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Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

Taeyani snuggled what she figured was a bumblebee girl and went to sleep. She partially woke up at one point, having been dragged somewhere, or so she figured. She couldn't really recall.

However she was awoken by the fact she was freezing all of a sudden. She groaned and looked about, before giving a yelp as she realised she was hundreds of feet in midair.

She felt a little aroused for some weird reason, but the cold air wasn't helping that stick around. She looked and noticed two creatures that looked like Melissa were carrying them. Helle was following along too sleepily.

"Well... This is one way to wake us up I suppose. You could have woke us up you know.," grumbles Taeyani sleepily, "Since I'm up now, care to explain the details of this plan now? I really hope the plan isn't air drop us into the city, because I tend to go splat when dropped from high places. Case you didn't know."
Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

"Well that's good to know that they were well treated. Maybe we can make the humans around the town see reason and work together to rebuild your hive. Who knows, we could even trade some of the hive's honey to them for other things that we could use to fix things up better around here," Telara said to the blonde with a smile as she prepared herself to make love with each other, her penis throbbing and aching with need as she used the bee girl's stinger.


The next morning, after she had made sweet passionate love to as many of the bee girls as she could manage before giving out, Telara awakened to Melissa flying her and Taeyani both through the air. "W-Whoa... now that's a helluva wake up call. Um... I hope you got our things too. I doubt we'll be much use in a fight without them if it comes to a fight," Telara said to Melissa, glancing back to see Helle flying along with them and looking quite sleepy still as if she'd just woken up and gotten out of bed. Her question was answered for her when she spotted Helle carrying their stuff, where she just kind of sat there and relaxed for the ride, waiting for the big woman to put them both down.
Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

Actually i was close to drop both of you at a lake near the town. We cant start our invasion with both of you drenched in this sticky substance. Mellisa answer to the human in not a good mood, it maybe was her usual way to be. Helle was having problems to follow them in her sleepy state, the last night the bee girl has let Telara remain with her optimistic ideas, it was not like these will work but at least they could have bigger chances to succeed if they act friendly.

Maybe... we could go to the thermals instead the lake, ussually some humans go to the lake at these hours to get theirs fish ration. Helle said with difficulty by the lack of breath.

I know and is part of the plan, these two could mix between them and get inside the town, then they need to find out how let us get inside and i will do the rest. Beside ussually you will find old perverts at the hot springs at these hours.

Bad humans could be anywhere, but it would be better than they choice, after all they will be risking theirs lives...

Ha! It will be just a morning dip, what could get wrong? Mellisa answer still moving toward the lake.

...We could maybe throw them a little more close the floor, it would be a kind touch for them. The bee girl said trying to try her best to dont start a discussion.
Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

"Don't get snippy with me, Melissa. I agree a bath would be nice, but we're helping you out of our own volition. We've done nothing wrong to you, so don't get snide.," growls Taeyani, Melissa putting her into a poor mood as well.

She listened between the two, frowning.

"Your plan is to just drop us into a lake? Why don't just just fly in at night? Humans can't see very far in the dark, and light blindness comes into play at night. And yes, do not just drop us from this height, hitting water from up here would be like dropping us onto stone. Killing us before we get there would be pointless. Just set us down in the trees by the lakes edge. Us having to explain why we fell out of the sky is just going to mean awkward lies we could be avoiding.," grumbles Taeyani, shaking her head.

"Let's get this done. Honestly, if it is just town it can't be that well armed and populated, breaking the slaves out and bursting down through one side should clear it all out. Just need to figure out the situation all involved. Fuckin' slavers.," says Taeyani with a huff, "Anyways, lake sounds fine. I already ran into living hotsprings once and had to trade some of my clothes to them. Still dunno what those pills do."
Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

Do you heard her? Mellisa said turning back to Helle after Taeyani words. Such insolence as any human. One trying to dont eat them and im even acting friendly with them after pass the whole night awaken by their fault.

Yeah... Helle said really wishing to dont be there right now. Maybe we should look for something to eat now, is not wise skip the breakfast... and we could rest a little too.

With time to talk as they fly, the druid decide to say her opinion about the bug girls plan, making the mantis girl frown to her. And how do you expect than i would know than something so simple as a dip in a lake would kill both of you? As a kid our mom and many others loved to throw us at active volcanoes and tar pits.

Im always happy to heard about your lovely "normal" childhood, Mellisa, but not any can resist all that... uff

There are reasons by not try this at night, anyway we can change our foolproof plan a little leaving both a little far of the lake, i dont want to risk our mission by losing the control and eat some of them
Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

"Your friendly needs work. Usually one does not need to thank people for not killing them arbitrarily. In any case I am sorry if I woke you up, but I was busy working on securing a safe food supply for the hive.," grunts Taeyani irritably.

After Melissa responds Taeyani sighs. "I would assume you would know because that is how water works. I also would assume you'd know your... prey... are significantly less durable than yourself. So set us down gently, okay?"

Taeyani looked as they flew then looked over to Melissa. "Well, why not? They have some sort of SAM system set up? Er, an anti flyer system? And yes, eating people would not be a good thing for any of us right now."

She really did not want to be around Melissa too long. They did not get along, plus she was very aware Melissa could easily kill her anytime. Taeyani was doing this because slavery was abhorrent. She just hoped she'd be able to do something useful. She also hoped Helle brought clothing.
Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

Listening to Taeyani and Melissa talking to one another while she stretched and rubbed her eyes to wake herself up the rest of the way, Telara yawned and looked up at Melissa. "What Taeyani said, we are only flesh and blood, soft skinned, easy to wound compared to such a strong woman as yourself. So we can't take as much of a beating as you can Melissa. And you need not set us down too far from the lake. Just set us down gently over there near the shore and then stay up high so nobody sees you both too easily and we can handle talking to the people in the village. I'd be willing to bet that not the whole village can't be in on enslaving people surely. I always say you can work things out without fighting and through talking instead," Telara said once the exchange between Melissa and Taeyani was over.

"Hey Helle, you get our clothes and stuff too? We'd look a bit suspicious if we tried to walk into town without any on us and stuff while still having our gear," Telara then asked Helle curiously, figuring that they would need their clothes to get through to the people in the village.

"Now I know you can probably easily kill us Melissa, but you haven't yet so that is making me feel like I can trust you. So please don't do something to make me not trust you anymore okay Melissa. I'd like for us to be friends, and I apologize for keeping you awake last night too," Telara then said to Melissa while they flew along, trying to be as friendly as she could to diffuse the tension between Taeyani and Melissa.
Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

The time passed as the group fly far away of the floor, a clear from the lake was now visible at the distance. Taeyani get the chance to talk before the mantis hell girl get her turn. Ussually i dont eat humans, i agree than they are too much soft for my taste and they are so noisy. Their durability is between an orc and a squirrel, after test with both races throwing them at the lake and see them survive i supposed than both of you would be fine.

Im not sure... Helle said about the cloth when Telara ask. But i bring all yours things so yours clothes must be here... im not sure to be able to reach the shore... The bee girl looks to be rally trying her best to follow the other bug girl, but she tried to dont lost her focus on the talk between the others girls.

Let's sattle all this now, as a superior being i accept yours apologizes and i already said you than you shouldnt try to thrust at me, there should be better ways to be friends, elf. Melissa answer showing in part her needs to save all the males before this get worse for her and the rest of the forest.

...The town must be well protected by something unknown for us, as the whole place can resist the night without attacks... maybe not all the humans there are slavers but at least the whole town looks to dont see wrong to use ours males at the colliseum.

I will start to go down now, get at the shore is a terrible idea, there are a lot of males, even from here is hard to dont rush there and get that feast. Melissa then proceed to fall at the forest close a mile of the lake, at least Helle was glad with this to give some rest to her wings, also the cold was a problem for the three and the poor bee girl only wear her mantle over her as also her skimpy dress below.
Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

"Wait, you threw a squirrel and an orc at a lake? From how high up? Because either you have stupidly durable squirrels or your lake isn't following the laws of matter, or you didn't drop them from very high up.," frowns Taeyani.

Taeyani huffed and listened to the two insect girls talking as they moved along. Superior being indeed. Superior in every way except social capability and ability to not eat men anyways.

Soon Melissa began to descend. Once they were on the ground, Taeyani shook free and looked to Helle. "Toss my pack over, Helle. May as well get dressed now."
Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

Yes, i did it from many heights in order to be sure than this could work. The idea was use humans but the noisy ones were sure than they would die without have proofs about it. Melissa answer looking to be dissapointed in these test subjects.

I said her than it was really cruel use humans, they tend to have a family... So i make her choice something more and she choiced an orcs and that squirrel... im glad than at least the squirrel survived every time.... Helle continue having problems to end by the weight on her and the height.


The time to land come and as expected Melissa made it soft for both, just then she release the girls after notice the human trying to get free in vain, made this she started to look around before move away.

Its time to go away and eat my breakfast, the fluid in both will help to reduce the chances than any creature notice the two of you... im in a hurry so ask to Helle the rest. Said this the mantis girl prepare to leave. Meanwhile a tired Helle tried to give theirs backpacks and help them to dress again.

Im not sure about the next step, i was supposed to wear only the strange collar than the bee girls in the town wear and act as your servant, maybe i could just try to get inside for myself so we dont need to lie. The blonde bee girl said a little ashamed of the next part of the plan and maybe worried by how the humans at the lake will act. The place was maybe a mile awai of them, but it was a dense forest and they could find something before get to theirs destination.
Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

"Yeah, I don't know then, they shoulda been dead at about 60 metres.," grunts Taeyani before shrugging with a sigh, "Yes, testing on living people... Not my kind of thing."

Soon Melissa headed off but her words made Taeyani blink in confusion. "Fluid in us? What fluid in us?"

Regardless she accepted Helle's help getting dressed, musing a bit before starting to walk for the lake.

"Much as I dislike the concept of slavery, you're not a real slave Helle. I can keep up the illusion. If it were my way you wouldn't be coming along at all, but truth is we probably need a guide who understands this place better than we do. It didn't come with a manual."
Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

Listening to the heated discussion between Taeyani and Melissa had Telara a bit worried that the monster girl might just drop one or both of them in anger or something, but thankfully Melissa didn't and soon enough they were set down on land before Melissa left them. "Alright then, seeya later Melissa. And don't go dropping anyone or anything else okay, that's mean, and try not to kill anyone please," Telara called to Melissa as she left, with the young dark elf waving to her as she went.

When Helle said what she was there for and everything, with Telara taking her clothing and getting dressed again with the bee girl's help, she looked over at Helle with a raised eyebrow. "So you're coming with us huh... well in that case we should probably have you wear that collar and stuff then. Don't want anyone to try and hurt you or take you away from us, especially not after all the fun we had last night. Because I'd like to be able to have fun with you again. I look menacing enough with my axe here, so I don't think anybody would mess with us unless we cause a ruckus. I just don't think though that the entire town is behind this enslavement. But regardless honey, I won't let anything happen to you, I promise," Telara said once dressed, helping to get Helle's collar on her neck and promising to protect her.
Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

She must be talking about ours fluids than we used to bath both, Taeyani. And im not completely sure what she will eat... but maybe she will look for a monster. Helle said with a soft frown, as Telara wave to Melissa who maybe notice when the elven wave but was really in need to eat something to answer back to her.

Helping both to get dressed, soon was her time to place her disguise, letting fall her clothes and storing them in a backpack, but covering herself of the morning cold with only her mantle. Heh, im also waiting for share another night with both of you Telara. Mostly we should find a peaceful way to make them take us to their town, humans use some kind of metal objects called money, they could ask us for some of it, so we could trade objects or get it by others ways... The bee girl blush at the end, almost when Telara ended to help her to wear the slave collar. This was not leather and metal, there was some kind of device on it than looks to be broken.

The trio walk toward the lake still hidden at by the forest, for the moment there was not any sight of monsters or humans, but still they needed to walk for minutes to see anything out of trees. Before get there i will need to carry both bags, also give to any of them my mantle and act a little different... But both should say me now our plan in part at least, what we will say to be, if needed i could let them use my body... is scary but im sure both will do a good job as owners... Helle said giving her part of the next step of their plan, at the distant there was a small wodden path, Telara noticed a remain of a rope in the floor, marks of a struggle from days ago, the wodden part have some hidden parts by the trees. They could also walk outside the road, far away of it or just close.
Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

"Well it's not like we could stop her if she wanted to eat something else really," Telara said when Helle told them Melissa might not go for a person and a monster to eat instead, a frown forming on her as well.

Telara helped get Helle undressed and slipped the collar around her neck before they set off, idly ogling the bee girl as she got naked for them. "Don't worry about money sweetie, we can handle that I think. Besides, we probably won't need any just to get into town... if I had to guess at least. And as for what the plan is... I'd say we ought to just keep it simple. The two of us are travelers from a distant land, and you're my servant Helle. If someone tries to use you without my permission then I'll clock them with my axe. While we're in town you'll need to act the part, so you'll need to call me mistress, or master... preferably mistress. And unless we're near anyone else honey, you can talk as you normally do if you want," Telara said, coming up with a bit of a plan, though keeping it relatively simple for the sake of not making too many lies up to have to remember. "Taeyani, can you make me a length of rope of some sort, or a cord maybe from some plant fibers? That way I'll have something to leash around Helle to help look the part better," Telara then asked Taeyani before they moved on, giving the place in the distance a wide berth on their way to the town unless Helle or Taeyani though they should investigate it.
Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

"Long as she's not eating me or you guys I guess. Though from what she was saying, guess she only eats guys? Still fuckin' creepy.," grimaces Taeyani, shaking her head.

"Yeah we're not whoring you out Helle, least not if we've got any other options. Plan seems to be get in and then somehow get the others in, then get everyone out. Lord knows I've no idea how, but hell, no plan best plan right?," smirks Taeyani before raising a hand, making some of the grass growing fast and entwining to make a grass woven leash for Helle to wear.

As they moved they noted a wooden path where signs of a struggle had occurred before. "Huh... You know where that goes Helle? Wonder if there's someone we can help that way... Though it looks fairly old."
Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

I guess than this could be a little fun, if there werent chances to get caught. Helle said smiling back when Telara said her to call her Mistress and act as her slave, giving all the support than Taeyani could have to tie the rope at her false slave collar.

Melissa's appetite has grow as never lately these lasts weeks, it must be a really serious problem for her dont end her egg laying circle, if only the remain males on the forests werent so weak... Helle then stop and make the others two decide theirs paths, before proceed with share what she have of info about them. Uhm, im not so sure about where that wooden path could take us, as i only had come here before flying and the forest at this area is very dense, it looks to lead to maybe the port or could take us to an almost hidden house than i notice the last time... What im sure is than even when we will really reach at where are the humans we will be more exposed for what could be around,

At the end they could choice the wooden path or just try to go straight to where the lake could be, passing through vegetation and huge trees.
Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

"Hmhm, you worry too much Helle. I'll protect you, and Taeyani will too. And I'm a warrior, so I'll be in front while Taeyani attacks from a distance, and you can just stay back unless you would want to help us fight if it came right down to it. But just stay calm and level headed and I'm sure that we'll be just fine," Telara told Helle and listened to what she had to say about Melissa.

"Hmm, well I'm up for either path, and though I'm curious about this wooden path, I'm thinking we probably ought to hurry along to the town sooner rather than later. But if you two would like to see what's down the wooden path I'm game, could be something useful down that way, and useful things are always good to have. If we aren't that pressed for time though, I'd take the wooden path myself," Telara said, looking over to Taeyani for her opinion on the matter and willing to head down either.
Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

"Eh, fine, let's check it out then. Worse comes to worse we can back out. Let's just be careful, it might be dangerous. Clearly someone got dragged off down it at some point.," says Taeyani, shrugging.

She prepped herself to react with her spells if threats made themselves apparent. She was not looking forward to being violated. After all, she was probably pregnant with Telara's kids, and she wanted to be sure that spark of life was kept safe. Well assuming she was compatible with elves anyways.
Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

The elven's words about fight soon caused some little cute whimpers from the delicate bee girl oonly wearing a lash and a slave collar. I guess than i could help, maybe by distract or grapple them, mostly im not a person than support the violence, if they are really mean i could sting them a little to calm them. Said this she follow her false Mistress to where the wood path lead.

The whole place looks to be quiet and peaceful, there was not a single soul in minutes and far at the distance they could see a cabin hidden between the many tress and only visible thanks to the opening than the wooden pat has made.

Suddenly without any warning a very thin invisible rstring was damaged by Telara, what made than a frask from above them fall in the druid head and the whole liquid drenched the three, but most of it get on Taeyani.

The elven notice a sudden need to look a way to sattle a potent lust at her and Helle as her breasts grow at least a cup. The trap looks to have a simple goal and it was give some problems to who think in walk at this path. As the two tried to resist the arousal on them, Taeyani fall at her kness with a really hard fire in her whole body, her petite breasts hurt, what it was not a problem at the side of the potent one at her cuny.

It... must be a trap from some hunters... i cant stand it anymore, it hurts and my honey is leaking, please Telara... take me. The bee girl begs pressing her arms at her body and her legs so weak to resist her weight, so she started to use her wings than were damaged yesterday to float in her place. Fortunately for them the hunters looks to dont be there and the monsters must be scared of get close the lake thanks to the humans at the lake.
Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

The three of them wandering the path, it was quiet and rather peaceful. Taeyani was a bit surprised. She wasn't sure where they were headed, but eventually a cabin came in view, just like Helle said.

Suddenly there was a snapping sound, Taeyani looking about quickly, before something painful smacked her in the head and broke, knocking her onto her butt.

Her breasts felt painful, and her loins were aflame, making her whine as she struggled to get out of her clothes, both to tend to herself and to try and keep the soaked clothing from affecting her even more.

She could barely think, it was agony, she needed to fuck, she needed her tiny chest to not have a massive pain. She;d love to know what was happening but for now she just struggled and whined a bit.