing his hands one with the other.

- "Gehehehe...that's my girl. I'll be there...and get that hole of yours ready, because I'm on fire today, darling..."

Tyris' lips formed a grin as the man turned around and disappeared, muttering behind her teeth.

- "You'll be on fire allright..."

The rest of the ship went with no further problems except the usual lustful looks, and as nighttime approached, the same bouncer from before walked outside, lightly tossing a bag towards the amazon. Four hundred gold, as promised. After all, it was worth it now that the shameful experience was over. As she was about to walk away without a single word, the muscular man put a hand over her shoulder.

- "Hey, before ya go! I spoke to the boss about ya. And he seems quite interested in meeting you. In fact, he has quite an offer to ya..."

Tyris LV 1
HP 50/50
MP 20/25
Stamina 50/50
Status: Perfect
Items: 400 gold, 3 food rations (+25 HP out of battle), 2 Blue Potions (Full MP)


A) Go meet the brothel's boss
B) Go to the chubby man's "date"
C) Go back to the Inn and spend the night
D) Leave the city and travel during nighttime
E) Other
Re: CYOA: Tyris' Revenge

An offer from somebody who pays people who do what he expects them to do? Maybe hearing it out won't hurt...
Re: CYOA: Tyris' Revenge


Bossman meetings are go.
Re: CYOA: Tyris' Revenge

A) I'm sure we have nothing to fear from the owner of a brothel with the word Pheromone in its name.
Re: CYOA: Tyris' Revenge

Distancing oneself from a brothel is probably the wise choice.
Re: CYOA: Tyris' Revenge

A) it is, then!

Tyris squinted her eyes at the muscle-buffed bouncer, thinking deep about the offer she was just given. In any other situation, she'd refuse, but all things considered, the travel ahead of her was long, and a long journey required cash. Tons of it. Granted, she could pick smalltime work as she crossed the land, but if that simple task of standing and just looking pretty was worth 400 gold, maybe, just maybe, that "boss" the bald man was talking about could have other half decent jobs for her to do, with simillar amounts of cash waiting for her. Finally, the phantom of greed overcame common sense as the girl nodded.

-"Fine. I'll hear your boss' offer, I guess. Please lead the way."

The muscular man smirked, patting Tyris' back, then walking inside the brothel. A brothel...she had almost forgotten what kind of place that was. She doubted her own decission for a bit, but finally walked after the armed bouncer, both of them passing through the main bar inside the "establishment". Instantly, the stench of pipe smoke and alcohol made the amazon ruffle her nose as she looked around. Several girls, wearing all kinds of unproper clothes that barely covered their bodies, were either trying to tempt potential clients or being molested by one. Both workers and clients were way too occupied on their respective roles that they barely noticed the giant and the maiden crossing the room.

After crossing some empty corridors that contained the "private rooms", the long haired pyromancer gulped, her cheeks slightly red as some of the closed doors let all kinds of moans, whimpers, and even screams pass. Just as she was starting to regret having to do anything with anyone who ran that kind of "business", the voice of the bald man lightly startled her, derailing her thoughts as she blinked a couple times.

-"Well sweetheart, we're already at the boss' office. Now I must leave ya. The Don didn't tell me what he was gonna offer to ya, so I guess it's for your sweet ears only."

The bouncer gave a good look at the amazon's body before smirking and turning around, humming a typical drunkard song. As for the girl, she gulped, took a deep breath and entered the office. That place...that place was really getting on her nerves. Why did she even accept coming?. Tyris tried to shrug off those questions as the Don, a finely dressed, thin man with silver balding hair and deep grey eyes, greeted her with a silent wave of his hand, then leaning forward, interlacing his fingers and checking each inch of the female's body. After seeing it happen so many times during her shift, Tyris found that more an annoyance than anything, almost as if she was getting used to it. And she did not like that one bit.

-"Well, miss Flare. I see the tales about your sheer beauty don't make you justice. No words can describe what I'm seeing right now..."

Tyris gasped in slight surprise.

- "How do you even know me?..."

- "Honey, you don't think you can climb up in here by just running a place with some nice looking chicks, hm?" He lightly prodded a side of his forehead with an index "Information, dear. Knowing things is what lets you climb and live to enjoy it. You are Tyris Flare, of course. Great swordsmanship, fiery flame magic to match...and a beauty able to make a goddess jealous until she goes mad. You are interesting. All of your...perks are. That's why I wanted to meet you. You see, I have two offers for you to choose from. And a mountain of gold and Information."

Tyris crossed her arms, frowning, her body language clearly stating she was at the disadvantage here.

- "...I'm listening."

- "Good girl...straight to the point, as I like it. Since you are being blunt, I will, too. My first offer is quite clear and simple...Work for me. As one of my girls. Having you here would put any other place like this out of business for good. All I'm asking is a single day. That'd be more than enough to make us a fortune...and you'd get a generous part, along with some information about certain...major event wich happened in your nice little hometown you're heading to..."

As Tyris was about to open her mouth, at the brink of freaking out, the finely dressed Don stopped her.

-"Ah ah ah! I'm not finished yet. If you happen to refuse my first offer, I have another that doesn't involve that delicious body of yours...sort of. You see, think is, I have competition. Nasty competition. There is certan...shadowy business other from ours. They call themselves the Venomous Apple. We know they have their illegal buisiness near the city exit, to the South. They're slowly draining our business...and they must have something big protecting them, because I've lost at least a dozen men trying to clean that dirty place of rats. What I'd like you to do, my dear, is doing a different approach to it...I'm pretty sure they do not know you, and you could just try and act as if you wanted to join their...assets and enter that place's guts, unsuspected. Once there, I want you to put down their leader, Jackal. Forever. I don't care how, just finish him and send them all a message. And about rewards...My first offer...wich I do prefer over pesky murdering, is worth 50.000 Gold...The other one, 25.000. And both, of course, incluse all I know about what just happened recently to your beloved hometown...and my best horse to let you get there as fast as you can."

Tyris LV 1
HP 50/50
MP 20/25
Stamina 50/50
Status: Perfect
Items: 400 gold, 3 food rations (+25 HP out of battle), 2 Blue Potions (Full MP)


A) Enough of this crap. Punch the information out of him.
B) Maybe taking out that Jackal won't be so bad...
C) Throw your dignity aside and work at the brothel.
D) Refuse both offers and instantly resume your journey.
E) Other
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Re: CYOA: Tyris' Revenge

Finished. Sorry about doing it in two rounds.
Re: CYOA: Tyris' Revenge

I don't think this is the sort of guy we want to bully around, I refuse to support option B (yet), and with fire magic and swords as our preferred weapons I'm not sure we can pull off the cloak and daggers routine and not get caught without getting real lucky, and we don't want to be caught murdering the boss by a brothel that is definitely pulling something illegal, or murder him and find out he was totally legit and this guy just wanted to off the competition. So I'm going to have to go with D as much as it pains me to give up that information there has to be other sources.
Re: CYOA: Tyris' Revenge

Cannot be bothered getting blood on our hands.