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RPG Unknown/Hiatus Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

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Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

Hey Eromancer, you said you'd like to find other places to promote your game. You said it'd contain futanari, so have you considered Futanari Palace?
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

Love the new promo poster, good marketing material. Additionally, I see your Patreon is building steam, which is also awesome. I very much look forward to seeing the gameplay video. That may sway me to put some money towards this. I am always leery, as so many projects fail, so I truly hope you see this through. It looks good enough that I may even avoid the demo so I can experience the full fledged experience!
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

Hey guys! We're going to hold off on releasing the video for a little longer to flesh it out some more. Our schedules are pretty incompatible for the last part of the Nov so we were pushing to have it done before the 21st, but that probably won't be the case.

I'm currently on day 4 of integrating the H system into the game. As expected RPG Maker is putting up a fight with its limitations, but so far things have been really successful. I'm currently working on finding the correct solution to the engine's non existent AI, which I think is the most critical portion to getting things the way I designed it. Essentially the big hurdle to overcome is enemies' inability to intelligently choose a target based on the skill they've chosen to use for a turn (or vise versa), which is pretty crucial for the H system since skills chain off of one another and have a lot of requirements for whether the skill is available for use or not. So yeah, that's what I'm working on at the moment!

Will downloading the RPG Maker VX Ace trial from the website be enough to get the game running once an update is available, or are there other hoops I need to jump through? It's been a while since I played around with RPG Maker and I ended up uninstalling everything because I wasn't using it, so I don't remember.

I'll likely include the run time package (RTP) with the game package until the game gets too big to merit the extra 150 or so MB the RTP tacks on. With it you should just be able to run the game without having to download anything separately.

Hey Eromancer, you said you'd like to find other places to promote your game. You said it'd contain futanari, so have you considered Futanari Palace?

Thanks for the info! Not yet but I'd like to have content for specific fetishes before showing it off to a fetish-specific crowd. Definitely continue to let me know of any places you think might be interested in the game!

Love the new promo poster, good marketing material. Additionally, I see your Patreon is building steam, which is also awesome. I very much look forward to seeing the gameplay video. That may sway me to put some money towards this. I am always leery, as so many projects fail, so I truly hope you see this through. It looks good enough that I may even avoid the demo so I can experience the full fledged experience!

Thanks, glad you like the art!
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

Hey guys! We're going to hold off on releasing the video for a little longer to flesh it out some more. Our schedules are pretty incompatible for the last part of the Nov so we were pushing to have it done before the 21st, but that probably won't be the case.

I'm currently on day 4 of integrating the H system into the game. As expected RPG Maker is putting up a fight with its limitations, but so far things have been really successful. I'm currently working on finding the correct solution to the engine's non existent AI, which I think is the most critical portion to getting things the way I designed it. Essentially the big hurdle to overcome is enemies' inability to intelligently choose a target based on the skill they've chosen to use for a turn (or vise versa), which is pretty crucial for the H system since skills chain off of one another and have a lot of requirements for whether the skill is available for use or not. So yeah, that's what I'm working on at the moment!

Thanks, glad you like the art!
Is your battle scene an own scenario or a scripted version of the standard rpg maker battle system?
If the first, can't you just give every attack a variable and do a conditional branch check for the variable? It may be a problem with priorities which can bug the game bigtime if you don't have a planning sheet beforehand, but it is the easiest way to program a pseudo AI into an rpg maker game.

For example, If heroine A uses a gun, the /last attack/ variable is 15, and if the switch /enemy A shielded/ isn't set and it has the shield skill it uses a shield against guns. Albeit I bet there is an easier way that I didn't think of, since it is lots of work this way.

There is a good example of that faux AI in Enokipus/Enokiffus Arena H-Game, which consists of common events mostly, and changes patterns depending on your status, your amount of clothes, your horniness and other things.
Thanks, glad you like the art!
Are you some kind of russian btw? Your artstyle reminds me more and more of dmitry, who is a former famed steampunk and futa hentai artist.
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

A bit of a delay on the trailer; we should have it out by mid December, as we'd like to get some extra scenes in there that Eromancer is just finishing coding up, but it'll be worth the wait!
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

OMG this game is beautiful! I'm so donating $20.00.
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

What I'm curious about is how much interest in your game was expressed by the Japanese.
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

Don't quite see how that's relevant, if it's an English language game.

Eagerly awaiting a trailer, I'd love to see how the battle system and maps are shaping up.
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Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

I believe it was mentioned earlier that one of the goals was to have a full Japanese version, as well. So yes, if there is a Japanese version in the plans, it's perfectly reasonable to wonder how Japanese reception is.

From the Patreon page

About the game

Malise and the Machine is an adult RPG for the PC, and is being created using a heavily improved version of RPG Maker VX Ace. The project has already been in development for over a year, but now it is time to expand the project and get players involved (that's you!).

The goal for this project is to make an amazing game that can be distributed in both English and Japanese, and I need your help to do it!
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Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

We've played and fan-translated hundreds of Japanese games, it's about time we send a couple of English games back, right? ;)
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

Considering that Japan is his other intended market, it's a lot more relevant than you think.

Also consider that the Japanese market easily trumps the American market for sales of hentai games, with at least a 10x amount in sales on average.

Just look at any popular game (Shinobi Girl, for instance), and its sales on the American DLSite vs the JPN DLSite.

It'll cost you a few hundred (maybe a thousand bucks if the game is exceptionally text dense, like full blown JRPG level dense), but you'll make it back in profits many times over.
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

OMG this game is beautiful! I'm so donating $20.00.

Much appreciated!!!

What I'm curious about is how much interest in your game was expressed by the Japanese.

We haven't really gotten it out there to the Japanese market yet. We have however found someone willing to translate promotional material, so it's really just a matter of finding places to post about it. I think we're going to push that way harder once we have a video done.
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

The more information you release about this game between Blogger and Patreon updates, the more I start to think that this may be one of the best H games we will see for a long time.

Can't wait to see it in motion.
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

Newest development journal post is up on Blogspot ( )!
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

By the way, I know I'm double posting here, but if you haven't gotten the chance yet, check out the Tumblr at which we're also updating frequently!
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

Newest development journal post is up on Blogspot ( )!

So what's the game resolution that you have running now?
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

A stunning 1024x768, haha. Definitely looks a lot better than 640x480 though!

Wow. That's a number I haven't heard in a while.

Still looking forward to seeing it in action.
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